If you could erase ONE title reign from each Championship in WWE....

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I'd like to know if you could erase one title reign from history for each championship currently active in World Wrestling Entertainment, which would it be and why?

Batista in June 2009. It lasted a grand total of 2 days, making it absolutely pointless, especially considering that Orton won it back right afterwards. Why put the belt on someone for 2 days only to give it back to the guy he won it from? Pointless.

I'm pretty sure the majority will agree here, The Great Khali in summer 2007. He only got the title reign because of Kane not wanting it when he and Edge were feuding. Kane as champion would have been so much better and we would not have had to sit through any of those awful Khali VS Batista matches.

William Regal in 2008. It ended the Honkameter angle with Santino, which had enormous potential if they had let him break the record. Then what did Regal do with this reign? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

R-Truth's reign in May 2010. I understand they needed to get the title of of Hart for the "gift" reign they gave him, but this one was just boring. Truth did nothing of relevance, much like Swagger right now. Although the current reign still has hope of something happening.

Deuce & Domino in 2007. They were nowhere near ready to be champions yet, and likely never were going to be. This was proof that the tag team division had declined significantly already.

Brie Bella in 2011. She was by far the worst ever to hold the belt and I cannot fathom why WWE ever considered this to be a good decision.

So what about the rest of you? Please include why you would remove each reign and limit it to just one per belt.

Discuss! :)
u could actually have batista here several times!! wining of off orton for 2 days! winning it of y2j for a day and winning it from cena at ec 2010! since when was it the rules to make a match out of nowher after the champion just defended the belt!
Batista in June 2009. It lasted a grand total of 2 days, making it absolutely pointless, especially considering that Orton won it back right afterwards. Why put the belt on someone for 2 days only to give it back to the guy he won it from? Pointless.

Batista tore his biceps and had to forfeit the championship. I can't follow the logic that leads from championship forfeit due to injury and "pointless."
Sheamus's first. It was too quick and as much as him actually beating Super Cena was a big shock they had nothing to follow it up with. He was booked to look weak and they put his career back several steps in many ways. If Sheamus was going for his first title at Mania against Bryan it could have been huge. Instead he has a couple of forgettable heel reigns that in years to come no one will remember.

Dolph Ziggler's one day title reign or whatever it was. For me it just takes away from when he finally gets a proper reign as it won't be his first time with one of the big ones despite the fact it might as well be. Basically a waste of a first title reign.

Recently I could say most of them. Any of Kingston's most recent ones could count but I'll go with the most recent one. Kingston has a lot of potential but they just seem incapable of giving him a mid card title and then actually allowing him to have story lines etc to get over with. All just a massive waste.

Again I could say most of them but the easiest one is the current one. Swagger took the title of Ryder who at the time was hot as hell and has done nothing with it since apart from a crappy few minute match with Justin Gabriel. While Ryder's been dragged into being the laughing stock in the Cena Kane match. Ryder had the potential to actually make fans care about the title Swagger has nothing.

Yet again I could say a huge bunch of the. One of the Corre or Nexus reigns could easily be eradicated and no one would care. They were all just bland and dull and achieved nothing for anyone involved. I'll go with Slater and Gabriel's first one especially since they dropped it to a comedy jobber and Koslov who is just... well Koslov.

Em I feel like I'm repeating myself but most of them again but Alicia Fox's. She wasn't ready and still isn't if I'm honest. I can't think of anything memorable about the reign or even really her career in general.

If this shows one thing it just shows how badly WWE have booked their under card titles in recent years.
What’s worse than 1 Day reigns??

If I could erase ANY (I have more than one) Title reign from Championships in WWE / WCW / ECW:

Andre The Giant – February 5, 1988
Yokozuna – April 4, 1993
Randy Orton – October 7, 2007
Triple H – October 7, 2007
John Cena – February 21, 2010
Rey Mysterio – July 25, 2011

Jeff Hardy – June 7, 2009
Dolph Ziggler – February 15, 2011
Big Show – December 18, 2011

