Gold Rush: Veejay vs. Dorian Slaughter (Gold Rush Tournament Finals)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


As four men step inside the Hell in a Cell to do battle over the World Heavyweight Championship, two others have ascended through the ranks to meet one-on-one to determine who will be the next in line for an opportunity at the greatest prize in this industry. Dorian Slaughter, the protégé of the Elite, & Veejay, arguably the most famous man in India, successfully reached the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament and will compete to find out which of the two best 2014 rookies will get their chance at the big time.

Is it time for Veejay to conquer not only Bollywood but professional wrestling? Or will the darkness descend, allowing the Angel of Death to prevail?

Special Gold Rush PPV Deadline is Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
Plaza Theatre
Opp Veer Kotwal Udyan, N.C. Kelkar Rd, Dadar West, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The historic Plaza Theatre had sold out in record time last week after advertisements of the latest cinematic opportunity showered the eager Indian masses.

The flashy, fluorescent movie posters, stretched to grand scales, adorned the two large billboards above the bustling intersection in the theatre's horizon.


Perhaps more overwhelming than the billboard's content was the supersession of SOLD OUT across the chest of the film's stars.

880 eager viewers flood the sidewalk in front of the theatre, swarming the wrought iron gates, their general admission tickets in tow.

The gates open precisely 20 minutes before showtime as the mass of humanity cascades swiftly past ticket collectors and bag searchers, planting themselves in their desired locations within the theatre, scoffing at those who beat them to the most desirable seats.

As the theatre's floor fills and the lights dim, the aged walls rattle and the roofs' trusses hum with the opening toll of the film's orchestral intro.

The scene opens with Hollywood's newly crowned King and Queen couple, Veejay and Saffron, liplocked in the heat of passion, their hands caressing each other's figures as their mouths unite in a fit of emotion.

Silence befalls the audience, the calming of eagerness before the presumed eruption of elation as the opening credits roll. The orchestra roars, filling the theatre with anticipation as the background to the scene creeps slower into darkness, brightly illuminating the two centralized figures, lost in the bliss of romanticism.

As consistently as the backdrop fades, a new figure appears, coming forth out of the darkness. Its crimson tone gains contrast and focus, becoming brighter red as it nears the interlocked couple.

As the music climaxes, it also sours. Note after note, off key, out of tune, lacking any distinguishable rhythm.

The great serpent envelopes their figures, displacing their passion with fury, encompassing them in its brazen scales. Cries come from within the stranglehold, but they are quickly snuffed as it increases the strength of its grasp. Beauty turned repugnant, grace crudely diminished to a conglomeration of caterwauling.

The crowd's reaction is predictably unfavorable. Mothers scramble to shield their children's eyes and ears, elders struggle to make sense of the commotion.

The screen before the crowd fades into a crimson glow before slowly regressing to black as the soothing voice of a child comes to the forefront of the ongoing racket.

Child: Do not shield your fear, for He has come to redeem us all.

As the child articulates his final words, his speech is replaced by screams. Piercing through the sound system, the screams replace the shrill discourse of the maligned orchestra, filling the theatre with an uneasy tension.

A thin white mist rises from the base of the theatre's daunting screen, brushing against the crimson backdrop, creating a distorted fog of red and white. As the fog subsides, the screen flickers and returns to black. From deep within the nothingness, words appear, magnifying at a lethargic pace.


Many from the crowd vacate their seats, seeking exile from the disturbing scene, but the theatre's lone exit door, seemingly latched from the outside, provides no solace.

7 Slaughter: 1:1-2

The pride of hearts

The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, who can bring me down to the ground?

His voice fills the theatre, although his figure remains unseen.

Slaughter: The man you call hero has abandoned his home, fleeing for a new land, seeking to enhance the image he forged from his native soils. His pride has blinded his consciousness. He has become consumed with lust for earthly possessions and elaborate mansions within which he houses them. His fighting spirit has been displaced by illusions of stardom and wealth. And before your very eyes, His redemption shall manifest itself.

GoldRush approaches and the hero disregards the war. He gallivants with his mistress of vanity and his lapdog confidant, assuming victory is earned by magazine spreads and hefty bankrolls. Yet, while he approaches the battlefield with an army of hired hands, Death approaches battle with a remorseless mission. Veejay is but another stepping stone to Ragnarok, the decimation of this world, and its rebirth anew, forged by the swollen hand of The Redeemer.

His words ring heavily amidst the perturbed crowd as color returns to the deadened space at his back, slowly fading forth.

