Friday Night Smackdown post Wrestlemania XXVII


Pre-Show Stalwart
I will be starting a new project here in the Book This section, but this time I will be working alongside the legendary Theo. While Theo commands RAW, I will be booking the Smackdown side of things with everything taking place after Wrestlemania XXVII. My results for Smackdown are a little different as I have changed some results as well as some of the matches.

Wrestlemania 27 Results (Smackdown)​


Eight Man Tag Team Match
The Corre (Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater) df. The Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston and Santino Marella
With the rest of his team dealing with Jackson and Slater on the outside, Kofi Kingston looked to hit his trademark crossbody from the top rope upon a weakened Wade Barrett. However the Ghanaian sensation had forgotten about Justin Gabriel, who proceeded to make the blind tag, push Kofi off the top rope and ascend the turnbuckle himself. In front of over seventy thousand people in the Georgia Dome, Gabriel connected with the 450 splash and covered Kofi for the three count.

Grudge Match
Rey Mysterio df. Cody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes made good on his promise to unmask Rey Mysterio on the Grandest Stage of Them All, but this would prove to be his downfall. After avoiding a deadly 619 from Mysterio, Rhodes levelled his opponent with a devastating Beautiful Disaster kick. Rhodes mocked the crowd with the near unconcious former World Champion under his control and peeled the mask from Mysterio's head... only to reveal a second mask underneath! Rey pulled out from his slumber, and quickly rolled up Cody to steal the match, much to the delight of the crowd.

Streak on the Line
The Undertaker df. Triple H
In an epic battle for the ages The Undertaker was able to overcome the King of Kings. After more than twenty minutes of back and forth action, involving steel chairs, the announcers desk and of course, a sledgehammer, The Deadman put his adversary away with a Tombstone before locking him in the brutal Hell's Gate, leaving the Game no choice but to tap out.

Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship

Alberto Del Rio df. Edge (c) and Christian
A new World Heavyweight Champion was crowned at Wrestlemania as Alberto Del Rio proved to everybody in the WWE that destiny is key. As Edge looked set to retain the gold with a piercing Edgecution on Del Rio, Christian broke up the pin and hurled his former tag team partner, with whom much tension had built up on the Road to Wrestlemania. Christian, his left arm bandaged, turned back to the task at hand but instead only recieved a sharp kick to the shoulder from Del Rio. Alberto's instincts took over, locking in his cross armbreaker, and forcing Captain Charisma to submit in the middle of the ring.

World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio
Intercontinental Champion: Wade Barrett
WWE Tag Team Champions: Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater

General Manager:
Theodore Long
Announcers: Josh Matthews, Michael Cole and Booker T
Backstage Interviewer: Matt Striker
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Alberto Del Rio
Big Show
Brodus Clay
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
Cody Rhodes
Curt Hawkins
Drew McIntyre
Ezekiel Jackson
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Trent Barreta
Tyler Reks
The Undertaker
Wade Barrett

Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly
Michelle McCool
Rosa Mendes

It's good to see that you are back Peep, I always liked your projects. I would like to say good luck and I hope you and Theo can produce some exciting shows. The roster looks very good and I'm happy you changed some of the results. Seeing Christian in the World title match didn't surprise me at all. I was expecting him to win MITB or something since you seem to be a fan. Once again good luck, I'll be follow and doing feedback for the shows you put up.
Eagerly waiting #1Peep - in the main, like the new WM results. Corre winning with Justin Gabriel getting the pin over Kofi should be a good thing and I hope you use Gabriel and the Corre better than WWE are for real. Not sure Rey winning was a good move although I'll wait to see how you go on from this. Christian in the Triple Threat and being the one to lose the title for Edge means a E&C feud I'll bet! Del Rio as champion should be good too, looking forward to reading it. I'll review when it arrives!

