How Would You Push Mason Ryan


Coming off survivor series, and I just re-watched the Survivor Series match. Poor, poor Mason Ryan. You can see his confidence building in the ring, but the crowd just totally rejects him in favour of Cody Rhodes taking him out. Creative have had Mason Ryan make a few saves of other wrestlers like Zack Ryder, they've had Mason Ryan almost squash Ziggler on mutliple occasions, but the crowd just will not get behind him. For whatever reason, the crowd never seems to get behind Mason Ryan as a face.

So, put yourself in creative's shoes here. Lets say the scenario is laid out like this, Vince McMahon really really wants Ryan over as a face (not saying this is or is not happening in real life, thats for you to decide.) You've just watched Survivor series play through, and heard the chants for the heel, Cody Rhodes after he took out Ryan in the survivor series match....this is not a good sign for Mason Ryan. How would you go about making Mason Ryan a viable face with support from the fans?
He's always going to struggle cos of his accent, the welsh accent is pretty thick and he will have to work hard on that. I think the best thing they can do at this point is put him with Foley or Regal... I could see he and Foley doing a double act quite well...
There's not a lot they can do for him at the moment. He can't be pushed towards anything right now. He's not over enough for a main event push, he can't go for the U.S. title because every fan in the WWE wants Ryder! The I.C. title would stop Rhodes big push and the tag division is just a career killer IMO!

They could treat him a bit like Brock Lesnar... give him a manager and just make him destroy everyone he faces but that would most likely involve a heel turn or a main event push.
I'd start off having him be a close ally of Zack Ryder. During his alliance with Ryder, have him feud with Swagger and Brodus. This should get Ryan a decent build. Also, for God's sake, have him be different than Batista was. Let Ryan have a more expansive move set to get him over with more of the hardcore nerd fans. If done right, a slow but steady push could get him to be US/IC title material in 1.5 years, and maybe even world title contender (no better than WHC, though) in 3.
It's difficult for them to style him, if he goes blonde he looks like Ziggler, if he shaves his head or goes short its Batista, if he dresses like Ryder he becomes a Rikishi rip off... Had Orton not gone for the Wolverine look that would have been perfect for him, but its too soon to bring it back.

Much of his problem is he "looks" cookie cutter or too much like other people... Eventually I see him being masked up with a gimmick, especially once Kane retires... I could see him doing a great Bane style gimmick once The new Batman hits...
How would i push him? Simple...i WOULDNT
He's pretty much big for no reason. He doesnt even look scary or intimidating. He just looks weird and awkward. Yeah hes strong, but you can find a big strong guy anywhere. He just does nothing for me n i wish they'd kill this nowhere push they giving him. He doesnt make it
I would have CM Punk lose the title at Royal Rumble to the Miz.

Next night on RAW Miz informs the WWE universe that he has hired Mason Ryan to be his enforcer to ensure he holds the title.

Mason Ryan signs a no compete clause for a year so he can focus soley on being Miz's enforcer.

Miz tells us that Mason Ryan will no "wrestle" in WWE for atleast 1 year. One of Mason Ryans perks for signing this contract is that if Miz still has the title after 12 months Mason will get his own WWE title shot.

This makes the Miz more untouchable and gives Mason Ryan a huge role on RAW.

I would have Undertaker win the Royal Rumble and fave the Miz at Wrestlemania in a casket match.

Kane can come back with his mask and stand in his brothers corner.

WWE Championship
Casket Match

The Undertaker w/ Kane vs. The Miz w/ Mason Ryan

I would give Miz the win here and give him the mega push he deserves.
yea i agree with WunNightStan619

i'd send him back to FCW and work on his look some more.
for one his hair makes him look like a douche honestly.
You cant take a guy seriously, when he looks like hulk and his hair flops around like a model.
but i think the reason for most of his heat with the crowd is that the WWE tried bringing him in as the next Batista.
I would have Mason Ryan be the center of something called "The Mason Ryan Invitational".

He would offer his services to the highest bidder to become their bodyguard, and to hype it up the WWE should showcase vignettes of his days as a gladiator on American Gladiators. Hype him as a total asskicking machine that can crush whoever messes with the wrestler that wins the invitational.

Ryan would need to be the bodyguard of someone charismatic, and like a previous poster said The Miz would be perfect to win the invitational since he has nothing going on now. Especially with Awesome Truth being split up and R-Truth wellnessed. Have him be built up slowly and tease a face turn after about a year or so. Then watch him smash the Miz.
Off a Cliff.

