Hulk Hogan needs to retire at WM 25

SlyFox said:
What are you proposing? That the WWE just wait until they get a next lightening in a bottle? Something that may not come for decades? That doesn't make any sense at all, and given the age and physical health of both Austin and Hogan, making them wait to put someone over who might never develop is silly.

Fantastic point here.

It isn't easy to manufacture uber-stars. They are a special breed, and they come around very infrequently. Now think of this generationally.

When Hogan needed to get over, he had The Iron Shiek and Andre the Giant. Not bad at all - but niether of those guys were a draw the level that Hogan and Austin were. But how did that turn out? Just fine for Hogan.

When Austin needed to get over, he had Hart and Michaels. Superstars and Hall of Famers to be sure, but they weren't the draw that Hogan was or that Austin became. And he did just fine.

NOW, put Cena over Austin. Cena is the biggest draw in the company, and would benefit from the rub. You cannot wait for a new "big star" to show up at WWE's doorstep and think it'll still be relevant to have them go over Hogan or Austin. SlyFox is absolutely right - WWE has to play the hand they are dealt to the best of their ability.

Let's say the next MEGA-STAR shows up in the next 3-5 years, and the Austin chance was missed. BIG DEAL. You have the Undertaker waiting to do his transitional duties.

Let's say the next big star is 10 years away, and the Austin and Undertaker ships have sailed. Is there anything wrong with that next young star going over Triple H, who has been an impressive draw in his own right?

And let's say it takes 15 years for the next legend to show up on our doorstep. Cena will be waiting in the wings.

WWE should take it's shot NOW with Cena vs Hogan or Cena vs Austin. But here's the issue - would they try to promote the match with Cena as a face against Hogan or Austin? The crowd may not allow either scenario to play out.
Right Then. I'll voice my opinions.

After quickly skimming this thread i noticed that certain posters want Hogan to be retired by John Cena. However, This is a great idea, It makes Cena look credible and makes Cena also like a good Wrestler. On the bad side, It makes him look bad since he is looking like a super hero and The height of the Fan booing was when that gimmick was placed on him. Stone Cold to retire Hogan? Bad idea Batman. Stone Cold is past his prime and it will look bad for Hogan to have just been beaten by a out-of-prime Star like Austin.

Overall i think Cena is the better choice.
Fantastic point here.

It isn't easy to manufacture uber-stars. They are a special breed, and they come around very infrequently. Now think of this generationally.

When Hogan needed to get over, he had The Iron Shiek and Andre the Giant. Not bad at all - but niether of those guys were a draw the level that Hogan and Austin were. But how did that turn out? Just fine for Hogan.

When Austin needed to get over, he had Hart and Michaels. Superstars and Hall of Famers to be sure, but they weren't the draw that Hogan was or that Austin became. And he did just fine.

NOW, put Cena over Austin. Cena is the biggest draw in the company, and would benefit from the rub. You cannot wait for a new "big star" to show up at WWE's doorstep and think it'll still be relevant to have them go over Hogan or Austin. SlyFox is absolutely right - WWE has to play the hand they are dealt to the best of their ability.

Let's say the next MEGA-STAR shows up in the next 3-5 years, and the Austin chance was missed. BIG DEAL. You have the Undertaker waiting to do his transitional duties.

Let's say the next big star is 10 years away, and the Austin and Undertaker ships have sailed. Is there anything wrong with that next young star going over Triple H, who has been an impressive draw in his own right?

And let's say it takes 15 years for the next legend to show up on our doorstep. Cena will be waiting in the wings.

WWE should take it's shot NOW with Cena vs Hogan or Cena vs Austin. But here's the issue - would they try to promote the match with Cena as a face against Hogan or Austin? The crowd may not allow either scenario to play out.

The main problem of a Hogan/Cena or Austin/Cena scenario being successful would be would either man be willing to put Cena over? I know Hogan wouldn't and Austin might but what would the point be in Austin coming back with all his knee injuries just to lose to Cena. If Austin comes back he should win,same with Hogan. Cena has already gone over HBK and Triple H at Wrestlemania. Two of the industrys hugest stars ever. Both were by Submission as well. I will not argue that Cena is today's biggest star. I just don't see it happening.
The main problem of a Hogan/Cena or Austin/Cena scenario being successful would be would either man be willing to put Cena over? I know Hogan wouldn't and Austin might but what would the point be in Austin coming back with all his knee injuries just to lose to Cena. If Austin comes back he should win,same with Hogan.
Wait...why wouldn't Hogan put over Cena? Since when has Hogan EVER backed down from putting over someone WHO DESERVED IT?