Friday Night Smackdown, 8th April 2011, Charlotte, North Carolina


A video package opens Smackdown highlighting the previous Sunday’s Wrestlemania. Images of the Undertaker clinching in the Hell’s Gate on Triple H, Snooki celebrating with John Morrison and Trish Stratus and The Miz covering a downed Cena before raising his WWE title high in the air, are shown. The package then shifts gears, highlighting the three entrances of the competitors in the World Heavyweight Championship match; Christian walking down the huge Wrestlemania style ramp, completely focused, Edge, world title around his waist, a plethora of pyro exploding behind him and Alberto Del Rio, entering the arena in a luxury limousine, gold sparks raining down upon him as he gloats to more than seventy thousand members of the WWE Universe. There was no love lost in this match as all three wrestlers, even those who were former tag team partners, drilled into each other for the duration of the match. Nearing the conclusion of the match, Edge is in full control after blasting Christian off the apron, sending his injured left shoulder hammering into the announce table, and delivering a sharp boot to the bridge of Del Rio’s nose. In control, Edge sets up the spear, but at the last moment Del Rio slides out of the way and forces Edge to pull up just short from the turnbuckle. Del Rio quickly takes advantage and sprints at the current champion before pushing off of Edge’s chest to set up for his signature enzuigiri but this time it is Edge who avoids the attack and sends Alberto crashing face first into the mat. Del Rio is caused even more pain as Edge boots him in the gut before lifting him up and planting him onto the canvas with a wicked Edgecution. With the Mexican aristocrat looking dazed, Edge goes for the cover and with the Atlanta crowd chanting along the referee counts the 1... 2... NO! From out of nowhere Christian breaks up the cover and in a matter of seconds hastily dumps the world champion out onto the floor. Christian looks set to finally complete his dream, the dream that Edge had said was impossible for him just ten days earlier, to become World Heavyweight Champion. Before shifting his attention on the dazed Del Rio, Christian points towards Edge on the outside and mouths something to the tune of ‘you just watch me’. However, before Christian even has a chance to turn around, Ricardo Rodriguez grabs a hold of his leg and hangs on for dear life. Captain Charisma easily shakes him off in a matter of seconds an- but HE IS BLASTED IN THE INJURED ARM WITH A VICIOUS KICK FROM ALBERTO DEL RIO. Christian cries out in pain and tries to protect his hurt arm but it is to no avail as Del Rio is able to get the arm into his grip, roll over onto his back and synch in the deadly cross armbreaker. The WWE Universe in attendance holds their breath in hope that Captain Charisma can hold on but after several tense seconds Christian gives in to the inevitable and taps heavily on the mat. The crowd erupts into boos as Alberto Del Rio is handed the victory and the World Heavyweight Championship. A sound bite plays in the background of the image of Del Rio standing on the turnbuckle whilst raising his newly won title above his head – ‘It doesn’t matter where or against whom, I promise you that I will be become the new World Heavyweight Champion! And there is nothing anybody can do about it, because it is my DESTINY!’

*End Video*

Smackdown opens in a typical way with pyro blazing and the crowd going bonkers for the start of an action packed night, however there is one big difference. The ring is set up with a red carpet covering the canvas, balloons and streamers covering the turnbuckles and a small mariachi band playing in the centre. Before the inevitable celebration the camera shifts towards the announce desk where Josh Matthews, Booker T and a very happy Michael Cole are ready to run down the night’s show. Cole begins to hype up his ‘big’ win over Jerry Lawler at Wrestlemania but he is cut off by Josh Matthews who reminds him that it was by disqualification. Matthews is about to inform the viewers about the huge night ahead but he is cut off by-

*The Essence of Excellence* plays to huge heat from the crowd in Charlotte with a familiar car horn being heard in the background. Ricardo Rodriguez arrogantly introduces the new World Heavyweight Champion with the man himself going all out by entering the arena in a Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren Roadster. Alberto Del Rio exits his luxury automobile with a smile stretching his entire face and the World Heavyweight Championship gleaming majestically around his waist. Once inside the ring, the new champion shakes Ricardo’s hand and takes the microphone for himself still looking like the happiest man on the planet. The new champion stars by telling everybody in the arena that his name is Alberto Del Rio and he is the new World Heavyweight Champion... but they already knew that. Del Rio then goes on to say that he is glad that everyone here in Charlotte and the entire WWE Universe is delighted that he is the new World Heavyweight Champion and while he is very happy and proud to be the new champion, he is not surprised. He says that from the moment he entered the WWE he knew it was only a matter of time before he was champion because it was his destiny to do so. Del Rio then added that there was nothing anyone could do to take it away because it is also his destiny to be champion for a very, very long time. With the crowd still booing their little hearts out, the Mexican native says that he hopes in four weeks time he will be drafted to RAW so that at least on Monday nights there is real competition for a competitor of his calibre as he has beaten everyone there is to beat on Smackdown. Although it looks like Del Rio has a lot more to say he is interrupted by...

