If there was one thing you could do...


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay, So Hypothetically speaking if there was a competition from either of the 2 big wrestling promotion's being WWE or TNA, and you won the chance to change or add one thing, and one thing only in that company, what would it be?

To me for the WWE if I had the chance to change or add one thing it would have to be to bring back the PG-14 again.

If it were TNA I would have to say add another person to the creative team to snowball storylines and fresh ideas, instead of just one person doing it week in and week out.

Please don't make rediculous statements like shut TNA down, or Change the TNA name. Just answers that you would add or change that would make viewing even better for either promotion.
I'd find a multi-millionare investor for TNA to finally have the major bank-roll they need to advertise their company and have it seen on a larger network. That's not to say they're struggling financially, because frankly I don't buy into the idea that any of these dirt sheet writers has a fucking clue what TNA's financials actually look like, but they certainly don't have the same open-ended checkbook like WCW did, and to me that's exactly what they need to put the company on the map.

The WWE? Well, you said you didn't want stupid answers, so I just won't give you one, because you wouldn't like it.
The one thing I would change to make it better for both promotions would be to make TNA rich enough to afford two strong rosters like WWE does. Then it could be like the original ratings war only there would be TWO battles. WWE Raw against TNA Impact on mondays (it could work, TNA would be rich enough to afford a better product on mondays in this scenario) and then WWE Smackdown VS TNA's second show on fridays. WWE would then be forced to step up their product, and we could be in for the best wrestling shows in over a decade. That's what I would change because it could create a huge new era in the wrestling world.
I would improve the production values of TNA which corresponds to what the other posters have said about making TNA financially stronger. I really do believe that TNA has just as good a roster as WWE but a lot of times they go unnoticed because they do not look professional enough. Production values would involve stuff like making better video packages and giving better theme music to wrestlers etc.

I do not think WWE needs any change because they already have everything and are doing great business anyways.

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