If you were to introduce someone to wrestling...


Dark Match Winner
Which match would you show them? I was thinking about this the other day and realize there's some pretty tough criteria to go through:

1. It has to be exciting/and or fun to watch. It doesn't have to be extremely fast paced, but it has to keep someone entertained. Which means probably not as technical of a contest.

2. No complicated story behind it or else the person wouldn't know whats going on. Remember, you're showing someone just the match, not the buildup.

3. The match can't have an obvious ending, or the person would probably lose interest quickly.

Feel free to have any other criteria you want, but for me, I'd show Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 26 that match is one of the greatest I've ever seen and it has it all. It was brutal, captivating, and kept me on the edge of my seat. And really all you would have to explain is that if Michaels lost, he would have to retire.

So what your thoughts?
I’ve actually had this event take place a few times before. Let me tell you first, that the people I showed Wrestling to use to watch when they were kids in the 80s. The match, in this case, matches, I showed them was the Main Event matches from Vengeance 2001. Everyone knows the names Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock. You add in the only Olympic Gold Medalist in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment history and one “Mid-Card” talent, and you have yourself a perfect example of “Anything can happen in the WWE”. The selling line I used was, “4 SuperStars, 3 matches, 2 World Titles, 1 Undisputed Champion of Champions!!” Each of them bought it and sat through the matches. When Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Kurt Angle, my friends said, “I knew that was going to happen. Let me guess, the Rock is going to win his match and it’ll be Austin vs. Rock for the Undisputed WWF / WCW World Heavyweight Championship.” Oh what a delightful surprise that PPV was!!
I would totally cheat and show them Foley/Taker HIAC. I say cheat because that isn't exactly what is representative of what a regular match is these days, but by damn that match would sure make someone want to see more. I would love to show that match to someone who has never really watched wrestling. I would just like to see what a person would say after those two insane falls. JR was pretty intense on commentary during the match as well. If that match can't suck a new fan in then I don't know what could. If I wanted to take a more traditional route and show them an epic match without the crazy falls it would be HBK/Taker from Mania 25. Probably my all time favorite match. Back and forth, false finish after false finish. To me that match was as perfect a match as you can get, and I think someone watching for the first time would have to respect what those two men did in that match.
I introduced my ex-girlfriend to wrestling by showing her the triple threat tag team title match between the hardys, dudleys, and edge and christian. She has been watching wrestling ever since.
I always go for the brutal matches, where you know the guys are hurting the entire time. It grabs your attention instantly. Foley/Taker HIAC is a good one for that. Angle vs. Shane from KOTR is one that I've shown to a few people. Also, from what I can tell, people tend to enjoy watching ladder matches, so any of the critically acclaimed ladder matches are good too. I'd probably go with the MITB ladder match from wrestlemania 23 or some of the old tag team ladder matches with E&C/Hardys/Dudleys.
I've come to realize that good in-ring storytelling, selling, and fake looking tends to turn off people to wrestling when I show it to them. So I tend to introduce them to wrestling that will look less fake to them and lack psychology but turns up the violence and gore tenfold. Big Japan Pro Wrestling seems to catch on the most, or anything with Sabu.
I learned a long time ago that if someone isn't into wrestling, they will be bored stiff b ya wrestling match whatever the match.
I introduced my ex-girlfriend to wrestling by showing her the triple threat tag team title match between the hardys, dudleys, and edge and christian. She has been watching wrestling ever since.

I considered picking the Wrestlemania X7 TLC match. That was one of the best matches I've ever seen. But I wanted to start out simple and wasn't too sure if it would be complicated to follow for them so I just showed them a one on one match
Royal Rumble.

30 guys, time limits, a few beers and a countdown. They have everything you need in that it doesn't need a story, it has people trying to get a fat guy over the top rope and just sheer entertainment.

The year doesn't matter.
I would show 3 matches: the Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage match from WM III, the HBK/Razor Ramon Ladder match from WM X, and the Bret Hart vs HBK Iron man Match. All three of them had me on the edge of my seat and are just that good
The first match I would show someone to get them into wrestling now would be CM Punk vs John Cena at Money in the Bank 2011. That may seem like an odd choice but, in my opinion if you want someone to like something you don't show them how great it used to be first. You show them the best of what it is now and then you bring in classics and wild gimmick matches like Ric Flair winning the 1992 Royal Rumble, Steve Austin vs Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13 and WMX17's Tag-Team TLC match. Ofcourse, I'd also put Shawn Micheals and Bret Hart in the Iron Match at WM12 and the Montreal Screwjob too. But, one thing I wouldn't do is get them onto RAW for a while. Then I guess random highlight reels of the Attitude Era and they could do the rest themselves. But, I think another good thing would be to try and highlight the risk and passion people have for wrestling as well as I could but, that's obviously quite hard to do.

You could also just show them the top 20 moves in Japanese Wrestling or something if that nature that usually has people gasping.

Alternatively, I think most people in the IWC are fans of the "Fantasy Football/Baseball" aspect of professional wrestling. We're all booking geniuses and we all like great writing. (Regardless of how little you ever see that in wrestling today.) Anyone who shares those passions outside of wrestling could easily transition into like wrestling, especially considering that everything else about it, is intended to be athletic/sporty and entertaining so it should be able to reach the most mainstream audience possible.
I actually show people the wrestlers first. Allow them to become familiar with the people and give a shit about them. I turned a girl friend of mine into a HUGE wrestling fan, by showing her Punk promo's and the conflicts between Rock and Cena at the beginning of the year, among other things on the internet. Come WrestleMania 28 (the first full show she would watch) she was already invested in people and was into the show the entire 4 hours. Before the show, she proclaimed she was rooting for CM Punk, The Rock, Sheamus, and The Undertaker. Needless to say it was a great night for her. Since then we've gone to RAW, ordered all the PPV's, and been buying merch off wweshop.
Royal Rumble is a great time to get initiated into wrestling. First off it sets up Wrestlemania with the victory, and it's always fun to watch and get to see pretty much every current wrestler at once.

