I JUST realized I had Windows Movie Maker


This is awesome! Although it's confusing as fuck right now, I'm hoping I an get good at it. One question I have. Two questions actually.

1. I download all my music with Limewire, and move it all over to Windows Media Player. How can I get my music onto a video?

2. How can I get youtube clips into my videos?
This is awesome! Although it's confusing as fuck right now, I'm hoping I an get good at it. One question I have. Two questions actually.

1. I download all my music with Limewire, and move it all over to Windows Media Player. How can I get my music onto a video?
The same way you move it to WMP. Wherever Limewire saves the music (depending on your machine), then you just import the audio from that file location.

2. How can I get youtube clips into my videos?
You have to download them from the web.

Youtube Downloader is a great program for that. It's free, and will convert the video from a .flv file to an .avi file which works much better for making videos.
when I download music, it saves on Limewire, I mearly click/drag the file onto Windows Media Player. That won't work for me here. Is there some way I can save my music someplace else?
when I download music, it saves on Limewire, I mearly click/drag the file onto Windows Media Player. That won't work for me here. Is there some way I can save my music someplace else?
1. Open Limewire.

2. Go to Tools

3. Options

4. Once you've opened that window, it should tell you where it is saving the downloads to. Just import the file from there.
Awesome. Although I can't use any music I currently have, anything I now download goes into a place hat I can access from WMM. I just made a video that simply consisted of a song playing with a still picture in the background. I'm sure 'll get it all figured out in good time.
Ok, I made a video. It's not good, it's only a clip show, but still. Anyways, my new problem is actually uploading it to youtube.

Youtube said:
This file is a Microsoft MovieMaker project file (.MSWMM) Please return to our project and export the movie in .WMV format.

How do I change it from .MSWMM to .WMV?
Ok, I made a video. It's not good, it's only a clip show, but still. Anyways, my new problem is actually uploading it to youtube.

How do I change it from .MSWMM to .WMV?

You clicked save project didn't you? Don't worry, click save movie file instead and choose save to computer, windows movie maker will change it to a WMV file for you. You saved the project, an unfinished one.

Download the newest real player so you can take videos off of you tube directly, you will need to convert them to a WMV file but I can show you a program that will do that for you as well, PM me if you want to know where to get it. Also real player will let you download videos directly anywhere, I think you tube downloader only works on you tube, not sure as I never used it.

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