Sting – April 26, 1999
Kevin Nash – January 25, 2000
Ric Flair – May 29, 2000

Tommy Dreamer – April 22, 2000
The Sandman – January 7, 2001

Dean Douglas – October 22, 1995
Chris Jericho – October 27, 2003

United States
Steve Austin – September 18, 1994

ECW Television
Taz – March 6, 1994
2 Cold Scorpio – November 4, 1994

Psychosis – October 4, 1999

World Tag Team
Yokozuna and Owen Hart – September 25, 1995
Edge and Christian – March 19, 2001

WWE Tag Team
John Cena and the Miz – February 21, 2011

ECW Tag Team
The Super Destroyers – May 15, 1993
Raven and Stevie Richards – October 7, 1995
The Dudley Boyz – August 26, 1999

Mickie James – April 24, 2007

Jillian – October 12, 2009

One day reigns do bother me, but I wouldn’t erase those. Now the less than one day reigns, those should be deleted from the records similar to Jericho’s first WWE Title reign and the Rockers WWE Tag Team Title reign.
WWE Championship
John Cena's most recent title reign...that lasted 14 days. He beat ADR to end his first reign, held the belt two weeks, then Del Rio won it back again. Why? What was the point in that? Leaving the belt on ADR would have been the better decision in the long or short run. Things like this just devalue the belt.

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler's reign, if that's what you want to call it. Just a horrible, horrible idea. One day Ziggler will actually have a legitimate title reign and things like this just make it less important.

Intercontinental Championship
Ezekiel Jackson's recent reign. Not a fan of the guy and the title did absolutely nothing for him. In my opinion, he wasn't ready for the belt and probably never will be. He is bland, thus making the title boring.

United States Championship
Jack Swagger's current reign, mostly because it was bad timing. Zack Ryder should have kept the belt for a few months yet. I don't see what direction they're going with either Swagger or Ryder now. Swagger winning the belt from Ryder is just leading them both into obscurity.

Tag Team Championships
I'll go with Kane & Big Show's most recent 34 day reign. How many times has this happened now? I don't think anyone wants to see Big Show and Kane as a tag team, much less the tag team champs. Boring, redundant, pointless.

Diva's Championship
Brie Bella's reign, I can't take either of the Bellas seriously as wrestlers. In my opinion, they only make sense as managers or something of that nature.
The one that comes to the top of my mind is The Undertaker’s WWE Championship victory in 1999. That was at Over the Edge 1999, which was needless to say a terrible night in the industry. But WWE decided to change the title on that night which was always weird to me as you would think you’d want to have less connection to that night as possible. First of all, I wouldn’t have even gone on with the show after that, but I wouldn’t have a title change on that night. I’d erase Taker’s title run here and save any title change for a Raw or King of the Ring later.

There have been a couple bad ones. I’m going to go with Dolph Ziggler’s 15 minute title reign from February 2011. It served no purpose. Plus it ultimately made Ziggler look terrible having the championship given to him only to lose it right after in as quick a match as he had with Edge. There were other ways they could have gone about the whole stupid Long-Vickie-Ziggler-Edge storyline without doing this.

Another title where there has been some terrible championship runs. But if I’m going to pick one, I’m going with Road Dogg’s run with the title back in 1999. The reason I would undo this is that Road Dogg’s feud up to that point involved working with Al Snow and Hardcore Holly in the Hardcore Title hunt while Billy Gunn was involved in a storyline involving Goldust, Val Venis, Ken Shamrock, and his sister Ryan Shamrock. However, WWE’s creative mind (cough, Russo, cough) decided to mix up the Outlaws and have both end up in the other’s storyline. The result was a lackluster title run for Road Dogg and a lackluster title match at the biggest event of the year because he had nothing to do with that storyline with the other three opponents.

Orlando Jordan. This was a terrible championship run that did nothing for the title. Jordan was easily the worst United States Champion in the history of the championship.

David Otunga and Michael McGillicuty- This is the freshest in my mind of the terrible crop of tag team champions the company has had, and I turned the channel whenever they were on TV. They were that bad. As much as people say that women's matches have become bathroom breaks, that's the way I felt about the tag team titles for the entirety of this run.