I think Team Hell No is another good act to get someone initiated with the current WWE wrestling show. Bryan is quirky and funny in a way that is fresh, he's not the typical wrestler personality. He's also arguably the best mat wrestler working. Kane is a great complement to Bryan, he's monstrous in size and has years of experience and mystique building.
I would say Triple H Vs. Undertaker at WM 28. It had 3 guys that most people already know. Most people that don't watch wrestling still know Shawn Michaels, HHH and Undertaker so there's already some familiarity. And the match had the perfect combination of action and drama, that is Pro Wrestling at it's best.
If you want to introduce someone new to wrestling, you need a story that is easy to understand and relates to real life.

Then there can be no better match/feud than Savage vs Warrior at Mania. Where he lost the match but won the girl, it has a perfect emotional ending and shows that, yes, wrestling can do this stuff just aswell as even the best of movies.
I would go with Hogan/Warrior at Wrestlemania. Pretty close to everybody knows or have heard heard of Hogan so that's a bonus there and I think this is his best match. The crowd was going crazy for this match and really was the first time Hogan got beat cleanly for everyone to see. It's one of the most underrated matches I think in history mostly because of two guys in it that usually don't put on good matches but they delivered here.
I would show them CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan at Over The Limit and pretty much any Undertaker Wrestlemania match.
One match that ALWAYS works for me is a match that a lot of people haven't seen before. CM Punk vs John Morrison for the ECW Championship. Simple story that's easy to follow and get into and great match that has some pretty nice spots. But the part that always gets em' is seeing CM Punk win. Seeing someone go through a tough match like that AND win his first big championship always puts a smile on their faces. The feel almost proud and thus, become emotionally invested.
Yeah, I kinda agree with some people who said the familiar wrestlers first, so i would show them Stone Cold VS Bret and WM13, and The Rock VS Goldberg.

And if i don't do that, then I'll just get into some of the most violent and deadly matches. Such as
1. Shawn Michaels and Triple H VS Shane, Vince, and Big Show Hell In A Cell.

2. Mike Awesome VS Masato Tanaka from One Night Stand 2005.

3. Hardy Boys VS Dudley Boys tag team table match, Royal Rumble 2000.

4. Shane McMahon VS Kane- Ambulance Match!

Yeah, that's some of my personal favorites. Usually when I show em these, they're always like "OOHHHH SHIT, damn that's tight! Mannn that shit was TIGHT!!" They love when I put them on, but none of em ever watch it regularly after that. I'm the only one. Which is cool with me, I don't care as long as we can all chill and have a great time watching them when we hang out.
Well So many to choose from! But a perfect example is Hart Vs British Bulldog Summerslam 1992.. Now Bulldog is not the most technical guy out there R.I.P! But on that night he had the match of his career. Hold for hold tat for tat in that match. Hart who i swear to god could wrestle a broomstick and make it look great! If someone was wanting to become a fan and asked me what match should i watch i go with that one! And i watch it with them! Just the story they told the people involved in that match made it very special!

Twenty years later it still is!
Foley vs Taker at King of the Ring 98
Hogan vs The Rock 2002 Mania 18

Everybody, wrestling fans and non wrestling fans no who Hulk Hogan and The Rock are.
The Taker/Mankind match is obvious, just for the sheer brutality and the chance a non believer may actually suspend belief.

And to those people who bang on about pro wrestling being fake, I would show them Scott Steiner vs Sid Vicious from late 2000, think it was the Sin ppv where Sid snapped his leg in two, disgusting and cringe worthy
I would show 3 matches: the Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage match from WM III, the HBK/Razor Ramon Ladder match from WM X, and the Bret Hart vs HBK Iron man Match. All three of them had me on the edge of my seat and are just that good

So to try and get someone into wrestling youd show them a straight up techncal battle, the first ever televised ladder match featuring a 6'5" 240lbs man. And an hour and ten minute long match in which 30 minutes of said match consisted of head lock takeover transitions? Good luck with that. Id show someone Hogan vs The Rock or Austin vs The Rock from mania 17. Everyone knows who those guys are. Neither match is that long. And the crowds in both matches give the ole 1...2...OHHHH! That tend to get people off a oittle bit. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid

In any event, 9 times ouy of 10 the person still wont like it.
CM Punk vs John Cena at MITB 2011. If you show the person the absolutely masterful promo from before the match and they understand the simple yet fantastic storyline. After that how hard can it be? Watching a man come to his hometown and watching fans going absolutely mental in a match which is my favorite match of all time. I think it was the perfect match and if I was to introduce a friend to wrestling, it would have to be this match that I would show them.
Now to answer the question I think it depends on the person, I say pick one match from the 80's, 90's and 2000's show them how the sport has gotten better over the years. But hey just my opinion which will get slammed I am sure! :banghead:
I would have to show them the Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy Ladder Match.

Underdog that you cant help but root for, Obvious heel that dont like be beating on the Kid (Hardy). great show of respect By the bad guy at the end, seems perfect to get someone into wrestling to me..

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