Getting away with murder...

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You have one guy posting "TNA Sucks ... WWE Rules" in virtually ever thread in the TNA forum. And you have countless members making countless numbers of double posts. Why isn't anything being done about it?
1) Not enough mods

2) Nobody bothers reporting posts so we're not aware of everything

3) there are several threads throughout the forums explaining the situation here

4) Despite my usergroup I'm not admin so I can't add mods
Dysturbed said:
2) Nobody bothers reporting posts so we're not aware of everything

i know your really busy due to all the wankers spamming all the time but i did report the person in question earlier for repeated spamming in the same thread
Then this site has yet another glitch that the owner is ignoring becuase I haven't received a reported post in about two weeks via email when I used to receive several per day. :(
Dysturbed said:
Then this site has yet another glitch that the owner is ignoring becuase I haven't received a reported post in about two weeks via email when I used to receive several per day. :(
i dont want to get banned for this but with all due respect to the owner he needs to pull his finger out of his arse and stop being such a jackass about this being his "17th best forum" or whatever crap hes on about. im not a suckup and i hate suckups but i know that you (dysturbed) and the rest of the mods or trying to get this place in shape but when you've got an owner who dosen't even bother fixing things its pretty shameful. IMO when/if he comes on he should make you (dysturbed) joint admin with JT and he should read this so he can see how the majority of his members feel

pastie out
Please dont tell me this is happening again. Whatever happened to JP? There are a group of people here that want to make this Forum a really good place to post once again, I would consider myself one of them, but once again like you guys had the owner isnt giving the board the support it needs.
Honestly, that's one reason a bunch of us left and started another forum. I mean, this place does have a history of bad administrators who kinda ruined it for all of us, so it is understandable that the owner doesn't trust a lot of people. But when it affects the boards to where it's almost impossible to correct problems this site has, it does make you lose faith in the community.

Personally, I'd like to see administrator approvals of new members if IP banning isn't available.
To add another suggetion, I think we should add additional Mods on. I know that Eteranl Dragon, myself, and Realblackheart and a couple of other real good and faithful memebers wouldnt mind stepping up and enforcing the rules here
I think the problem is that there is only one person on the board that can add Moderators, and they are not currently active for some reason. I know Dysturbed was one of the people to instigate the move to another board, however the reasons we pretty valid, why he or even Proto are not trusted with actual Admin Powers I dont know.
I dont know why Dysturbed isnt trusted with admin power... He does his job and takes it seriously.. But like I said in anoter thread.. They need help.. The owner needs to get on and do something about this.
[ WALKER ] said:
You have one guy posting "TNA Sucks ... WWE Rules" in virtually ever thread in the TNA forum. And you have countless members making countless numbers of double posts. Why isn't anything being done about it?
Umm...I have been something about it...WHEN I'M ON!!! Most of the time when I'm on I do nothing but cleaning up the forum and banning offending users, but I'm not on 24/7 and I do have a life outside WZ Forums. Given that we don't have enough mods and that the owners pretty much don't care, the existing mods are doing the best we can.

Be patient, and keep contributing, and report posts if you have to, but let the mod staff take care of these problems (it's not going away overnight). We're doing the best we can with the little power we've been given.
I know your thoughts said:
Well dont you think you should get more mods then....

I say PaulWall an Eternal Dragon should be mods!!!
Like Dysturbed kept saying over and over again, we DO NOT have to power to make anyone mods. That power can only be issued by the owner or the admin, and the only one with "admin" powers is JPReakTalk, who for all intents and purposes has relinquished his role as admin. An experiment was made to put Dysturbed in the "Admin" user group to see if he would get admin powers as a result, but IT DID NOT WORK. Unless the owner decides to finally care about the forum, the current mod staff will remain as is, and we will have to deal with the problems the best that we can.
St Jonny said:
. I know Dysturbed was one of the people to instigate the move to another board, however the reasons we pretty valid, why he or even Proto are not trusted with actual Admin Powers I dont know.

Right, as you recall my "instigating" was more out of trying to preserve the community than do the generic "leave for a better forum" routine that I've always been against. That forum exists now, Proto, Peopleschamp, myself and a few others still try to help there, but Brian's help is nonexistant. JP is a busy guy and really isnt' fond of the place anymore.
To be honest I'm not quite sure why he hasnt appointed either you or Proto as Admin again, its well known that Brian really isnt that bothered about this place, yet there are the obvious issues with him trusting people, wasnt it Ghetto and Sober that hacked the Forum a couple of years back? If he doesnt care then why not give the powers to you, the board is almost a shit tip anyway, so what harm could you or Proto or anyone else for that matter do. Maybe some of us should try E-Mailing him and get him to appoint someone who has time for the place, or at the very least add some more mods until he finds someone he can "trust".
peopleschamp said:
Like Dysturbed kept saying over and over again, we DO NOT have to power to make anyone mods. That power can only be issued by the owner or the admin, and the only one with "admin" powers is JPReakTalk, who for all intents and purposes has relinquished his role as admin. An experiment was made to put Dysturbed in the "Admin" user group to see if he would get admin powers as a result, but IT DID NOT WORK. Unless the owner decides to finally care about the forum, the current mod staff will remain as is, and we will have to deal with the problems the best that we can.
but isnt there a way like he could give all powers to you lot to take over as owners so to speak or is does he have to pay to run this forum?
He makes money off of this forum and pays a lot for it. I forget how much but someone did the resarch at some point to see how much it cost for the site.

