

Championship Contender
Now that the WWE have rehired Goldust- do you think this was a smart move? considering they have done nothing with him was resigning him a waste or does Goldust still have something more to give? Personally, I have always liked Goldust and think he has comedy potential or even some more involvement with his brother Cody could be good if done right.

Any thoughts?
He will basically be used at house shows, and sometimes on Raw for comedic purposes. He could be used to beat jobbers, but lose to mid-carders and main-eventers. I don't see him holding any titles in the future...
Goldust is a GREAT character with very good skills in the ring and EXCELLENT mike work... tho i dont think they ever acknowledged on screen that he is dustin rhodes.

to be honest, i have no idea WHY vince rehired him.. but i think its cool that he did. in fact, goldust is one of the FEW that vince allowed to use the name/persona they were given while in wwe to use on teh independent scene, which is saying a lot for him i would imagine.

still.. throwing him in a program with cody wouldnt make sense but goldust COULD make another GREAT run as I-C Champ if they gave him the chance.
Goldust is one of my fav mid card wrestlers of all time. and I would love to see him rivalary with cody that would be cool. so no i don't think it was mistake.
BTW have you ever notice you never see black region and goldust in the same place at the samtime werid lol.
Goldust is a GREAT character with very good skills in the ring and EXCELLENT mike work... tho i dont think they ever acknowledged on screen that he is dustin rhodes.

to be honest, i have no idea WHY vince rehired him.. but i think its cool that he did. in fact, goldust is one of the FEW that vince allowed to use the name/persona they were given while in wwe to use on teh independent scene, which is saying a lot for him i would imagine.

still.. throwing him in a program with cody wouldnt make sense but goldust COULD make another GREAT run as I-C Champ if they gave him the chance.

They acknowledge he was Dustin Rhodes in the mid to late 90's while he was still married to Terri Runnels and Dusty was still working for :wcw: . The interview was semi-shoot/semi-scripted, but I remember it VERY well. He talked about how him and Dusty hadn't talked or been in contact with each other for an absurd amount of time (7 years plus if I remember correctly), I believe he even mentioned how Dusty hadn't even meet his grand daughter, and I believe he even made reference to Cody without saying his name (this would be before Cody even started carving his teeth in the industry).

Also depending on how Legacy plays out and what they do after Wrestlemania, I could easily see Cody and Goldust working some fashion of a program together. They have acknowledge a few times on TV that they are brothers. Something along the lines of "Dad always loved you more" (Cody being the son Dusty was around more, which is true) or "I'm gonna slap some sense into you" (Dustin tired of the way his brother is acting) or hell even something along the lines of Cody getting the crap kicked out of him and Dustin/Goldust coming to his rescue (They are brothers after all and it could piss Dustin off that someone kicks the crap out of his brother). Just possible ideas that are likely never going to happen, but if it did Dustin could give Cody a nice little rub.
I've been rather annoyed with Goldusts return as of late. The best thing I remember them doing with him was in the rumble where Orton got Cody to go after Goldust, I marked the fuck out there.

So they have been toying with the idea, maybe that will pan out, who knows, I do hope they use him though, he'd be perfect for the IC hunt as he has the experience and character.
Goldust is one of my fav mid card wrestlers of all time. and I would love to see him rivalary with cody that would be cool. so no i don't think it was mistake.
BTW have you ever notice you never see black region and goldust in the same place at the samtime werid lol.
i liked what they did at the royal rumble, cody and orton made it look personal
I was a big fan of Goldust in the 90's. I always thought he was way ahead of his time. However, I don't know what they are doing with him now. He seems to pop up from time to time with no point in sight. They could use his strange ways as a sort of mind games with opponents as they used too. But I think you all might be right. A fued with Cody is what he needs. But it needs to be done well. Orton should win the world title at mania. Cody wins IC & Ted brings back million dollar belt. They run wild for a time abusing competition, disrespecting people & wrestlers. Then Dusty, Cowboy Bob, and Ted Sr. show up and tell them to straighten up. They beat down their own parents! Not a regular beatdown, but bloody outside the arena as they are leaving, perhaps after a confrontation in the ring. Leading up to good heat and a fued with Goldust. I'm just thinking out loud.
i actuali like agent's idea of the wwe, ic and million $ belts being on orton, cody and ted. then the parents getting their asses handed 2 them by legacy,i think that could really work..aslong as legacy wernt over exposed and shoved down every1s thraots. and if goldust began a program with cody, perhaps mike dibiase could debut against ted? maybe a tag team feud, would give mike a good rub..although i hav no idea how good mike dibiase is
then the parents getting their asses handed 2 them by legacy,i think that could really work

I think that's the worst thing they could do, to be honest. More specifically in the case of Ted Dibiase. Here, he is supposed to be the Heir to inherit all of the Million Dollar Man's fortunes. Why would he turn on his father, and risk being written out of the will?