Alicia Fox. Enough said. She had no reaction from the crowd and the fact that WWE continued her title reign despite the indifference the audience had to her made it that much more excruciating.
WWE Championship
Triple H - No Mercy, 2007
When a title changes hands three times in one night, and it's just between two guys, I don't really consider that purposeful. I think it's a crummy way to bolster your numbers. HHH is an 8 time WWE Champion, but crap like this is just a joke, to me. Kane having the belt for a day didn't make much sense, Rey Mysterio holding the belt for two hours was infuriating and cheapening, but at least it was the one time, for those guys. I can look back and say Kane's name belongs, I can say Rey deserved it, but did HHH just have to have a title switch, that night? That's the definition of pointless title swaps, to me.

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler's 10 Minute Run of Dominance
Again, Dolph deserved to hold the belt...just in a bigger way and not for the end of a TV show. This is one that I think even WWE will eventually scratch from the record. I put this here because Dolph deserved better. He deserved a real title win on a PPV and a real run at the top of Smackdown, not what he got.
He's a guy who is going to be a future champion, but because the WWE counts this, he's already one and it cheapens his first real run.

Intercontinental Championship
Dean Douglas - In Your House 4, 1995
This is another one where, though I think some people give Shane Douglas too much credit, he still deserved better. Douglas would have been a nice addition to the Attitude Era, had he kept himself around. You can't blame him for being mad, though, considering the dumb gimmick they gave him and the lack of time he got. The match he had with Razor that night should have been for a vacant title. They didn't need to strap the thing on Douglas just to yank it off of him before the show was over. Instead, there's yet another reign with [0 days held] next to it in the books.

United States Championship
Orlando Jordan - 2005
I was really tempted to put Jack Swagger here (I almost put Jack Swagger on the WHC pick, too,) but I'm instead going to go with a pick I haven't seen yet and say Orlando Jordan.
In the end, this reign just seemed like a waste. He held it for months, and then just dropped it to Benoit in what was it, 20 seconds? If you're going to take a belt off of a star like Cena, and I know Jordan just got it because Cena was feuding with JBL, and that they had to get the belt off of Cena for the WWE Championship, but someone else should have gotten this run. Orlando Jordan was never a star, and Cena had just established it as an elevating title. I honestly probably would have put it back on Carlito over Jordan. Carlito was probably never as good as they tried to make him out to be, but there was a time where I thought that this guy would be main eventing WrestleMania against Cena. Even if it weren't true, a second title run here would have done a lot more for Carlito and that's why I think this Jordan reign was just a waste of time.

Tag Team Championship
The Hart Dynasty
What was WWE thinking? They had a tag team with a gimmick that everyone wanted to get behind, they built up the anticipation for what felt like forever, and then they drop the titles back like it was nothing and split up?
Seriously, what the hell was up with that? I do kind of get pissed thinking about it, because even though their connections to the Hart family were on the weak side, a new Hart Foundation would have been cool. It's a gimmick that I wanted to see, at least. This reign should have established stars in the tag division, but instead was a head scratching mess.

My Last One
ECW Championship
Bobby Lashley - December to Dismember

Not only did this reign rob Punk of a title, but it pretty much got Paul Heyman out of the WWE...Oh yeah, and Heyman was right, in the end too.

This might get my vote for worst title reign ever, and there are some pretty crappy ones, in the history of the WWF.
Are we talking the whole WWE including WCW and the real ECW? If so...I will state mine.

Vince McMahon - when one of the bosses hodls the belt even to further a story line. To me it is stupid.

Dolph Ziggler - One day reigns really are pointless, but yet so are :45 second ones too. So I would have to add Big Show here.

TWO MORE WORDS - David Arquette. He was promoting a movie at the time, and celebrities shouldn't hold belts. That is one I wish would be stricken from the wrestling books once and for all.

Vince McMahon - Why? Read my post on the WWE title.
Ezekiel Jackson - Never mentioned again

Dean Douglas – Not a huge Shane Douglas fan.

United States
Steve Austin

ECW Television
2 Cold Scorpio – I don't like him that is why!


World Tag Team
Edge and Hogan - Hogan didn't need to hold it. Should have went with someone who was still relevant.

WWE Tag Team
Jericho and Big Show – I didn't like this one. Why? Edge and Jericho won. Edge was injured, so thus Jericho should have been stripped and then found a partner.

ECW Tag Team
The Super Destroyers

Candice - Why give it to someone who is not a wrestler. Basically spat on the title.
Hervina - A man won the title!
Stephanie McMahon - See Vince.