*Metalingus* hits to a massive ovation from the crowd as Edge walks out onto the stage in his wrestling tights and a WWE t-shirt, looking incensed at losing his title on Sunday. The Rated R Superstar is quick to enter the ring and get right in to Del Rio’s face. Edge questions whether Del Rio truly has beaten everybody on Smackdown especially whether he even beat the former world champion for the gold he is holding at the moment. Edge then claims that if it had of been one on one like originally planned he sure as hell would of walked out Wrestlemania with his championship. The crowd aren’t fully booing but they are certainly not behind this vindictive version of Edge. Edge goes on to say that when he chooses to cash in his rematch clause he will back up everything that he is saying in one fell swoop. However, Del Rio won’t let Edge ruin his moment and quickly interrupts him by reminding Edge that he is talking to a world champion. Alberto says that he doesn’t care if he has to beat Edge once again at Extreme Rules, if he could just kindly leave /his/ ring so he could continue his celebration. For the first time in the night Edge cracks a smile and continues by saying that he isn’t wrestling for the gold at Extreme Rules, he is doing it tonight! The crowd pop loudly for the title match but Edge has one more thing to say before he leaves. Edge says that there is only thing that he can say in Del Rio’s destiny, with Del Rio replying with a prompt ‘what?’. Edge answers his question not with words but with a huge SPEAR! The crowd go insane as Edge picks up his microphone once again and raises it to his lips. Edge then mentions that his world title rematch... is going to happen right now!


Once we are back from the break the ring has been hastily returned to its usual state and the mariachi band has been cleared, leaving only Edge and Alberto Del Rio standing in the ring. Del Rio still looks shaken from the spear earlier and doesn’t seem as confident as he did fifteen minutes earlier. After all the big match introductions the referee orders the match to begin and rings the bell.

Match #1
World Heavyweight Championship
Alberto Del Rio w/ Ricardo Rodriguez (c) vs. Edge

The new champion and his challenger put on one hell of a match to open Smackdown with the contest lasting close to fifteen minutes. Edge was able to gain the early advantage due to his previous attack on Del Rio but he wasn’t able to put away the Mexican Aristocrat with Del Rio kicking out of a variety of offensive manoeuvres. Eventually Del Rio took control as he dodged out of the way of an Edge spear which sent the Rated R Superstar’s shoulder straight in to the steel ring post. Despite taking tremendous damage to his arm and shoulder, upon which Del Rio focused his onslaught, Edge managed to make a comeback and looked set to hit his second spear of the night on a downed Del Rio. However, before he had a chance to charge his opponent Ricardo Rodriguez clambered on to his leg and hung on for dear life. The crowd unload heat but then, out of all people, Christian raced down to ringside and chased Rodriguez away from the action. Edge still seemed angry that Christian ‘cost’ him his world title and stared him down as he stood alongside the ring. Sensing the tension, Christian stepped on to the apron and extended his hand with genuine compassion in his eyes. After a few seconds Edge took the hand in his own and shook it firmly, but unknown to both men Ricardo snuck up behind Christian and yanked his leg from under him. This caused Christian, still clasping Edge’s hand, to fall to the outside and hot shot Edge’s hurt arm off the top rope. With Edge writhing in pain on the mat Del Rio quickly locked on his cross armbreaker and in a matter of seconds his adversary had no choice but to tap out.

World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio by submission (14:42)

Once the bell has rung Christian enters the ring and tries to console Edge after his defeat but all the former champion could do was stare at the mat in disbelief at losing his rematch for the title. Del Rio celebrates lavishly all the way up the ramp as if he had won at Wrestlemania all over again and holds the World Heavyweight Championship high above his head for the entire arena to see. With an arrogant wink at the two men in the middle of the ring, where Edge was still giving Christian a cold shoulder, Del Rio made his exit.


