I Think That Roh Is Just Crappy

So i've heard people talk about how great ROH is ad every thing so i went on Youtube and watched a few matches.... The 1st one i wthced was T.J perkins vs Nigel McGuinness .... i got to say it was a horrible match neither of the two could sell shit and he finished the match with a weak close line ... The whole deal looked way to choragraphed .... So i go look at the roh website and find out that Mcguinness is champion .... Well after seeing that match and seeing hes champion ... WOW so in my eyes ROH is CRAP....Do any others feel this way ? all the loyal roh fans is there a match i ' m missing ?
So i've heard people talk about how great ROH is ad every thing so i went on Youtube and watched a few matches.... The 1st one i wthced was T.J perkins vs Nigel McGuinness .... i got to say it was a horrible match neither of the two could sell shit and he finished the match with a weak close line ... The whole deal looked way to choragraphed .... So i go look at the roh website and find out that Mcguinness is champion .... Well after seeing that match and seeing hes champion ... WOW so in my eyes ROH is CRAP....Do any others feel this way ? all the loyal roh fans is there a match i ' m missing ?

So your baseing your opinion of ROH off of one shitty match?, Dude at least watch a couple of matches, and the video wires before making judgment, most of the matches they have on youtube are no where near as good as many other matches, if you can find it watch MCMG vs. the Briscoes, that was the match that got me hooked
Yeah dude totally. You can't watch one match of ROH to judge the product. Quit being a cheapskate and spend $10.99, watch a PPV, and then judge it. Whether it looks "choreographed" or not the ROH wrestlers beat the living crap out of each other and take sick ass bumps, and if you can't at least respect what the wrestlers are doing to try and entertain YOU enough to spend $10.99 ONE TIME, then you either don't have a job or aren't a wrestling fan.
Yeah man you can't judge it on one match. my first ROH match i saw was in 2003 it was a three way between Samoa Joe CM Punk and Homicide and i was hooked so if you are trying to get into ROH and don't know what to look for a match i recommended highly is Samoa Joe VS CM Punk for the roh world title. it is a match that showcases what roh is all about. ROH is not crap every company has a crappy match and you picked that one i seen it before and it's not that great but try to see joe vs punk 2 it is one of my favorite matches ever and then you will see what roh is all about. that is the match you need to see. JOE VS PUNK 2
I've been guilty of this. My friend loves this stuff, and i ordered the Aj Styles DVD to give it a try. Dont get me wrong, i love AJ Styles but his ROH stuff is too choreographed. Its too many kicksm and flips, and the selling is horrible. So i was like ok, maybe it was a bad idea.

So then i decided to ask someone one here, what would they recommend, the poster gave me a show that was like June of Last year. It was ok, but still too choreographed.

I then decided to re-sell the dvd to my friend.

I watched a couple matches on youtube, and was bored too tears. It has a small loyal fanbase, but IMO you arent missing much.

I found a couple of matches a little entertaining, but that was about it, nothing to "good"
ROH is niche programming at best. You're either going to love it or hate. I've watched a ton of wrestling, and for me, ROH isn't my cup of tea. I prefer the old ECW over ROH anyday of the week. I enjoy the intimate environments and rabid fan base, but the biggest flaw with ROH is the super choreography of the matches.

Don't get me wrong, choreography can work wonders in a match, see Steamboat vs. Savage. That thing was choreographed to hell and back, but it was believable and logical. ROH gets very spot heavy, which I think kills the product.

As I said, it's Niche programming. It doesn't suck just because you don't enjoy that type of show, it's different. that's the one thing I hate about wrestling fans, instead of just saying, not for me, they decide that the whole brand sucks. Now on the flipside, nothing is as annoying as ROH marks trying to convince everyone why that product is better then the WWE, which in no reality is that possible.
I agree with the OP that ROH isn't that good. ROH is on the Fight Network and the matches I saw were quite are dull. The shaking hands thing is quite stupid: here you have two people who hate each other's guts, and they shake each other's hands?

There was an angle I saw that didn't really make sense and turned me off ROH. It was feud between Mick Foley and two guys (who were for hardcore wrestling) and Ricky Steamboat with two other guys (who were for technical wrestling). Steamboat would say how hardcore is garbage wrestling.

Why would any of the two groups really care what the other group's preferences are? And how do you win such a feud? And why should I, as a fan, care? The funny part is that the end, the groups respected each other preferences, which asks the question, why couldn't they do that in the first place?

The other funny thing was the promos between Foley and Steamboat. First of all, it was really hard to hear anything they were saying because of the production values (don't know if it is a problem now). You had Steamboat talking about Ric Flair with the fans clapping for respect, then you had Foley making fun of Flair with the fans laughing, and this thing kept repeating with the fans switching sides every time, making it quite dumb.
I agree with the OP that ROH isn't that good. ROH is on the Fight Network and the matches I saw were quite are dull. The shaking hands thing is quite stupid: here you have two people who hate each other's guts, and they shake each other's hands?