Jillian – see note on Big show and Dolph Ziggler
WWE Championship :
John Cena's last title reign when he won the championship at Night of Champions,just to lose it after 2 weeks.

There is nothing wrong with WWE Championship changing hands 3 times at No Mercy 2007. It was the first time WWE Championship was defended 3 times in one night and all matches were awesome.

World Heavyweight Championship :
Jack Swagger's World Heavyweight Championship reign. Really boring and forgettable just like Daniel Bryan's title reign.

Intercontinental Championship :
Kofi Kingston's Intercontinental Championship reign in 2010. Most of Kofi's championship reigns are really boring.

US Championship:
Zack Ryder's title reign. One of the worst title reigns.
The one that comes to the top of my mind is The Undertaker’s WWE Championship victory in 1999. That was at Over the Edge 1999, which was needless to say a terrible night in the industry. But WWE decided to change the title on that night which was always weird to me as you would think you’d want to have less connection to that night as possible. First of all, I wouldn’t have even gone on with the show after that, but I wouldn’t have a title change on that night. I’d erase Taker’s title run here and save any title change for a Raw or King of the Ring later.

There have been a couple bad ones. I’m going to go with Dolph Ziggler’s 15 minute title reign from February 2011. It served no purpose. Plus it ultimately made Ziggler look terrible having the championship given to him only to lose it right after in as quick a match as he had with Edge. There were other ways they could have gone about the whole stupid Long-Vickie-Ziggler-Edge storyline without doing this.

Another title where there has been some terrible championship runs. But if I’m going to pick one, I’m going with Road Dogg’s run with the title back in 1999. The reason I would undo this is that Road Dogg’s feud up to that point involved working with Al Snow and Hardcore Holly in the Hardcore Title hunt while Billy Gunn was involved in a storyline involving Goldust, Val Venis, Ken Shamrock, and his sister Ryan Shamrock. However, WWE’s creative mind (cough, Russo, cough) decided to mix up the Outlaws and have both end up in the other’s storyline. The result was a lackluster title run for Road Dogg and a lackluster title match at the biggest event of the year because he had nothing to do with that storyline with the other three opponents.

Orlando Jordan. This was a terrible championship run that did nothing for the title. Jordan was easily the worst United States Champion in the history of the championship.

David Otunga and Michael McGillicuty- This is the freshest in my mind of the terrible crop of tag team champions the company has had, and I turned the channel whenever they were on TV. They were that bad. As much as people say that women's matches have become bathroom breaks, that's the way I felt about the tag team titles for the entirety of this run.

Alicia Fox. Enough said. She had no reaction from the crowd and the fact that WWE continued her title reign despite the indifference the audience had to her made it that much more excruciating.

You know I have always wondered why Russo swapped The Outlaws before Wrestlemania that year. You had Billy Gunn who wanted the IC Title and Road Dogg who wanted back the Hardcore Title he never lost. Then on RAW 2 weeks before Gunn wins the Hardcore Title from Holly and Road Dogg wins the IC Title from Val Venis.

I just never got why that happend when both wanted the other's Belt they were chasing. I guess that's Russo and his illigoical Booking. Anyway on the dicussion at hand.

WWE Championship-I guess the one Title I would take out would be maybe Hulk Hogan from Wrestlemania 9. Yeah it was pretty cool moment and all but I think they could have saved that Title Match for KOTR. Have Hogan challenge Yokozuna there & still lose there.

World Heavyweight Championship-I guess Dolph Ziggler's 15 minute reign from last year. I see why they did it and I think he will be ready later this year.

IC Championship-I would say some of the Reigns in 1999 like Jeff Jarrett's or Edge's 1st win that Summer.

Tag Team Championship-This is a tough one because some Tag runs have only lasted a week,a day or whatever. I will go with Rock & Undertaker in December 2000.

US Championship-Orlando Jordan's run in 2005

Womens/Divas Championship-Brie Bella I guess,The Bellas are ok at best but nothing speical.
WWE Championship
Four recent WWE Championship reigns come to mind for me, but I think the one I'd like to erase the most is John Cena's title reign from the Championship Tournament last year. They should have done more with showing how CM Punk was holding the title hostage versus crowing a new champion and then having the whole "Two Champs" storyline.

