Hip-Hop/Rap won the grammys?


Getting Noticed By Management
I was up listening to Swagger like us when I saw all the Grammy acts. I saw all of them and I think hip-hop won it is proved that we are the top genre. How you all may ask well look at Swagger Like Us. Lil Wayne, Kayne West, Jay-Z, and T.I. all of them together had 5 acts and 8 Grammys and over 10 nominations and that is just the top 4 today. I think hip-hop won the Grammys and next year will even be bigger.
Deadman, to say one genre is better than another genre full stop and say that hip hop is the top genre is pretty ignorant. Not everyone has the same opinion and everyone would have different tastes. I really like rock, everything from the most mainstream rock to the more hardcore underground stuff, but that's a personal preference and obviously you aren't going to agree with me when I say that rock is good, just like I don't really agree that hip hop is good. You want to know why hip hop dominates the radio and mainstream and grammy awards? It's because those songs and acts, well I think atleast, would be easier to listen to for the majority of the mainstream, top 40 audience compared to the stuff I would normally listen to.

If Hip Hop is indeed the top genre, why didn't they take out the song of the year award? That award went to Coldplay - Viva la Vida, by the way.
I know that is why in my post I stated that if next year the genre still had the same impact they would win album of the year. Also LIL WAYNE was nominated for 8 grammys including album of the year,
I love hip-hop & I am happy that it won at the grammy's cause it deserved it. I do believe that with expected albums like Dr Dre's final album Detox, Eminem's new CalbumRelapse, Jay-Z's album The Blueprint 3, hip-hop could very well win again but in order for hip-hop to be the top genre, they gotta take every award possible.
HIP-HOP DID NOT WIN AT THE GRAMMY'S!!!! If you break it down by the awards/artists ratio, Allison Krausse and Robert Plant won. If you go by "who won the big one(s)", then the answer is Coldplay. The logic you guys use does not resemble Earth Logic. Your approach is that of a whole genre, these guys won more than any single artist from another genre. Slightly skewed, don't ya think?

So to some up, the winners at the Grammy's ? Allison Krausse and Robert Plant, and Coldplay, not hip-hop.:one_samuria:
No, hip hop did not win at the Grammys. And it does not prove that hip hop is the top genre, that is just your preference. Just because it's mainstream doesn't make it the top genre. And that's the only reason it won: the grammys are based on the mainstream success of a band, not how talented they are or how good they are at making music. There are many more underground artists that I would rather listen to and believe make better music than the hip hop artists, but that's my opinion. You have your opinion as well, but you shouldn't go around like this saying your favourite genre is better than other genres. And as has been mentioned, the real winners were Coldplay for getting the best song.
I love hip/hop, but I agree with everyone else and it did not "win" the grammy's. All thoes guys in Swagga like Us(Jay-Z, TI, Lil Wayne, Kanye)won awards in the hip/hop genres and none won any of the big 4. While they may have deserved it, who knows but Hip/Hop wasn't the top genre at the grammy's at least.

But really Hip/Hop has never really been that huge at the grammy's. Call is bias, call it whatever it's just facts that Hip/Hop has never been a grammy favorite. Only 2 hip/hop artists have one album of the year grammy's(the biggest awards of the night)and that's Lauryn Hill and Outkast.

Lil Wayne was the most nominated artist, and ended up with only 4 awards(all in the rap fields)so I hardly call that very impressive(the nominations were impressive, but the wins were expected). If anything rock/blues was the big winners of the night.

So I disagree Deadman on the statement that hip/hop "won" the grammy's. Yes hip/hop won their genre based awards but that is it.
Honestly I've given up on the Grammy's. Like mysterio_fan above me stated, they won in their respective genre, which I would surely hope they would. That would be like Bob Dylan winning Best Rap Album of the year, I think everyone would have a collective WTF moment there. Hip hop didn't win the Grammy's, each individual artist won a grammy or two or three etc. But the Grammy's are overrated now, they only celebrate commercial success now, they never look at the actual talent that's out there normally. Counteractive to that is the Emmy's which purposely go out of their way to award movies that were probably good but had shit commercial success. A good balance would be preferable.

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