He is a piece of crap! as proven at survivor series.
He needs to be put on the backburner or used sparingly as a backroom heavy or a bodyguard kinda like Otunga.
I think Ryan has been pushing enough needles into himself for the time being. They need to push him into the stalls for a piss test to see if he meets the Wellness Policy requirements
Out of a moving van... j/k

I'd have him remain baby face and continue running through the heels, but I'd start making him a little more sadistic and trying to intentionally injure the heels. The other baby faces would have to pull him off of them and eventually he would take this the wrong way and come to the conclusion that everyone is against him and viciously attack one of the top baby faces, maybe Punk. Portray him as bat shit crazy kinda like Sid. He would measure victory in how much suffering he could inflict on what he considers to be bad people while viewing himself as a good guy.

That's my arm chair booking for the day.
I think Mason Ryan is going to struggle due to a few things. For one thing, the guy does look a lot like Batista. That can be good in terms of the fact that Vince is impressed by his build but it can also be bad in the sense that Ryan will forever face heat because a lot of people just were never into Batista. Ryan also has the "disadvantage" these days of being so well built. That's especially among many of the IWC as they basically ridicule a wrestler these days if he's more than 6'0" and weighs 220 pounds or more.

For most fans though, they can tell that Ryan is extremely green. You'd have to be blind not to see it and I think they also know that one reason why he's gotten so much air time is because of that freakishly impressive build of his. Contrary to what Vince McMahon believes sometimes, fans aren't stupid. If this was 1985, Ryan would probably be the next mega star but it's not. It takes more than just muscles to get fans behind you, especially in this day and age.

Personally, I'd want to send the guy back down to FCW because he needs more training. But since Vince would probably nix that idea on the spot, I'd suggest turning Ryan heel and putting him in with Vickie Guerrero, Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger. Let Ryan be the muscle of their faction and, at the same time, quit using Swagger as a jobber. Ziggler & Swagger are both great talents, so use them the way Crockett Promotions used Flair, Blanchard & Anderson with Lex Luger back in 1987. Ziggler & Swagger both draw good heat themselves but Vickie is a furnace. Ryan fits in just fine as the muscle of a faction, give him some mic time, maybe even have Vickie, Ziggler & Swagger work with him on his weak points and see what happens.

Not the most original idea, but I think it's one where Ryan would be suited well. It would have worked with Ezekiel Jackson as well but they decided to pull the trigger on The Corre and on Jackson's push in and of itself. Ryan's just not remotely ready for a big solo push.
I wouldn't, I'd release him. He bores me and typically I change channel when he wrestles. I'm just over the physically built guys like him. Much like Batista and I was never a fan of him either.
How sick is it that this guy looks, acts and is almost exactly like Btista? Seein as they both SUCK as faces.

I say turn him heel (not the crud way Zack Ryder was turned face, I mean gradually so we all see it coming and are ready for it), team him up with Miz and face CM Punk and someone else. Hell, it could work seeing as it ould get Mason over with the crowd.
My answer is William Regal. Ryan could benefit a lot of being in a tag team with Regal. The WWE will have a new tag team, Ryan could learn a lot from Regal, in the ring, and in the mic. And it can give Regal one last run, maybe winning the tag titles. At one point, you break the team. Regal will be very over as a babyface, or even as a heel, if given enough mic time. You just have to turn Ryan heel if Regal is babyface, maybe finishing regal´s career by injury , or, if you want Ryan over as a babyface, make him turn on Regal.
My answer is William Regal. Ryan could benefit a lot of being in a tag team with Regal. The WWE will have a new tag team, Ryan could learn a lot from Regal, in the ring, and in the mic.

This is a great idea but i would rather introduce Regal as Ryan's manager (like they did for Ezekiel in ECW). Ryan could learn a lot from Regal. This could be a good opportunity for Ryan to make a name for himself.

Also, they should push him first as a mid-card wrestler and when he starts decent crowd reactions, then they should consider giving him a main-event push.
I wouldn't push him. Only thing he really has is strength, just a rip-off Batista.

Better superstars deserved to be pushed like Drew McIntyre.
How would you go about making Mason Ryan a viable face with support from the fans?