With the show back from the advertisement break, Theodore Long has an announcement to make from his office. Long goes on to say that with Edge’s rematch out of the way, a new, but also deserving contender is needed to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. So that is why Christian, Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio will compete in a triple threat match later tonight with the winner earning the chance to challenge Alberto Del Rio for his title at Extreme Rules. Long concludes by saying that he has high standards for the next pay per view event and hopes the crowd enjoys the rest of their evening.

Matt Striker is standing by with his trusty microphone in a darkened locker room with his next guest, Cody Rhodes. Rhodes has a black hood covering his face and his disfiguring injury is invisible behind the shadows that it reflects. Striker asks his interviewee’s reaction to his loss at Wrestlemania to Rey Mysterio. Rhodes answers, in a dark and sombre tone, that he was devastated that he was unable to show the entire world the demon that Rey Mysterio truly is. A monster that would destroy a young man’s whole career just to slightly further his own and not even show the slightest sense of regret in doing so. Rhodes then says that three months ago Mysterio crushed his dream of even /entering/ the biggest Royal Rumble in history so that he could earn a chance to main event the biggest show of all time. Rhodes believes that tonight he will earn his chance to gain what was so wrongfully taken from him at the start of this year but this still doesn’t excuse Rey for his actions. He goes on by saying that because Rey destroyed his dream of being a world champion, as long as Rhodes is still living and breathing, Rey will never achieve greatness again. At this moment Rhodes removed the hood from his head and told the camera that while /he/ may look like a monster, the true monster is the one who gave him this disfiguring injury, who is also the man pretending to be an angel. Rhodes finishes by saying that he may not strike today and he may not strike tomorrow but ‘he isn’t done with Rey, not by a long shot’ before putting his hood back onto his head and exiting the room.

*One, Two, Three*

The crowd emit a small amount of heat for Tyler Reks as he comes brooding to the ring, dreadlocks flying. Whilst in the ring, Reks stares around the arena with complete contempt for each and every member of the live crowd in Charlotte before beginning to pace the squared circle in anticipation for his opponent.


The arena goes completely dark bar one spotlight which is focused upon a veiled Chris Masters on the top of the ramp, looking to perform his entrance of old. Masters unleashes a variety of poses with accompanying pyro and the crowd give quite a healthy cheer for the Los Angeles native as he trots to the ring. Once in the squared circle the Masterpiece stares right into Reks’ eyes and motions for his signature manoeuvre, the Masterlock, with the symbolic clasping of his hands. The two beasts look ready to lock horns and the official wastes no time in starting the battle.

Match #2
Singles Match
Tyler Reks vs. Chris Masters

It was a hard hitting, back and forth match with plenty of stiff punches, clotheslines and kicks but in the end it was Chris Masters who prevailed. After escaping the dreaded Burning Hammer, Masters immediately hooked in his patented full nelson known as the Masterlock and squeezed the life out of Reks to earn the victory.

Winner: Chris Masters by submission (5:54)

With blood trickling from the side of his mouth, Masters gingerly accepts the referee’s hand in victory and soaks in the cheers from the live crowd. Masters seems to have gained a new respect from the crowd after enduring a vicious beating and then issuing a vicious beating of his own upon Tyler Reks. With Reks still sprawled on the canvas, Masters makes his way back up the ramp towards the locker room but not before raising his fist into the air and bellowing loudly which causes more cheers to emit from the crowd.

Smackdown returns with JTG already standing in the ring with *Bringin' Da Hood T U* playing in the background. The boy from Brooklyn is hastily introduced, with the crowd going mild, and JTG waits for his opponent in his usual swagger.

*In the Middle of it Now*

The crowd give a small amount of heat for Curt Hawkins as he comes strutting down to the ring in a leather jacket and sunglasses, but that lacklustre reception is about to change because Hawkins has a microphone in his hand. Hawkins goes on to say that he is sure everyone in the WWE Universe is upset that he didn’t receive a match at Wrestlemania on Sunday, but he understands why this was so. It is because people are scared of what he can become and if he was given that opportunity at the grandest stage of them all he would have stolen the show. Hawkins says that he would have taken both of the Miz and Edge’s titles, he would have ended the Streak and he would have taken out the Corre single handily. He then goes on to say that he knows most of the people here in Charlotte can’t read but he knows they can hear perfectly well, so they had better listen up. Hawkins said that has had enough of sitting back and letting others take his spotlight, from now on he is taking control of his own career and taking over Smackdown. The crowd are now booing heavily at the Long Island native but he just takes it all in and faces up to JTG.

