Happy New Year!

That was 8 years ago now. I still remember how I ended up here: I got bored of the 2007 Australian election and decided to look up wrestlers' real names (shush I was 13) and somehow that led me here.

Also go to bed you have a big day tomorrow ;)

I lurked for years. My inspiration was to get full rep to be totally honest :lmao:
That was 8 years ago now. I still remember how I ended up here: I got bored of the 2007 Australian election and decided to look up wrestlers' real names (shush I was 13) and somehow that led me here.

Also go to bed you have a big day tomorrow ;)

Go Kevin 07!

Haha not a chance!

I lurked for years. My inspiration was to get full rep to be totally honest :lmao:

I found this place by looking for Raw results on the school computers. After awhile found the forums and ended up having a big argument with Big Will about why Jeff Hardy should be champ over Edge. Gotta give the younger me some credit as I didn't give up. Then I got banned and infiltrated the forums under the name of I can't remember but somewhere along the lines of Scottie Pippen a year later or so. They still haven't caught me ;)
I found this place by looking for Raw results on the school computers. After awhile found the forums and ended up having a big argument with Big Will about why Jeff Hardy should be champ over Edge. Gotta give the younger me some credit as I didn't give up. Then I got banned and infiltrated the forums under the name of I can't remember but somewhere along the lines of Scottie Pippen a year later or so. They still haven't caught me ;)

I was a main page viewer for years and was an early CSR watcher. Couldn't tell you the last time I've watched, but I'm happy that they've grown.

Anyway, I had posted on a couple different forums back in the early IWC (as far back as joining AOL Wrestling chat rooms in the late 90s) and ended up spending a good 2 year spell on LOPForums. I started to hate it there because of their draconian rules and moody mods, and when they did a board reset I never signed back up. I started lurking here a few months later, then decided to give forum life one more try.
I joined so many years ago I forget exactly how I found this place.

Probably googling Smackdown spoilers.
No, I amnot talking about the movie named so! :p

Seriously, Happie New Year to every WrestleZone Forums Member or Guest! May this year shower you with health, wealth, happiness, joy, intelligence, success, calmness, love, care and everything else you aspire for! :rolleyes:
God Bless You!

I could be wrong but based on this and many other posts from you I've come to the conclusion that :rolleyes: doesn't mean what you think it does.

Fuck you. It's still the 30th here in the West. Dick...

Here too! Is there a problem in wishing in advance?

You didn't think India was 44 hours ahead of you did you Doug?
I joined so many years ago I forget exactly how I found this place.

Probably googling Smackdown spoilers.

That's close to how I found it. It wasn't Smackdown specifically, but I did want to find out what was going on in the WWE. It was New Years Eve 2007 and I got bored and wanted to find wrestling rumors. This site popped up in the search and I read some article about Bret Hart. Then I found the forum, read posts by NorCal, Becca, Slyfox and more. Lurked and read posts for a bit before finally joining 9 months later.
It's not that Australian guy hey? Or just a John Doe type name?

Yes, he was from Australia, and his user name was Tim. His real name might have also been Tim. This has never been confirmed.

I think it is, but I'm not sure if they actually Tim ruled him or simply named the rule in his honour. Memory of when I first lurked is murky especially since I was like 13 when I started reading this stuff and had to sneakily use the family computer to not get caught and laughed at for the rest of my life.

It was named in his honor. And could be renamed the Kapu Rule, if/when it happens.
Yes, he was from Australia, and his user name was Tim. His real name might have also been Tim. This has never been confirmed.

It was named in his honor. And could be renamed the Kapu Rule, if/when it happens.

Wow I must have either not been active when this was happening or just a bad reader. Is there a story to why he left because I checked his last time active and it said N/A.
Wow I must have either not been active when this was happening or just a bad reader. Is there a story to why he left because I checked his last time active and it said N/A.

The Tim Rule was established right around the time I started posting, and around the time I became a mod, he started to post less and less. I don't know why he left, but it had nothing to do with the rule.

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