If you could repackage/change any superstar, who would it be?

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Long Island Iced D

Dedicated Zack Ryder Nut-hugger
I was looking at the poll on WZ and realized R-Truth had a good amount of votes compared to the others. This got me thinking how this new image for Truth has pushed him tremendously from off the card completely to upper mid card/almost main eventer in such little time.
I think that there are plenty of guys on the roster that if they had a repackage could be pushed up the card. It worked for Truth, Rhodes, and hopefully Ryder with his face turn. So tell me who you think could work with a new gimmick or even a slight change and become a main event/upper mid card talent?

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I would take Chris Masters... WWE destroyed him after that wellness policy crap. He went from main-eventing in a Elimination Chamber match, to makin his nipples vibrate, to now jobbing on Superstars.

And wouldn't really change anything about, just have him go on a little winning streak to make him more credible like he was in the past to win a title and get more air time..
i just went through wwe.com's list of superstars to see who i would personally pick to get a huge push. there's one man who i see on their site who i fell could be repackaged to be a main event player on smackdown and a huge heel character. a man who has never been truley used correctly and who has a few more good years left...MARK HENRY. he has paid his dues and should be given a huge push before he has to retire. he can easily put people over too which is something wwe needs right now to take some of their young talent and shape them upwards.
i would repackage JTG. i enjoyed him tagging him and Shad they were both talented and had a lot of potential,(like a new version of harlem heat) but obviously someone else didn't see it that way. i think he can move and has a solid move setting, just needs to be repackaged with a more serious aproach and get him into feuds that he can showcase his ability better than just matches on superstars. put him with a manager...(why not AA since that name is floating around).

i think they can get so much more out of him, and they might as well because here before too long the writers and vkm are going to be pushing/hiring more black wrestlers due to the lack of them in the locker room.
my friend adam once pitched me an idea to repackage ted dibiase. It was around the time the marine 2 came out and partially inspired by the Rock's real life movie star persona.

basically the idea is to give ted a movie star gimmick. ted would have played on his recent "success" in the film business with marine 2 being such a big hit (if it isn't obvious by now, it would be a heel gimmick). he would eventually come out consistently in sunglasses and a suit for his promo's, where he would rave about his movie star good looks, and how he's only using wrestling as a stepping stone to hollywood and has no respect for the business. these promo's would always be highlighted by the latest trailer for his next blockbuster movie, which would be a hilarious movie parody vignette featuring ted dibiase (kind of like the wrestlemania goes hollywood vignettes)

other aspects of ted's character can include a manager who has the gimmick of a movie agent, and constantly using his cell phone. mid promo ted could get a "call" and brag about how it's various connections in hollywood and celebrity friends calling. he could even name drop, for ex; quiet everyone, my good friend brad pitt is calling me.after he start talking, when the crowd boo's he could make comments about how rude they are, because he is on the phone. this would be great for building heat. he could even bring MNM's old red carpet entrance.
I'd have to say Daniel Bryan. I was excited when he got moved to Smackdown, but so far he's just been a pawn in the Chavo/Sin Cara feud. I want very much for Daniel Bryan to succeed in WWE and one day make it to the top of the mountain, but I think his gimmick needs work. Correct me if I'm wrong, but over the last year, Daniel Bryan's main gimmick is that he was a successful indy star who's very popular with the fans for reason's that some people may not understand. Nothing false about that or anything, but I think it should be taken to the next level. He needs to start being allowed to show, physically and verbally, why he was so successful and why he's so popular. Whether his gimmick be he's "The best wrestler in the world today" or "The best athlete in WWE today".. since they're pretty picky with their wording.. I think it could work. He could stay face for a bit, since most the people who already like him feel that he is the best or at least near the top. Eventually if he felt he was being wronged or not getting where he thought he should, he could switch to heel side of things, something he's proven he can do. I like most of the names brought up so far, but I feel like taking those guys and trying to elevate them would just get em to the point where Bryan is now, where as working on Bryan would catapult him further up the ladder of success.
Koli Kingston
Get rid of the Jamaican gimmick and take him back to the "street" gimmick he was running with Orton back in 2009 (look it up if you dont know). Give him that R-Truth edge but keep him a babyface. He proved that he could be a ME contender with that gimmick during his (short!) program with Orton where he basically got buried.

