How would you like to see Sting debut in WWE


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There's been so much talk about how you guys want sting to debut in WWE, and i can inderstand. I want to see sting perform where he should be the top. But what i don't hear alot is how you guys would debut him and the storylines for him. So in this thread i want u guys to try and make up a storyline and feud for him.

on a smackdown, theres a fatal 4 way for the WHC. durning the match, the light go out and stings music hits, and a giant scorpion appears on the big screen. the lights go on and stings in the middle of the ring with his bat. he attacks the wrestlers. then he walks out the ring and grabs a mic and the WHC. he gets in the ring and starts ranting on how Vince mcmahon killed WCW, and ruined the meaning of the championship. and he says how vince mcmahon has disrespected the WHC and all the legends who carried the championship. sting will start complaining on how legends like ric flair, hulk hogan, macho man randy savage, lex luger, and sid vicious have fought to their last breath to hold this championship... and now some kid loses this championship in 18 seconds at wrestlemania. and then sting says hes not gonna let WWE kill the last piece of WCW(the WHC) and then leaves and ''steals'' or kidnaps the tittle. and sting holds the tittle for 3 months beating new talent with his baseball bat in matches. and then john laurinitues asks sting what can he do for sting to give back the tittle, and then sting says if WWE is trying to kill the last part of WCW( WHC) ''then im gonna kill the last thing that remains to the undertaker...THE STREAK''. Setting up a fued between the two with sting attacking undertaker wih his baseball bat for weeks.

Oh ya, by the way... for a man over his 50's sting is amazing for what he can do in the ring. sting vs bobby roode was great, sting was moving silky smooth in the ring, DID U GUYS SEE HIS DROP KICKS?

Interesting post. I would love to sting debut at next years wrestlemania, but it keep a secret which these days is very hard to do. Anyway dont have undertaker on tv until the night of wrestlemania 28, he comes out meanwhile theres not a match even set yet, takers in the ring grabs the mic and says thats it theres no one left, ive beaten everyone and everyone at wrestlemania theres no more compitition, then taker start to leave the ring, lights go out for about 30 seconds and they play it as a technical difficulty, then a spotlight comes on and points towards one of the rafters and boom theres stings face, he comes to the ring they start to fight, then a ref runs to the ring and signals for the bell.
I don't like either of your ideas.

At the Royal Rumble have whoever the current WHC is standing in the ring boasting about how he has no competition. Then have Johnny Ace come out and say he found someone for him to face. Ace leaves and the lights go out and Sting's music hits. BAM new WHC. Then at the during the Rumble match the clock counts down for #30 and the buzzer goes off and the lights go out. When they come back on the Undertaker is standing in the ring. BAM. Undertaker wins Royal Rumble and after the Elimination Chamber Undertaker chooses Sting for WM. Undertaker wins title, goes 22-0, and retires. They then have a tournament for the vacant WHC and Sting wins.
Hmm, this is very interesting. I'd have The Undertaker go 21-0 against whoever he goes against, and the streak in more danger than ever before, and when the ref's hand is just millimeters away from hitting the mat for a pinfall, 'Taker kicks out. Taker finds a way to counter and after a hard fought battle, he wins the match. Then I'd have him come out the next night at THE END of RAW to address his match against whoever he faced. At the end of RAW, 'Taker would address what happened, pull a Triple H and say "I have nobody left to beat". Suddenly, Sting's music hits. But where is he? Suddenly, a spotlight shines into the crowd, and there comes sting, Baseball bat in hand. He comes towards the ring, face to face with the Undertaker. He looks him straight in the eye, laughs, and it's just a staredown for a good 2 minutes or so, with the crowd going wild. Then, Sting's music hits again and RAW ends.

That's how I'd book it.
I would love to see Sting coming to the WWE by having a feud with Vince McMahon. Vince would brag about his accomplishments. When Vince brings up about beating WCW, The lights goes out. The spotlight will be in the rafters, Sting would point his bat to Vince. Vince would be scared shit and freaks out. Sting would stalk Vince and play mind games with him. HHH would help out his father in law. Sting goes against HHH in a PPV match. Sting beats HHH, after the match he attacks McMahon. Thats how I would book it.
I would have Vince in the ring with the Undertaker. Taker telling Vince he is going to retire since he has beaten them all. Some twice!!Vince says yes you have beaten them all. Exccept one. Vince says I made some calls and out come some of Takers opponets from past manias. They surround the ring. You see HHH,HBK,EDGE,CENA,KANE. Takers looks at them, then at Vince and starts laughing. He says I beat them all VInce!!! Vince says one more match. Crowd chants one more match!!! Vince says,I have a surprise. You have never defeated him before...The lights go out and when they come back on,,Sting is standing behind Undertaker. He has the bat in hand and slowly raises it to point at the Wrestlemania logo, then at Undertaker. Right there, the camera cuts off!!!
I've thought about this before, and the only way I can see this working would be if Sting were to come in as a heel.

