Hell In A Cell: The Stats

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
19 Wrestlers
16 Matches
2 Much Triple H

Hell In A Cell Matches 1997 - 1
Hell In A Cell Matches 1998 - 3
Hell In A Cell Matches 1999 - 1
Hell In A Cell Matches 2000 - 2
Hell In A Cell Matches 2001 - 0
Hell In A Cell Matches 2002 - 2
Hell In A Cell Matches 2003 - 1
Hell In A Cell Matches 2004 - 1
Hell In A Cell Matches 2005 - 2
Hell In A Cell Matches 2006 - 1
Hell In A Cell Matches 2007 - 1
Hell In A Cell Matches 2008 - 1​

So with it being a year since Shocky did his 10 Years Of Hell thread, and the HIAC DVD out now, I though it might get people talking to make a thread about the Hell In A Cell gimmick match.

Below are all the results of all of the matches, forgive me if I've forgotten one.

Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker
The Undertaker and Steve Austin versus Mankind and Kane (No Contest)
The Undertaker defeated Mankind
Mankind versus Kane (No Contest)
The Undertaker defeated The Big Boss Man
Triple H defeated Cactus Jack
Kurt Angle defeated The Undertaker, Triple H, Steve Austin, The Rock and Rikishi
Triple H defeated Chris Jericho
Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker
Triple H defeated Kevin Nash
Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels
Batista defeated Triple H
The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton
D-Generation X defeated Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and The Big Show
Batista defeated The Undertaker
The Undertaker defeated Edge

Here's a mini results table I worked out:

Triple H (7 HIAC Matches/5 Victories)
Undertaker (9 HIAC Matches/4 Victories/1 No Contests)
Batista (2 HIAC Matches/2 Victories)
Shawn Michaels (3 HIAC Matches/2 Victories)
Kurt Angle (1 Match/1 Victory)
Brock Lesnar (1 Match/1 Victory)
Rikishi (1 Match/0 Victories0
The Rock (1 Match/0 Victories)
Chris Jericho (1 Match/0 Victories)
Kevin Nash (1 Match/0 Victories)
Randy Orton (1 Match/0 Victories)
Big Show (1 Match/0 Victories)
Vince McMahon (1 Match/0 Victories)
Shane McMahon (1 Match/0 Victories)
Edge (1 Match/0 Victories)
Big Boss Man (1 Match/0 Victories)
Steve Austin (2 Matches/0 Victories/1 No Contest)
Kane (2 Matches/0 Victories/2 No Contests)
Mankind/Cactus Jack (4 HIAC Matches/0 Victories/2 No Contests)

I couldn't be bothered to work out percentages, as it'll get about two replies. But anyway, out of all of those which do you feel is the best, or personal favourite. Which do you think is the worst. Or which was the most pointless (the two Raw ones or the Handicap one), and who do you think is the master of the Cell.
Master of the cell, in my opinion would be the Undertaker. Although statistically it would be HHH, most of his cell matches were shit. Taker owned the cell to be honest, it was his playground, he got off to being in that cell.

As for best match, I could be incredibly unoriginal and pick the farce that was Foley-Taker, but my personal favorite was the most recent one between Edge-Taker. It showed that you didn't need to take bumps off the cell to have a brutal match. Wonderful work by both these two, vicious bumps and if I'm not mistaken neither bladed although I think Edge was busted open the hardway on the arm. Didn't take away from the fact that the match was a slobber knocker.
Worst Match- Taker v Bossman. Did this match really happen? Did it really take place at WRESTLEMANIA?? Did they really hang the bossman after this match....IMO this match should never be shown again!

Best Match- Going to be biased on this one and say my personal favorite, HBK v Taker. 1st HIAC match, I was also in attendance, 10-5-97. Crazy atmosphere at the old Kiel during this match and I was a big HBK fan at the time. A close second would be the HHH/HBK or Edge/Taker, both extremely brutalizing matches.

Master of the Cell- Undertaker. Really no reason to explain this one. He is the man who will be brought up whenever HIAC is. He has given the wrestling world many highlights from the Cell. Taker is the man when it comes to the HIAC
BEST MATCH: HBK/Taker, Mankind/Taker, and HBK/HHH are probably my top 3. The six man match was really hectic and showcased the most talent, but seemed overcrowded at times. The three I mentioned showcased the most hardcore 'hellish' moments and probably were the best matches of them all.

WORST MATCH: The two that ended in no contests. The whole point of this match is to avoid that, and yet it still happened. Yeah, the Bossman/Taker match wasn't anything more than a glorified squash, but the other two were just downright bad.

MASTER OF THE CELL: It is really a question of HHH or Taker, and I just think that Taker gave so much more quality in his cell matches than HHH. HHH/Cactus Jack and HHH/HBK were really good matchups, but Taker had HBK/Taker, Edge/Taker, Orton/Taker, and Mankind/Taker, and he really made those matches look brutal. Thus, it goes to Taker for me.
No way is the Boss Man match the worst. It was poor, but at least he had the decency to get pinned after 10 minutes. The hanging was an intresting visual as well.

Triple H and HBK had the audacity to have a boring Hell In A Cell Match. Other have been boring as well, but that one went on for close to an hour. You can't honestly expect a good Undertaker vs. Boss Man match, or even a godd HHH vs. Kevin Nash match. But it's not unreasonable to expect a quality Triple H vs. Shawn Michales match. After all, HBK wasn't boring and robotic at that point and Triple H was a wrestling God compared to how he was in 2003.
My favourite HITC match was easily The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar. It told a great story and both Brock and Taker came off looking great. I believe this was also the first and possibly only HITC where both opponents remained in the cell at all times.

The master of the HITC match without question is The Undertaker. Triple H's matches all bored me to tears and is just merely another example of the company shoving the "king of king's" down our throats.
My favorite HiaC was definitely Mick Foley vs Undertaker. That is THE Hell in a Cell match that made the structure as feared as it is today. Those dives Foley took are constantly played to hype HiaC matches, and with good reason too. If Foley hadn't taken those two drops off the Cell, I'm sure the match would be considered nothing more than a glorified cage match. Foley vs Taker is the match that made Hell in a Cell as famous as it is today.

Worst: Definitely Bossman vs Taker. This match is easily forgotten about because it really wasn't anything more than a squash, though the noose part at the end was well done. I also hated the cell matches on RAW simply because I think HiaC is a PPV headliner, not something you view for free on Monday nights.

Master of the cell is definitely Undertaker. Yeah, Triple H is statistically better but Undertaker's cell matches have mostly been better. The top 3 cell matches (in my opinion) have all included Taker: HBK/Taker, Foley/Taker, and Edge/Taker.

But like I mentioned earlier, Mick Foley made this match famous. Not Triple H, not Undertaker.

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