Evan Bourne
Im tired of the "underdog" gimmick with him where he comes close to beating his oppenent and then gets trashed. I like his high flying style but there is no character to it. He just comes out, performs, loses, then goes backstage until the next week...rise and repeat. Give him some mic time and let him try it out. He has character and is over with the crowd, now just let him show that he can work it! (Sorry...tangent. Ill get of and get back to the point) Give him a program with the Miz and let him work. Do the whole Jericho angle with Miz where he cant win and let Bourne grow.

Ted Dibiase
Give him his father's gimmick. Let him bring in a wrestler to do his dirty work. Let him ride the coat tails of someone else until said wrestler turns on him (ala SCSA). Let him "pay off" wrestlers to do things like forfeit the match or injure another superstar. This can also be a GREAT way to introduce Brett DiBiase as a babyface and go after his brother.

Thats just a start for me...those are 3 that I think could benefit from an overhaul. If WWE doesn't do something soon with them, Im afraid that they'll be future endeavored.
Koli Kingston
Get rid of the Jamaican gimmick and take him back to the "street" gimmick he was running with Orton back in 2009 (look it up if you dont know). Give him that R-Truth edge but keep him a babyface. He proved that he could be a ME contender with that gimmick during his (short!) program with Orton where he basically got buried.

Evan Bourne
Im tired of the "underdog" gimmick with him where he comes close to beating his oppenent and then gets trashed. I like his high flying style but there is no character to it. He just comes out, performs, loses, then goes backstage until the next week...rise and repeat. Give him some mic time and let him try it out. He has character and is over with the crowd, now just let him show that he can work it! (Sorry...tangent. Ill get of and get back to the point) Give him a program with the Miz and let him work. Do the whole Jericho angle with Miz where he cant win and let Bourne grow.

Ted Dibiase
Give him his father's gimmick. Let him bring in a wrestler to do his dirty work. Let him ride the coat tails of someone else until said wrestler turns on him (ala SCSA). Let him "pay off" wrestlers to do things like forfeit the match or injure another superstar. This can also be a GREAT way to introduce Brett DiBiase as a babyface and go after his brother.

Thats just a start for me...those are 3 that I think could benefit from an overhaul. If WWE doesn't do something soon with them, Im afraid that they'll be future endeavored.

A) Kofi doesn't have the "jamaican" gimmick anymore... Hasn't for a long time (remember HHH "Didn't you used to have a jamaican accent???") I do agree he needs to have that mean edge he had..

B) They were getting ready to push him hard when he first hurt himself... I'm sure he'll find himself back near the upper midcard soon enough, but I don't think the Miz would benefit by losing to bourne continually.. (Unless maybe A-Ri would consistently interfere, but that wouldn't help Bourne..)

C) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... They tried making Ted into the new million dollar man... They gave him virgil... THey gave him the belt... IT DIDNT WORK AND WOULDNT WORK!!!!!

anyways as for who i'd repackage, it'd be Daniel Bryan into the heel-type wrestler similar to jericho... The jackass that shouts at the ref when he breaks a hold " I HAVE UNTIL 5." I'd let him just beat the crap outta people shouting at the ref the entire time until he makes them submit (Bring back cattle mutilation fyi...)
i just went through wwe.com's list of superstars to see who i would personally pick to get a huge push. there's one man who i see on their site who i fell could be repackaged to be a main event player on smackdown and a huge heel character. a man who has never been truley used correctly and who has a few more good years left...MARK HENRY. he has paid his dues and should be given a huge push before he has to retire. he can easily put people over too which is something wwe needs right now to take some of their young talent and shape them upwards.

I dunno about this. Henry got a huge push in 2006. Feuded with Angle for the title, then fought Undertaker at WM 22. He's not a good wrestler, or talker. Besides being big, he doesn't have anything going for him, and as I recall, he injured alot of people during that run as well.

But yeah, I'm not a fan of him.
I would like to see them push Evan Bourne. I could see a feud with Kingston for the US Title. He can do amazing things in the ring and needs a chance to shine. Plus, you never really hear him on the mic, so I wonder what he would say if given the chance on a weekly basis. The only thing holding him back is the fact that Vince likes the bigger guys and it may not be believable for Bourne to beat Cena, but I could see him beating The Miz. He is a great talent being misused, but what is new in the WWE.
Definitely CM Punk.

IWC: "Wait what? CM Punk's an awesome heel!"