The problem is that he is the type of guy better suited to be a heel. He needs to improve significantly in the ring, and up until that happens I would rely on his promos to get him over. If other wrestlers are being picked on he could come make the save. It's stereotypical, but there is not much else they can really do to make him get over as a face. Perhaps if they gave him a unique promo style that the fans end up liking, or a really cool finisher. Honestly, a slow build for his face turn would have made more sense and I think part of the reason few are supporting his face status is because the turn came out of nowhere and made little sense. A month or two of him always saving anyone who gets beaten up then giving promos about it would have helped him get over as a face before he randomly turned. Someone like Ryan who is terrible in the ring also needs to be doing more promos, as his in-ring skills are not likely to generate any interest anytime soon.
Seriously. People like him?
I would not push him for a looooongggg time. He really has no gimmick. And he is TERRIBLE in the ring. He really can't do much at all. And the crowd isn't even behind him. So how would I push him? I wouldn't.
I wouldn't even think of a push yet. He seems to still be too green. I'd think of a push and possibly a new look or character after his skills were properly polished enough to where he could have tv time. He shouldn't be there now. Not knocking the guy at all. Just feel he's not quite ready yet.

Just my opinion.
Put Him in a Tag Team with Ezekiel Jackson. I thought they were going to go this route when they first teased the Corre break up and Ryan appeared to be having tension with the rest of the New Nexus.
How would I push him? I wouldn't. As someone else already mentioned, the only thing this guy has going for him is his size. If anything, send him down to developmental or have him play a silent bodybuilder character.
I wouldn't, I'd release him. He has the look of a monster but that's it. Not good in the ring from what I've seen. Could maybe be a bodyguard but as long as he doesn't talk.
The main event for Raw is Ryder vs CM Punk for WWE Championship and U.S. title. The crowd is excited for their two big faces and the fact that there will be a guaranteed title change. Before the commercial break the camera finds that both men were attacked heading to the ring. Punk is hurt but not injured, however, Ryder is taken to the hospital. Laurinitis comes to announce that the match will be cancelled and the crowd is extremely heated. Punk limps out with a mic and says he's a fighting champion and is going to bring the change he promised. He tells Laurinitis that he will still defend his belt and tell Laurinitis to give him any opponent. Punk ends up looking like a real baby face here. Otunga comes out and whispers something Laurinitis' as he hands him a contract(since he has the lawyer connections). Laurinitis then says to Punk that he is going to make Punk keep his promises for change. He points out that Punk promised change to person in the past but then left them hanging to become champion. Punk asks who and then Mason Ryan comes out and tells Punk that when he took over the Nexus he promised to lead him and guide him but just left him when he went for the title. He says that Punk would never have had his chance at the championship if it hadn't been for him watching Punk's back. The match becomes official we go to commercial break so that people hearing about it online can tune in and they have a legit match together but due to Punk being attacked he is too hurt to take on the powerhouse and loses(maybe even a little cheating from Ryan since he isn't credible yet). At the next pay per view Mason Ryan defends his belt in a rematch. Punk is attacked again before the match. Eventually during the match he gets the upper hand and looks as if he is going to win but then the ref gets knocked down. Ryder runs out(making his return) and hits the Rough Ryder on Ryan and walks out. Punk hits GTS as referee "wakes up" and he gets the win. The next night on Raw, Laurinitis brings Ryder out to reprimand him for his interference. Ryder explains that he was only getting back at his attacker who cost him his title shot. Ryan comes out and explains that it wasn't him and that he can ask Punk to confirm it, as he was Punk's attacker and both men were attacked at the same time. Boom the conspiracy angle is brought back to life, and how fitting that Otunga was part of the same Nexus. Now that Ryder is guilty of costing Ryan his title, while Ryan did nothing to Ryder, Laurinitis gives Ryan payback by forcing Ryder to defend his U.S. Championship to Ryan later. During the show Punk tells Ryder he has his back tonight and will be in his corner. Before the match Punk is attacked again and taken out. Ryder goes in alone and loses to Ryan. Now we got a decent mid card feud to build up both stars as well as an investigation storyline to find out who attacked Punk. Punk questions ring crew and other random people that were there that night to see if they saw who attacked him from behind. Someone reveals it was a blonde man with a dark haired woman. So that leads to a Ziggler v Punk feud and Ryan develops his credibility on the mid card feuding with Ryder for a few weeks. After he loses the belt his push continues by having involved in the conspiracy angle as it begins to reach it's climax. A stable is formed with Ziggler, Vickie, Otunga, Ryan, Laurinitis, and maybe Truth(who was part of the conspiracy the whole time). The group helps Ziggler get the belt. The abandoned Swagger teams with Ryder and feud with the team of Otunga and Ryan(former nexus). Maybe throw the belts in there. Ryan becomes part of the big picture without having to main event and gets 2 belts out of it and plenty of TV time. Ryder gets a fresh angle as a tag champ, and we don't lose the conspiracy angle.

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