7 Slaughter 4:1-2

The second death

He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God. But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and idolaters and those whom seek wealth and act in lust, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Slaughter: The lake which burns with the tormented souls of the afflicted has brought forth a new master. I am the Great Deceiver. I am your God. My throne is not housed in earthly palaces nor otherworldly kingdoms, My throne lies between three ropes, strung 20 by 20, and from upon My throne, Death is the only mortal.

The second death occurs within the swarming lake of fire, yet the first occurs within the Tomb of the Mutilated, when your hero is forced to submit in the center of the ring, begging for his life, only to be awarded the opportunity of consecutive deaths, one that shall be, and one that is yet to come.

The background fades again as the crimson serpent reappears. Slithering onward, secreting a ruby trail of fluid in his wake. Words spew forth from the serpents' gaping mouth, lashing out fiercely before coming to rest in the foreground.

7 Slaughter 6: 1

The venom of asps

All have turned aside, together they have become useless. His throat is an open grave, His tongue begets deceit, the venom of asps adorns His lips.

The thickness of the crimson letters seem to burn themselves upon the canvas of the screen as the theatre quakes with a sudden shudder of force.

Debris begins to shower the crowd from overhead, as the theatre's exit suddenly swings open. The crowds rush toward the door, vacating personal belongings at the scene of terror. The noise is deafening, rattling the structure from below, rising in intensity with each passing moment.

As the final patrons vacate the theatre, a lone figure remains amidst the chaos. The Great Deceiver stands before the screen, his arms elongated on either side of his body, as "the venom of asps" glows brightly in the background.

Slaughter: Veejay, our paths have crossed on numerous occassions. We have enjoyed success working in unison, but your search for adulation ends here. The time has come in which the powerless rise. The newly crowned King of Hollywood shall be usurped from his elaborate throne and upon his fallen crest shall rest the heavy knee of Death. And upon his sword shall slither the great serpent, sparing just enough venom for his Queen. And when the Queen falls upon the marble floors, the Kingdom will be relegated to its perpetual death.

As The Angel of Death drops to one knee, the theatre shudders, now rocking under the unseen forces that rattle its foundation.

His eyes are fierce as He extends one arm in front of His bowed torso, seemingly setting the collapse into motion.

Amidst the crumbling walls and shattering glass, the crimson glow grows in intensity.

As the commotion settles, dissipating dust falls into place around the perimeter. The crumbled theatre reduced to rubble as onlookers gasp and shout amongst themselves.

The crimson glow begins to rise as, from within the rubble, ascends the pentagram. The Great Deceiver kneels in the center of the shape, his posture unchanged from before the collapse.

Flames erupt suddenly, encircling the pentagram as it continues to ascend.

He rises to His feet and gazes down upon the crowd of onlookers.

Slaughter:I have seen inside your heads, I am aware of your vanity. Show Me your hearts, so that they may be redeemed under My hands.

Ragnarok is closing in, death for honor, death for glory, death at your hero's side.

Death, in fire.

The circling flames rage as a cold wind howls swiftly across the cityscape, blinding the eyes of the onlookers. As the scene refocuses, The Great Deceiver has vanished, leaving only a burning pentagram, now rotated to a full frontal view, burning brightly against the sullen evening sky.
The pain, the pleasure and the Ultimate Coup!

The head office of Pruthvi Cinemahouse

Pruthvi Chauhan, Veejay’s dad, walks into his top floor office of Pruthvi Cineplaza. He looked jaded. As he walked by reception, he’s told something by receptionist. Whatever was told filled Pruthvi’s eyes with anger. He stormed into his office. In his office was Veejay, sitting on the guest couch of Pruthvi’s office.

Pruthvi: You! How dare you come to my office?

Veejay: Relax! A son can’t come to see his dad?

Pruthvi: Son? You call yourself my son? Not only did you decide to sign with our rival studio, now I am not able to sell territories for any of my movies thanks to you. My last 4 movies have lost huge amount of money, so much so that I have to look for financiers for my next project, all thanks to you! You play dirty with me and call yourself my son?

Veejay: Come on, dad. You know it’s all business.

Pruthvi: Business? When you decided to join movie industry, you could’ve signed up for me. Instead, you chose the bitterest rival of mine. You call that business?

Veejay: Your studio has been losing money before I even decided to enter this world. What sense would it make if I signed up with you? You’re no longer the force you once were. So, yes, it was all business. And not only that, you never really wanted me around. So, why I should’ve come to you?

Pruthvi: So why have you come to me now?

Veejay: Simple. I have come to you with business proposal.