World Heavyweight Championship
I'll have to go with the obvious one and say Dolph Ziggler's one night reign. It was very pointless and it devalues when he'll actually win one of the main belts in the future.

Intercontinental Championship
Ezekiel Jackson. Honestly, does anybody even remember his reign? That's how successful it was.

United States Championship
Swagger's current reign. They should've kept it on Zack, simply because he was already real over with the crowd. What does the belt really do for Swagger?

Diva's Championship
I'm gonna go with one that I think people overlooked a bit. Jillian Hall's 3 minute reign in 2009. Why even bother putting her in a match with Mickie James just to have Melina win it off of her minutes later?
WWE Championship: John Cena (October 2011)
I am a huge Alberto Del Rio fan. Always have been since he debuted. I understand some of the hate for him, but I like that. Anyway, Del Rio was in his first reign as WWE Champion, won it at SummerSlam by cashing in against a battered CM Punk who had just been Jacknifed by Kevin Nash. At the next WWE PPV, Night of Champions, he lost, after 35 days, to John Cena. 2 weeks later Cena lost it to Del Rio. I mean what the fuck WWE? If Del Rio's two reigns plus the 2 weeks Cena had was to be combined, it would be a 98 day reign. Still not too long, but longer than what he was given. Cena was given the title to spice up ratings, obviously that didn't happen.

World Heavyweight Championship: Dolph Ziggler (February 2011)
I loved that they put the title on Ziggler. Honestly, he could have been ready to be World Heavyweight Champion on SmackDown in February last year, even though he has grown so much since then. But why give it to him, just to give it straight back to Edge 15 minutes later? Not only does the quick, cheap title switch piss me off, but now Ziggler is counted as a former World Champion. That doesn't sound bad, but when you know how shitty it was, when he eventually wins the World title and has a good, long reign, it won't be his first, awesome reign, like The Miz, who has champion for 160 days.

WWE Tag Team Championship: John Cena and The Miz (March 2011)
Now this is something I just don't get. I like the two big feuding superstars walk into 'Mania as WWE Tag Team Champions. I liked the John Cena and Shawn Michaels reign and giving the titles to Cena and Miz would've have spiced things up further. But, WWE decided to give them the title for a biscuit or two and hand it straight back to The Corre. The logic is insane, stupid and idiotic. What was the point? If you missed that Raw, you would never know it happened.

Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett (February 2011 - June 2011)
Barrett should be a World Heavyweight Champion already. Instead, WWE stuck him with a poor mans version of The Nexus and gave him the Intercontinental Championship to do fuck all with it? What feud did he have over the title. He beat Kingston, but then he went on to Raw a month later and won the United States Championship. The next "feud" was with Big Zeke, which consisted of one horrible, horrible match at Over the Limit, followed by a rematch in which Zeke won. Thats four title reigns from one year.

United States Championship: Booker T (January 2006 - February 2006)
I don't get it. Booker and Chris Benoit had a United States Championship Match and it finished in a double pinfall which led to a best of seven match series. I liked the idea of this as an actual feud for a mid-card championship. It spread it out across two months or so, resulting in a 3 - 0 score for Booker half way through. He then got injured and Orton substituted for him. A curveballer that confuses me in that he brought Booker the title after a 4 - 3 win, only for Booker to have shit reign, get eliminated in 10 seconds at the Royal Rumble and Chris Benoit to win the title with Booker having a 40 day reign. The best of series lasted longer!

Women's Championship: Mickie James (January 2010 - February 2010)
Michelle McCool and Layla were at an all time high. Mickie James was on her way out. One January 31 2010, the 2010 edition of the Royal Rumble. LayCool came out and insulted Mickie James, only for her to come out and beat McCool in 20 seconds for the Women's Championship. That was a complete joke and waste of a possible good match. Mickie James and Michelle McCool should've had the best divas match that year, but instead WWE fucked up yet another Women's Championship Match. Yet, 23 days later James loses it back to McCool. What? Why?

