HHH/Orton Feud and 4th Legacy member.


Now I just thought of all this as soon as Raw hit the air tonight for some reason. But it's obvious it's building to a feud at Mania where Orton may go over as the new champ. Also... my opinion on the Legacy stable is not news for those who read my thread about that. But with Orton beating the hell out of all the McMahons... I think there is an inevatable curve ball coming. A 4th member of Legacy. But who? I'll bet the farm it might go down at Mania... but who else believes HHH will jump to Raw to feud with Legacy? That's easy... everybody does. More importantly... I see the 4th member as a McMahon because one of them has to be doing something weekly on Raw. So what are everybody's thoughts on there being a 4th member of Legacy and that 4th member being a McMahon that will screw HHH at Mania?

My thoughts are it will be Stephanie. What bigger curveball than HHH's wife being the one to screw him out of the title? Sure it's been done before where Stephanie was on the opponent's arm like she was with Jericho in the past.
... I see the 4th member as a McMahon because one of them has to be doing something weekly on Raw. So what are everybody's thoughts on there being a 4th member of Legacy and that 4th member being a McMahon that will screw HHH at Mania?

My thoughts are it will be Stephanie. What bigger curveball than HHH's wife being the one to screw him out of the title? Sure it's been done before where Stephanie was on the opponent's arm like she was with Jericho in the past.

I agree with what you said, but at the end what you said was crazy, but I understand. I think Vince might be the man to join Legacy over the kids b/c we haven't seen him in weeks, but I'm always wrong so what do I know. Another person I want to see join Legacy is D.H. Smith b/c I want to see him back on the main roster. Thats for a different topic.
I cant see anyone really joining Legacy, i hear people talking about Batista joining Legacy?!?! That would kill the group immedietly.

I am really liking the direction of the HHH/Orton feud, and throwing a "curveball" like a McMahon screwjob could very well make it better or worse, but you probably wouldnt see it coming, so it may be a very good thing. I can now imagine the entire family screwing HHH, and bringing a McMahon group, like the Coporation, to terroroze RAW for all the disrespect, because besides Shane, The McMahons fail emmensly as babyfaces
I am really liking the direction of the HHH/Orton feud

...really? That poorly-conceived, poorly-written, piece of crap headlined by possibly the most overrated talent on either roster, RANDY ORTON? you like that?

I am soooo sick and tired of seeing and hearing that talentless joke of a wrestler. His dad at least had the sense to know his mic skills sucked, and kept his mouth closed because of it, instead playing the strong silent type. If Randy could talk in anything outside a monotone, he STILL be shitty on the mic.

Why is he in a feud with HHH? Because they want so bad for him to be a top-tier talent, and having Hunter help him is the only way to accomplish that.

I am soooo sick and tired of seeing and hearing that talentless joke of a wrestler. His dad at least had the sense to know his mic skills sucked, and kept his mouth closed because of it, instead playing the strong silent type. If Randy could talk in anything outside a monotone, he STILL be shitty on the mic.

Why is he in a feud with HHH? Because they want so bad for him to be a top-tier talent, and having Hunter help him is the only way to accomplish that.

You've got to be kidding me right? Your basically saying Orton is not over? He has been over since Evolution, and now after coming back from his injury he's better than ever. I don't hear monotone at all. When I think monotone I think Chris Benoit, Matt Hardy, etc. Orton is way better on the mic than both of them.
Back to the subject at hand, I to see Stephanie possibly causing HHH to lose the title. Orton has got to win it, but I know it can't/won't be clean.
...really? That poorly-conceived, poorly-written, piece of crap headlined by possibly the most overrated talent on either roster, RANDY ORTON? you like that?

I am soooo sick and tired of seeing and hearing that talentless joke of a wrestler. His dad at least had the sense to know his mic skills sucked, and kept his mouth closed because of it, instead playing the strong silent type. If Randy could talk in anything outside a monotone, he STILL be shitty on the mic.

