Help Me Out with This.......


Dark Match Winner
Does anyone know which era the Invasion angle was included in? I've heard that Ruthless Agreesion was 2002-2006 and Attitude Era was 1999-2001 (When SCSA beat the Rock). So where does the Invasion fall into?
You could put it in the Attitude Era. I usually put it in a transitional era that falls between the AE and the RA eras.
In addition I'd like to know why the "Ruthless Aggression" period is called that. Surely this basically describes all wrestling all of the time.
A short time before Bischoff was hired as GM of RAW, Vince opened RAW with all the superstars surrounding the ring. He wasn't happy with the product and wanted to know who would be the next big star, and said they need some "RUTHLESS...AGRESSION!" (imagine Mr. McMahon saying it).

Here's the youtube of it.
I tend to think of Benoit and Cena as the main 2 people of the 'Ruthless Aggression' era. Benoit for the constant signs of 'Toothless Aggression' and his uber-intense performances during that time, and Cena's utterance of the phrase before he took on Angle.
If you go by WWE's timeline, the Attitude Era ended at WrestleMania 17 (I think). Who cares, dates mean shit, especially when the classification takes place years later.
PG or Reality era I think seem to be the most common descriptions. Can see it being called the Cena era in retrospect to be honest as he has been the biggest star for the last 5-6 years.
A short time before Bischoff was hired as GM of RAW, Vince opened RAW with all the superstars surrounding the ring. He wasn't happy with the product and wanted to know who would be the next big star, and said they need some "RUTHLESS...AGRESSION!" (imagine Mr. McMahon saying it).

Here's the youtube of it.

And to go with that:


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