Homicide officially returns to ROH!


Ain't it sleep first then eat?
If you were either at the show or watched it live on iPPV, you witnessed the recently TNA departed Homicide make his big return to ROH. The lights went out and his ROH theme blasted with the massive pop of the crowd, going nuts (myself included). Homicide immediately made it known that he wanted to get some of Roderick Strong and his newly won World Title at Final Battle 2010. And if you also watched, Davey Richards also received a title shot as well at Final Battle, making it a 3-Way Match with Homicide, Roderick, and Richards.

Homicide has made it evident that he was very unhappy when he worked for TNA and I don't blame him. He could've been an asset for TNA, especially when it comes to the Spanish demographic. But now that he's back with the company that gave him his break and who would appreciate his services more, what are your thoughts on his return?
I think it is a great thing for Ring of Honor and for homicide. Homicide could have been a good wrestler in tna but due to them wanting older wrestlers and crap wrestlers on their program he could never really get pushed into the mid card or main event as a singles competitor in TNA. I reckon he could have had some good fueds in tna but oh well one door shuts another opens as they say and I am looking forward to how he does in Ring of Honor. It is a great thing for ring of honor under the perspective they just lost Tyler Black to WWE and then they got some one else to replace him in the main event. I reckon it will do the world of good for Ring of Honor and as they say Someone's loss is another man's gain and Ring have picked up Homicide and Daniels from TNA hopefully they will stay in Ring of honor
I also attended the GBH in NYC and it was quite exciting. I think most people in the crowd knew that Homicide was going to be making his return that night, but the reaction he received was amazing. As soon as the lights went out, the crowd noise was deafening (I have to admit that my voice was hoarse the next day from yelling).

Homicide was a huge player in the main event in ROH several years ago and it appears he is going to be thrown right back into that mix. I think that's a great thing for Homicide and ROH. The departure of Tyler Black is certainly a big loss, but recovering from this loss will be much easier than that of McGuiness and Danielson. The return of Homicide will soften the blow. I'm expecting Homicide to make a huge impact immediately and wouldn't be shocked to see ROH put the belt back on him come Final Battle.
I think it is a great move for both parties. Homicide was at his best in ROH and I think he can capture that again. ROH did a great job of showing off his character, something TNA failed to do. I think Homicide has a much brighter future with ROH then he does with TNA. They obviously see something in him, seeing as he is a former champion, whereas TNA always had a problem giving him anything to do outside of LAX. Yeah he was X division champion, but those reigns were very forgettable. I definitely think this is the best move for Homicide, it opens up a lot of doors, and gives ROH another good name to put in the title picture.
I have only one problem with the way Homicide was brought back:

The timing.

Hear me out...

For the past reigns since Austin Aries won his first title, every time a new champion was crowned, the ROH locker room would empty into the ring and congratulate the new champion. It was a completely heartfelt moment and a ceremony of sorts to symbolize the true passing of the torch. What other promotion has made their title mean so much that this is the case? Why should it have been any different when Roderick Strong FINALLY won the belt (I've been saying he needs to for awhile now...)? The booking of this angle was almost sickening to me, as ROH not only missed out on a true moment of appreciation for one of their hardest-working original stars, but they also jumped the gun and made Homicide's interruption that much less meaningful than it could have been. Picture the following...

Roddy lands his foot to Tyler's face and gets the 3. Crowd goes nuts. Roddy has the belt and is celebrating. Locker room empties. Up onto the House of Truth's shoulders goes Roderick as everyone from backstage who has had anything to do with Roddy's success is there to share this moment with him. Aries, both Briscoes, Delirious, etc as well as all of the guys currently on the roster. There are streamers. There are deafening chants. Tyler is up and recovering. His attitude toward the fans aside, he shows his respect for Roddy and leaves. The announcers are even plugging ROH's next shows in preparation for going off-air. THEN and only THEN do the lights go out and Homicide's music begins. Homicide emerges from the entrance on fire for his return. He is greeting the fans as he comes down to the ring. He gets in. The locker room standing in the ring parts like the Red Sea as Homicide makes his way toward Roderick, who stands defiant, unimpressed by Homicide's apparent non-verbal challenge. Both men stand, facing each other. Homicide has someone get him a mic. He brings it to his mouth. The crowd goes silent, waiting for Homicide's first words since returning. Instead of saying anything, the mic suddenly drops and Homicide is on Roddy like white on rice. Punches are being exchanged wildly. The cameras on close enough for audiences to hear as Roderick screams obscenities at Homicide as the two are pulled away, cursing him for ruining what should have been the most important celebration of his life. Homicide is merely grinning and laughing maniacally as he is pulled back to the entrance ramp. Just before he gets there, his expression changes... it become serious. Deadly serious. The PPV goes off the air with the two locked in a cold stare...


Homicide and Roderick both deserved better than what they were given. This angle deserves better than what it was given.

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