If one man jumps from MMA to WWE....

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
I want it to be THE man, George St. Pierre. He has to be nearing the end of his MMA Career and he's done it all in the sport. GSP is already a packaged character , he already has the physique, the incredible skill set, he'd be the next bad ass in pro wrestling. WWE has had MMA fighters throughout the company's history, some of them had success , while others fell flat.

The only thing I'd be concerned about is his mic skills. The guy has a very thick French accent and it wouldn't sound so great or threatening in the middle of the ring. He would have to avoid being a silent assassin like Cesaro. He'd need a good mouth piece like Zeb Colter in his corner.

Kimbo Slice could be another one if he learned to wrestle. But I doubt that old timer would last very long even though he'd have an excellent look in WWE.
For me the obivous MMA fighter I would love to see in WWE is Connor McGreggor, but at the moment he's to busy making a killing money wise in the octagon and Is the top name on the UFC scene. Meanwhile his near indectical Irish brother is fannying round throwing a briefcase at a refree and not cashing in. I mean I haven't seen so much fuss of passing something over since I was at my Jewish cousins in 2007

GSP is a good shout but I agree he defiantly needs a mouth piece, only problem would be his ACL and am not sure WWE would want to commit to another high salary part timer who is made of glass.

Overall though am sure I speak for everyone with that id love to see Ronda in the WWE, it makes the most sense out of any other MMA fighter. She's a WWE Fan, Box Office appeal and a skill set that is first class. Only problem is I think she is like Maywether, one match and one match only on the biggest stage of them all
For me the obivous MMA fighter I would love to see in WWE is Connor McGreggor, but at the moment he's to busy making a killing money wise in the octagon and Is the top name on the UFC scene.

I would corroborate with your statement. Connor McGreggor is the first name that came up to my mind when I looked onto this post. He's really hot at this moment and he got the charisma and everything that one ought to need to become a complete wrestler. Moreover his accent isn't awful as much of Sheamus. He can be a hottest trade but however like you said, he's really making loads of money back in UFC which makes it unlikely for him to enter WWE scenario.


And this is why I tell EVERYONE that MMA is in the cellar. No marketable stars. The fact that you guys ALL picked GSP (who is retired), Kimbo Slice (who got beat like a drum in MMA), Ronda Rousey( who is overrated as hell) and Conor Mcgregor who has had EXACTLY two UFC fights proves my point.

I keep saying this when the FACES of your COMBAT SPORT are a chick and a Lightweight with less than 10 fights together BETWEEN them in the UFC your sport is doing DIRT BALL.

Anyway to answer your question I would choose these three guys.

Frank Mir because he is already a shit talker and has had 2 fights with Brock so he could come in talking about how he made the Beast QUIT and wants to finish what they started because right now they are one and one.....

Allistar Overeem because he is 6'6 280 pounds of ripped who can out strike ANYONE and lastly....

Bigfoot Silva.....

Just the name his size and head makes him a perfect WWE character in the way Giant Gonzales was. No I don't want him to win much but just be a monster heel who hurts people for no reason.

That's who should make it to the E.

Oh and I do like the GSP pick by the way.

One of my all time favorite fighters and a definite IC champ
Nobody is going to take UFC seriously if guys keep jumping ship, it's not a wrestling company, these MMA guys should stick with MMA and the wrestlers stick to wrestling.

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