...... I seriously do not know what to say.....


Where it at doe?
Seriously. I think I am depressed. Yes I may only be 15 but there is alot of signs, for example, I officially don't like my favourite sport anymore ( AFL). I just cant be bothered with it and I don't really care much about it, even tho it's been my dream since I was 5 to play professional. ANother example is that I don't really care much about me now. I do not care what happens to me and I am just sad all the time now. And even on here now, I only come on here to see what the newest thread is and if thats not a bar room thread I just leave because I cant be bothered, but a couple of months I would post an look at every thread.

I think I want help but everytime I think about it, the next day I get happy for about 6 hours then get sad again. Should I get help? I am seriously considering this. I just don't care about life anymore and I just hate it.
Sounds like you could be having a rough go. If you honestly believe you should seek help and guidance, then definitely it is worth looking into.

If you believe it's something you can easily help yourself out of, then the key thing you need to start with is by simply figuring out what issues you currently have in life that are bringing you down. (ie. What is upsetting in your life right now?)

If talking is all you believe you need to do, by all means PM me all you wish. Sometimes, if nothing else, it just helps in general to vent to someone.
Seriously. I think I am depressed. Yes I may only be 15 but there is alot of signs, for example, I officially don't like my favourite sport anymore ( AFL). I just cant be bothered with it and I don't really care much about it, even tho it's been my dream since I was 5 to play professional. ANother example is that I don't really care much about me now. I do not care what happens to me and I am just sad all the time now. And even on here now, I only come on here to see what the newest thread is and if thats not a bar room thread I just leave because I cant be bothered, but a couple of months I would post an look at every thread.

I think I want help but everytime I think about it, the next day I get happy for about 6 hours then get sad again. Should I get help? I am seriously considering this. I just don't care about life anymore and I just hate it.

When I was 14 or 15 there was times where I didn't know my place in the world. I was a little depressed for a few weeks and I really didn't know why. There wasn't one main thing that caused it, it was just a combination of a lot of things. I got through it, focused on my school work and my sporting activities, and eventually it just went away. These past two years, I've never felt stronger.

Despite being busy with school a shitload this year, it's the little things that keep me going. And yes, that includes Wrestlezone and watching wrestling. Just keep doing what you were doing before man, and you will get through it.

If you need any personal help or whatever, always feel free to PM me as Will said, and I'll be glad to help.
I'd say I've been depressed off and on, mostly on, for the last 2 years and I'll just be 18 next Wednesday.

True Story.
You're having an off day. Go to the park.

An off day for almost 2 months.... Yeha I might need to go to the park.

Sounds like you could be having a rough go. If you honestly believe you should seek help and guidance, then definitely it is worth looking into.

If you believe it's something you can easily help yourself out of, then the key thing you need to start with is by simply figuring out what issues you currently have in life that are bringing you down. (ie. What is upsetting in your life right now?)

If talking is all you believe you need to do, by all means PM me all you wish. Sometimes, if nothing else, it just helps in general to vent to someone.

Yeah thanks alot Will. I believe I can get through this and that a therapist or whatever helps you can help me alot. Alot of things are upsetting me now but I might go into them later and see what happens tomorrow.

you just need a root.

hehe you always make me laugh and I knew you would say something funny

When I was 14 or 15 there was times where I didn't know my place in the world. I was a little depressed for a few weeks and I really didn't know why. There wasn't one main thing that caused it, it was just a combination of a lot of things. I got through it, focused on my school work and my sporting activities, and eventually it just went away. These past two years, I've never felt stronger.

Despite being busy with school a shitload this year, it's the little things that keep me going. And yes, that includes Wrestlezone and watching wrestling. Just keep doing what you were doing before man, and you will get through it.

If you need any personal help or whatever, always feel free to PM me as Will said, and I'll be glad to help.

Thanks bro. But the problem is sort of I don't want to do anything because I always seem to be sad now. But I do know what your saying and I will try and keep doign what I do/use to do.

Thanks everyone, it really means alot. I love it how you guys are always there to help someone and thats why I share most of my secrets with you guys.

I am going to talk to my Mum and Dad about it later. They don't know about this yet but I think they suspect something. But anyways guys thanks..... It means alot.
Sometimes just telling someone about it helps you release all your frustration. Telling your parents is a good idea.
You prolly just need to talk to someone, find a good friend, someone you trust and who's opinion you respect, this is usually the case with me anyway
Take my advice that I gave Jonny when he was depressed. Kill yourself if that's what you really want.
Either smoke weed like Monkey said or just find a friend that you trust & just start talkin to them about what's on your mind
I know what you mean. Just remember, everything is going to be fine. Just live your life with your head up.
Why don't you look for part-time job or hang out with your friends and maybe play some sports? If you don't have a gf go on and chase girls and mess around with as many as you want unless you just want 1 then go on and find the right one for you. Join some clubs or some sports teams in or out of school. If all else fails smoke some weed. At 15 what do you have to be depressed about anyway??

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