Naturally, he'd feud with the Undertaker and challenge him at Wrestlemania. But you've got to question why would Sting decide to finally wrestle in a WWE ring after all these years. The story would have to revolve around the one thing that would motivate Steve Borden to finally jump ship, and that would be to end the biggest streak in wrestling history.

Championships won't matter to him, he's won plenty - he wants the glory. He wants to do what no WWE superstar has managed to do. Sting (if he even does) should come in to the WWE with an outspoken disdain for the company. His promos should be built around the notion that the WWE is below him, and that he didn't need Vince McMahon to become an icon. He'd accuse legends such as Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan of being sell-outs and ass-kissers. He'd call the WWE Universe a bunch of deluded fools. He'd argue that he is the greatest wrestler of all time and he did it without the WWE. And to prove it all, he'd claim he could retire the Undertaker.

We all know Sting can do intense when it comes to cutting promos. I'd like to see him direct that intensity towards the WWE. Make it come off like he really hates the company. Like he doesn't need to wrestle for them, he just does because he knows he can. I'd like to see him get personal with the Undertaker; really undermine his persona.
Since you can't hide such a huge surprise like Sting signing with the WWE I would swerve everyone by having rumors being reported that Sting is done with wrestling after his contract is up and you can even have him saying goodbye on TNA.

Then fast forward to around the time of the HoF annoucements are made and I would let it leak that Sting will be inducted into the HoF. The night everyone thinks Sting is at Raw to be inducted into the HoF which would keep the news of Sting at Raw as some major breaking news. I would have Vince introduce Sting acting like he is there for the HoF but we later learn Sting signed a deal with the WWE and he wants to face Taker at WM. I would have Sting sign a 1 year deal and at WM 30 induct him into the HoF after wrestling for a year in the WWE.

As for who wins the WM match I would seriously concider having Sting win which will help him set-up his 1 year WWE run. If he doesn't win it should be the toughest opponent Taker has faced.
I wouldnt like to see Sting debut. He has run his course and sure he can still draw but WWe has guys who can draw much more and who have been around longer. sorry, but no thank you, I think Sting should stay in TNA.

He missed his opportunity to wrestle with WWE when his damn pride got in the way of what was best for everyone.
Sting will never wrestle for WWE. His Legacy is mainly that he became a legend without ever setting foot in the top company. This dream match with Undertaker will remain just that. A Dream.

Sting should just retire soon, he has nothing to prove to anyone and lets face it he isnt getting any younger.
ok to start off i dont have the best spelling so sorry, and also i never want to see sting in wwe as i love what he stands for in wrestling, but i ave read some off peoples idears and i think people are setting him up to be the bad guy witch i think would go down bad, if he is going to have a match at WM with taker, i think this is when taker needs to lose, see this is how i ould do it

first have HHH vs taker set for WM and then o no HHH cant to it due to broke arm or somethink, then you see taker get a phone call and he sez i have been waiting to speake to you, then next part HHH gets a pone call saying so you will do it? ok see you then the next week on raw or sd have taker and HHH in the ring saying they have found someone taker has never had a fight with some oo save the day ne the fans want and a good freind to both of us over the years then lights go out sting hits the ramp, comes to the ring saying that he would love to have the match at WM and this will be both myself and takers last match have them team up a few times befor WM and then as the night comes for WM kane come to take out taker saying he wants the match bum o no hear is sting with baseball bat to save the day then have it end in a draw ending to legends still keeping takers unbeaten run and also making the only match sting had in wwe not a lose for him or somethink like that anway lol
Okay it's Wrestlemania 29 Undertaker just defeated Brock Lesnar to become 21-0. Taker is doing his signature post match pose then black out. Thunder and lightning fills the stadium. The creepy voice circa Starrcade 97 speaks. "A dark angel rises to challenge the undefeated phenom" "A man named Sting" Sting is shown in the raffters with a vulture by his side and he does Undertaker's rest in peace. Then over the next year we have a long build up filled with mind games and limited physical interaction.
The OP lost me at "on smackdown"

C'mon....Sting is going to debut on Smackdown? I get the WHC angle but they could just as easily do that on Raw since it's a Super Show now.
I just feel like this ship has sailed. I haven't really enjoyed much of his work in TNA, and think that while it's a big draw (if Sting is even going to be a draw to WWE-oriented younger fans) it's not going to come out well.

it's not gonna happen just come up with another dream match.
My idea would be to have a lead-up to Wrestlemania, and announce the return of the Undertaker.

