If you were Vince...


Dark Match Winner
If you were Vince, what type of gimmick pay per view would you create?

Gimmick pay per views seem to be all the craze in Vince's land of Sports Entertainment. I was critical of the gimmick pay per views at first but warmed up to some (MITB, Bragging Rights, Elimination Chamber), but completely dislike the idea of others (Hell in the Cell, TLC).

My idea for a gimmick pay per view would be a Championship Scramble pay per view. They did this back at Unforgiven in 2008 with the WWE, World, and ECW titles. I enjoyed each scramble and liked how Jericho's match with HBK was intertwined with the final scramble of the night. WWE Scramble matches are really fun to watch and wouldn't have to take up much time. They can add one for possibly the U.S./Intercontinental title. Matches like the Elimination Chamber and MITB take longer time slots and are still used as gimmick pay per views.

Now it's your turn.
I want them to bring back the King of The Ring tournament. It was always a great PPV and a good way to push new talent. If not this then some sort of tournament style PPV. I like tournaments because you get to see good match ups that don't need a running storyline. It lets you see who works well together and it gives the audience some fresh matches.
I agree with the tournament style pay-per-view. It's not done often enough and would be a nice change of pace and a believable way to push new talent. Also would be nice to see more one on one match-ups with no real gimmick or storyline in the way.
I would personally opt for something like a night themed around Undertaker's specialties: Casket Match, Last Ride, Inferno, Buried Alive and Hell in a Cell. Maybe when he's on his way out put it together as a send-off? Call it Devil's Playground or something. I personally would drop the Hell in a Cell PPV as I feel it just takes away from the mystique and menace of the cell to know when it's coming, let alone to know there'll be two or three in one night.
We've had this discussion before and the one pay-per-view that I would love to see has to be a Roulette style ppv.

The reason I like this is because...
1) It doesn't feel like WWE is making the amtches behind our back like with the People's Choice Raw or Cyber Sunday PPVs.

2) It's a great way to get a bunch of matches that we don't normally get to see all at once. ie. Steel Cage, Extreme Rules, Inferno (Even though that ones got a 0% chance of happening.), etc.
I had an idea I think last December which most people crapped all over because I slotted it in to replace Backlash. Well, now Backlash is gone, and we've been through Fatal Four Way, so maybe the time is right for my idea.

"Good Friends, Better Enemies"
Triple threat matches which pit champions usually against tag team partners, or at least against two wrestlers with history. Wrestlers face the issue of choosing between the belt and loyalty/vengeance.

Later tonight I'll look at the rosters and book a card. (I'm not sure what I do with Kane holding the title on Smackdown.)
This is an interesting thread. Anyway, I always wanted WWE to revive some of WCW's themed sort of PPVs. WarGames was an aweosme type of PPV. The matches were all too good, and also World War 3. It was WCW's ROYAL RUMBLE. It involved three rings with 60 men, winner fights the World Champion. Also, since WWE is on the verge to pushing new talent, they should bring back a King of the Ring ppv. That would be awesome, WWE tried giving Jack Swagger and Sheamus a push, that didn't really get anyone impresses. King of the Ring is the best way to push someone.
I would get rid of the Money In the bank ppv because it just doesn't make sense That they use one of their exciting matches in wrestlemania and turn it into a ppv , so i would nix the MITB ppv and create another ppv that just deals with Ultimate matches , Kind of Like extreme Rules but really include a wide variety of "extreme" matches that don't happen often maybe An Iron Man Match as a main event , Steel Cage , Last Man Standing , Ladder Matches , Table's and no not Like TLC but kinda a mix between Extreme Rules and TLC and maybe get rid of Extreme Rules too and Create another PPV something appealing too the Audience maybe a Tournament to decide a no.1 contender to each title so that everyone's involved i guess =P well thats only my Pov on how to mix things up
One thing that would really interest me is to do a tournament style PPV that has never been done before. The whole theme of the PPV is that at the end of the night the winner of the tournament will face the World Champion in a match for the championship however heres the catch, the winner of the tournament has to never have been World Champion before. I just think its a nice way to test the waters with alot of guys that get overlooked in a main event position on the PPV. Hell even better would be a two bracket tournament one of people who have never been World champ, the other all the former World Champs, including the champ at the time. Either way I think its different, interesting and could give a possibility for some main event matches we thought wed never see.
I Would Quite Like A King Of The Ring Themed PPV .