Not exactly. CM Punk's heel run hasn't worked for him since the Jeff Hardy feud back in '09. As a face he won his first two World titles in back-to-back years. As a heel he can't even defeat the Big Show. I think a face turn would do wonders for him, especially against John Cena. I would love for CM Punk to try and expose John Cena as a heel like he tried earlier this year only with Punk as a face this time.
The "Blueprint";3141008 said:
Definitely CM Punk.

IWC: "Wait what? CM Punk's an awesome heel!"

Not exactly. CM Punk's heel run hasn't worked for him since the Jeff Hardy feud back in '09. As a face he won his first two World titles in back-to-back years. As a heel he can't even defeat the Big Show. I think a face turn would do wonders for him, especially against John Cena. I would love for CM Punk to try and expose John Cena as a heel like he tried earlier this year only with Punk as a face this time.

I thought Punk was great coming off commentary and I agree with what your saying. I think Punk would be better leaving the new nexus and turning face since he can work with it. Punk can be a tweener since Raw lacks another major face besides Cena and Rey while they have Truth, Miz, Del Rio, and Punk. Four top heels
First Masters wasn't "destroyed" by WWE. He failed a PED test and was repremanded. Now his boobs look weird and he is basically half of what he was. When you run full speed and stop abruptly it takes a while to get going again. You are better off just repackaging him. Now for me, it would be the big show. Let him take sometime off, trim down a little. Come back with his name as Paul Wight and with meaner music. Don't let him talk much but just destroy. He is such an athlete for his size. Why waste it? Andre could barely walk but he got over.
I like the CM Punk idea. As somebody posted in another thread I think they should run an angle where everybody in The Nexus is successful at getting gold i.e. Otunga and Magillicuty(or however you spell it) keep successfully defending the tag belts, Mason Ryan begins a program with Kingston and successfully wins the U.S. Title off him, and then they look towards CM Punk to win the WWE title but he comes up short. To build it Punk can get a non title win over Cena and for weeks look like he's getting the upper hand. Punk can tout his non-title victory and also talk about his 3 other victories over Cena earlier this year and can say he's a shoe in to win the belt at let's say Capitol Punishment.

Punk goes into his match with Cena and after a good back and fourth encounter Punk loses. The next night on Raw The Nexus kick off the show touting their success and championship and start to talk down their leader for not winning the WWE Championship the previous night. Punk begs for another chance seeing how that has been Cena's first victory over him all year. Cena obliges that Punk can have one more match and Punk comes up short again(insert whatever reason for this loss here). After the match Nexus surrounds him and then dismantle him. The Nexus can later say Punk doesn't practice what he preaches and they are successful without his leadership. They can play the attack they did on him as a way to keep him off TV till a contract is renegotiated, but either way have him come back as a face and vow to take down the monsters he has created.

As for other superstars I do like Daniel Bryan heel repackages. But I think I would also repackage Chavo and Primo as a tag team and let them run with that for a bit.
I like the CM Punk idea. As somebody posted in another thread I think they should run an angle where everybody in The Nexus is successful at getting gold i.e. Otunga and Magillicuty(or however you spell it) keep successfully defending the tag belts, Mason Ryan begins a program with Kingston and successfully wins the U.S. Title off him, and then they look towards CM Punk to win the WWE title but he comes up short. To build it Punk can get a non title win over Cena and for weeks look like he's getting the upper hand. Punk can tout his non-title victory and also talk about his 3 other victories over Cena earlier this year and can say he's a shoe in to win the belt at let's say Capitol Punishment.

Punk goes into his match with Cena and after a good back and fourth encounter Punk loses. The next night on Raw The Nexus kick off the show touting their success and championship and start to talk down their leader for not winning the WWE Championship the previous night. Punk begs for another chance seeing how that has been Cena's first victory over him all year. Cena obliges that Punk can have one more match and Punk comes up short again(insert whatever reason for this loss here). After the match Nexus surrounds him and then dismantle him. The Nexus can later say Punk doesn't practice what he preaches and they are successful without his leadership. They can play the attack they did on him as a way to keep him off TV till a contract is renegotiated, but either way have him come back as a face and vow to take down the monsters he has created.

As for other superstars I do like Daniel Bryan heel repackages. But I think I would also repackage Chavo and Primo as a tag team and let them run with that for a bit.