The answer is never. Warrior deserved, Brock deserved it, Rock deserved it, Angle made Hogan tap out, Goldberg deserved it. People who deserved it, people who could actually do something with it, got it.

And don't fling me this stupid Orton and HBK bullshit, because Orton didn't deserve it (and became champion a year later anyways) and HBK didn't need it at all.

And the point for Austin coming back to put over Cena is so it makes Cena look ever better. That, and Steve Austin has NEVER put anyone over.

Cena has already gone over HBK and Triple H at Wrestlemania. Two of the industrys hugest stars ever.
No, no they're not really.
Hogan shuld 100% come back to wrestle at mania. Wrestlemania and Hulkamania go hand and hand. They made each other. Now then theres is only 1 man who Hogan should face and that man is Edge. I wouldnt mind seeing it be Undertaker but Edge would be ideal for me. He is 1 of the best workers in the business today n plays the heel role so well. The total heel vs. the total face. It has money written all over it.
Hulk Hogan couldnt have a good story line to retire because he refuses to lose. He should have lost to Randy Orton but he was selfish and wouldnt put him over. I personaly cant stand Hogan because he seems like a older version of Triple H. I'm also pretty sure that most wrestlers share my opinion of him , So he doesent deserve a Flair like send off.

You are another ignorant fan. First of all, originally, RKO was supposed to win giving hogan his first SS loss but orton messed that up on his own. The match between RKO and Hogan was supposed to be canceled due to randy ortons suspension. Hogan had to go out on his way to convince the wwe to allow orton stay and finish the storyline, but however orton was going to job instead of the earlier plan.

Hogan is undefeated in SS
Taker is undefeated in WM.

I wonder why people rant about hogan not putting orton over on SS while they got no problem with taker not putting over orton.


Kids these days and their dumb opinions of hogan not wanting to put over people. You guys don't know jack. I wonder if those kids were watching hogan during his NWO days when he would put over nearly everybody and selling out to every move thrown at him. The man put over DDP (hogan lossed to jay leno for crying out loud), goldberg, Giant/Bigshow, piper (why did hogan loose the Icon vs Icon match?). When WCW reached it's dying days, hogan was doing what was told to him and jobbing to rookie nobodies on nitro such as vampiro, kidman, and others of the new blood. And every body knew that was wrong.

Sting rose higher than he ever did when he feuded with hogan, fact. Regardless of stings fued with flair, sting never went into main event - legendary status until he feuded and was put over by hogan. It doesn't end with sting either.

When he returned to the wwe - as an active rooster, how many times did he win? Hogan was jobbing when he was active in the wwe.
Hogan tapped to angle, he lost to the rock twice, he lost to taker, and we all should remember how he put over brock. Austin himself refused to job to brock lesnar, yet for some reason, stupid kid fans will blab out that hogan never jobs?
imo, it should be undertaker/hogan. Just like hbk retiring flair, taker should retire hogan.

Having hogan part of undertakers winning streak is allot for undertakers legacy. The man who sold wrestlemania will loose to a man who has never lost at wm.

thing is though, hogan did retire already, i think. most of his guest appearances after the HoF where nothing but fillers and pop.
The good thing about this match would be - it doesn't even need a storyline.

A month before WM, at a RAW or maybe at a PPV, they just could blast "Real American" through the speakers, crowd goes instantly nuts, and Hogan comes out with a game face on. Walks down to the ring, and gives a short speech that circles around something like: Well, WM has been around for 25 years now, so has Hulkamania basically... And Hogan just wants to know if he can still bring it, wants to be part of WM one last time. And he just issues a challenge to the entire WWE roster as to who would fight Hogan in his "last" match ever at WM.

Then, have a camera in place on a backstage corridor with wrestlers lined up left and right, watching the announcement on the screen... and everyone looks confused, but no one wants to actually go out there and do it, no one kind of feels up to it.