But The Format Changed .. Like They Have The Raw Playoffs And The Smackdown Playoffs.

And Then Its Picked Out Of A Lottery Machine And We See The Final One Become King Of The Ring And They Get A Conract For Main Event A Wrestlemania .

Be Good Too See Like Undertaker Take On Sheamus And Cm Punk Take On John Cena .
Beat the Clock . The matches were great and allowed mid card wrestlers to shine in the same ring as the upper tier talent. They could even win a pinfall and be chamption for a few seconds. It was an awesome type of match. And you could do a ppv with two Beat the clock matches and have lower card belts defended.

War Games needs to come back. That was a ppv format that you can't go wrong with. But i would not put the nexus in it. You need wrestlers that can really put on a ong match and sell it and unfortunately, the newbies don't have the experience to pull it off. Now DB and Kaval could but thats about it.
Most definitely, KING OF THE RING. And not just a KOTR PPV where the only tourn. featured matches are the semi-finals and finals but starting with the quarter-finals like back in the 90s, where the King had to wrestle 3 different opponents in one night to be crowned. Such a simple concept and so entertaining...funny how Vince bans moves like the piledriver for being so dangerous and yet he'll dedicate whole PPVs to TLC matches, Hell in a Cell matches, etc. where the chances of someone getting injured are way higher...dumb.
I think that a roulette style PPV would be cool if done properly, when I say roulette style I mean similar to what they do for the draft not fan voting as that always turns out to be shit (See every single Cyber Sunday). This way the WWE could still be in control but it woulb be an excuse to pull out seemingly random matches that people want to see ie Rey vs Evan Bourne or something of that nature.
I would get rid of Bragging Rights, Hell in a Hell, TLC, and Fatal 4 Way since those are some of the worst gimmick PPVs. I would bring back King of the Ring, but I would make it where the winner would receive a title shot of his choosing at a PPV. There are too many PPVs now. I like the idea of only having 5 or 6 PPVs. Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, King of the Ring, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series. You could add Elimination Chamber or No Way Out and Night of Champions to the schedule. I don't see any reason why there needs to be an Extreme Rules PPV since ECW and hardcore wrestling is an afterthought in WWE. WWE could get away with only having a PPV every other month. They might even get more buys.

The Hell in a Cell PPV is literally 2 weeks after the Night of Champions PPV. Why do they have to be so close together? There is a total of 13 PPVS scheduled this year for WWE. I think it would be much more effective to get rid of the majority of PPVs and gimmick PPVS, only keeping the traditional ones and maybe a few others.
This may not translate to reality very well, but my brother had a unique idea when we played with our action figures as kids. The match is a 20 man battle royal with a twist. The twist is once someone is thrown over the top rope he has a chance to come back in. For example Cena throws Edge over the top. Edge remains at ringside. Later Jericho throws Cena over. This allows Edge to come back in.

I realize this seems like a never ending match. To solve that problem I suggest once someone throws three people over without being thrown over himself, those three people are eliminated and leave ringside. This could create some drama. For example Cena has thrown out Edge and Triple H. Now we see them desperate to see Cena thrown out before he can throw out one more. I would also make a rule saying if one of the temporarily eliminated people interferes he would be officially eliminated. This way Edge wouldn't simply jump on the apron and pull Cena out from behind.

Once 15 men have been completely eliminated the winner must eliminate the remaining four himself to win the match. Picture Cena throwing out Edge, Triple H, and Jericho. Now he is alone with Orton. Cena needs to throw Orton out to win the whole thing. If Orton throws Cena out the other three come back in and now Cena needs Orton out to come back in himself.

The match may be too long, but I think it could be given a lot of time like the Royal Rumble. I would put this in July so it's far enough away from the rumble. Being a battle royal gimmick I wouldn't want to take anything away from the rumble (which I'm afraid it might anyway). Putting it in July could also give the winner a title shot at SummerSlam. Again I don't know how well this would work in reality, but it seemed like a good idea when we were kids playing with toys.
hmmmm, i would say, keep fatal four way, dump elimination chamber, money in the bank, and hell in the cell, keep extreme rules, but don't have really gimmick pay per views. have pay per views with occasional hell in a cell, steel cages, so they mean more. have a money in the bank match at wrestlemania, and bring back KOTR, as many of u have wished.

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