St Jonny said:
To be honest I'm not quite sure why he hasnt appointed either you or Proto as Admin again, its well known that Brian really isnt that bothered about this place, yet there are the obvious issues with him trusting people, wasnt it Ghetto and Sober that hacked the Forum a couple of years back? If he doesnt care then why not give the powers to you, the board is almost a shit tip anyway, so what harm could you or Proto or anyone else for that matter do. Maybe some of us should try E-Mailing him and get him to appoint someone who has time for the place, or at the very least add some more mods until he finds someone he can "trust".

For one thing he's unresponsive if you try to reach him but infamousbe is his aim name. He claimed that he never spoke with me in the past cause he already had too many people to talk to, yet he obviously talked to JP to make him admin. He doesn't like me although he knows nothing of anything good that I've done. All he knows is about the existence of **. When this forum was restarted he made it clear in the board room that his issue is that so many people left (and were given notice to leave.) He takes no resopnsibility for the constantly crashing server, the fact that his negelegence allowed a bunch of posters to return from banning dozens of times, etc. Plus the forum crashed for two months shortly after we all left but somehow that's anyone's fault but his.

If he were to spend even ten minutes looking around the forums he'd see people complaining and mentioning how some of us could do a better job. I've been in the admin usergroup for over a month and he obviously hasn't noticed. (although if he has, he knows that I can't do anything). Even when Proto was admin he couldn't ip ban.
This seems almost exactly the same as when you guys started the other place. But Probably worse, because at least you and others could clean the Forums up, with there only being Three people that actually Mod the WWE Forums (you and Proto included) its just getting worse. I'm not going to sit here and say its all down to Brian, because I dont know the guy, but its so very clear that something has to change and fast around here or the good posters, the few that are actually left, are going to start leaving again.
It is worse cause in the past I could use proto's old account (which was then called admin but had no ip banning) to mod people, make forums, do the wz prison thing, etc. Also take a look at the announcements forum. The forum has been open for anyone to post in it since this place was started. I think that JP can actually close it to the public but he hasn't and Brian certainly hasn't. There is at least one advertisement posted in that forum each day that is then deleted.

Another problem is the aforementioned links that bring hundreds of posters to the forums sometimes. First it was "third member of dx revealed click here" to which we got hundreds of posters making threads asking who it would be or randomly asking that question in the wrong forums or in threads that have nothing to do with DX. Last week was the link to a live ppv stream. There were then non stop threads about that.

So not only do we have a problem of people not looking around and starting repeat topics and whatever but a problem of someone (whoeever posts those links on the main wz page) actively doing what they can to bring such idiots over here.
There was one thing I thought about WZ that might be a good idea, although it would require Admin Access so its pretty useless right now. I'm sure you can set Permission Masks up so that people cant post topics in Forums, you could rig something up so that people had to have a certain number of posts to start topics, it would stop n00bs coming along and starting countless threads about random shit, although I say again, you'd need Admin Access, which I cant believe no-one who is here actually has.

I look at this Forum, see the traffic and the potential, any Wrestling Forum would give their left arm for the amount of traffic this place gets. Its so disheartening to see the place like this, and to have so many people that want to help, yet they cant because the owner wont come around and appoint a new Admin.
Theres really nothing they can do tho.. It doesnt seem like the admin is coming on anytime soon.. And its not like all the spammers and etc. are going to read this.. We're just gonna have to cope with them until or if the admin does something about it.
One thing I'd do is make it so that people have to use valid emails to sign up. It's not that it takes long to make a new account but it takes more time than just registering within 15 seconds undera fake email. That kind of thing may deter some of the banned people from returning non stop. If the admin panel is set up like it used to be I'd be able to type in a users name and make it so that they can't post in specific forums. That would be a pain for me to do with a lot of posters but if anyone spams too much they could end up in the prison like before or only be able to post in the bar room or whatever.
Thats basically what needs to be done.. Do need a jail or prison or whatever.. It would be a good addition to relocate the spammers.. There they can have as many Kurt Tna topics and DX=Cena or whatever they like to do.. It would be like there own little forum.. I wish one of you guys could get in touch with the Admin.. Im guessing you have tried Via Email and etc.?
Honestly though, there are too many and most of them would just be banned. The point of it is to rehabilite (so to speak) the posters who want to stick around and contribute. Most people that spam too much are hopeless. I know how to get in touch with the admin but with the exception of ip banning a few people awhile back (which I was thankful for) he hasn't been very responsive due to various reasons including having obligations beyond the forum.
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