Has Batista brought the quality of Smackdown DOWN!?

gully side adidja

Pre-Show Stalwart
Isn't it ironic that since batista came to smackdown in september the actual in ring matches in smackdown has gone down. Before he came, during may and the start of september, smackdown was the show for awesome wrestling matches, cm punk, jericho, edge, mysterio, morrison, jeff hardy, were just tearing the house down, with 4 to 5 star matches every week, since batista has come in he has sucked the life out of the show.

Every match he has been in has been dissapointing (his recent cage match with rey being a good example) , he just does not suit the style of fast paced near fall cut throat smackdown style matches put on, he is also very boring in the ring too, i have also noticed the match quality is not as good as it was before batista came on smackdown, and maybe that has affected the rest of the locker room.

what do you think of this?, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!
I am a firm believer that Batista brings down the quality of anything he goes near (wrestling wise). This guy is a bum, seriously. In the ring, he has zero intensity, and it shines through to his moveset. His spinebuster and spear are pathetic, looking really weak and not painful (due to his overall lack of intensity). On the mic, he is BEYOND awful. He may be the worst talker (main event status) in the business today. He is old, and has shown zero signs of improvement in any aspect of his game. And, the worst thing to me, he doesn't care about the business. I read recently he said that in five years he will be fat and retired. I understand he is older than it may seem due to his shorter stint in wrestling, but I could never imagine something like this being said by a man who actually loves his work. I really dislike Batista, sorry if I am rambling.
I wouldn't really say that Batista has brought down the quality of Smackdown. Sure the matches with him in them are a little less interesting, and he is NOT gifted on the mic.... but like the guy or not, he is an established main eventer. Without Batista, Smackdown would have no full-time established main eventers on its roster. Jericho is too busy being on Raw whining about why he deserves to be there. Punk is a future main eventer, but he's not quite an established one yet. Undertaker barely ever makes an apearance even as World Champion. Edge is still injured and hopefully returns in time for Wrestlemania. Mysterio is an upper midcarder, not a main eventer. Same goes for Morrison.

Who does that leave? Batista. He's Smackdown's full-time established main eventer. I know some of you guys don't like him, but Smackdown needs him right now. Batista is their only option right now. Until when Edge returns, the show NEEDS an established guy in its top tier of main eventers because most of the roster is not ready to main event yet.
I can't say that I agree, at all actually. Since Batista moved to Smackdown again, he has done something that had been long overdue and that is turn heel. I've quite enjoyed his latest stint as a bad guy, if anything because it has freshened him up somewhat and that I think has actually added to the quality of Smackdown.

I still believe that Smackdown puts on 'good' wrestling matches and I think it's unfair to blame this apparent decline you seem to have noticed in quality on one man. Edge is injured and Jeff Hardy is gone, that's not Batista's fault. As for Jericho, he has become overkill for me, it seems to be everywhere you look he's there...I wish they would hurry up and decide what show to keep this guy on because I feel like I'm seeing too much of him right now.

Overall, no I don't think Batista has affected the quality of Smackdown and at least two of the performers the original poster mentioned are gone at the moment and that can't be attributed to Batista...
I do agree with this. But not completely.

I don't think Batista brought down the quality alone. It's also Jericho not being on Smackdown! every week in a match, CM Punk not holding the world title, Undertaker doing nothing at all, Cryme Tyme on almost every week, but I think the worst part is Batista vs. Mysterio feud. Sure it has a decent background and storyline to it, but they should never be opponents.

Of course now, we're all sick of Batista vs. Mysterio. It happened about 5 times already. That cage match on Friday was the worst cage match in history. How is a cage match 7 or 8 minutes long?

Mysterio is over with the fans, but he's getting a bit old too, but that doesn't really matter, so the blame goes mostly to Batista.