I may sound like I'm bashing WWE for everything they do, but I'm not. I just get pissed off sometimes when they do stupid title switches for no apparent reason, or when they have a reason, it doesn't work out anyway.
Rey Mysterio's which lasted some hours!!! what was the whole point of that!!?? John Cena's reign after beating Del Rio is 2nd here because again, the point, why do it, but i think Rey's was worse. i mean, just add Cena in the main event at the start of the show and dont let Miz and Rey have that one on one match
no doubt here, The Great Khali. Waste of time giving the title to a guy who is so bad in the ring!!
i will say Ezekiel Jackson here, just not that good in the ring.
oh there were some good ones and some bad ones, but i have to say Orlando Jordan, he was just lame to me in the ring and on the mic.
alot of just thrown together teams, but Ryder and Hawkins at the time were hard to take seriously for me, so they get it here.
agree with the OP, Brie Bella isnt a great in ring worker, so she wins, Kelly is a close 2nd, more bad in ring work

So what about the rest of you? Please include why you would remove each reign and limit it to just one per belt.

Discuss! :)[/QUOTE]
The first thing I am noticing here is how old I am. :) All the damn kids on here on going back less than 10 years. That is not to say there are not plenty of bad championships ... but there are definitely some bad ones from back in the day as well. Anyways ... here I go ...

Vince McMahon: Sept. 14, 1999-Sept. 20, 1999 In the middle of WWE taking over the world of wrestling Vince had a ton of talent at his disposal. He had Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock, Mankind, The Undertaker and The Big Show all legitimately in the main event scene. He had the ratings. Had TWO successful week night shows and PPV buy-rates were great. Why in the HELL did the title go around his waist? I mean ... seriously? I know he had a decent "in-ring" do whatever-it-takes to win persona ... but this was ridiculous and I have never understood it. It was very clear at that moment that no matter how big Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold, etc. ever were only ONE person called the shots in the WWE, because outside of Vince, nobody could have honestly thought this was a good idea.

Dolph Ziggler: Feb. 15, 2011-Feb. 15, 2011 Everyone is hating on the Khali title reign ... but this one is far worse to me. There are a handful of less than one-day reigns in WWE championship history, but this one really bothered me because there was no reason for Edge to not be the champion. At worst, it should have been vacated and not awarded to Ziggler. I like Dolph, would have even lived with them letting him top Edge for a quick run ... but this was just silly and the fact that they count it makes no sense to me.

The Mountie: Jan. 17, 1992-Jan. 19, 1992 This one can be summed up with relative ease. The Mountie (yes, the f'king Mountie) defeated Bret Hart to win the Intercontinental Championship.

Bret Hart: May 17, 2010-May 24, 2010 This one does not bother me as much as others ... but it just was not good timing. I know it was probably part of Hart's agreement to come back or something and we all love The Hitman ... but he ended an unbelievable reign of The Miz (who was made champ again just 28 days later). Just did not make sense to me and was utterly unbelievable.

The Legion of Doom (Road Warrior Animal and Heidenreich): June 24, 2005-Oct. 25, 2005 Seriously? How the hell did they get away with calling Heidenrich a member of Legion of Doom?

I am sorry ... I just cannot care enough to pick one. I will say that any time a Bella twin holds any gold of any sort I think it is an absolute joke.
WWE Title:
Jeff Hardy: I never saw his appeal. Hes not beleivable as champion.
Sheamus/Del Rio: Will be a great champions but build them up to it (like theyre doing now with Sheamus)

World Champion:
Jeff Hardy: See above
Jack Swagger/Dloph Ziggler: see sheamus/del rio

WWF Champion:
Austin/Rock/Mankind/HHH playing hot potatoe with the belt in 99. How do you have credibility if you get pinned once a month? All good champions, spread the runs out

WCW Champion: Flip a coin: Heads its Russo, Tails its Arquette...Throw Bischoff in there if he won the title (I believe he did)

WWF Intercontinental champion: Chyna

WWF Tag Champions: Men On a Mission/Too Cool. Also didnt like they titles being traded only at live events in 92-93. Would have wanted to see some of those matchs.

WWF European champion: Mideon or Hurricane
WWE Championship
Sheamus' First reign (December 13th 2009) i thought it was rushed and de-valued the title somewhat seeing as he was still technically a rookie

World Heavyweight Championship
The Great Khali (July 17th 2007) the person holding the title should be enough of an explanation. But basically he's crap always has been always will be brings absolutely nothing to the table. I Would of said Dolph Ziggler's but to me i don't count that reign

Intercontinental Championship
Chyna (Both Reigns) As it is generally perceived to be a MEN'S title for the simple fact that she is not a man (Hard To Believe I No) but yeah just for that reason

United States Championship
Orlando Jordan (March 5th 2005) He Sucks Simple as that.