Why is he in a feud with HHH? Because they want so bad for him to be a top-tier talent, and having Hunter help him is the only way to accomplish that.
Trust me, i loathe Randy with a passion, he is, as you said, the most overrated talent. I think this angle is engaging, it gets people talking, despite the fact that Randy's stupid, vomit enducing promos are featured in it. I really hate how dumb people bookmark him as the greatest in the world, if he isnt stomping or kicking you in the ring, he has his famous resthold on you. I in absolutely no way think this tool is flash hot to begin with. And the thig that i like in this rivalry is HHH's role, the backstage fight looked like something out of a James Bond movie, although Randy Orton is no Blofeld
i don't think any mcmahon will join the legacy but i am pulling for DH Smith to join. i personally think Orton should win clean to prove he is the best young talent out there. Orton has never beaten the game clean one-on-one. I think giving Hunter a victory over Orton at mania would be a mistake. Orton is probably the best on Raw right now. If Orton doesn't win clean it will probably because the Legacy steps in. I'm going to out on a limb and say when Hunter is going to go for a pedigree, Orton counters out with an RKO!!!
Does everyone remember Shane and Stephanie getting into it on RAW before all this took place? They were fighting over control of RAW and Steph slapped Shane. Whatever came of that? I think that issue should come to light in this story line and some Mcmahon turning against one another.

I have a hard time believing that Stephanie is going to turn on Hunter after keeping their marriage on the down low all this time, not counting the random small cues in the DX skits in the past year or so.Even though everyone knew, HHH revealing on TV that Stephanie was his wife and mother of his children is a big revelation we all have been waiting for. I dont think WWE would end that after all this time by having her turn on him. I imagine Shane turning on them or maybe Vince and Shane teaming up against Steph and HHH for control of the company. Thats just my guess.
Any of the Mcmahon joining Legacy wouldn`t make sense to me. I mean Vince? He has been in lots of twists but that wouldn`t make sense, it all started with him getting kicked in the head. Shane? No way again, so that no holds bar match was for fun? And Steph, again that wouldn`t make any sense...she is in the center of all this.
I just hope they keep a little logic in here. No Mcmahon to join legacy at WM plz.
I have a hard time believing that Stephanie is going to turn on Hunter after keeping their marriage on the down low all this time, not counting the random small cues in the DX skits in the past year or so.Even though everyone knew, HHH revealing on TV that Stephanie was his wife and mother of his children is a big revelation we all have been waiting for. I dont think WWE would end that after all this time by having her turn on him. I imagine Shane turning on them or maybe Vince and Shane teaming up against Steph and HHH for control of the company. Thats just my guess.

I could not agree more. I thought for along time that Steph was going to be revealed to be working with Orton but I to don't think that they would finally reveal their marriage only to have Steph turn on HHH a month later. I know it doesn't make any sense but if it's going to be anyone I think it's going to be Shane. I know that they had a match at No Way Out but they could just say that was to throw people off the path. They could also use it to explain why Shane was able keep up with Orton in both the Raw match and the match at No Way Out.
Any of the Mcmahon joining Legacy wouldn`t make sense to me. I mean Vince? He has been in lots of twists but that wouldn`t make sense, it all started with him getting kicked in the head. Shane? No way again, so that no holds bar match was for fun? And Steph, again that wouldn`t make any sense...she is in the center of all this.
I just hope they keep a little logic in here. No Mcmahon to join legacy at WM plz.

I don't believe that a McMahon would join Legacy, it could possibly work for the short term but I think long term for the group, a McMahon in Legacy would be a little out of place. The only thing though is that we have to remember what happened to Dibiase. Orton ended up kicking him in the head once he returned to being a wrestler, only to have Dibiase come back and join forces with Orton. I think Stephanie is completely out of the quesion, but I guess there is a chance that Shane or Vince could join for whatever reason, although I doubt that's going to happen.
the only mcmahon i could see working as a Legacy member would, oddly enough, be vince. i'm not saying i think it will happen, i could just see it working if they went that way. i mean he did get the company from his dad.