Pruthvi: What business proposal?

Veejay: I want to buy this whole company.

Pruthvi seethed with anger.

Pruthvi: That is not happening! Besides, why would you want to buy a place which, according to you, is losing money?

Veejay: Because I know how to run a business in 21st century. Pa, if I can still call you that, your methods are ancient. I know what I can do with this place.

Pruthvi: What exactly are you going to do?

Veejay: You know this place isn’t worth a dime. I have a great offer from someone for this place. I’ll sell this place off and make a lot of money. And guess what, I’ll give you some money as well so that you can retire peacefully. You won’t have to go to a retirement home.

Pruthvi: How dare you even think about it? This is my lifetime’s work! I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears in this. And you want to sell this place off? What about all the good people who work here? Have you thought about it?

Veejay: Do you think I care what happens to these losers? They chose to work for you! About time they got what they deserved.

Pruthvi: You are not taking this place away from me!

Veejay: I knew you wouldn’t give in that easily. I always have a back up.

Veejay took out few papers and handed it over to his dad. He looked over them and sunk in his chair.

Veejay: I already have more than 50% shares of Pruthvi Cinemahouse. Even if you want, you can’t stop me from taking this place over.

Pruthvi was broken. He had glazed look in his eyes.

Pruthvi: Please don’t do this to me and these people. They have nowhere to go! They are all good people.

Veejay: You should have thought about it before.

Pruthvi clutched his chest, breathing heavily. Veejay didn’t seem to heed any of it.

Pruthvi: Why…are you…doing this? Please don’t…do this. I…beg you…

Veejay: You did this to yourself, dad. You abandoned ma, you abandoned me, you abandoned everything. I lost the only person I cared about because of you!

Pruthvi leaned back in his chair, gasping for air. As life kept slipping away from his body, Veejay turned and looked at him with zero remorse.

Veejay: I have waited for this moment for so long!

Pruthvi lied motionless on his chair. Veejay checks up on him and then calls someone from his cellphone.

Veejay: Hello, Dilip. The meeting’s over. I am coming down in some time. Meanwhile, call an ambulance. We have a dead body here.

Veejay walked out of the office. He shed a drop of tear before putting his shades back on.

Veejay: If only you knew me

The debt had been repaid.


Veejay kicks his bedroom door open, carrying Saffron in his arms.

Saffron: C’mon! Put my down now!

Veejay drops her on his bed. He turns around and closes the door behind him and then jumps on the bed right beside Saffron. Both are laughing and panting from exhaustion.

Saffron: You’re a strong man Mr. Veejay! I couldn’t have imagined you carrying me all the way upstairs.

Veejay: That’s what superheroes do. Afterall, I am Bore, the demigod.

Saffron: That you are! What an amazing event! I have a good feeling about our movie.

Veejay: Of course you have! It’s going to be the biggest blockbuster of the Summer. Now, just give me a moment. I’ll make a couple of calls and I’ll be right back.

Veejay leaves Saffron behind in the room. She starts looking around in the drawers and closet, thinking of what to do when Veejay returns. As she snoops around in the closet, a picture and a check fall on the floor. Just as she picks the picture and the check, Veejay enters the room.

Veejay: What are you doing?

Saffron: Nothing! I was just looking around. Who’s this lady?

Veejay snatches the picture of her hand. She seems a bit startled by Veejay’s reaction. Veejay seems a bit pissed.

Veejay: Never ever touch my things, Saffron. Never!

Saffron gulps. She had never seen Veejay angry before. She quietly sits down on the bed as Veejay tries to calm himself down.

Saffron: *in very low voice* I am…sorry.

Veejay, hands on his waist, paces around a bit. Then he comes and sits by Saffron.

Veejay: I am sorry. I shouldn’t have behaved like this. *he holds the picture in his hands* This lady is my mom.

Saffron: Seems like a lovely lady. I’d like to meet her someday.

Veejay’s face reflects a grim look.

Veejay: You won’t be able to. She’s no more.

Saffron: I am so sorry!

Veejay: Don’t be. It’s not your fault. And you are right. She was a lovely lady. The only person I’ve ever cared about before you came in my life.

Saffron: Don’t worry Veejay. I am sure wherever she is, she’s looking out for us.

She hugs Veejay. Veejay doesn’t seem to return the hug, just sits there. Seeing that, Saffron gets up to leave.

Saffron: I should leave.

Veejay holds her hands as she tries to leave.

Veejay: Please don’t! Bunk with me tonight. I need you today more than ever.