I had a similar idea for an angle where Nexus excommunicated Punk for his lack of success as their leader. Nexus then wins the tag titles (Joe & David), and Mason becomes the u.s. champion. Punk would disappear for a few weeks only to return during a Nexus attack to rescue the victim (i.e. Rey Mysterio/Kofi). Punk saving a fan favorite like Rey or Kofi would instantly get him over as a face. This sets up for a Mason Ryan feud to help him get over with more screen time and helps Punk build momentum for a WWE title feud.
A. I'd say Kofi Kingston needs just to get repackaged with a new finisher as well, I mean like it was mentioned before HHH put him on blast with the accent thing, and since they bill him from Ghana instead of Jamaica now, he really needs a new theme song. But besides the appearance (i'll stay on topic) it seems like no matter who he's put in a program with he will always and forever be stuck as midcard. even when he qualified for the Elim Chamber match he got taken out before the match. Maybe a feud with Jericho (if he comes back) or maybe The Miz will start to project him towards ME status. maybe even have Booker T as his manager.

B. Evan Bourne for sure. I've seen all of his old footage (Matt Sydal) and this guy has MAD POTENTIAL! He doesn't even do half of the moves in his arsenal and he's still amazing in the ring! I honestly feel that VKM is holding his ability back a bit by making him job every RAW he's featured on. Have him start an old school WCW best out of 5 matches (a'la Benoit/Booker T) with Mysterio with both as faces, to have the crowd split but still build his popularity up. With Mysterio as a former World Champ and Tag Champ, it should give Bourne some stripes if he wins the series.

C. Dolph Ziggler. The whole "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler!" angle was good for a little bit but then quickly became redundant and came to a halt. Dont get me wrong I'm actually a fan of Zig's and believe he has great ability in the ring. the move to pit him with Vickie to push him even further as heel was ingenious, but if they were trying to push him as a top heel it was a bad move. The crowd hates Vickie to death this much is obvious but its gotten to the point where Dolph gets no chance because of the tremendous heat she brings with him. I think he should dump Vickie, and make a face turn OR dump Vickie and become a tweener. If he's a tweener he should try to make an Orton type of push (vicious as a heel but still favored by the crowd) if he picks up a more vicious side he can start to be taken more seriously as a competitor in the eyes of the fans. Maybe even have an angle where he's taken too lightly/comical and then he finally snaps and makes an impact. another idea is to build a program around him and CM Punk, or Ted Dibiase to either help Ted get pushed or to further push himself if he made a face turn.
oh yeah and D. Ezekiel Jackson. he has SO MUCH POTENTIAL but needs to stop smiling so damn much lol He could start a winning streak program much like Brock or Goldberg where he's demolishing everybody or have him and Mason Ryan start a program.

E. Drew McIntyre...he's just so damn boring. He came out swinging much like Sheamus w/ Jamie Noble before he kinda got stuck not being featured in ME matches, but he and Sheamus should make a stable where they feel they are being discriminated for not being american or wtv, or just make a tag team period, have them win the titles, it would be a great program to build him up, of course if they were on the same show.
First Masters wasn't "destroyed" by WWE. He failed a PED test and was repremanded. Now his boobs look weird and he is basically half of what he was. When you run full speed and stop abruptly it takes a while to get going again. You are better off just repackaging him. Now for me, it would be the big show. Let him take sometime off, trim down a little. Come back with his name as Paul Wight and with meaner music. Don't let him talk much but just destroy. He is such an athlete for his size. Why waste it? Andre could barely walk but he got over.

I can't see this ever working now. Big Show has been around for over a decade as Big Show and to change him now at his age is pointless. He did debut in the WWF with the name Paul White and just destroyed people and he did it again in WWECW. Big Show has done all this and there is really no options to repackage him. Same can be said with Kane, hes Kane, and he will always be Kane
All viable answers here, but aren't we missing the obvious? I look deeper into this question about who to repackage and i say to myself, "who NEEDS to be repackaged?" In that instant, it's easy...John Cena. The guy needs a character update badly. His character now is watering down the fans as you have many arenas split down the middle saying either, "let's go cena" or "cena sucks". Vince has got to recognize this and, of course, he wil never give up pushing the money-maker and that guy is Cena. However, that doesn't change the fact that Cena needs a character change, an overhaul, or even just a tweak. He needs something because it's getting old.
Surprised no one has mentioned Michael Mcguillicutty. Then again, a lot of people are posting about who they want pushed and not who they would repackage

the three i feel are most in need are Mcguillicutty, D.H Smith and Yoshitatsu

Mcguillicutty - id repackage him as Joe Hennig...but as apparently wwe wants to own naming rights, just change his first name, but keep the Hennig name in there, and id have him as a similar role as Mr Perefect had, only turned up a notch. Turn him into the most obnoxious, narcissistic heel you could think of, give him a long winning streak, have him hold the US/IC title for a long time, even challenging for the wwe/world titles once in a while, similar to how John Cena did back at backlash 2003 against Brock Lesner.

