If Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow do face off in the future....

A feud between the two, for the briefcase, works on all levels. It adds importance to the Briefcase; it gives these two a program and it will ensure Rhodes become a strong face. That being said, I don't see Rhodes winning the briefcase of him. Although I like the idea of Rhodes cashing in on Del Rio and becoming champ; I just cannot see the WWE building Sandow only to take it away. That would do nothing for his career.
Sandow and Cody facing each other with the briefcase on the line could be a great storyline. I think their first match against each other should be a non-title match at Summerslam though. They have enough history for it to work. Plus, it also seems to early for Sandow to put the briefcase up for grabs, he just won it a week and a half ago. Summerslam would be one month beyond him winning it. The frustration and betrayal that Cody feels alongside how much better Sandow thinks he is, is more than enough to generate interest in a non-title match, which Sandow should win. As long as Cody is booked strongly in the match to where he appears to have a good chance of winning, then he will be believable in a rematch. The fans who support him would want to see it too.

I would then have Cody confront Sandow the night after Summerslam on Raw and demand a rematch. This rematch would be at Night of Champions with the briefcase on the line. Cody winning this match and the briefcase there makes more sense. It would make it a better moment for him. Sandow doesn't truly need the briefcase to reach a world title anyhow, he is already destined for success. Cody needs it far more and overcoming Sandow as well as inheriting the MITB push itself would benefit him a lot. The feud could then be revisited upon Cody winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Do I think Cody will win the briefcase from Sandow at all? Not a chance unless Sandow causes enough issues offscreen for WWE to change their minds on his push, which is VERY unlikely. It would be a nice twist if Cody did win the briefcase and it benefits Cody quite a bit as he needs the push far more than Sandow does.
It really is hard to shake the feeling that Cody Rhodes is just not main event material yet. He's doing fine, just not quite there. But I'm already eager to see how this face turn goes. Rhodes has been a heel for a LONG time - all the way back to Legacy. This is his first face run. Watching his performance at MITB, he's already using a lot of little 'good-guy' tricks to work the crowd and fight like a hero. Even if this doesn't catapult him to main event status, I could see him becoming the central midcard face for a while.
While I do favor Cody over Sandow and though I like the idea, it can't happen based on two consequences:

1. There are few main event heels. I noticed this when they had the All Star MiTB and realized the heel counterpart was treated as secondary and full of midcarders. The only dependable heel main eventers right now are Ryback, ADR who is boring the crowd to tears, and The Shield sort of. Henry and Dolph just went face (the former being a huge mistake to turn imo), Lesnar is part time and clearly doesn't care much, Big E. doesn't fight as regularly as he should and Bray Wyatt is a wildcard at this point. Sandow needs to pay off as a heel at this point, and making him lose the case just crowds the ME scene with another face in Cody (although this would balance out if Randy goes heel, but that feels a bit further away).

2. Cody has been losing too often, and to make him a face and have him lose high profile matches so early feels like a bad idea. If they have a first match, Cody should either win (in which case the MITB should not be on the line), get a DQ or countout win or lose dirty.

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