Greatest Moment in TNA History?


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so with tna announcing that the last 4 weeks of tv on spike will be best of impact and greatest moment in tna I would like to gwt your thoughts on what your greatest moment in tna is

simple question really

mine would be stings debut in tna the way the crowd cheered was amazing and I was gobsmacked when sting showed up in a tna ring

there you go there's mine
The greatest moment would probably be the debut of Kurt Angle or something.

But for me my "favorite" moment was when Elix Skipper did the head scizzors on James Storm from the top of the cage. I was watching TNA for a long time but to this day I remember watching that moment, and though it didn't involve any big debuts or title wins, I still hold on as my favorite moment in TNA history.
Imma go with either Christians debut as it was huge at that point in tna and he got a good reaction or when macho man showed up cause he hadnt done alot in awhile and that place went nuts it was so well done but im sure uf angle resigns it will probably be his debut
AJ Styles Vs Jerry Lynn Vs Low Ki in a Ladder match. Epic Match.

First time seeing The Canadian Destroyer/Flipping Piledriver.

Elix Skipper hurricarana off the steel cage.

There was soooo many great moments in TNA in terms of spots/matches. But storyline wise, there was nothing that really stood out for me too much. The aces and eights funeral was kinda funny, the time they pretended to be HHH/mocked his entrance and yeah...I don't remember the stories...but the matches were just awesome.
Kurt Angle's debut

This was a HUGE deal for TNA, as Angle had only just left WWE and it took everyone by surprise. The headbutt on Samoa Joe looked brutal as well, and the attention of the wrestling world was certainly on TNA that day! Angle has been a big success in TNA, and it still amazes me he's lasted longer there than he did in WWE- I was expecting him to retire years ago but he's still going strong.

My personal favourite TNA moment however (which was a big deal at the time) was Raven finally winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title in the King of the Mountain match, after several years of being so close and being determined to "fulfil" his destiny. Raven was a big part of TNA's early years, and had been after the NWA Title ever since he debuted with the company, so to see him finally back on top as a World Champion was a great moment.
In terms of importance to the company, the best moment for TNA is a tie between the debuts of Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. Of course, acquiring Angle was what put TNA on the map (until they fucked that up in the later years), but Christian was the first major name to come to TNA. Say what you will about Christian, but Christian's popularity was red hot in 2004-05 before he came to TNA and a big name like Christian coming to TNA being built as the face of their company for a while was the beginning of many other big WWE-made names coming to TNA; like Angle, Booker, Lashley, etc.

For me, my favorite moment is when Sting hulked up after Jeff Jarrett hit him with the guitar at BFG 2006. Granted, it's a pretty minor moment in retrospect and the match itself was so-so, but the moment Sting no sold the guitar shot and screamed, literally everyone in the crowd stood on their feet and were fired up. It's rare you get a crowd that fired up for anything and this is the only time I've ever seen the crowd go absolute ape shit during a TNA match, or at least to this extent. It's just a really fun moment and the crowd going nuts made it even better.
I've only seen TNA since 2010 so I imagine there is a lot that I can't comment on.

I have some options I'd like to go ahead and throw out there.

Hogan's debut I think would have to be up there.

the Hogan/Sting fight at BFG when Hogan turned back to a face.

the match on Impact for the title between Storm and Roode, when Roode hit Storm with the beer bottle and won the title and turned heel in the process.

if Dixie got a say in what was on the list I would bet she would put in when she was put through the table by Bubbly.
It would have to probably be Kurt Angle's Debut. It's the biggest star TNA has ever had and he's been very loyal to the company.

My personal favorite moment though was when they went up against RAW, the first night, that 1/4/2010 show. Bret Hart returning to RAW that night (for the first time since the Screwjob) didn't impress me because he couldn't physically do a match, and for them to even advertise him means that they already squashed whatever issue they had that made the Screwjob so interesting.

I was much more interested in TNA becoming a viable threat to the WWE and picking up talented guys like Kennedy, Elijah Burke, Hardy and then you had legends like Flair and Hogan coming back. I actually think Flair was a surprise on the show and I remember being like damn, TNA is about to get really good.

I still think that them going against RAW wasn't a completely bad idea. The problem was debuting that strategy during Wrestlemania season when WWE peaks creatively. It definitely could have worked in that gap between Summerslam and Survivor Series OR the gap between Wrestlemania and Summerslam when they have all those pointless summer PPV's. Especially since two of TNA's big PPV's fall in those timeframes (Slammiversary and Bound For Glory).

Also, the nWo/Horsemen/Evolution rehashes (Fortune, Aces/8's, etc.) didn't help.
Not necessarily one "moment" but the BMI vs MCMG series is I think the best thing TNA has done.

and when MCMG first won the belts stands out as not necessarily the "greatest moment" in TNA history, but certainly one that I marked out for the hardest.
Everybody remembers CM Punk's promo in Las Vegas but Samoa Joe was dropping pipebombs before it was cool. Victory Road 2007: Samoa Joe is scheduled to compete alongside Kevin Nash and Scott Hall to face The Angle Alliance: Kurt Angle, AJ Styles and Tomko. Scott Hall doesn't show up. Samoa Joe is given a live microphone.

This is the promo that made me want to tell people to eat a dick when they said Eric Young wasn't good enough to be world champion.
Some of my favorite TNA moments were of me just clicking thru the channels late at night and just missing or catching a tidbit of the episode(when they'd recap with that "adrenaline rush, adrenaline rush.") I was a big fan of wrestling, but didn't care much after all my favorites had left until I noticed Sting was still around/came back in TNA. It didn't make me watch religiously, but TNA's late night show on Spike caught my interest similarly too early 90s WCW that was broadcast late in my town and ECW.
Jeff Hardy debuting in TNA. Jarrett says himself he was a legit surprise opponent for Styles as Hardy was contacted soon before the match occurred. Talk about reactions? Crowd went apesh*t when Jeff came out. People disregard Hardy's popularity at that time and it was a pretty big deal, seeing as he's been there for a while with his two tenures.
The best moment was clearly the debut of Sting. They wouldn't have had their Spike deal without his name on the marquee.
What it could have been: Hogan's debut
What it will be: Hardy's return or Kurt Angles debut
My favourite moments have already been mentioned....angle headbutting Joe leading to their epic feud culminating at lockdown with an amazing match....Christian Cage debuting and shunning team Canada...desmond Wolfe attacking angle, Jeff hardys swanton onto abyss from 30 feet up. ...raven winning the nwa title. Monty browns electric promos...the tag teams...mcmg, amw, beer money bad influence...steiner bringing the house down by still hitting frankensteiners....kevin Nash running down the x division with his crazy old man promos about being the highest grossing world champ of all time...Jarrett hitting Hogan with the guitar...skipper on the top of six sides of steel...bully ray as world champ....dont fire Eric!!...the flying many great many great matches....including th best moment ever in TNA....joe vs styles vs Daniels at unbreakable.
My favourite moment was Sting beating Jeff Jarrett in a Title vs Career match at Bound For Glory 2006. The Icon standing up like Goku against the ultimate bad guy that stood for everything evil in TNA.
Another great moment as a fan was when Hulk Hogan showed up in that press conference in December 2009 I think. "The Hulkster is here in TNA!!!" I thought that "Okay, now Vince is gonna get his ass kicked." Then I saw Jeff Hardy, RVD, Shannon Moore etc., who added to my belief. But unfortunately, that was not to be.

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