D.H Smith - The guy has so much talent in ring, but has never had a gimmick or character. So give him a manager to do the talking, explain that he is frustrated with the fact he has been over looked for 4 years now, and turn him into a wrestling machine, lots of submissions in his move list, and just genuinly make him look constantly pissed off

Yoshitatsu - Sadly, hes gotten nowhere with his fun japanese gimmick, but with him, turn him heel, make him into a similar character as Tajiri was, japanese Buzzsaw who is just a little bit deranged
I think WWE needs to shake things up by turning the roster. Drew McIntyre Face, Evan Bourne Heel, Mason Ryan Face, Daniel Bryan Heel, Zack Ryder Face, Kane Heel, Justin Gabriel Face, The Great Khali Heel, Tyson Kidd Face, Yoshi Tatsu Heel, CM Punk Face, Kofi Kingston Heel, Ted DiBiase Face, John Morrison Heel, Chris Masters Heel, Tyler Reks Face, Christian Heel etc.

I just think that flipping the roster is important to keep things fresh. Sure, some seem random, but they can work if they try.
D.H Smith - The guy has so much talent in ring, but has never had a gimmick or character. So give him a manager to do the talking, explain that he is frustrated with the fact he has been over looked for 4 years now, and turn him into a wrestling machine, lots of submissions in his move list, and just genuinly make him look constantly pissed off

Yoshitatsu - Sadly, hes gotten nowhere with his fun japanese gimmick, but with him, turn him heel, make him into a similar character as Tajiri was, japanese Buzzsaw who is just a little bit deranged

Loving it loving it! I see great potential in DH to be a big star in the company. With Arn Anderson being thrown around as a potential manager.. I think the two of them would be an interesting pair. Face or heel, anything Arn says about Smith would be validated. I mean after all, he's a freakin legend.

As for Yoshi, he's just another one of the guys that I wish they would bring the Cruiserweight title back for.
I would choose to repackage CM Punk but my idea is a little out there. In the last elimination chamber while punk was sitting in the glass the look on his eyes sitting on the floor rocking back n forth n laughing really reminded me of the Joker from Batman Dark Knight.
I think if they turned cm punk more psychotic similar to the Joker it would be really entertaining. I am very confident he could pull it off. To come off as psychotic, evil, crazy but with humor
Yes they have done it with show and he always did pretty well BUT they didn't do it against an Orton or Cena. He was PW for like a month b4 going to big show. It could work, do I make him champoin? Maybe not but I make him a monster and stick with say a zigler and make him the silent muscle. Who knows but he is part of few that I think could be packaged again. Kane could if they remasked him but then it would only be nostelgic. But if ur lookin believable, Show could pull it off. The likes of hhh, cena orton are too settled in but Show I think could be taken more serious than he is now.
id say CM Punk, and before everyone freaks out let me explain why:

i love CM Punk, his style, his attitude, his character, etc. im just getting so bored of the new Nexus storyline. i understand that obviously he's there to try and get Mason Ryan and McGillicuty over, but in my opinion its a waste of CM Punks talents to have him consistantly having to lead a group.

i mean no one was more excited than me to see the Straight Edge Society angle run its course, and then before I knew it he was back leading another stable. I also get that its playing on Punks ability to manipulate, and control a group of people, but i think after he figures out this contract situation it would really help him out to get back out there as a singles wrestler and get back into the title hunt

CM Punk is supposed to be a hated heel, but every single week he comes out and regardless of who he's fighting is the favored superstar. The "CM Punk" chants are almost as loud as the "Lets go Cena/Cena Sucks" chants. In my opinion he's somewhat the Steve Austin of this era. Stone Cold was supposed to be a heel, but the fans quickly jumped behind him.

maybe do something similar to what was done with Austin. not necessarily make him a face, but put him in there against another heel, and let the crowd decide who gets the heat
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