World Tag Team Championship
Spirit Squad (April 3rd 2006) 5 men holding a 2-man championship just bad idea in my opinion and somewhat took away from the meaning of the titles

Divas Championship
Coudn't care less but if i had to say one then i'll say Brie Bella as she just straight up can't wrestle.
WWE Title:

Bob Backlund (his 2nd reign): He lost it shortly (I think 1 day) after to Diesel in a 9 second squash, after an incredible submission match against Bret Hart, IMO, it kinda buried Bret since he couldn't beat a 50 year old, and Diesel could squash him in 9 seconds.

World heavyweight Title

Jack Swagger: It was way too soon to give him a world title, He has no charisma, and he cashed in money in the bank so quick there was no time to develop his character.

IC title:

CM Punk: As much as a fan as I am of Punk's he didn't need the belt and it did nothing for him. Plus, it got really predictable that he was going to win it.

US Title:

Bret Hart's 5th reign: It could have Buried Miz who was a rising star at the time. He only held it a week and never even defended it (although to be fair he was probably physically incapable of).

Diva's Title:

Jillian: Why didn't they just make that a triple threat match?Mickie/Jillian/Melina and have Melina win.

Tag Titles:

John Cena & David Otunga: it lasted only a few minutes before wade Barrett made Otunga lay down for Slater and Gabriel. IMO, it would have made more sense for Barrett to announce Nexus would defend under the "freebird rule".

A close 2nd goes to the Miz & John Cena: only a few minutes long before Barrett invoked the rematch close and Heater & gabriel won it back. a lot of people thought this was a botch it made so little sense.

ECW title (old ECW):

Tommy Dreamer: There was no point for him to win the belt if he was only going to lose it 20 minutes later. Taz could have easily dropped it to Justin Credible and eliminate the middle man.

(New ECW):

Vince Mcmahon: This was just Vince giving Paul Heyman and the ECW originals a middle finger. Umaga should have won, then it would have at least been passable.
World Championship - Jack Thwaaaagger. Awful reign and it did absolutely nothing for him or the WWE.

WWE Championship - He who shall not be named. His reign was a bust. He brought the WWE title to the midcard more often than not. Unless he was in the ring with HBK or HHH nobody cared about him but the internet smarks. Not to mention the bad press he would eventually bring on the world of wrestling.

IC championship - Shelton Benjamin's extremely long reign. His reign wiped out the importance of Randy Orton's lengthy reign, but he didn't really defend it against anybody. The title just sort of vanished for a while. I normally would select such a lengthy reign to eliminate because I like long reigns, but several months with the title did little for the wrestler or the WWE.

US Championship - Jack Thwaaagger's current one. After Ziggler I thought the belt was going to start to get some respect. Nope. It's back on the all American, American.

Tag Team Championship - Cena and HBK going into WM 23. Why would you put the tag team titles on the two guys in the main event? Wouldn't a tag team title match give four other guys something to do on the biggest show of the year? The disrespect for the tag team titles is nothing new, but every time they do something like this it annoys the hell out of me.
WWE Championship: I would erase Miz title reign it was annoying and plus he still have more to prove
World Championship: Dolph Ziggler reign needs to go if you need a women to help you win each title is pathetic
IC Title:Wade Barrett reign needs to go I don't know was cornier his new theme or this reign
U.S. Title: Orlando Jordan reign is the worst reign in WWE history.
Tag Team Titles:David Otunga and Mcgillicuty are the most boring tag champs in pro- wrestling history.
Divas Title : Jillian reign needs to go it irreleavant and she should have been got a womens title
WWE: Vince McMahon. An old timer shouldnt be champ

WHC: David Arquette. The big gold belt should not be on someone smaller than it.

IC: Chyna. She's a girl 4 chrissake

Divas: All of em. the women's title should be the only one and it shouldnt have been retired. What a slap to the face of the Fabulous Moolah. Unconscionable.
WWE: Vince McMahon. An old timer shouldnt be champ

WHC: David Arquette. The big gold belt should not be on someone smaller than it.

