GW Round 2 - GIMPressionsists vs BLT

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  • GIMPressionists

  • BLT

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Graphics Wingman - Round Two


Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen. Graphics Wingman round 2 is upon us and in this particular match, we have the different words colliding as the The Apple Spitters and Gringo Killers take on Charlie MacDonald And His 49 Cheerleaders in a battle for graphics supremacy.

Introducing first, a team that is looking to make a lasting GIMPression The GIMPressionists!


And their opponents, a team that has a side of awesome...BLT!


The selected category for this match-up was Anime. Teams have until the 27th post graphics in this thread. On the 27th of July, two graphics, one from each member must be put forward to the public vote and a winner will be decided.

Please remember that this forum is non-spam, so if you want to discuss any graphic that is posted, please ensure that you follow the spam guidelines and rules for this forum. Alternatively, post your thoughts in the Graphics Wingman Discussion Thread in the Requests sub-forum.

So, with that said, let's get it on!​
Oh boy, I've had my sig for this and next round ready for the past week and a half. So without any further ado, here is my sig.

When I found out that Dragon Ball Z counted as anime, I was excited because other than Megaman, and Pokemon, this is the only anime I know of. What I did here was I found a render of one of the villains named "Freiza." In DBZ, the running storyline with Frieza was the fact that he wanted to destroy a distant planet called "Namek." So I started with a black background and then in a new layer, I pasted a picture of Planet Namek. In a new layer I then pasted the render of Freiza. I then burnt each layer of the sig until the point when I couldn't see a difference anymore. I then got my text, which was one of Freiza's famous sayings during this saga, and I put that on the sig.
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Well I wasn't sure who to make a sig of at the start but my friends started discussing Naruto and it seemed to fit.

I opened my document and added a black and white gradient map over the top. I then added my render and pasted it all over the document and did a motion blur to them all. I merged them. I then duplicated it and set to linear dodge. I pasted my render all over it and set them all to colour dodge. I pasted my render in for the last time and resized to fit my sig. I duplicated it, desaturated it and set it to soft light. I then brushed white on my render and around the edges and black around the edges to give my main render the focus. I applied the image and did a extrude filter and lowered the opacity slightly. I applied the image and sharpened it. I then applied image once again and desaturated it slightly. I added my text, added a stroke effect and a bevel and emboss effect. I applied the image and added a series of adjustment level such as gradient maps and brightness/contrast. To finish off I added a 4px black border.

A very simple sig but absolutely loved the outcome.

Here it is, finally. I know nothing about anime other than a film I saw at school called Princess Mononoke. This is my sig of L from Death Note. I started with the render and simply altered the brightness and contrast. I kept with the colour scheme of black, blue and white, experimenting with some new brushes i downloaded. In the bottom left corner I put in another render and used a light effect several times to get the desired brightness. The text is apparently a quote from this character. A dark blue border and I was done. It's a bit plain but I think it works.
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Sorry for the holdup fellas, I was on vacation and just got in last night. Here is my contribution to the round:


Now I know very little about anime, minus seeing a few episodes of Avatar. So that is pretty much the reason for the sig itself. Let me see if I can remember how I did the sig, as I finished it a couple weeks ago. The font that I used was Paint Hand and for the Avatar writing I lowered the opacity to 55 and for the Last Airbender I lowered the opacity to 36 and applied a drop shadow, a white stroke, and a color overlay of dark orange. Now for the background. Believe it or not the background started out with some blurring and smudging of a picture of Articuno (as I was gonna do a Pokemon sig). I then added a color overlay to that of light blue and set the the style to difference, which brought out the orange-red background color. Then I duplicated the main picture and set it to multiply, which blended the character into the background. Then to top it off I used a dark orange and brushed a layer above everything and set it to exclusion, which made the eyes and the arrows that faded blue. I then applied a border and voila the sig is complete.

I like this sig, but I feel that its a little lacking. I think more could be done in the background. The idea is really good and I like how you put the planet in the background, but there could be more. It seems like there's just a big green spot in the middle.

This one is really good. Everything just flows. The colors, the render, the background, the text. They all work really well together. The square effect in the background is awesome too. I dont think I can find a flaw with this sig.

This one is good too. But like Stinger's sig, I think a little more can be done with the background. I love the image in the background and the flow of the sig is really good, but I think something is missing behind the render. On the plus side, I dont know what it is about the text, but I love it. It works really well with the sig as a whole.

This another really good sig. Like TLC's, everything just flows. The render and the background are one and it works. I've never watched Avatar, but I think the background goes with the theme of the show really well. But one complaint I have is the yellow behind the word "Airbender". I guess its part of the render, but it looks a bit weird. Another complaint I have is the text. I think it should stand out a little more. Other than that, its excellent.

So all in all, this matchup was filled with really good sigs. But I have to give the edge to BLT. Hats off to all of you for some great sigs.

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