plus as of right now Legacy has no real purpose....it's just rhodes and dibiase being orton's lackeys. if they were to be utilized by the boss it may give them a little more of a clear direction. plus how great would it be to see Orton working with Vince?
As I've stated in other threads, if there is a curveball, I believe the 1 Mcmahon thats behind it is the 1 no ones mentioned. In the shock of the century, its revealed that Linda McMahon is behind Legacy.
It's way to obvious for a McMahon to help Orton win the title. If we are guessing it, basically it won't happen.
Think about it, if we already have the WRESTLEMANIA curve ball figured out then what the hells the point in it happening? No it will be something truly shocking IF anything happens. To be honest, Wrestlemania is usually about big wrestling matches, not the big show boat.
If anything did happen between Stephanie and Orton, I can see a curve ball similar to the one that happened with Jericho/Christian/Trish at Wrestlemania 20. But really, I think that's just too obvious, plus there is the fact that Orton has mentioned his children on air, which usually presses the matter that he is married. But is it still PG for a turn like that? What with the idea of it breaking up a family and adultery? Not that the storyline would mean adultery I suppose Stephanie and Randy could have a strictly business relationship.
Again, just speculating, but my conclusion is that I think a curve ball involving the MCMAHON's is too obvious.

P.S: I Really don't see D.H Smith joining Legacy, I think they are set with three members already. D.H Smith will likely be coming back on air after Wrestlemania to start something with T.J Wilson and Natalya, there is too big of an opportunity for a good storyline with those three to mess that up by putting D.H in Legacy.
Have Nick Hogan be the fourth member of Legacy. BAHAHAHAHA! (i'm kidding)
I think a McMahon joining Legacy is kind of expected, because on television they are such a dysfunctional family. Look at their past...one moment they love each other, the next they are trying to beat the crap out of each other.
Trust me, i loathe Randy with a passion, he is, as you said, the most overrated talent. I think this angle is engaging, it gets people talking, despite the fact that Randy's stupid, vomit enducing promos are featured in it. I really hate how dumb people bookmark him as the greatest in the world, if he isnt stomping or kicking you in the ring, he has his famous resthold on you. I in absolutely no way think this tool is flash hot to begin with. And the thig that i like in this rivalry is HHH's role, the backstage fight looked like something out of a James Bond movie, although Randy Orton is no Blofeld

overrated????!!?!! are u kidding me, back in the day his mic skills were very shitty but they have improved vastly. u obviously havent been watching wrestling that long because u have no idea what u are talking about. orton has grown so much over the years and his promos imo are very good. the way he eliminated all the mcmahons was pricesless and he gets better every week. nobody is saying he is the greatest in the world but he is one of the best in the buisness today period!!! now why dont u shut up,sit down and go watch your favorite john cena clips on youtube dummy! :schild13:
I don't know about there being a 4th member. Stephanie siding with Legacy could make for a good story but it would build them up, particularly Orton, even more if they had no help. Take out the entire McMahon family and then the Game at Mania. That would be the icing on the cake for Legacy. Remember WM is supposed to be where stars are born and even though Orton is already a big time star, Legacy handling this without more help would help secure this stable's stardom.
I've been saying Stephanie from the beginning when she first started getting involved with Orton and the Legacy all my friends were saying Shane but it would have made perfect sense to have Stephanie for a couple reasons
1) Shes married to Hunter and this is the first time WWE acknowledged this(So at Mania she can come back after a long absence and screw HHH)
2) Up until the Raw when Orton RKO'd Steph Orton didnt really touch her he would always make reference to it but Shane would always make the save (They could set it up where Steph knew that Shane would do this and she was setting him up bc Shane and his dad are the "weak" ones in the fam)
3) The Legacy hasnt really done anything as a stable rather than gangin up ona few people so I expect the faction to hopefully pick up steam after Mania and what better way to do it even though I don't think its necessary, but put the GM of Raw and heiress to the company and wife of the former champ (Assuming Ortons goes over at Mania) as the co-leader of the legacy?
So I wouldn't be surprised if a McMahon helps Orton against HHH
Okay off the top off my head. The HHH/Orton Fued is going good, But it's the same old stuff. Wrestlemania is for New Fueds and New Matche's. E.g
Triple H vs John Cena
Undertaker Vs Batista
Edge vs Undertaker
John Cena vs Shawn Michaels....Great Match's

Last Year HHH And Orton Fought over the course of 4 months. Triple H previled and beat Orton. The only way too pass this main event off is too have something major happen. Something that will shake up the entire WWE Universe.