They should probably leave the parents out of this. But I unquestionably agree that The Million Dollar Man should eventually present Ted Dibiase, Jr. with the Million Dollar Belt. I even toyed with the idea of them giving Virgil a job and assigning Virgil to guard Ted, Jr and the Million Dollar Belt.
Goldust is one of my all time favourites, but he needs to go back to his old meaner style. If they keep him on as a comedic character it will just make him look like a joke. Have him toy with peoples minds outside of the ring and beat them down physically inside it.... Goldust vs Piper backlot brawl.
Goldust is much like Hacksaw - the old guy that isn't at all serious, but gets used for the occasional segment, comedy, and putting guys over. He's on a Legends contract, I believe, which means he gets paid by appearance, so he's not costing the company a lot, and he's still fun whenever he comes out. He's in no shape to be any kind of serious wrestler anymore (as if he ever was), but again, like Hacksaw, they can bust him out for comedy or segments involving "old school". I'd kind of like to see a Jericho vs Goldust promo or match to build up to 'Mania, honestly.

So Goldust is doing pretty well in his current capacity. He's not there to be anyone important - he's another Ron Simmons or Hacksaw.
I think Goldust is the best mid-card of all time, to me. I think he still has it in him for one final big push. I could see him with the IC belt and feuding Legacy for it.
I'm almost pleading with the company to use Dustin against Cody. It could be similar to Bret against Owen, only not of the caliber of a WrestleMania type feud. It definately can be used to help Cody solidly get over as a heel though, to turn on his Family completely.

I think the best option here is to have Dustin slowly get in the ear of Cody, showing him that what Orton is doing is wrong. Slowly have it seem as if Cody is going to grow a set, leading to Dustin saving Cody from an assumed beat-down by Orton & DiBiase, only for Cody to turn on Dustin and swerve everyone.

Fact is though, Goldust(in Rhodes) won't be used for anything other than a jobber match here and there (on television) and a lot of house shows. At least he's getting back into shape being with the W.W.E., as he was turning into a fat slob in T.N.A.
Now that the WWE have rehired Goldust- do you think this was a smart move? considering they have done nothing with him was resigning him a waste or does Goldust still have something more to give? Personally, I have always liked Goldust and think he has comedy potential or even some more involvement with his brother Cody could be good if done right.

Any thoughts?

I believe it could be a smart move because the WWE can somehow use him in a good storyline with his brother. I don't think it will be right away, since Cody is involved with Legacy. I believe Goldust will be around for a while. It seems like he gets brought back all the time, when the WWE knows they have a storyline for him to be involved in. Goldust is hilarious when used. I would like to either see a feud between Goldust and Cody, or Goldust somehow helping Cody out in a match.
Man, I just don't care much for Goldust. I never have really. The guy is now incredibly sloppy in the ring and just doesn't have the right body shape for the sport of professional wrestling. He's not meant to be a fat and overweight guy. If he was meant to be one, he wouldn't look absolutely ridiculous like he does now.

He simply doesn't have much use at this point of his career. I could see him having a mini feud with his brother Cody Rhodes or something like that. But apart from jobbing to Cody, he really shouldn't be wrestling in the company. I don't even find him funny as a comedy character. I'll take Santino Marella over Goldust any day in terms of being hilarious and making me laugh.

Hopefully he either remains with the company but not in a wrestling role or he gets released altogether. After he puts Cody over in the near future if the WWE decides to make that match happen, he shouldn't wrestle any more. He's not funny, not good on the mic and can't wrestle good anymore. Why the WWE brought him back in the first place is beyond me.
After giving this some more thought.. I would seriously mark the fuck out, if Dustin Rhodes (not Goldust) came out and "saved" Cody Rhodes from being a heel.. only to then form a Tag Team together.

Brother Tag Team's seem to work. While the Hardy's are the only "actual" brother duo, Edge, Christian, Bubba and D-Von were all "billed" as "brothers". And Dustin/Cody literally are.

I would simply love to see a Tag Team formed between them. DiBiase does NOT need Cody to get over, and definately doesn't need a Tag Team member at all. However, keep in mind he (too) has a brother, Mike DiBiase. (as well as yet another, whom I forget the name of)

So in all honesty, while a feud with Cody against Dustin is great. A Tag Team formation between them could honestly work well just the same.. if not go longer into the future.

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