George Zimmerman Arrested Once Again

I don't know if he's guilty, but this is like Mike Vick being seen loitering at a pet store. Dude is a dolt.
I think it's long been established that he's a top-of-the-line jackass with enough entitlement issues for the entire McDonald's workforce that is striking. I don't think anyone is doubting that.

I'm not going to bring his murder trial into it, he was acquitted. But he keeps getting away with things of a violent nature, another one involving a gun. And his wife and her father are enabling his behavior here, which is only going to worsen as a result.

Not exactly a fan of making predictions into the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him on trial once again for a violence-related act. It's sad, but marriages end, George. Your wife filing for divorce isn't the end of the world, nor is it grounds for you to beat on he dad and threaten her at gunpoint. You're not entitled to anything, she's not property.

It does really freaking annoy me, however, that every time a story about the man is printed, they list 10-15 concurrent articles resulting his shooting of Trayvon Martin. They have nothing to do with the current story.

Of course, we wouldn't even be talking about him or this story if it weren't for the Martin one.
I'm just gonna sit here and wait for the right to call Zimmerman a wife/ mother in law beater.

Because, you know, if Trayvon Martin was thug, Zimmerman is a wife bearer, right?
It does really freaking annoy me, however, that every time a story about the man is printed, they list 10-15 concurrent articles resulting his shooting of Trayvon Martin. They have nothing to do with the current story.

Of course, we wouldn't even be talking about him or this story if it weren't for the Martin one.

Sorry, LSN, but I have to disagree. We're witnessing an unarguable pattern of violent behavior, all of which seems to indicate Zimmerman can hold his temper as well as a catholic schoolgirl holds her whiskey.

Like KB said, he may not be guilty, but this isn't doing much to sway the public opinion on what might have happened
Sorry, LSN, but I have to disagree. We're witnessing an unarguable pattern of violent behavior, all of which seems to indicate Zimmerman can hold his temper as well as a catholic schoolgirl holds her whiskey.

I must admit, I'm somewhat unclear of how well Catholic schoolgirls hold their whiskey, but I'll imagine it's not well. :blush:

And I agree with you. That's why I said this:
But he keeps getting away with things of a violent nature, another one involving a gun. And his wife and her father are enabling his behavior here, which is only going to worsen as a result.

Not exactly a fan of making predictions into the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him on trial once again for a violence-related act.

I just don't agree with them putting every article regarding the Trayvon Martin incident along-side a piece about him. If one hasn't heard/seen/read about him by now, one is likely deaf and blind both. Sure, the connection points out that pattern of behavior, but it's overload.

Like I said, if it weren't for the Trayvon Martin incident, we wouldn't be reading about this. Incidents like this, sadly, happen all the time, and they never make the news.

Like KB said, he may not be guilty, but this isn't doing much to sway the public opinion on what might have happened.
Sure it will. It's going to worsen public opinion of him and lead more and more people to come to the conclusion that he was guilty of murder, regardless of verdict or the truth.
Leave the guy alone, he's been through a lot lately. Imagine if you were the CEO of Mens' Wearhouse for all those years and you lost your job.

Too funny. But seriously, you get acquitted of murder, you're supposed to keep a low profile. Even if this isn't true, he needs to disappear for a while.
Too funny. But seriously, you get acquitted of murder, you're supposed to keep a low profile. Even if this isn't true, he needs to disappear for a while.

Agreed. George should ask O.J. how well it works out when you give the legal system a second shot at you. Well, second stab in O.J.'s case.

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