Funny As Fuck

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Made me laugh.

trunksjmd said:
Jake_Stoke said:
trunksjmd said:
Crime: Flaming
Preparatory: Kasey
Insulting me..
I hope this is a really clever trolling attempt. If it is, kudos, if it isn't, your parents should've been sterilized.
I was gona let all of these flames go but he wouldn’t stop. Even I have my limits. He wanted to take personal shots at me rather than completely stick to the topic at hand. I don’t know what his problem is.

Yes, it does make sense (even moreso after the reply you sent).
Further insulting me.

so sometimes I do have to deal with the lowest common denominator. In this case, that's you.
Another jab at me.

I love this straw-man argument from one of the brightest posters this side of PaulWall.
Another insult.

And I still think your parent's should've been sterilized before you were born
Yet another jab at me.

I was mistaken. You have no intelligence to insult.
Further insulting me.

No amount of animated smilies is going to make up for your lack of intelligence.
Another insult.

And I still think your parent's should've been sterilized before you were born

Need I say more?
If those aren't insults than I don't know what is.
I never insulted him back, I kept defending myself by questioning the legitimacy of his insults which I have every right to do. But never once did I insult him back. I thought if I keep defending myself he would finally get the hint and back off but this just kept leading to him further insulting me. If you don’t stop him now he is just going to keep doing it.

From the MMA thread. I remember.

No. He's a better/more important poster than you. And he isn't even a regular anymore.
lol. I see. You put being a poster before being a moderator. I knew this would happen. he is a regular when I post back to him, he is checking the forums to see if I post something no doubt. I had no idea you were watching the whole time and didn't even care. That whole nazi thing was out of anger towards the mods not doing there job. It was stupid I know. I am sorry for that. A ban is only a week though. He'll be back.
I went back to my high school the other day. Damn I miss that place, which is odd because I couldn't wait to get out.
Well, a moderator is supposed to do his job. So I thought. It dosent' matter now. What can I say the internet is the wild wild west.
Well, since you already have heat with a lot of posters, you probably shouldve just taken your lumps and kept it moving, instead of bitching to Jake about somone who has contributed about 1000000000000X more to these forums than you have
I see, it's high school all over for me again.

You brought everything on yourself. You came into a thread that was only four people talking MMA and called the sport gay man making love. Anything that Kasey said to you, you deserved.

Also, I tried legitamately debating with you and you just ignored them and only responded to Kasey's insults (which were well justified). If you don't like being flamed than don't dish it out. Stay out of that thread and you have no problem.

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