I Don't Find Lady GaGa That Attractive Anymore

She has stated many times she has never had any work done and her nose is still pretty fucking big. I kinda have a thing for big noses, it's something I notice. Just like her new dermal cheek implants aren't real, something against cosmetic surgery she has.

Also, I'm going to go ahead and say that 90% of the dudes on this forum couldn't get a chick far uglier than Gaga let alone one ''better looking''. And the dudes her who probably do alright with chicks and aren't ugly as fuck have said they would. For what it's worth.
You mean... she's ...a fraud? I'm shocked.

She attempts to look/act like some alternative, free-spirit who couldn't care less about looks and all that jazz, and it should come as no surprise, to any of you, that she's completely full of shit. She's a marketing machine, and in that regard, I must give credit where credit is due.


IF she has ever had a nose job it was before before her first video for Just Dance was filmed because it was shot within two months of her being signed. If you know anything at all about recovery time for a surgery like that, it wouldn't have been ready to film for a video in that amount of time. So she got it before she was famous or signed. You can go back even further and see that she looked pretty much the same when she was just Stefanie Germonatta. So IF...she got it done it was when she was like 18. And ask any chick, if they get plastic surgery it's not because of what other people think, it's what they think and how they feel.

Because it's not like she isn't doing anything else that people hate her for or anything. Wait...she is. She doesn't give a fuck what people think aside from her own fans.
And her new album is so, so good.

SO FUCKING GOOD. I was worried because I didn't like the Born This Way single very much at all. I heard Judas though and fucking fell in love and then Edge of Glory and fell further in love then I downloaded the leak and yeah. All doubt I had was removed.

IF she has ever had a nose job it was before before her first video for Just Dance was filmed because it was shot within two months of her being signed. If you know anything at all about recovery time for a surgery like that, it wouldn't have been ready to film for a video in that amount of time. So she got it before she was famous or signed. You can go back even further and see that she looked pretty much the same when she was just Stefanie Germonatta. So IF...she got it done it was when she was like 18. And ask any chick, if they get plastic surgery it's not because of what other people think, it's what they think and how they feel.

Because it's not like she isn't doing anything else that people hate her for or anything. Wait...she is. She doesn't give a fuck what people think aside from her own fans.

I clearly gave her credit for being a marketing machine. She has sold herself to the public as well as, or better than, any other 21st century entertainer.

I often question how real these "eccentric" types really are, so it's not as if I'm completely singling her out. This could've been a thread about Marilyn Manson or Charlie Sheen, and I'd be singing the same tune.

I couldn't possibly care less about Lady Gaga, her music, or her nose. General point I'm making -- we don't know these people. They make millions of dollars, and a good portion of that comes from pulling stunts, and acting crazy. Are these types putting on a show? I tend to believe they are.
I don't see how anyone could defend her face. Her face is hideous. Her body is fine, she's got a nice ass. Other than that, no thanks. Nothing special about her at all.

I can't get over her face. Seriously, she looks like a rat, and that's with 10 pounds of make-up on.
This picture keeps me up at night.

Warning! This picture is not for the feint at heart...


You were warned.
Then that's just desperate. I work with woman more photogenic than that.

In saying that, I did like her new album. Edge Of Glory and Hair are amazing.
It just seems to have so much packed into it. All of the songs, with the exception of a couple, are brilliant.
I love how it's much more of a straight electronic album than the pop/electronic hybrid it's been. That really appeals to me. I didn't think she'd be able to top Fame Monster. I was wrong. Scheisse and Marry the Night are incredible.
Yeah, I love TFM but I agree that BTW is her best album so far. It's all I've been listening to since it leaked and it's impossible to pick a favourite song. Right now it's Americano on repeat.
Way to post an old as FUCK picture of her. Her look has changed about 50 times and she has lost weight since then.
If you find her unattractive that's legit cause it's your opinion but ffs, try posting a pic that isn't almost 3 years old.

Cry about it a little bit more? Who cares? You go on and lisiten to her, and I'll take a swing at not making my ears bleed.
How the fuck is 1 post in the begining of this thread crying about it?

I'd understand if she kept complaining but she didn't.
Cry about it a little bit more? Who cares? You go on and lisiten to her, and I'll take a swing at not making my ears bleed.



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