Hornswoggle Circa 2012

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The End of the World according to the Mayan Calendar. But will the end of Hornswoggle happen by then? The WWE is in the PG era, and we will soon see what happens with that. So the question is this. Hornswoggle is a key target of hate for the PG era. If he represents anything, will Hornswoggle still be in the WWE in a few years?

Hornswoggle is hugely popular. But no adult viewers I have met have been totally pleased with his work in the WWE. But he has been there for a few years now, in different faucets. But in a few years, I'm not sure.

Wrestlers have a shelf life, no matter what their gimmick is. I am sure kids will get sick of him after a while, because, after working with kids a lot in my adult life, I know kids get bored quickly. I suspect that Hornswoggle will be gone soon enough.

A side note, he is a little person. There are certain health conditions that can result from that condition. I hope he doesn't get sick, or get hurt, but it is a possibility.
Personally I hope he's gone waaaayyyy before 2012. I also think the PG era will be done by then as all the kids will be around 15 and think what we think now, that tv WWE is childish and lacks drama and excitment. Also I would just like to say, R.I.P Eddie Fatu. Just my two cents
It is hard to be able to predict something as long term as that. At the risk of sounding cliche, "anything can happen in the WWE" and because of that it gets nearly impossible to predict what will be going on more than one year from now. If I had to guess then I would say.... he would either be future endeavored, turned heel, or gone through some type of gimmick change. I can't say if he will be gone completely by then, but I do think that he will have changed somehow by then if he is still around 3 years from now. Then again, you never know because some gimmicks have lasted forever. We'll just have to wait and see won't we?
Oh Hornswoggle (at least as we know him now) will be long gone by 0'12. I'm actually thinking 0'10 will be his last year as that annoying comedy leprechaun. It's already so tiring just watching him make those noises in his segments that it's practically inconceivable that this gimmick lasts almost 3 more years.

But I really wanted to respond on what you mentioned about the kids that the WWE is targeting will be older and thinking like we do... You are absolutely right guy! They'll be (slightly) more mature and tired of this childish bullshit. I think that in a couple of years, the WWE will have to have another attitude era just to keep all the child fans they're getting currently. I just hope it's sooner than later
In 2012 I still see Hornswoggle in the company. I can see him either getting back with Finlay and becoming that manager under the ring. Or staying on Raw with the guest hosts. He gets some hate on this site but I like some of the segments he's in. When he got subtitles last week was awesome. If they keep the originality up with each segment we might see the green leprechaun for more years to come.
Yeah, there's gonna be a time in late 2010/early 2011 where Hornswoggle will be in trouble from some evil nasty heel, probably the Miz, and Finlay will come out and make the big save to a huge pop and "father and son" will reunite in the middle of the ring. The Miz will probably be a world champion or at least a main eventer by then, so that might give Finlay one last chance for a main event push.

But basically, I'm quite sure Vince has it somewhere in his mind that somewhere down the line a Finlay/Swoggly reunion would be the best thing ever. But Finlay is getting on in years, he must be looking in the next few years. So I think after one last Finaly/Swoggle run in 2011/2012, both men will retire. Finlay will be 53/54 and getting ready to retire. With Finlay gone, there'll be no need for the Swoggle and people will be sick of him without Finlay by that point, so he'll be gone too... Also, it depends how much WWE is paying Swoggle. They might release him as a budget cut before then.
I really hope he's either gone, or completely changed his gimmick. I could see him as an evil mastermind sending his giant (to him) henchmen to do his evil bidding.....

Or just fire the lil bastard. He's useless doing what he's doing at the moment.
Hornswoggle will definitely be gone by 2012. With Vince absolutely shoving him down everyone's throats, full throttle, today ... his song and dance routine will be so completely stale by that point, there would literally be nothing else Vince could do with him.

However, they could unquestionably breath more life into the character IF they turn him back Heel, once again, and make him the Little Bastard he used to be. That character would make a perfect pairing with Sheamus.
Hornswoggle will definitely be gone by 2012. With Vince absolutely shoving him down everyone's throats, full throttle, today ... his song and dance routine will be so completely stale by that point, there would literally be nothing else Vince could do with him.

However, they could unquestionably breath more life into the character IF they turn him back Heel, once again, and make him the Little Bastard he used to be. That character would make a perfect pairing with Sheamus.

I agree with this 100%. Hornswaggle will have definitely grown stale by 2012. At the same time though, like you say, if he goes heel, he could possibly stick around for a little while longer, and possibly pair up with Sheamus. Instead of helping gain victories for the face, he would be doing it for the heel, and by different means.

I personally, have never liked the character, have never found anything he's done entertaining. If he is gone by 2012, I will be happy with that.
Hornswoggle will definitely be gone by 2012. With Vince absolutely shoving him down everyone's throats, full throttle, today ... his song and dance routine will be so completely stale by that point, there would literally be nothing else Vince could do with him.

However, they could unquestionably breath more life into the character IF they turn him back Heel, once again, and make him the Little Bastard he used to be. That character would make a perfect pairing with Sheamus.

Hornswaggle should end like this, trying to ruin DX at TLC, and getting pedigreed, sweet chined, and thrown off a later into a table with chairs. Hornswaggle gone, DX wins the title, (Another thread), and then no more hornyswagggle:die:
I think it’s safe to say that it’s very doubtful Hornswoggle will be around the WWE in 2012 in the same capacity. A character like his is not meant to last for long. Eventually, the kids/younger audience is going to find him stale and no longer entertaining, so Vince will have to remove him in order to keep his target audience happy. I know there’s the argument of WWE gaining more kid fans so he’ll stay, I honestly think that won’t be happening.

However, once he is gone I think there will be some sort of replacement. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a silly character like Hornwoggle’s but it will probably be a character that is targeted towards the target audience then, just like how Hornwoggle is targeted towards the current target audience.
Yeah I'm tried of seeing Hornswoggle on TV, I mean the only reason why he does more skits than wrestling, because kids don't want to see him to get hurt. and to the tell kids even if ur a little person u can still achieve many things even if your a small fry. But didn't we have that done with Rey, I mean Eddie Guerrero Died, he won the rumble, than won at mania 22 and became known as the Ultimate Underdog of the WWE. and yet Rey is one of the most successful luchabors,
However, they could unquestionably breath more life into the character IF they turn him back Heel, once again, and make him the Little Bastard he used to be. That character would make a perfect pairing with Sheamus.

Yes! Hornswoggle helping Sheamus the way he helped Finlay would be great. I liked both Finlay and Hornswoggle back when they were working together.... as in, when Hornswoggle hid under the ring and randomly came out during Finlay's matches.... NOT when they were a "tag team" in 2008. I think that pairing him with Sheamus would benefit both of them a lot because then Hornswoggle could live under the ring again and do all sorts of random stuff to help Sheamus win matches. They should be heels if this happens though, because everyone is tired of Hornswoggle as an annoying face.
Honestly, they SHOULD make DX end Hornswoggle. I am tired of this guy defeating a respectable wrestler like Chavo every week. I think his segments are corny and his matches just look unreal. (in a bad way) I definetly think Hornswoggle will be gone before 2010.

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