Cut back into the ring, with Hogan waiting... when no one seems to come out he makes as to put down the mic and leave...

And then - the glass shatters.

And the roof blows off the arena.

Hell, I'm getting goosebumps only imagining the moment. And it could even happen, unlikely as it may be.
I know, Austin vs Hogan probably would not do anything for any younger talent. But it just would be sweet to have that on the WM25 "anniversary" card. Neither man is getting any younger, both are physically beyond their prime... but they could still do it now.

Not much less appealing I'd say would be if not the glass shatters... but the Deadman's bell rings... The Deadman, who beat Hogan for the title early in his career, who beat him AGAIN when he had his last run as WWE Champion.... and he comes out literally as Hogan's grim reaper, to herald the end of Hulkamania, to be the last match Hogan ever has at 'Mania, almost 20 years after they first encountered. And they wouldn't even have to say anything. Taker slowly walks down to the ring, gets in, he and Hogan stare at each other... and Hogan just slowly nods. And that would be freakin' enough.

Ah there's just a ton of possibilities - many of which are unlikely - but it's still so much fun to ponder over this, especially for someone of my generation. I just would love to see that "one more match", in a high profile environment, with a decent partner for Hogan. And it just wouldn't matter if the match itself sucked. It would be Hogan vs Austin, Hogan vs Taker, Hogan vs anyone... and that in and of itself could be enough with a simple story behind it as the one I suggested as an example. Simply because at the end of the day, that is what wrestling is all about. Always has been, always will be. That one big moment.

I really hope we will see this. I doubt it will happen.

But I hope nonetheless.
Storylines are discussed for WM as soon as the previous WM ends. With the biggest WM ever approaching with the 25th anniv. of the epic show, who can we expect to see? The WWE is really getting to the point where the draft and roster shake-ups are still entertaining and keeping things "fresh" they only go so far. When I stop to think about the possible match-ups for this years grand daddy show, I can't honestly think of anything big enough that would be something we haven't seen before. Obviously, the only match I could envision headlining WM25 right now is a WWE title match involving Jeff Hardy and Hardy finally winning the big one. The world heavyweight picture will all be old news because we know it'll involve Cena, Orton, Jericho, Batista in some context. And other than Batista vs. Jericho, we've seen everything else in some capacity. So those 2 matches, MITB 5 is a given and the epic match-up that is destined to happen... HBK vs. The Phenom. But what's the big "extra" that we usually get at WM? The last 3 years we've had some damn good extra matches. With 22 we had Edge vs. Foley in that epic Hardcore match and HBK vs. McMahon in what I believe was a double treat. At 23, we had the whole Donald Trump and 24 we had Floyd Mayweather. What do we deserve this year? Hogan vs. Austin.

It's really this simple, Austin has one more match in him. Hogan is a draw regardless of how you book him. You could give us Hogan vs. Mae Young in a Street Fight, and people will pay for it. With Austin likely heading to the HOF this year, what better way to go out than with the dream match regardless of how athletic and safe they would put on the match. Last year with Mayweather and Big Show was hardly entertaining. What better "extra" draw than Hogan and Austin? There isn't one. Vince was unhappy with the buy number for last years event and can you seriously think of a better way to up the number this year than 2 of the biggest stars in history against each other? No.
Vince McMahon would drool out rivers to have this match be a part of Wrestlemania 25. It is one of the last big draw matches Vince has that hasn't be already done and over done. That match alone on the card will make Wrestlemania 25 out draw more than 24, regardless of the rest of the card, within reasonable extent. Hell forget it, I'd still shell out huge wads to watch Kung Fu Naki battle Charlie Haas for the WWE title if Hogan and Austin were also on the same card!