The Undertaker comes out and speaks. Suddenly, the lights go out. When they go back on, Sting is standing in the ring.

Sting says that he has just signed with WWE for one match. Sting told Vince that he would appear in a WWE ring on one condition- that it will be in the main-event at "Wrestlemania", and that he gets the chance to end the Undertaker's streak. The Undertaker accepts, and the Undertaker v Sting is booked for Wrestlemania.

I think this would be especially cool if it is the Undertaker and Sting's retirement matches, and they go out having a match against each other, on the biggest stage of all.
I'll give you my idea from back during WM 27, when they almost had him. The match would go, and end, the same.

They had the perfect vignettes playing for a Sting appearance. The mysterious, dark vignettes. I said it many times before, they made the vignettes to go either way. They thought they'd get Sting but if they didn't Taker could easily be plugged into the vignettes with the "Last Outlaw" gimmick. Time was running out, so to save time they deliberately made them so it could be either one. Save time and have it already in place. It didn't work, so they went with plan B.

Anywho, I'd probably do that again with slightly different vignettes. Sure it wouldn't have the same effect that the originals did, but so what? It's f'n Sting, ffs.

Then, when the Undertaker is in the ring doing that "I've beaten them all" spiel, the lights go out, you hear the crow call, have some lightning and wind, the scorpion flashes on the Titantron, and then BAM! spotlight on the rafters where you see Sting with a crow perched on his shoulder. He doesn't speak, he simply points his bat at Taker.

Then you have the build up. You don't need much. You could have a few mind games, of course a couple stare-downs, etc. Less would be more with this one. Give the fans just enough to get them excited, but don't give them too much. Sting could eventually speak, just not the first time or two. He would eventually get into the importance of the match, the significance towards the business, etc. etc.

I wouldn't care who was in the title match, that would be the ME. I always tout the importance of the championships, but this particular match (over any other before it) would be about history. It's tricky, though. You don't want to overshadow the championship, but you don't want to undermine the history. With my ending to the match, I'd give the nod to history.

The match would go down as an Iron Man match or Last Man Standing match. Given their ages, I'd probably go with Last Man Standing. In any event, it would be a classic match for the history books, with plenty of last second kick outs, kick outs of finishers, etc. etc.

The ending would be the best one for all involved. They have their knock down, drag out, balls to the wall match. They beat each other to exhaustion. Both fall after some kind of big spot. Neither man makes the count. It's a draw.

Taker doesn't technically lose; neither does Sting. Both men look strong. They both eventually get up on their own accord. They shake hands, they hug, they hold up each others' arm in a show of mutual respect.

Special effects and pyro. Maybe a video on the titantron with alternating stills (Sting/Taker, Sting/Taker) of both man's career progress from beginning to end set to music. Maybe some confetti, printed with some kind of commemorative design for fans to collect if they wished. I would have the superstars come from the back and to the ring to show their appreciation for the two legends. Quite simply, I would go balls to the fucking wall with it. Make it what it should be, not cheapen it because of my ego towards myself or my company.

It could be Taker and Sting's retirement match. Next year, both go into the HOF together as pioneers of the sport and true legends in the business. So not only do you get the match of the past decade or more, you get the HOF interest next year as well.

Slam dunk.
I could see this happening at the rumble. they do the countdown for the new entrant to enter and suddenly the lights go out and a tron no one has seen before hits even the announcers are confused and suddenly the light come on as in huge letters the word "sting" is on the tron and you see him clean house but he eliminates himself or he goes all the way and after the match he hits the mic and makes a challenge to taker "you want this, go in the chamber and get the title and lets do what hasnt been done before." or something like that.
I don't know if Vince is willing to do this so we can replace his role with Johnny Lauranitis if need be.

After signing Sting have Vince come out for weeks talking about signing the last larger than life character left in the business that he has waited years to control.

Continue these promos and run vignettes of all of Sting's accomplishments and different faces. When it is time for him to finally appear have him premiere as....

Steve Borden! When this happens have Vince flip out. Develop a feud where Vince wants to give the world the Sting he has waited years to get. Borden can say he is his own man and he doesn't want Vince being a cancer to Sting's character the way he has slimed up everything else pure in professional wrestling. The can eventually lead to a match at a PPV for the rights to the Sting character. If Sting loses he has to appear as any Sting character that Vince wants wherever and whenever all to profit WWE (i.e. matches, autograph signing, strip mall openings). Borden prevails in the end.

From there move towards the UT's streak go through the typical feud that you would expect and then two weeks before WM have Borden reappear as Crow Sting in order to give the fans truly what they want.

He loses to UT at WM and calls it a career.

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