Batista is stale in the ring, has no mic skills at all, and I don't remember the last time he went above the 2nd rope. He doesn't care about the younger talent. I almost forgot, people say Cena has 5 moves, but what about Batista? Stupid knee strikes to an opponent's mid-section at the corner, Spinebuster, Spear, and Batista Bomb. 4 moves, that's it. So yes, he is bringing down the quality of the once- best WWE show.
Yes he did but it was not only Batista's fault. The last summer SD was an awesome show. All the wrestlers including main eventers on the roster were fresh. We had at least one PPV quality match every week and storylines like Rey/Jericho and Punk/Hardy were really two of the best feuds of 2009. Smackdown was really I a show I was looking forward to eack week. Since Batista's comeback to Smackdown the show's quality decreased much more than I expected. Instead of people like Punk,Hardy,Morrison,Ziggler being focus of the show we again started to see Undertaker,Batista and Rey Mysterio in main event matches. So yes since Batista came back to SD the show's quality decreased but to say that it's all Batista's fault is not an %100 true statement.
I think Batista is shit and that he'd bring down any brand to be honest with you. I think the most telling thing about the move though is that it has brought the quality of Raw down rather than Smackdown. On Smackdown, there was still a lot of main event matches that were possible. We hadn't seen CM Punk take on Jericho, for example, and still haven't. However, everything on Raw has been done to death, and rather than seeing things like HHH vs Batista, which hasn't been done for years, we got countless rehashes of Cena vs Orton etc. Batista is shit, but at least he gives a bit of diversity in title matches.
The major problem with Batista is his heel turn.Since Edge is down with an injury, Batista is Smackdown's #1 heel. To me, he's very boring and stale as heel, and him having to fill the shoes of Edge, who is a great heel, doesn't help. Everything from Batista's entrance, and his heel characteristics, are just not entertaining at all. When he beat down Taker before the TLC ppv, I was literally falling asleep while it was going on.

As far as him bringing the value of Smackdown down, I don't think he has. Mysterio being in the title picture is something fresh, and CM Punk keeps taking his heel persona to new heights. Again, I think the problem is the absence of Edge, and I guess I will throw Jeff Hardy in there. Those two were able to breathe life into Smackdown, whether they were in the mid-card or in the World Heavyweight title picture.
It's not so much the the quality of Smackdown has been brought down, but rather that it was riding a serious high during the Summer that was really excellent, but at the same time limited in it's time period. We all knew that Hardy wasn't going to stick around, so his final swansong with an excellent feud with CM Punk set the benchmark for what we expected Smackdown to be, when this wouldn't be possible.

I don't think it's Batista's fault at all. He gets the crowd excited and performed hs job amicably as the new face on the block after Hardy's departure. As for his match performances, I think he's only as good as his dance partner, but when he wants to turn up to a match, he can do so and deliver a solid match. He is needed on the brand, as with Hardy's departure and Edge still absent, there were massive gaps to fill in the roster, with Morrison or Ziggler or any number of rookies not quite ready to step up.

He's needed, plain and simple, and the quality of Smackdown is still quite good being completely honest.
I wish batista never came to smackdown because if it weren't for edge getting injured and jeff hardy so called taking a break but still going to TNA:wtf: Batista wouldn't be on smackdown. I just can't wait for the draft because I want him to go to raw where he can suck in the stale main event there. Anyway Batista sucks his program with rey sucks and I can't even beleive I liked him while he was on raw because he doesn't have any mic skills and he's slow in they ring and in the head(LOL). The only thing good about him is his Batista Bomb. But he is established main eventer and has good history and I have to give him his respect. But really the last good fued he had to me was with the undertaker but we don't see fueds like that in WWE any more do we.
O.k Batista isn't the best guy in the ring. And I really hate him. But it's not his fault Jericho is running of to RAW, and Jeff and Edge are gone. The people who used to tear the house down every week are either gone now, or aren't booked to face eachother. You cant blame Batista for that. But I do agree Batista is shit in the ring. But other wise you cant really say much.
I wish batista never came to smackdown because if it weren't for edge getting injured and jeff hardy so called taking a break but still going to TNA:wtf: Batista wouldn't be on smackdown. I just can't wait for the draft because I want him to go to raw where he can suck in the stale main event there. Anyway Batista sucks his program with rey sucks and I can't even beleive I liked him while he was on raw because he doesn't have any mic skills and he's slow in they ring and in the head(LOL). The only thing good about him is his Batista Bomb. But he is established main eventer and has good history and I have to give him his respect. But really the last good fued he had to me was with the undertaker but we don't see fueds like that in WWE any more do we.

How does he exactly suck? Sure his mic skills aren't the best in the world but they have improved since turning heel. He has been a better wrestler than what he was when he first got into the main event. As long as Jeff Hardy is in TNA, and Edge is injured Batista will stay on Smackdown and I don't have any problem with that because he hasn't brought the quality of Smackdown down any. He's been fine on Smackdown and I look forward to him improving and having feuds with younger superstars who need that push.
He sucks because I don't think he's as good as he could be, he could be better he just not showing it. And I think he should put over mid carders in the future but when ever he's put with a mid carder right now he squashes them. So you have it your way if you think he's that good i'm going to wait until he improve so you can prove me wrong and really I hope you do but I can't see that happening with the batista.
Batista is just an awful wrestler whose style never worked as a face doesn't work for a heel either. Batista has some four moves and is currently in the biggest fued on smackdown with Rey. Look at one of those matches and tell me that it wasn't batistas fault though he has not brought down the quality of Smackdown.