I don't think Vince needs Hogan. Hogan still draws well, but I think it's time WWE starts to let go of some of the past and start pushing its younger talent up as it is doing. They shouldn't need to bring back Hogan to draw interest cause he can't forever and he always commands a price. Now if Hogan does appear at Wrestlemania, then yes he needs to fight Austin, but that still might not happen. The politics behind Hogan and the ego's of both men could easily prevent this match from happening. If it does, Austin needs to be the one to win, home state and all. Hogan should for once pass that torch to the one man who may be able to claim equal in popularity. The match may or may not be a classic, but it's one of the last big matches that the fans could see that hasn't already happened.
I 100% agree that Vince doesn't NEED Hogan to bring in ratings and etc etc etc... However, Hogan and Austin are undoubtedly the two people that brought Vince the biggest ratings, and the most money over the years. Where does that money comes from? Us fans. So ultimately who deserves to see an ultimate send-off in the ring and from a WWE ring? Us fans. I don't want the last Hogan memory in a WWE ring to be him promoting American Gladiators on the 15th Anniv. show dressed in all black. I want to hear that music of his hit one more time at WM with over 70,000 people erupting into cheers and him coming to the ring in the Yellow and Red. I want to hear that glass shatter one more time as Austin struts down to the ring for the most epic match of all time and have the same 70,000 people erupt in Texas Stadium. And I KNOW I am not the only one who feels this way. I will preach this until the day the WM card is finalized. Yes the WWE should focus more on the younger talent and develop them into main eventers for years to come, but the 25th Anniv. of the biggest spectacle in wrestling is the send-off from the ring that Austin and Hogan both deserve.
While all of the dream concepts of "Austin-Hogan" are great, let's get one thing straight.... This will never happen. It's just such a pipe dream, and these two have too much of a combined ego to ever allow for one of these two to go over. And unless we want to see a double-DQ (maybe Bret Hart comes out and attacks both..... Nah!), this match is never going to happen.

Now then, as for an opponent, how about one "Moscow Mauler" Vladimir Kozlov? Consider this angle:

Royal Rumble: We have a fatal four way match for the United States title between Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, R-Truth, and Kozlov. In a way, even though the belt is going to go to Kozlov, the belt gets strengthened, as it's defended on one of the big four, and shows very strong contenders. We have two very strong workers that can carry the match (Hardy and Benjamin), and they can work the majority of the match, leaving R-Truth to do spots and Kozlov.... Well, to be Kozlov. Kozlov pulls his domination headbutt stuff on R-Truth for the fall, thus keeping Hardy and Benjamin strong. As it stands, creative has already soured on R-Truth. Kozlov is your new U.S. champion, giving him a basis to perfect his craft without having to push him to the top of the card immediately (as we have seen, that yields disastrous results).

The next Smackdown, Kolov comes out and denounces the name of the U.S. Title, stating he's embarrassed to hold a title the symbolizes such a country of weak standards and strength. He even goes as far as to spit on the title, or even a flag or what have you. I know, the Cold War is so twenty years ago, but hell, half the world hates us anyway, so it's not that much of a stretch to say Kozlov hates our country. The key is, to Kozlov, our culture is weak, and America can not provide him a decent enough challenge. He demands competition, an American to prove him wrong.

What else comes over the arena speakers than "Real American", as the red and yellow lights begin to flash, and that familiar face comes upon the titantron. Hogan, after all, has been pushed as the ultimate American. Someone who stands for all of the positive aspects of America (well, as positive as steroids and divorce can be.). Hogan puts over America, pulling all of his old tricks out of the book, and allowing for Hogan to bring out the nostalgia of Hulkamania. Kozlov demands a fight with Hogan, and Hogan comes to the ring. Hogan initially begins to take control, but Kozlov overpowers Hogan. Hogan receives the headbutt of doom, and whatever other finish he does. Kozlov comes off as a strong opponent, and gains some much needed momentum for looking like a competent challenge for Hogan. Plus, this gives an excuse for Hogan not to be seen until No Way Out. The point of this Hulkamania nostalgia is that it can't be seen at every show, otherwise people will get sick of Hogan, very quickly. It has happened in the past, and can easily happen here.

Fast forward to No Way Out. Again, US title is defended by Kozlov against an opponent (When's the last time the US title was defended on back-to-back PPVs? Again, the title is built up, even if it is Kozlov holding it.) Kozlov dominates, about to finish his opponent, until the strains of "Real American" play again. Here comes Hogan! Hogan comes out and attacks Kolov. Kozlov runs for safety, lives to fight another day. The next Smackdown, Kozlov talks about the "cowardly American ways" of Hulk Hogan. Kolov brings up how in Russia, Hogan was vilified by such wrestlers as Nikolai Volkoff, which ties into Hogan's past fighting foreigners. Kozlov states these cowardly Americans deserve a coward like Hogan, and that he demands a fight with Hogan. Hogan, of course, is willing to oblige, may even go as far to say that he beat the Russians once, and he has no problem doing it again. We then get build up for the next four or so weeks, a contract signing, Kozlov matches, anything to keep Hogan from actually wrestling.