IC: Chyna. She's a girl 4 chrissake

Divas: All of em. the women's title should be the only one and it shouldnt have been retired. What a slap to the face of the Fabulous Moolah. Unconscionable.

*Fake Claps* Wow! What a great post.:rolleyes:

1. Your reason for Vince McMahon's exclusion is completely inappropriate. If old timers shouldn't be champs then you must exclude Ric Flair's and Fabulous Moolah's reign as well considering she was in her 50's or 60's when she won the belt.

2. Chyna was a powerful woman. She could thrash any normal wrestler and that is why she won the IC title. She fought against Jericho. She could wrestle and I don't think this was bad. Would you say the same thing if Kharma won a men's title?:disappointed:

3. If all the divas reign is erased, there would be no need for that title. What about Trish? What about Lita? What about Victoria? Missed them?
Batista tore his biceps and had to forfeit the championship. I can't follow the logic that leads from championship forfeit due to injury and "pointless."

Actually, no. He had a torn biceps BEFORE he won the title and they chose to give him the title just so he could forfeit it. Hence the stupidity.

What’s worse than 1 Day reigns??

If I could erase ANY (I have more than one) Title reign from Championships in WWE / WCW / ECW:

Andre The Giant – February 5, 1988
Yokozuna – April 4, 1993
Randy Orton – October 7, 2007
Triple H – October 7, 2007
John Cena – February 21, 2010
Rey Mysterio – July 25, 2011

Jeff Hardy – June 7, 2009
Dolph Ziggler – February 15, 2011
Big Show – December 18, 2011

Sting – April 26, 1999
Kevin Nash – January 25, 2000
Ric Flair – May 29, 2000

Tommy Dreamer – April 22, 2000
The Sandman – January 7, 2001

Dean Douglas – October 22, 1995
Chris Jericho – October 27, 2003

United States
Steve Austin – September 18, 1994

ECW Television
Taz – March 6, 1994
2 Cold Scorpio – November 4, 1994

Psychosis – October 4, 1999

World Tag Team
Yokozuna and Owen Hart – September 25, 1995
Edge and Christian – March 19, 2001

WWE Tag Team
John Cena and the Miz – February 21, 2011

ECW Tag Team
The Super Destroyers – May 15, 1993
Raven and Stevie Richards – October 7, 1995
The Dudley Boyz – August 26, 1999

Mickie James – April 24, 2007

Jillian – October 12, 2009

One day reigns do bother me, but I wouldn’t erase those. Now the less than one day reigns, those should be deleted from the records similar to Jericho’s first WWE Title reign and the Rockers WWE Tag Team Title reign.

This. I bolded the particularly disgusting ones - because those reigns were started with the wrestler in question being GIVEN the title, instead of winning. <1 day reigns are pitiful enough, but when you are given the title and lose it in your first defense, there's no excuse for that counting as a reign. I would take those away.
HA easy Daniel Bryans current run i just dont like him its like after the elimination chamber its making everyone else look week that they are losing to daniel bryan ya hes a good wrestler but he will never be the biggest face or heel in my opinion. He cant ever be as popular as even santino and fans dont hate him even as much as say vicki guerrero or michael cole. Oh and shawn michaels when he beat bret hart montreal screw job .
Alberto Del Rio's first run as champion. It only lasted a month before Cena pointlessly won the title back then dropped it again.

Honorable mention: Hogan's run in 1993.

The Great Khali's title win in 2007. The guy is completely useless, and even back then nobody cared about him.

Goldust's first run in 1996. He was a subpar wrestler with a weird gimmick that didn't fit the tone of the company at the time, and greatly contributed to me quitting watching wrestling as a kid.

Orlando Jordan in 2005. I understand they needed to get the belt off Cena, and the title change put heat on JBL at the same time, but I never saw anything in the guy. Since Benoit beat him for the belt in 25 seconds, I guess the WWE didn't either.

The current champs are probably an all time low. Evan Bourne messed up too many times, so now Primo and Epico get the belt until the next team of paired mid-carders get stuck with it.

I'll go with Brie Bella. The belt is pretty unimportant as it is, but at least most of the other title holders were singles stars.

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