He pulls her right into his lap and they lock in a kiss as they roll over into the bed…


A sound wakes Veejay up in the middle of night. He looks around him, but couldn’t find Saffron. He steps out his bed and looks out the window at the huge front lawn facing his bedroom. He sees a boy with a shovel digging in his lawn.

Veejay: Hey, you! What are you doing?

He comes down hurriedly. He goes to the lawn but couldn’t see anyone. He walks to the place where he saw the boy digging. He sees a little note by the pit the boy had dug. “Follow the trail.” The note read. He sees footmarks and dirt through the lawn. He decides to go after the trail.

The trail leads him to a nearby forest. It’s eerily silent. Every now and then, some crickets could be heard. It’s very dark. Veejay continues following the trail and finally reaches a pretty open place beside a lake in the forest. While he’s trying to make sense of all this, he sees a figure sitting on a log of wood, seemingly knitting something. The figure has its back towards Veejay. Veejay approaches her.

Veejay: Hey!

No answer.

Veejay: Hey! I am talking to you.

Still no answer. Veejay comes closer to the figure and taps it on the shoulder. The figure turns around. Veejay is taken aback after seeing her. He stumbles back, falls, and tries to drag himself away.

Veejay couldn’t speak a word. His eyes, wide open, are able to see even through that darkness. The figure sits there motionless.

Veejay: Ma…! Ma, is that… you?

Figure: Yes, Veejay. I’ve been waiting for you. It’s been so long I’ve seen you my son. Come close to me.

Veejay gets up. He is still not able to believe his eyes. He walks to the figure and sits right in front of her. He keeps on gazing her. His eyes are filled with tears. Finally, he hugs her. He closes his eyes as if he wants to soak in every moment.

Veejay: Where were you ma? I’ve missed you so much! Why did you leave me, ma? You know I cannot live without you.

Figure: I can never leave my son. I’ve always been with you. I am always watching over you.

Veejay: Promise me you’ll never leave me again. Please promise me!

Figure: I’ll never leave you.

He finally breaks the hug. He holds her face in his hands and keeps staring at her face. Tears roll down his cheeks. He puts his head in her lap as she runs her palm over his head. He closes his eyes once more.

Veejay: I want peace, ma! I want these voices gone from my head! Can you please sing me that song you always sang?

Veejay waits for her to sing, but she doesn’t. He lifts his head only to see that there’s no one. He gets up and looks around him but he couldn’t see anyone around. In that darkness, he spots the half knit piece of cloth on the ground. He picks it up and reads

Death became her
Death will become you

Horrified, Veejay drops the piece of cloth and takes a step back but bumps into someone behind him. He turns around to see a hooded man with a dagger in his hand. Veejay wants to run but he cannot, his legs frozen. Veejay helplessly watches.

Hooded man: Say your final goodbye!

Veejay raises his hands trying to defend himself as the hooded man swings his dagger at him…


Veejay: No!!!

He sits up as a scream escapes his mouth. Saffron wakes up as well startled by the scream. She sees Veejay all sweaty and panting heavily. She gets hold of him and moves her hand on his back.

Saffron: Wait, I’ll get you some water!

She gets out of the bed and gets Veejay a glass of water. Veejay still seems out of it as he tries to catch his breath. He takes the glass of water, and with trembling hands takes a sip. Saffron tries to calm him down.

Saffron: Don’t worry! I am right here with you.

Veejay finally seems to get it together. He feels relaxed when he realizes that it’s his bedroom.

Saffron: Must have been some nightmare!

Veejay: Yeah! I saw her and then him.

Saffron: Who? Whom did you see?

Veejay gets out of his bed, picks up his phone and dials a number. After almost 5-6 rings, the phone’s finally answered.

Dilip: Hello…

Veejay: Hey, I want you to do something right away.

Dilip: Right away? Man, it’s 3 in the morning! Can’t you wait another 3 hours or so?

Veejay: Nope, this is important!

Dilip: You’re a shitty employer! Do you realize that?

Veejay: Yeah, yeah. Now, listen to me carefully…


We are at the LA International airport where Veejay’s private jet is waiting for him. He gets off his limo and walks with Saffron towards his jet.

Veejay: You think he’ll be here?

Saffron: He’s a huge fan of mine, so of course he’ll be here.

Veejay gets into his jet and walks into the large cabin where his guest is seated. He takes a seat across the table in front of his guest.

Veejay: Hello, Mr. Constantine. It’s an honor and a privilege to finally meet you in person.

Constantine: Veejay, you? I am not here for you. I am here because Ms Hanson called me. *to Saffron* Ms. Hanson, I am big fan!