It's been thier number one heel being injued JEff Hardy deciding to take a break and end up in TNA the next month. Really it's been going worse and worse for me sense Undertaker came back and got the wolrd title and Im an Undertaker fan.
Actually, I don't think he has. I can't exactly say that I'm a fan of Batista, but I do believe that he's currently much more interesting as a heel than he has been at any other point in his career. The psychology of his character has changed and he pulls off the methodical, angry bully very well. The guy really is intimidated as hell and it's believable. Also, the guy has actually gotten pretty decent on the mic I think. He's far from fantastic, but he's much better than he used to be, that's for certain. A few years ago during his feud with the Undertaker, it seemed that he had to struggle to string a coherant sentence together. Personally, I think Batista's new direction has improved him overall. He's still average at best in the ring, but I do think his heel turn has brought something more to him in terms of overall presentation.
I find it ironic that Batista is on Smackdown now, considering he's tapped about every diva on RAW, Rosa (now on ECW) , and Kelly Kelly. Wouldn't shock me if there were more. I think he's got the ego trip problem. The problem is, he thinks he's all that. He's too old nowadays to be acting like a teenager. Have you seen him on TMZ stumbling outta the club with no shirt on? :wtf: I mean and then he comes back from that 'broken arm' with a new nose ring? I mean that'd be like having my dad get his nose pierced.

This dude hits on anything that walks into a women's bathroom, and I've unfortunately been on the receiving end of witnessing him hit on one of my friends and he's totally disgusting and not very low key about it at all. For him having daughters, I'm kinda disgusted really, and I am tired of the Mysterio-Batista-Taker trifecta. Its as boring as HHH-Cena-Orton. :banghead: Granted Orton's elevated himself, even HHH has great moments. But Batista? I've seen more botches in him since leaving evolution. As many injuries he's had, he should just take a side part and maybe do a less physical role all together. :flair:

I agree that there are many things besides Batista that makes Smackdown suck, there's even things that make Raw suck. There's even things that make ECW suck. One....get rid of the eye candy divas. Make it a LEGITIMATE DIVAS DIVISION not models who try to wrestles. :yousuck: Two...stop the same 2-3 people trading the title on each show every other week/or fighting for the belt(s)each PPV. :banghead: Three....quit SHOVING certain performers down the community's throat. (ie...Cena, Mysterio) :ass: Fourth..re-establish the tag divisions by shining the spotlight on it properly and stop the stupid unlikely pairings (Miz-Big Show...etc) never would they team in real life..quit making a mockery of what used to be a revered niche in history, which now is just a joke. Fifth....Just get rid of these wasted jobber shows like Superstars and ECW which is becoming a breeding ground for wasted money and cesspool for REAL talent like Christian and Helms, and Regal who are stuck with these snot nosed kids who shouldn't make it out of development in the first place!!! :flipa: WWE should not be just blaming Batista, they need to just do Spring Cleaning and flip their whole programming.
Has Batista brought the quality of Smackdown DOWN!?

No. Batista has not brought the quality of Smackdown down. You're trying to say that he has brought the quality of the show down all by himself and that's not the case at all.

SD isn't even bad, anyways. What has brought the quality down? The quality has gone down since the summer, sure. It's not as great as it was this past summer because we've lost a few key players along the way so obviously the show is gonna take a hit in quality. Even so, SD is still faring quite well and is arguably WWE's best brand at the moment.

I get what you're saying though, that he's not contributing much in terms of quality matches which is bringing down the overall quality of the show down... He's pretty average and is neither elevating the show or bringing it down. Bottom line it's not just him that's brought the quality down.
The only one that brought the quality of Smackdown down is the Undertaker. The guy sucks, he buried Punk and ruined all of his momentum (at least Hardy put him over big time), never shows up, can't wrestle, ect.. Taker the worst world champion since The Great Khali. He is easily the worst thing on Smackdown. I find R-Truth more entertaining than the Undertaker. How can you put the blame on Batista, when it's clearly Taker that's fucking things up on Smackdown?
Batista has become better as a heel. The thing is, he's slow. If he hit the spear faster, it would've been crazy. If he was fast paced, he could've been the guy that everyone wouldn't want to piss off. The thing is that he's a pussy little bitch now. He backs down from fights ( Undertaker, Triple H) unless it's someone smaller than him. The thing that kills him is his slowness.

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