It should also be noted that Kozlov is going to have to come off as a Militant Russian even more than usually. He can carry around a Russian flag, even. Maybe they can bring Volkoff to give Kozlov a bit of a rub. But keep the US belt on Kozlov by any means necessary. Hogan's not going to win it at Wrestlemania, but the US title is a lynchpin, as we have a resistant, defiant champion. Kozlov doesn't believe in the belt he holds, because it stands for a country he despises. Yet, he runs roughshod over his competition, showing Americans he is the superior wrestler. As Wrestlemania rolls around, Kozlov is shown to have an upper hand. Hell, even the week before Wrestlemania, they could do the spot similar to 1990, when Sgt. Slaughter placed the Iraq flag over Hogan's prone body (substitute the Iraq flag for Russia's for obvious reasons.)

Kozlov by this point should have been built to a machine of absolute destruction. If all goes according to plan, he may be seen as the heel with the most heat. However, as strong as he's become, it's not going to hurt him any bit to do the job to Hogan. If anything, if he comes off as dominant throughout the match, he gets the traditional Hogan rub. Will this be a piss-poor match? Oh, by all means, but this isn't exactly meant to be a five star match, by any stretch of the means. This is purely a match driven by a story, an American hero returning one last time (WE HOPE! :shit: ) to defeat the Russian terror. The smarks will all probably look something like this :wtf: , but the average fan won't think any less, because it's Hulk fucking Hogan for Christ sakes. And for those that claim he needs someone "good" to work with, Hogan has worked with schmucks before to provide a decent match. Look at his Goldberg match in 1998, another guy with limited abilities, but a nice look. Hogan brought out the absolute best in him, and gave Goldberg his second best match (his first being his match with Raven.). There's no reason to believe that Kozlov-Hogan will be a complete disaster, and plus Kozlov can be built into a legitimate threat. Hell, he doesn't even lose the US belt, so he can continue to dominate the other superstars after his match with Hogan, until Vince feels he's ready for the main event. Anyway, the match gets the following things for the WWE:

1. Ticket sales (Duh!)
2. Hogan rides off in the sunset, doing what he does best; protecting the US from a foreign terror
3. Kozlov can be built into a massive heel, depending on how much Hogan is willing to give him.
4. The US title gets strengthened, as it's not only a fixture on PPVs, but the man wearing it is squaring off with the biggest icon in all of wrestling.
5. Grabs the mainstream fan AND perhaps even the older fan, as Hogan returns, and if the WWE is willing to do it, Volkoff can return. Hell, you could even bring back Sheiky, Kamala, Sgt. Slaughter as Hulk's partner, you get my drift.

What do you think?
I would LOVE to see Hulk Hogan Vs Big Show, Umaga, or Kozlov, but alas, WWE has already kind of scoffed at the idea of bringing him in, which is sad, since if they were to this correctly, they need him there.

I agree that Hogan should have a role at Wrestlemania 25, but I don't know if I want to see him wrestle.

Basically, Hogan needs 'Mania more than 'Mania needs him. His family has turned his name into a joke, and it's sad.

I don't want to see him as a guest ref, or enforcer, but it may be the only way to get him involved, without risking what may be left of his credibility.

No one wants to see Hogan go out with his tail between his legs...Everyone wants to remember Hogan/Andre, or Hogan/Piper, or Hollywood Hogan...

