hair cut, new look


Pre-Show Stalwart
We have seen in the past, wrestlers that have had a slow start and then get a haircut or new look that shot them to the top. JBL did it and was a top star after, Christian really moved up when he did it. People really started to like Test too. Do you think there is anyone around now thats a haircut away from being pushed to another level? I mean it dont work all the time, wont for Zack Ryder. Maybe its just me, but some guys i cant take serious or don't care for with long hair, but its good for others. Maybe its just a drastic change that gets attention. I think if Matt Hardy got a haircut to go with his new heel attitude it would do something for him. Maybe Robert Roode or James Storm could benefit. Thoughts? any others that could use this?
Well, a new haircut doesn't automatically equal a better career, but sometimes if you tweak a character by giving it a new look, it seems to work better.

Matt Hardy could definitely benefit from having a new hairstyle. Which hairstyle? No clue. But it would help the less intelligent fans realize that he's staying heel for a while.

At some point, I think DiBiase should grow a bit of facial hair similar to what his father always had - or maybe they can put that on his brother to help differentiate the two of them as they look so similar.

Zack Ryder, it definitely is helping him look like a brand new character, but I've already stated before how I'm a big fan of the "douchebag Zack Ryder" character, so I'll leave it at that lol.

Can't think of anybody else offhand.
ryder could be the future. credit to himfor developing a character that we can remember. meanwhile, where's curt hawkins?

matt hardy cant get a new/different haircut, as he's going bald.
and all that does is bring us into RIGHT NOW and realize that even the hardys are getting old. so it's time to start welcoming the newxt round of talent.

zack ryder has more camera skill than ANY of those new talent initiative people. maybe they should rename it the no talent initiative.

Let's be honest here, Carlito. He had the cornrows at some house show, let's go back to that. Carlito right now is a poofy haired sideshow attraction who's destined to be stucki in a tag team the rest of his life. I tell you what - get some cornrows and put on a gangster gimmick, Carlito can main event.

Shelton Benjamin doesn't a hair cut, he needs a hair dye. Who told him blond looks good on a black dude? I'm not trying to be racist - I'm a Shelton fan - but it's just a matter of matching colors. It never has and it never will. Die your hair black like nature intended and go back to being the halfway serious athlete you once were.

Alicia Fox is like Carlito, i.e., of the impression that afros make anyone look good, ever. She was rockin' straight hair and looks phenomenal, and now she's like something straight out of a bad UPN show. Once again, it's like, she's hot and can manage not to look terrible in the ring, which is all we can ask out of a Diva these days, and they went and ruined it with a giant frickin' afro.

I have no idea if it'd work, but he might as well try - Kendrick. Shave it off and try something. It gave Ryder a prospect at the ECW Championship, it could give Kendrick a prospect at the US title. It's the best he can hope for out of his career now, so why not.

Matt's alright as is, I think. People keep wanting to change him but I think he's done all he needs. The dude's had the same hair for eons and he's already become established with it, it'd be rough if he cut it now. Like Pepsi changing their logo. Too ingrained to change it now, I think. Changing his pants and adding the jacket, that was a plus. Changing his hair, I think, isn't quite what's needed. Frankly, if he ditches the cast (if he's healthy, of course) he has all he needs to be world champion on SmackDown - a hot heel character, a still simmering feud with Jeff, and a huge void left by Edge. He'll get there with a full head of hair, I think.
Good post, I give you props for it. The cut hair adds a sort of "mature look" to the character. Jericho came back with his hair cut and now look at him. It wouldn't hurt to try it. If it doesn't work out, he can always (try to) grow it back. It adds a bit of reality to it too. Long hair gets in the way and it's harder to be a serious athlete with long hair.
Let's be honest here, Carlito. He had the cornrows at some house show, let's go back to that. Carlito right now is a poofy haired sideshow attraction who's destined to be stucki in a tag team the rest of his life. I tell you what - get some cornrows and put on a gangster gimmick, Carlito can main event.

