Glorifying The Worst - Mark Henry.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Now, I'll admit it, one of my Alts started a Thread Series called Glorifying The Worst, where I took Wrestlers from the WWE/TNA who weren't great, and found what's great about them. Before I hit Prison, someone suggested that I took Mark Henry as my next subject in the series. So now, remembering about it, I will do that.


Mark Henry debuted in the WWF in 1996. He was part of the Nation of Domination, along with Farooq, The Rock, D'LO Brown & The Godfather. Then came the dreaded, where, with his "Sexual Chocolate" character, he knocked up Mae Young, who gave birth to a Hand. In 2000, they sent him to OVW to hone his skills, and improve. He then returned participating in "Tests of Strength", which overall, pretty much failed. Once again, in 2002, Henry was sent BACK to OVW to yet again "Hone" his skills. He then, '03, returned on RAW, where he was placed in rivalries with Goldberg/HBK/Booker T. In an OVW Session in '04, he injured his Quad Muscle which put him out of action for a year.
On December 30th, 2005, Henry returned, this time on the SD Brand. He helped MNM to win the Tag Team Titles, as well as regain them against the team of Mysterio/Batista. He then feuded with the Champ, Batista. At Wrestlemania 22, he faced Undertaker in a Casket Match, where he obviously lost. He then, after a string of bad times, went on a "Path of Destruction", where he took out Chris Benoit & Paul Burchill, along with attacking Rey Mysterio & Chavo. On July 15, 2006, on Saturday Night's Main Event, Henry was injured in a 6-Man Tag Team Match, where he tore the Patella tendon off the bone and split his Patella in two.
Moving through time where Henry was thrown around storylines, he was drafted to ECW in 2008, as part of the Supplemental Draft. In his 1st match as an ECW Star, he beat The Big Show & Kane in a Triple Threat to win the ECW Title. Then, at Unforgiven, he lost the title to Matt Hardy. He was then drafted to Raw in '09, where he teamed with MVP. He was Lucky Cannons Mentor in NXT 2, and then began teaming with Evan Bourne until his injury. Recently, he has been teaming with Yoshi Tatsu and has taken part in a Tag Team Title match, which they lost and the Royal Rumble, where he was eliminated by The New Nexus.

So, for someone so celebrated, his career has not been the best. He's suffered multiple injuries, as well as having been sent back from re-training. Lets quickly have a look at the Titles he's won.
ECW Championship (1)
WWF European Championship (1)
See, I meant quickly.

Again, he's not the greatest. He's a big man, once "The World's Strongest". He's never held a true major title in the WWE and is placed in Tag Teams with what seem to be unpromising Superstars. He's not had a decent storyline in a Year or so and seems to be getting a bit unnecessary.
However, for one so unpromising, he's got good about him in the fact that;
He's a big guy, so he always comes over as intimidating.
He's GREAT at getting the crowd going, no matter what.
He's still pretty agile, surprisingly, for his physique.
Also, he's had a decent run, with some good times.

So, to you, what is there to "Glorify" about the WSM, Mark Henry?
I actually don't think Mark Henry is one of the worst. He tries out there. I'll give him that. He has had a pretty productive career. I am sure if every match was counted, he has won more than he has lost. At least he has won titles. That is saying more than some wrestlers that are in the HOF. Koko B. Ware for one.

I think there are probably more wrestlers all time that are worse than Henry than are better then him. Being as strong as he is and looking back at some of the feats he performed, I think he did alright.

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