Not old, worn out Hogan having a poor 5 minute match for a paycheck...
I have a theory that's so Hair-Brained it might work. it all starts at No Way Out, Hogan comes out and says he wants the boys in the back should get ready because He's chalanging them to find an opponent for Hogan at WrestleMania. Orton's stable comes out saying that if Orton (who has won the Rumble) had time he'd kick Hogan's ass, they jump him. Suddenly, from the crowd Ted DiBiase Jr comes out with a steel-chair and nails the entire stable with a shot each. He then helps Hogan to his feet before nailing him and standing over him. DiBiase then appears on Raw following night talking about how Orton owes him and that Hogan was just to make an impact. DiBiase challenges orton to a match but Rhodes takes his place and after DiBiase defeats Rhodes, Hogan comes out and he takes out 'Legacy' before giving DiBiase the boot and the Leg drop. The following week, Dibiase issues a challange to Hogan and the 'Real American' theme hits as charlie Haas walks out. DiBiase squashes him and then gets pissed off and assaults Haas.Next week, Hogan & Cena tag to take on DiBiase and Orton, with Orton walking out on DiBiase during the match, Cena hits the F-U with him getting the pin. Hogan then drops the Leg Drop on DiBiase. The following week, DiBiase goes one-on-one with orton as Cena serves as guest ref. DiBiase gets DQ'ed as he lays everyone out with a steel chair before cutting a promo on Hogan. The final week see's DiBiase wrestle Cena to a double DQ as ted DiBiase SENIOR comes out and begins a two on one assault when Hogan storms the ring only to be blind-sided by I.R.S and his briefcase. This sets up the match of Hulk Hogan versus Ted Dibiase Jr. (w/Ted Dibiase Sr. and I.R.S) where hogan wins in about 20 minutes to a standing ovation and DiBiase walks away with a massive push.
@Dragonslayer and JohnTenta: Both of those scenarios gave me chills. They're bloody brilliant.

JR said that one of the problems with Hogan v. Austin would be that there would have to be a clear winner. Why not have them have a double DQ when The Rock comes out and interferes? I'd shit myself if that happened.
JR said that one of the problems with Hogan v. Austin would be that there would have to be a clear winner.

I think what J.R. was refering to is, neither Austin nor Hogan believe they're worthy enough to ever lay down to allow anyone else to be put over by them. Not that Hogan could be put over anymore by Austin, or vise-versa.

The simple fact is.. their egos match each other, and out-weigh the fact that neither would ever do that for the other.

Why not have them have a double DQ when The Rock comes out and interferes? I'd shit myself if that happened.

I'd likely shit myself just because if that ever did happen, it'd mean the end of the world as we knew it. Why? Because T.N.A. would've somehow taken over W.W.E.'s booking process.

I'm sorry to disappoint, or disrespect but that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. For multiple reasons that truly shouldn't even need to be explained, but none bigger than the fact that.. The Rock doesn't want any part of Professional Wrestling again.

Not to mention, why in the fuck would you even WANT to piss millions of fans off, by having a match of that caliber end in a draw-like manner? Especially at Wrestlemania of all places?! You WANT people to riot and break the staging area of Mania, don't you.
*shrug* I don't know, I think it'd be a good end. No one would be superior or inferior. It's a way to get around the "There would have to be a winner" problem. It's not like some random star is coming out and disrupting it.

I know The Rock wouldn't do it, but it's always nice to dream.
I think it's interesting how many people love the idea of an austin vs. hogan match. Personally, I don't want to see it. Ever. In fact, I don't want to see either of these two in the ring again. And here's why, in no particular order:

1. No nostalgia. This may apply to only me personally. But I'm not a fan of either of their wrestling personas. I won't deny their accomplishments or what they did for the company, but when I was a kid I wasn't a fan of hogan, and when austin was in his heydey I didn't care for his character either. So personally, I don't have the feelings of nostalgia that many others might have upon seeing them in a ring again.

2. Current in-ring ability. Let's face facts: neither of them are that good in a ring anymore. Austin's injuries prevent him from doing too much. And Hogan these days is so slow, he huffs and puffs just climbing into the ring. I just can't see a match between these two being anything but slow and methodical, which is not appealing.

3. History of the most recent hogan matches. Every time hogan is brought back, his matches go the exact same way. He starts off looking ok, then spends the majority of the time getting beaten down, and then manages to get "hulked up", a little more back and forth action, and then he squeaks out a victory with what has always been a lame finishing move. I don't need or want to see this yet another time.

4. No reason to care who wins. We have 2 stars being brought back for one final bout. But there's really no reason to care who wins, since we won't be seeing either again. And if the WWE were to actually do this match, then there's the major problem of who should win? And if either one would really let the other win?