Legacy is Amazing me everyweek. Just please give Orton the Title and Give PriceLess The Tag Team Titles. Imagine Legacy standing holding all of there Title's and have a McMahon with them at the end of Wrestlemania. Be awesome.
Trust me, i loathe Randy with a passion, he is, as you said, the most overrated talent. I think this angle is engaging, it gets people talking, despite the fact that Randy's stupid, vomit enducing promos are featured in it. I really hate how dumb people bookmark him as the greatest in the world, if he isnt stomping or kicking you in the ring, he has his famous resthold on you. I in absolutely no way think this tool is flash hot to begin with. And the thig that i like in this rivalry is HHH's role, the backstage fight looked like something out of a James Bond movie, although Randy Orton is no Blofeld

if Orton is overrated than, jesus doesn't exists he has 12 moves that he uses consistently plus the best drop kick in the business! his current character cxalls for his moves to be dumbed down and hestill does more than cena and hogan combined so if hes overrated what are they?
the few ppl above that dont think orton is over r crazy. He is by far the top heel ive seen in a very long time, even more than jericho.. who i think is just behind orton as far as heels go. As far as mic skills.. lol r u kidding me... hes one of the best in the business when it comes to promos. The promo him and HHH did on raw last night was great. As far as wrestlemania goes, i was reading on the site and they mentioned batista saying he was doing great and would like to be back in about a month or so? Batista at wrestlemania anyone? Who got screwed by evolution? Orton..yes. Batista left evolution. HHH was a heel and orton and batista turned face after these situations occured. Maybe we could see the same situation.. just reversed rolls. I say batista comes back at wrestlemania... and screws HHH... helps orton win the title, and turns heel. My guess is if this does happen.. batista wont be back in the ring right away... but WWE desperately needs him back on the active roster. My question is... if they start a feud with HHH and ? vs Orton and batista.. who will be on HHH side. Could be see ric flairs short term comeback? lol i know some of these ideas sound crazy, but wouldnt that be sweet.
Orton isnt even in the top 5 best heels today to me. Edge is number one, undisputed. i could care less what anyone says. when Orton comes out he gets quite a bit of cheers, we all hear it. how often do you hear people cheer edge? i would because i think edge is the shit. but to me it goes edge, jericho, jbl, kozlov and mark henry. im not goin by the storyline bullshit they put on, they are the five most legitimately hated wrestlers today. orton on the mike is fuckin godawful. he hasnt developed one new wrestling move in four years. someone please give cm punk a push and put orton in the mid card where has deformed headed ass belongs
haha ur crazy dude... i agree edge, jbl, and jericho r in the top 5 heels.. but kozlov and mark henry? wtf? First of all.. kozlovs only been around for like what 4 or 5 months now.. if that... and the only thing he has goin for him as a heel is attacking babyfaces. he has absoultely no character... if u wanna bring him into it... what about kane? what about snitsky? Id put them ahead of kozlov in a second. And mark henry...who is used like what.. once a month if that. come on get real. Aside from orton being second generation.. his actions, acting skills, etc r tops as a heel. His mic work is wayyyyy better than any other heel in the biz... except for jericho, i think jericho tops him on mic skills. But in my opinion the reason why u hear cheers for orton is cause he pulls off the heel roll so well.. i could never see him as a face again... just as i could never see cena as a heel.
I think there were so many other things Orton could have said to Trips. The moment HHH was like "You still haven't gotten revenge for what I did to you in Evolution, blahblahblah", I was hoping to God Randy would say "Well, I actually have. I punted you in the head to crush your dreams last year, I kicked your Father and Brother-in-law's heads in, and I RKO'd your beautiful wife."

Makes it much more personal then.
to the guy above, haha maybe you werent paying attention.. or maybe u just stepped away to take a poo or somethin... but as HHH was walkin back up the ramp... orton said exactly what u said he shouldve said... basically word for word, after he said that.. HHH ran back in the ring and they went nose to nose for awhile. Good lord ppl if ur gonna say things bout these wrestlers get ur facts straight and know what ur talkin about haha

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