First and foremost, I completely disagree with that. Carlito's hair is one of his trademarks.. The hair makes him unique, take that away and what does he have? He's from Puerto Rico and he spits apples in people's faces... That won't take you anywhere. To be honest, Carlito is a fairly weak character as of right now, and he'd be best suited to keep it.

I'm also quite surprised no one mentioned Randy Orton... Randy was immediately elevated after he got a haircut, which was quite humorous.. Randy Orton had that short surfer-boy hair, hell.. I have the hair he used to have. Randy then showed up a few weeks later with a new slick short haircut and was in Evolution.. No one would have bought into the kid in Evolution if he hadn't cut his hair and got some new ring gear, simply because it took him from looking like a tool and made him look like a superstar.

There are other things like this, not just the hair, but in Christian's case, his ring gear... I looove Christian, as you can tell.. Haha, and I had a hard time enjoying his WWE return for reasons as simple as his entrance. He just walked out in his tights, and he doesn't necessarily have the type of physique most in WWE would flaunt... I was in attendance at WrestleMania 25, and for personal reasons I didn't enjoy the entire show, but my first mark-out moment of the show was as simple as Christian's entrance, when he returned the cool TNA entrance gear.

It's very simple to change your character, you just need to make things work and have everything click... Do anything you can to draw someone's eye, and you'll already be above the typical wrestler who comes in off the street and thinks he'll be a superstar because he does Mule Kicks and a lot of flips.
We have seen in the past, wrestlers that have had a slow start and then get a haircut or new look that shot them to the top. JBL did it and was a top star after, Christian really moved up when he did it. People really started to like Test too. Do you think there is anyone around now thats a haircut away from being pushed to another level? I mean it dont work all the time, wont for Zack Ryder. Maybe its just me, but some guys i cant take serious or don't care for with long hair, but its good for others. Maybe its just a drastic change that gets attention. I think if Matt Hardy got a haircut to go with his new heel attitude it would do something for him. Maybe Robert Roode or James Storm could benefit. Thoughts? any others that could use this?

Well, haircuts don't make you a more charismatic wrestler. Which is usually the reason wrestlers can't get over. The crowd doesn't give a shit about them.

However, it does help make the character. It's what you constantly hear from big Hollywood actors...the hair helps them get into character.

Dibiase Jr. and Rhodes maybe? Right now they're sporting the "We're just like Orton" haircuts. Which would be good if they were getting over as nothing more than Orton lackies. But they're not. Maybe a different hair-cut for both of them that helps them differentiate themselves from Orton. Nothing too drastic, they ARE in a stable with the man.

Really though, this isn't Hollywood. A haircut isn't going to make or break a wrestler. It's the wrestler's charisma (or lack thereof) and ability that'll do it in the end.
Having long hair didn't really stop Shawn Michaels, Taker, Edge, Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, HHH, Warrior, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude, Lex Luger main eventing. You've got to have the charismaand talent too to get to the top of the tree not just a make over.
I don't think it will make no difference they not samson you know if they a crap wrestler and performer then a hair cut not going too really make them no better or any shitter in samsons case
I don't know who really needs a haircut to get over but someone who needs one to stop annoying the shit out of me is HBK. I've never liked Shawn (just to let every one know I may be biased), but I have always respected his in ring talent and the dislikes never been to the level of groaning every time he's intro music hits ala Batista but nowadays all I can do when he comes out to cut a promo or have a match is try not to laugh at the stupid hat he wears because his balding and his freaking cross eyes. GET A HAIRCUT SHAWN! The stupid hat ain't foolin' no one.

I don't think he can do anything about his eye's and I don't want to make fun of him for something he has no control over but he just seems to me like shadow of who he once was, but the thing is he's really not, his more than capable in the ring its just the hair. Cut it Shawn your not bloody Sampson. Oh, and drop the Heart Break Kid Shtick, you ain't breakin' no hearts Shawn trust me. :suckit:

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