So those are my general thoughts. I may be in the minority, and that's fine. But personally I do hope that hogan stays away as his time in the sun was over a long time ago.
I was just browsing the thread and I don't believe I saw this mentioned. Lets just say Austin vs. Orton is part of WM. And with Orton in Legacy, he has Rhodes and DiBiase out there to help him take out Austin. Austin looks outnumbered, but he won't back down, so he is trying to take out Legacy. But they gain the advantage and it looks like Austin doesn't stand a chance, then out of nowhere "Real American" hits and Hulk Hogan makes his way down to the ring. And now we have a Handicap Match, Austin and Hogan vs. Legacy. I don't know, just an idea. But the ovation Hogan would receive would be off the charts.
^THAT would be quite good.

Well, OK, how about this: They put on a great long match (This is all in my imagination, so they aren't slow or rusty or anything), and at the end of it, they shake hands and leave the ring together, for a double count-out. It would symbolize respect and the two eras combining, or something like that.
Nothing would make me happier than if this dream match finally happened, Hogan vs Austin.
Arguably, the two most popular guys in the history of professional wrestling. I know they have the injuries (especially Austin) and they are likely out of shape, but I think if these two worked hard for something this epic, they could put on a pretty damn good match. Just with the star power that would be in the ring, it doesn't have to be amazing, just good enough. I maintain that Austin still has one good match left in him, as he himself never had a proper sendoff match and I'm sure he'd love it after what we saw with Flair last year. And idk about the Hogan retiring was mentioned, he might need the money occasionally and so would make appearances.

There a couple interesting things that I am at a crossroads about if this match were to happen. First off...we all remember WM XIX and when Hogan out-popped the Rock..and that was when Rock was a face and Hogan was a heel, something that I found very impressive. And I won't argue that no one, not even Rock or Austin, come close for doing for pro wrestling what Hogan did, nor does anyone have the legion of fans he has. But when these guys had their face off, who would outpop who? I would think Hogan would again, but I'm just not sure...Austin is ridiculously popular himself even now and I wouldn't be shocked if he got the bigger reaction.
My second thing is who would win? For reason I just stated, I think it has to be Hogan. It's not like he's passing the torch as Austin's time is long gone as well. It's just a dream match with the biggest legends from two previous eras in wrestling. So without having to worry about that, I don't think Austin would win this because as big as he was, Hogan is in completely another stratosphere than anyone.
He's already retired?
He hasn't wrestled in yrs or even made an appearance.

and Hogan's Celebrity wrestling doesn't count he didn't do more than a few mins ring time in that.

onto whether he would job, he's jobbed b4 so i don't think that would be an issue aslong as he was getting a huge payout.

Personally i was a Hulkamaniac and prefer to remember him in his prime, not the broken down chump he's become. Make an appearance no problems, but don't wrestle, it's painfull to watch
Likely outcomeif it did, Austin offers a Beer and they shake hands and pose.
noone would expect that. :LOL:

until Vince came out moaning about something and they both give him there finishers.
*shrug* I don't know, I think it'd be a good end. No one would be superior or inferior. It's a way to get around the "There would have to be a winner" problem. It's not like some random star is coming out and disrupting it.

I know The Rock wouldn't do it, but it's always nice to dream.

And you are correct in thinking that something like that could happen. If anywone belioves that they wouldn't do a stupid finsih at a wrestlemania is living in a fantasy world.

many a time they've had cheap finishers, interferance, endigns that totally piss everyone off.

Reaction is what they want, they care not if you are chearing or booing.

Rock is dead in my book though. Like Hogan and Austin let's just reflect on what there characters did and leave it at that, as fas as wrestling is concerned those days are long gone.
*RUMOR* Tentative Plans For The Top Matches At WrestleMania 25
By Daniel Pena
Feb 17, 2009 - 12:06:49 AM

According to a well-placed source in WWE, the following matches are being talked about for WrestleMania 25:

- Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena

- Triple H vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship Match)

- Edge vs. Big Show (WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match)

- Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker

- Chris Jericho vs. Mickey Rourke

- Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

Regarding the possibility of Hogan vs. Cena at WrestleMania, it has not yet been confirmed, but feelers have been sent Hogan's way about doing the match.

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