Okay uhmm, you musn't have done much research, but ROH previously had a rule that competitors should shake hands before and after a match(if you respect eachother) as if to treat it like a real sport.

I am not one of those people that say ROH is better then WWE but WWE could learn a few things from ROH and ROH could learn a few things from WWE. Though there is not much we can do, there are certain things i like about ROH and that is the stiffness in alot of matches, it makes it believable and more driving. ROH does have a problem with being a bit of a spotfest, though really what they are trying to get at in my eyes would be that they are taking all risks needed in the match to win. If you have drive and adrenaline you can take one thing and come back due to your want to win.

But yes overall i love watching ROH over WWE, just cause i find alot of WWE's stuff to be unbelievable and contact seems like nil. WWE is starting to improve on this with the likes of Knox, Benjamin, Kofi, Sydal and whatnot, but there still is room to work.
ROH is a great watch to me, but you have to be able to look at it as its own form of wrestling, just like Japanese wrestling or Puro is alot different to here, it's just how they like doing it.

If you want a good match to watch, watch something say Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries, they go extremely hard out, back and forth technical wrestling and you can feel the drive and atmosphere.
i know alot of you are more fans of stuffing around in the ring and trying to hide in the ropes and all that nonsense, but when you've got face vs face like that they will go all out to show they've got great skills.
Meh, ROH is okay. I mean it's pretty good wrestling, but it's a bit too spotty for my taste. I've seen a few matches, and at first I thought the product was great, but soon I realised it was the same shit for every match. I mean it's pretty cool at first, but eventually it get's boring. Another thing, so what that it's heavily choreographed? A lot of some classic matches from way back have been heavily choreographed. Like Shocky said, the Savage/Steamboat, match was heavily choreographed, but it was still great. Most matches in ROH may be heavily choreographed, but most of the time it works.

So as I said I'm not a huge fan of the product, but I don't hate it.
one thing that bothers me about ROH is how they get credit with so many 5 star matches. i know WWE or TNA doesnt always produce the best matches all the time but every once in a while youll get a classic match. shawn michaels vs y2j at wrestlemania 19,angel vs michaels from wrestlemaina 21,angel vs taker from no way out. i have seen the joe vs punk series and the kabishi vs joe match and there good but are they 5 star match worthy
ring of honor is 100000 times better than tna
least ring of honor get thier own stars and build them where as tna just steal wwe and ring of honor stars
enough said right?

*sigh* is people the say shit like this that is one of the biggest reason no respects ROH fans:disappointed:

TNA did not "steal" any talent from ROH, the talent simply left, they say an opportunity to make more money and get more exposure in TNA so they made the choice, the left on there own free will, it's not like a bunch of guys from TNA just drove up to an ROH show and grabbed a bunch of guys and threw them in the back of a truck or some shit, oh yeah and didn't ROH get a bunch of talent from a bunch of Japanese feds?
So i've heard people talk about how great ROH is ad every thing so i went on Youtube and watched a few matches.... The 1st one i wthced was T.J perkins vs Nigel McGuinness .... i got to say it was a horrible match neither of the two could sell shit and he finished the match with a weak close line ... The whole deal looked way to choragraphed .... So i go look at the roh website and find out that Mcguinness is champion .... Well after seeing that match and seeing hes champion ... WOW so in my eyes ROH is CRAP....Do any others feel this way ? all the loyal roh fans is there a match i ' m missing ?

It's a shame that you feel that way, but everyone likes wrestling for different reasons. I am a huge fan of ROH and these days, it's the only promotion that I follow faithfully. I would suggest that before you solidify this opinion, you watch a few more matches. I'm not sure I would have gotten hooked on ROH if the only match I saw was the one you referred to! TJ Perkins only made a few appearances and I would not choose Nigel McGuiness to showcase the promotion.
WWE might be the money making wrestling promotion. But it's still niche. Fans don't find it stupid, but non fans do. In most peoples opinions it's held in the same regard as porn, one of the lowest forms of enteratinment. Not to be taken seriously. But there are two countries where wrestling is a national pastime. Those would be Japan & Mexico. Two countries with very different styles to that what WWE produces. ROH showcases both of those, along with English styles and more. So ROH isn't crappy, just crappy to some.
japan and ROH exchange talent, neither steals from one or the other, which is a great thing about it. but no, ROH is awesome for people who like the art form of professional wrestling. if you need to see more matches than the one you say you saw, which would be like basing your opinion on WWE based on a Umaga match on Heat from back in the day lol, then i can glady point you in the right direction with some suggestions.

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