How we watch Raw

I live in England so if I'm awake at 1am I'll have Raw on but I record it every week because I'll rarely stay up after the first segment. I usually watch the rest after College on a Tuesday so I can skip all the adverts.

I watch Smackdown, NXT and TNA whenever there's time during the week as they all get recorded as well.

I like watching Cena (yes I enjoy Cena), Ryback (dudes a beast and he always seems like he's about to botch something), CM Punk, Team Hell No, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, PTP, anything with a legend and of course Brock Lesnar or The Rock.

I always seem to skip Big Show, Brodus Clay, Great Khali and anything with the divas and I don't really like Mysterio or Sin Cara.
Another one from the U.K here - I haven't watched a live broadcast in years, due to the time it's on (about 1am - 4am) so usually watch it on a Tuesday evening.

I'll watch the opening segment and continue to watch until I get bored - if it's a good show (which is rare these days) I'll watch the whole thing without doing anything else, but most of the time I just have on it as background entertainment, dipping in and out when it get's interesting.

I Watch for CM Punk, John Cena (even though he slightly annoys me), Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Vinny Mac, and that really is about it these (sad but true)

Skip material = Brodus Clay, Santino, Zack Ryder, Alberto Del Rio, Randy Orton, Sheamus

For what it's worth, the lack of big stars at the moment is ridiculous - All the big names come back for Wrestlemania season and then quickly disappear as soon as it's over - just goes to show the decline in the product - I can easily sit through a whole episode of raw from 98/99/00. The current writers need to be sacked - where's the actual storylines? Just stale 'angles' - Lazy idiots. You can't blame poor writing on the P.G era. They can't even figure anything to do with stables these days, and these guys are supposed to be professionals?? Hmmm
I watch it live most weeks but if I can't do so I watch it in the morning on youtube. However most times I head to a friends house to watch it with them live at 1am.

Like to watch: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Barrett, Heath Slater, Rhodes and Sandow
I would put Jack Swagger in here but 1. He's off the tv at the moment. 2. When he was on I got annoyed that I knew he was going to lose.
Also JBL on commentary is gold :)

There isn't really anyone I don't like to watch to be honest. If I had to pick I'd say: David Otunga, Sin Cara, Big Show
I watch it live, usually accompanied by my phone. That's because I follow some pretty cool folks on Twitter like Greg Helms & Scotty Riggs. It's fun to get their takes on the show, & even interact with em.

I wouldn't say I have any real favorites, but Ryback, Sheamus, Kane, R-Truth are up there. The only ones I don't care for are Sandow & the PTP. Oh, and 3MB.
I catch bits and pieces of it live usually the beginning segment, and main event. Then after it is over I go back and watch the whole thing. Have a wife here that likes to watch other things before she goes to sleep. I try to watch it all with only fast forwarding the commercials, but that is hard to do with 3 hours. The divas usually get skipped along with Ryback's squashes. Other than that I try and watch it all. My favorites right now are probably Punk, Kane and Daniel Bryan, and the fact the the tag division has some focus.
I don't have cable so I only watch shows online whether through some guys that posted it on YouTube or if WWE got to those guys already then I watch the segments they provide for me. I only watch the full versions of the show only because there are small little bits that WWE cuts off in their short segments that I miss that could be really great. If I only have segments to watch I usually only watch people's promos. Those are always the most entertaining parts to me and if I'm always on the go, watching promos where they tell you where the feud is at now and provide some good trash talking is all I really need to get through the day.

I enjoy watching:

Alberto Del Rio-Though his mic work is getting stale, I still enjoy his gimmick a lot.

CM Punk/Paul Heyman-The Summer Of Punk never went away.

Prime Time Players-Arguably the face of the Tag Team Division.

Team Hell No-They are why the previous statement is arguable.

Daniel Bryan-I have to call him out separately as well since is represents my home state proud. And he is the Tag Team Champions.

Damien Sandow-The chemistry between he and Cody Rhodes still feels weird but Sandow on his own is a delight to hear on the mic and his ring work has a great old school feel to it.

The Band-I don't know who came up with putting an Indian, a Scot, and a West Virginian together and I still think it's incredibly stupid, but I can't deny they're a lot of fun to watch.

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