I Don't Find Lady GaGa That Attractive Anymore


King Of The Wasteland
She's had her nose done. Part of the reason I was attracted to her was she was slightly insane and didn't care what people thought of her, obviously she does.
Well I still find her attractive, but I liked her more when it seemed she didn't care what people thought of her. Now she obviously cares what people think of her because she's had her nose done.
Sorry to say but people in that position rarely don't care about looks. Even her 'insanity' as you call it is more than likely an act. The real person is the one you don't see behind closed doors.
Shut up.

And she hasn't had a nose job and if she has, it is not recent at all. Behind on the times tbh.

...so that's what the kids find attractive these days huh, yeah I'm not seeing it...
Way to post an old as FUCK picture of her. Her look has changed about 50 times and she has lost weight since then.


If you find her unattractive that's legit cause it's your opinion but ffs, try posting a pic that isn't almost 3 years old.
Well I still find her attractive, but I liked her more when it seemed she didn't care what people thought of her. Now she obviously cares what people think of her because she's had her nose done.

You mean... she's ...a fraud? I'm shocked.

She attempts to look/act like some alternative, free-spirit who couldn't care less about looks and all that jazz, and it should come as no surprise, to any of you, that she's completely full of shit. She's a marketing machine, and in that regard, I must give credit where credit is due.
I doubt its the nose job you should be worried about. Highly likely thats not the only part a doctor has done work on, or removed....

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