I Am A Fan Of Del Rio Because I'm A Fan Of Ricardo

Estrada was good but he has nothing on Ricardo. And i wouldn't go that far and say Del Fruity is "great". He's decent, not nothing to get very excited over. He's stiff aka GTS on Raw last week. And i guess your saying since Vince has so much faith in Del Rio, he allowed him to beat CM Punk for the title the hottest guy in wrestling right now. So he has more faith in him than CM PUNK?
You're such a mark. Every single post you come across as a massive, massive mark. Vince doesn't go "wrestler X is better than wrestler Y, so wrestler X wins the match". It's about what's best for the story, when are you going to realize that and stop caring about who wins and think "well CM Punk iz better so he shuld have one"? It's about a story, plain and simple, not about having whoever is subjectively better win a match.

I don't know who said "fake lucha libre entrance" since that's not really how it works in CMLL or AAA. Usually they come out to some American rock/rap song or Mexican music, some girls hold up cards for 3M or some other advertiser, they show a graphic that says "Rudos" and then the names of the guys on the team. Yea they roll their "r"s on the entrance and say the name dramtically, but that's not different than anywhere else (minus the rolling "R" but it doesn't fit the english language). Kind of an ignorant statement on that guy's part.

I kind of agree with Kizzarni except for the whole "counting moves" bullshit that smarks (only them) like to do. His character has depth, it's one of the most well fleshed out characters the WWE has. Ricardo is a part of that, a great part, but a part.
Here are some matches of Ricardo's from FCW...if anyone is interested or hasn't already seen them. And up front, i'd like to apologize for the laziness, i couldn't figure out how to embed the videos. I used the Youtube icon and they wouldn't show up. But this is why i look forward to Ricardo maybe tag-teaming with Alberto or going off on his own one day....




Enjoy. :D

He also wrestled under the name of "Chimaera" in the Promotions of Chikara and Dragon Gate USA. His in ring gear consists of a Red Luchador Mask and Red Tights and Gear.

Here is a Promo from Dragon Gate USA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyXHNvV5Zf8.

Here are a few matches from mixed promotions under the name "Chimaera":

(In the last vid, he's wearing blue gear)

I hope you enjoy.
I used to hate Ricardo Rodriguez, but he's grown on me over time and now I just couldn't see Alberto without him. Like some have said, he's part of what makes ADR what he is...he has the cars, the scarf, the gold pyro, the facial expressions, and of course his very own ring announcer! It's such a unique concept, especially with him being Mexican so it's not like many people actually know what Ricardo is even saying aside from ADR's name. It's one of those things about Del Rio that instantly draws heat to him and makes him a star. I'm sure he'll be much bigger one day than he is now, but it's been pretty clear that he was going to be big from his debut.
Overall I like Del Rio, though I think he can be a little boring and redundant on the mic sometimes. He has a bright future in WWE and hopefully they never get rid of Ricardo because he's that extension of ADR that it just wouldn't be the same without.
I'm a fan of Ricardo but he's not the reason I like ADR. I like ADR because he's solid in the ring, good on the mic, got charisma and I like his character, Ricardo does add to ADR's character but doesn't make ADR's character. I think Ricardo is entertaining and adds to ADR's entrance which I also like but he doesn't make ADR's entrance. So basically I'm a fan of both ADR and Ricardo but I'm not a fan of one because I'm a fan of the other.
While Ricardo is definitely an added bonus to the Del Rio character, he doesn't make or break him. I'll be honest when Del Rio first came to the 'E' I was becoming a big fan and enjoying his work on Smackdown. Since the trade over to Raw he has become very bland, and his promo's are slow and jumbled, sometimes I think "Really, why is WWE putting this guy on the mic, hes really bad"
It was genius for them to give Del Rio a companion like Ricardo Rodriguez. It's an added element to the reputation of the character of Del Rio's and Ricardo is no slouch when it comes to going from smug when he's waiting to announce to passionate when he's holding onto the letter o in Del Rio's first and last names.

I'm a fan of Del Rio because he plays the sophisticated thug character to a t.

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