If you could give one guy in the WWE a push, who would it be?

:lol: Ok Jackiz, Im going to take the whole Primo to WWE Championship as a joke, as it should be, now to the matter back at hand.

Zack Ryder (My Dude) - US Title, have him feud with Bryan, DiBiase, and a few more up and comers.

Jack Swagger - Wrestling talent like no1 else and has decent mic work. A great young talent. Make Him World Heavyweight Champ again plz!!!


:worship: Drew McIntyre :worship: - PUSH THIS MAN TO THE WWE OR WORLD TITLE!!!!! He has more talent than fellow Brit Wade Barrett, and tbh he can carry a show if he needs too. He has all the tools in the world and I can not wait to see his uprise to the top of the mountain!
Cody Rhodes - I've always liked him from his debut and I think he has a big upside. Sure, there was that report that Vince wont give him a sustained push because he 'overacts' but then again, this is wrestling where overacting is a norm...it's called 'selling' Vince! I'm also aware that some people believe the 'Dashing' gimmick is not one which will equate to main event material and I can see why in that it could be difficult to take seriously in that position. Nevertheless, I see no reason why he can't build himself up in the mid card with this gimmick because main event material or not, I find it damn entertaining and Cody seems comfortable in the role and once truly established, Rhodes could drop the dashing bit and by that time hopefully he'd be over enough to just be himself. Overall, this guy is definately my pick of the next generation of talent by a mile and a half and that's why I'd choose to push Cody Rhodes.
:lol: Ok Jackiz, Im going to take the whole Primo to WWE Championship as a joke, as it should be, now to the matter back at hand.

Zack Ryder (My Dude) - US Title, have him feud with Bryan, DiBiase, and a few more up and comers.

Jack Swagger - Wrestling talent like no1 else and has decent mic work. A great young talent. Make Him World Heavyweight Champ again plz!!!


:worship: Drew McIntyre :worship: - PUSH THIS MAN TO THE WWE OR WORLD TITLE!!!!! He has more talent than fellow Brit Wade Barrett, and tbh he can carry a show if he needs too. He has all the tools in the world and I can not wait to see his uprise to the top of the mountain!

Wow, the irony in that. You call Primo, one of the most talented superstars in the WWE, a joke, and you want to push Zack Ryder? He is one of the least talented superstars ever. He got squashed by Ezekial Jackson, has horrible mic skills, and he clearly cannot wrestle. He lost to Sheamus with one move. Look at his previous matches. The only thing good he did was help Edge win some championships.
My pick... R-Truth. In my opinion he is under-rated and/or under appreciated/ or just misused. He doesn't any longer need to rap to the ring even though the kids like it it may be hindering his progress. My I believe he's in the same boat as Morrison, except he's been around longer and he has better mic skills. I think it would do him some good to be a heel in the upper mid-carders running with the whole "Ugly Truth" gimmick in his promos. He can put on really good matches with the likes of Swagger, Morrison, Miz or even the vets and ME's. And I think he should be up there with the ME'ers at least for a good year, and have him earn a run from one major PPV to another. I personally picked him for King of the Ring but obviously the WWE has other plans for who to push.
Evan Bourne. This guy needs to be pushed more, his fued with Jericho was really good!

Everyone in the locker room is screaming for Bourne to be pushed as well. That's why he was Cena's surprise tag partner that one time. That's why Bourne had those challenges against Sheamus. That's why he was involved in that programme with Jericho. But all of them amounted to nothing. Give him something serious to go for give him the Royal Rumble.
:lol: Ok Jackiz, Im going to take the whole Primo to WWE Championship as a joke, as it should be, now to the matter back at hand.

Zack Ryder (My Dude) - US Title, have him feud with Bryan, DiBiase, and a few more up and comers.

Jack Swagger - Wrestling talent like no1 else and has decent mic work. A great young talent. Make Him World Heavyweight Champ again plz!!!


:worship: Drew McIntyre :worship: - PUSH THIS MAN TO THE WWE OR WORLD TITLE!!!!! He has more talent than fellow Brit Wade Barrett, and tbh he can carry a show if he needs too. He has all the tools in the world and I can not wait to see his uprise to the top of the mountain!

Are you serious? Zack Ryder? That has got to be the dumbest thing that I've heard. The guy is lucky to be on the job squad. He looks terrible, and if it wasn't for the popularity of The Jersey Shore, then he'd already have been future endeavored.

Jack Swagger is a pretty talented wrestler, but he's just so obnoxious to listen to, and I don't even mean the lisp. He just repeats, "All-American, American, American, American..." and then he finishes with a boring, unoriginal promo. And don't even get me started on just how many ways that the Swagger Soaring Eagle is both stupid and annoying. Maybe if this guy's character got an overhaul and was made to be less obnoxious, then I'd tolerate him.

Finally, Drew McIntyre is okay, but his promos are just so boring. His little feud with Teddy Long was so uneventful and repetitive. But, at least he put on some good matches with Kofi, so I'll agree that maybe if they write him into the right feud, he could deserve a big push.

Still, I'm going to say that you should really WATCH wrestling before you start telling people that their opinions are stupid, because the guys that you want to push are either comic jobbers or boring.

But, to answer the question myself, I'm still waiting for Punk to get back on his feet and get a push on Raw. Another guy that I promise you will be WWE Champion within two years at the most is Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson. He's just got what it takes, but I'd like to see him as a heel if he gets a push. He and Punk both proved in the indies that they can really work a crowd, so I think that it's just a matter of time for either one of them.
Since R-Truth isn't looking promising, and John Morrison's push is inevitable already, I choose Ezekiel Jackson. The man is a beast, and his personality is not boring, he's actually got some charisma. Not sure about mic skills but who needs em when he gets in the ring and handles business. Short promos for big matches are sufficient. He could feud with the likes of the upper midcard, Jack Swagger, Del Rio (who doesn't deserve ME status if you ask me), and Kofi Kingston. But I guess it depends on whether he is face or heel. If Del Rio and Mysterio can get title shots, Jackson can.
Jackson will be fueding with Kane soon enough. Mark my words. I've said it first and i'm calling it.. It just makes sense to me, Monster face Vs Monster heel . I'd like to see it at least.

So yes I agree with you , push Jackson on Smackdown, and Evan Bourne on Raw, (as i've previously mentioned I think..)

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