How to turn Brock Lesner face again before his contract is up?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Brock Lesner has been back in the WWE for just over a year now on a limited WWE contract. A few times a year Brock Lesner shows up on WWE TV. Now after Wrestlemania 29 Brock has signed another WWE contract with the company for two more years. So that's two more Wrestlemania's! Brock Lesner couldn't remain a Monster heel for those whole two years right? I'd say have Brock remain as a monster for another Wrestlemania match (mainly against the Undertaker breaking the streak). It could be against the Rock as expected at Wrestlemania 30. But during his second year run have Brock Lesner turn babyface one more time.

Because people from back those ten years ago remember Brock Lesner as that big babyface who was the face of the company at one point in his WWE career before turning heel again and leaving the WWE. Have Brock Lesner feud with Ryback heading into Wrestlemania 31 in a badass feud! Since Ryback is compared to Bill Goldberg alot have it build from sometime like that. Brock Lesner cannot stand Bill Goldberg coming from their first & last feud with each other. That would be a sight to behold to see Brock Lesner toss Ryback around like a little bitch!

I say make it happen by that time frame. You?
In my opinion Lesnar as a heel is better.

They turned him face in 02 based on Heyman betraying him although I recall he was teasing a turn for a while. Triple H's comments to Lesnar recently about Heyman using him as a meal ticket may have already planted the seed for a future turn somewhere down the line but it's too similar to what happened in 02.

I would have Ryback stay heel and begin bullying smaller superstars and dominating Raw. Then have him cut a promo stating nobody can beat him etc etc. Lesnar's music hits and he comes out and gets face to face with Ryback. Then suddenly a brawl breaks out and they beat the hell out of each other and it has to be broken up.

Lesnar doesn't have to become a major babyface he could maybe even be a tweener. He's not defending the superstars or even the WWE. Lesnar just wants to remind Ryback who the real dominant superstar is.
I wouldn't turn Lesnar face. When I look at Lesnar, everything about him from his mannerisms to the way he carries himself to that Cro-Magnon looking forehead of his says "I'm a bad guy". In my opinion, Brock Lesnar is money when he's a heel and I think he knows it. Despite his appearance, Lesnar isn't some dumb musclehead without some sort of plan.

When he signed with WWE way back when, it's rumored that Vince signed him to one of the biggest contracts in the history of WWE. I've read reports stating that it was a 10 year deal worth $50 million and I've also heard that it was a 5 year deal worth $50 million. Whatever the case, Lesnar was able to use what he had to impress the crap out of Vince. He decimated WWE during the less than 2 years he was on television, but he damn near established a legacy during that time period that people still brag about more than a decade later. When he showed up in the UFC, he relished the fact that he was a pro wrestler in an MMA organization. It pissed a lot of die hard MMA fans off something awful and Lesnar played that up. What was the result? The result was Lesnar becoming the biggest draw in the history of mixed martial arts. Whether they hated or loved him, MMA fans paid in record numbers to see whether or not Lesnar would get his ass handed to him. Just like Vince McMahon often does with the IWC, Lesnar played the UFC audience like a fucking banjo and, love him or hate him, they kept paying their money to see what was next.

When Lesnar returned to WWE, WWE worked hard to keep him as someone that people wouldn't "like" maybe on a personal level. They wanted him to be someone you'd ultimately root against instead of being the "cool heel" that fans love to cheer for. WWE was obviously since Lesnar has helped all the ppvs he's wrestled on since his return draw significantly higher buyrates.

However, if they did decide to turn him babyface, dumping Paul Heyman would be a good way to start. As Christian Faith alluded to, I think there'd be money in a feud with him & Ryback if WWE built Ryback up as someone who was an extremely dominant bully who massacred most anyone put in front of him, especially bigger stars like Orton or Sheamus. Lesnar confronting Ryback to feud with him could wind up having the desired effect. I do think that Lesnar feuding with Ryback and ultimately putting him over would help Ryback's career immensely.

However, WWE seems to have a good thing going with Lesnar exactly the way he is right now. Lesnar doesn't seem to be broken, so why mess around with a good thing that's helping you make a lot of money?
In my opinion Lesnar as a heel is better.
Lesnar doesn't have to become a major babyface he could maybe even be a tweener. He's not defending the superstars or even the WWE. Lesnar just wants to remind Ryback who the real dominant superstar is.

This. I wanted Lesnar to have a "I'm still the top dog on the roster" feud ever since he's returned. No, his feud with HHH/Cena wasn't. Only problem is, if he stays heel, he stays with Heyman and if he stays with Heyman, Ryback either finds himself a new manager(Colter, Colter!) or just give go hide in a cave. No way is he going anywhere close to word for word with Heyman on a verbal promo.

:worship: Paul Heyman.
Lesnar should always be a heel. Just looking at him there is no doubt he should play a bad guy. He is intimidating and a former UFC champion. Plus, his mouthpiece is Heyman meaning the combination is perfect for him being a heel.

Lesnar as a face opens two potential feuds: Ryback, The Shield and Punk. There is no-one else that I can think of that I would like to see Lesnar feud with. Perhaps Barrett but not enough to want Lesnar to change face. It would be interesting to see him personally try and destroy the Shield by himself.

Contrastingly, if he remains heel there is potential feuds with Cena, Orton, Sheamus,The Undertaker, The Rock amongst others. This proves that he should remain heel and see out some of these potential feuds.
Whoever suggested a babyface turn for Lesnar, now in the current WWE I don't think it can really happen and besides as a heel Lesnar has more opportunities for feuds with such superstars like Cena, Orton, Sheamus, The Undertaker, The Rock, etc. but as a face who could he realistically feud with? There's Ryback, Punk, The Shield that's it, no one else really
Perhaps Barrett but not enough to want Lesnar to change face.

Actually, that can be done the other way around. After Barrett drops the IC title to Axel, and gets out of the title picture he can turn face and feud with Lesnar. Really think that gimmick change is needed for either Orton, Sheamus or Barrett soon. Lesnar would be the perfect monster heel for them to feud with before getting(returning?) into the main event picture. Ryback possible alternative too.
Ehh... not that I really mind one way or the other, but if I were in WWE's shoes I would keep Lesnar heel. JH and MCMG already said it, everything from his mannerisms to his countenance says "bad guy." Along with that, his real life actions and statements display a total disregard for wrestling fans. Not to mention that his status within the company is clear-- come around, terrorize somebody, and then job to that individual. I don't see why they'd use him for much more than that for two main reasons 1) he's not a weekly player and 2) he's a world class shoot fighter. Like I said, if I were WWE I'd just keep using him as I have been. It's paid dividends so far, and it doesn't disrupt the youth movement that's afoot.

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