Get the POWER! Wait a minute........

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
We can't get the power anymore because Nintendo Power announced that it is ceasing operations.

Even though I haven't read an issue in a long time it still saddens me to see it go. Nintendo Power was awesome and had some of the greatest and most ridiculous ads ever and some of the best covers ever.


I loved reading about new games coming out or learning the famous 30 lives code in Contra (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, Start) or learning for the first time Super Mario Bros. 3 was gonna have a show starring Capt. Lou Albano. As a kid it was always a good read and I was always impatient to get the next one.

What are some of your favorite Nintendo Power memories? Reminisce here and get the power one last time.
I loved getting the posters out of those, it was such a bitch though. Trying not to tear the poster while removing the staples. You look at a magazine today like Game Informer, it's a good magazine, but Nintendo Power was great. Maybe it was because I was just a kid, but it had such an epic feel.
We can't get the power anymore because Nintendo Power announced that it is ceasing operations.

Even though I haven't read an issue in a long time it still saddens me to see it go. Nintendo Power was awesome and had some of the greatest and most ridiculous ads ever and some of the best covers ever.


I loved reading about new games coming out or learning the famous 30 lives code in Contra (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, Start) or learning for the first time Super Mario Bros. 3 was gonna have a show starring Capt. Lou Albano. As a kid it was always a good read and I was always impatient to get the next one.

What are some of your favorite Nintendo Power memories? Reminisce here and get the power one last time.

That never happened. It was based on SMB1 and 2 and released the year before 3 was released in the NA regions.
Sad thing is the decline in magazines, I always buy Official Nintendo magazine, Nintendo Gamer, Edge and Retro Gamer.

It is a shame to see Nintendo Power go though.
It may be just me but even though I'm a technology guy I would still much rather read from a book or magazine. There is something very unappealing reading an article online.

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