Before Saffron could say anything, Veejay interrupts.

Veejay: Yeah, yeah! She called you because I wanted to meet you.

The butler serves drinks to them.

Veejay: Before I get to my business, I think congratulations are in order. I heard you became a father.

Constantine: Yes, thank you.

Veejay: Not only that, you are now the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Constantine: Cut to the chase. What do you want?

Veejay: I am just happy for you. Too bad you’ll not be able to remain World Champion for long. But that’s alright. You can enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Constantine laughs at Veejay who doesn’t seem amused.

Constantine: You really think you’ll beat Dorian Slaughter, win the Gold Rush tournament and then beat me for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship?

Veejay: Nope. I think that after Gold Rush you’ll not have a championship to defend.

Constantine’s expressions change.

Constantine: You have a big mouth, Veejay. Not only did I complete my Elite X gauntlet successfully, I am the current World Champion. Show me some damn respect!

Veejay: Except that this time you have no Elite to save you. Your own brothers have turned on you. You go against Ty Burna, your best friend who’s a psychopath and has the longest reign as WZCW World heavyweight champion, Matt Tastic who just lost his championship because of your Elite brethren and is gunning for you, and Mikey Stormrage who has a chip on his shoulder. And if that was not enough, it’s Hell in a Cell. What are the odds?

Constantine grits his teeth but doesn’t say anything.

Veejay: Look, whether you like it or not, you don’t have the kind of chance you think you have in this match. That’s where I come in. I have a business proposal for you.

Constantine: What kind of proposal?

Veejay: You help me defeat Slaughter and I’ll help you retain your championship.

Constantine scratches his head. He obviously didn’t see that coming.

Constantine: Wait! Let me get this straight. You want me to stab Slaughter in the back so that you can later stab me in the back? Are you kidding me?

Veejay: Do you like chess? Let’s play chess.

Constantine has a puzzled look in his eyes as Veejay sets up the chess board. Constantine, reluctantly, moves his pawn. Veejay thinks a little and then takes Constantine’s own queen and knocks Constantine’s king.

Constantine: What the hell! Do you even know how to play chess?

Veejay: Does it matter? What I do know is Elite is no more. Your cohorts are no longer protecting you. In fact, they are standing against you. Today, it’s Ty, tomorrow it could be Slaughter. Just like that, either Ty or Slaughter will take you down. I am extending my hand to you to help you out.

Constantine: Just so that later you can knock me off the top? Do I look like a fool to you?

Veejay: You’re a politician, right? How come you don’t see this? With the championship in your hand, you have a target painted on your back. Everyone’s going to come after you, me included. My proposal is simple. Help me take Slaughter down and I’ll help you retain your title. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Once we are done with him and your Elite, we can sort our differences out man to man. Otherwise, after Gold Rush, you may not have a championship for me to come after you.

Constantine gets up, prepared to leave.

Veejay: Think about my proposal. It may be your only chance.

Constantine says nothing. Deep in thoughts, he turns back one moment and catches a wink from Veejay. He then gets off the jet.

Saffron: Wow! You are playing with fire. Do you realize this guy might just spill the beans to Elite and then they all will come after you?

Veejay: No, he won’t. He knows what’s at stake and it’ll be foolish for him to do anything like that.

Saffron: Still, I don’t trust him. You should watch your back with Elite around.

Veejay: Don’t worry, honey! I always have a plan.

Veejay picks up his phone and calls Dilip.

Veejay: Have you done what I had told you?

Dilip: Haven’t I always? I’ve put out feelers out for him. The only problem is he wants more than proposed.

Veejay: Pay him as much as he wants, but get him.

Before Dilip could say anything, Veejay hangs up.

Saffron: So, you’re getting backup. I gotta say, you’re leaving no stone unturned to win against this Slaughter guy. Is he that dangerous?

Veejay looks out the window as the jet starts moving on the runway. His eyes have fire in them.

Veejay: It’s not about how dangerous he is. It’s about what he represents. This is not just a tournament final for me. This is not just a world championship shot for me. It’s more than that. Slaughter represents death. I am out to conquer death, once and for all. It’s about time Slaughter found out what happens when death meets a force more powerful than itself. At Gold Rush, Slaughter will finally find out what it means going toe to toe with the conqueror! And once I have conquered death, that World Championship would be mine. No Slaughter, no Burna, no Tastic, and certainly no Constantine can stop me from taking it. It's the ultimate triumph!

Veejay resets his chess board. The jet takes off as the scene fades away.
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