Match #3
Singles Match
JTG vs. Curt Hawkins

Hawkins completely dominated JTG from bell to bell and never seemed to be troubled at any time by his adversary. Showing off an array of beautiful yet vicious manoeuvres, Hawkins seemed only to toy with his opponent before putting him away with the Taste Hateswinging facebuster.

Winner: Curt Hawkins by pinfall (3:13)

Having his arm raised in victory by the referee wasn’t enough for Hawkins as he finished off proceedings with a top rope elbow drop which resulted in even more heat in his direction. Hawkins retreated to the back with an expression which showed that he was very proud of his actions both during and after the match.

The scene quickly changes once again to that of Theodore Long’s office with Teddy sitting at his desk, intently focused on paperwork. Three booming knocks are heard on the office door and Teddy distractedly calls for the knocker to enter. The crowd immediately jeer as Jack Swagger enters the room and even Teddy himself doesn’t seem too pleased to see the All American American. Swagger is quick to berate Long and ask him why he wasn’t included in the triple threat main event set for later tonight. Swagger then mockingly questions whether Long appreciates having a competitor, a former World Heavyweight Champion no less, the calibre of Swagger on his brand. Swagger goes on to say that he was the sole reason that Michael Cole was victorious at Wrestlemania and maybe he would be treated as he should be over on RAW. Swagger continues in this fashion by stating that he was a star and if Long continued to treat him as he was doing, Swagger was going to burn out and each and every member of the WWE Universe will have Long to blame for losing such a talent. Swagger then proceeded to storm out of the room in a rage before Long could even mutter a word in response, causing much of the live crowd to laugh at Teddy’s quizzical expression.

Matt Striker is backstage once again but this time he is standing by with a new guest, Rey Mysterio. Striker asks Rey what his thoughts are concerning Cody Rhode’s chilling words earlier in the night. Rey responds by saying that he has more important things to focus on, they settled their differences on Sunday at Wrestlemania so as far as Rey is concerned he is done with Cody Rhodes. Mysterio says that later tonight he has the chance to earn a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship and this is all the luchadore is concerned about. This is what he and everyone else in the locker room lives for, and he isn’t going to let Rhodes, or Christian for that matter, stand in his way of that chance at being on top of the world once again. Rey continues, saying that if he challenges Alberto Del Rio, no when he challenges Del Rio, he will go to any length, to extreme lengths in order to take the championship from right around his waist. Striker thanks Rey and leaves the master of the 619 to continue warming up in his locker room.

We once again join Cole, Matthews and Booker at ringside and they discuss their favourites going in to the triple threat main event. Cole picks Cody to win, Booker chooses Rey and Josh gave the argument for Christian to pull out the win, although the three announcers didn’t agree on the winner they did agree that each competitor could pull off the victory. At this moment, *End of Days* hits and out comes Heath Slater who is unsurprisingly accompanied by the rest of his stable cohort including Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel and the menacing Ezekiel Jackson. Cole mentions that Heath has a one on one contest with Kofi Kingston up next after Smackdown returns from a short commercial break.


We come back from the break, with Heath Slater arrogantly tapping the WWE Tag Team Championship around his waist whilst smirking at the live crowd. The Corre seem very happy after their big tag team win on Sunday and much to the dismay of the WWE Universe in Charlotte Gabriel, Slater and Barrett hold their respective titles high into the air. Their smug looks are quickly wiped from their faces as –


Plays and the crowd go wild for the Kofi Kingston as he flies onto the stage, sets off his green and black pyro, and sprints down the ramp and into the ring. Kofi faces off against the four united men in the ring and bravely stands his ground until the referee calls for the three members of the Corre not officially in the match to exit the squared circle.

Match #4
Singles Match
Heath Slater w/ Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel and Ezekiel Jackson vs. Kofi Kingston

Slater and Kingston put on a great ping pong match as Kofi picked up the pace with his signature high flying style and Heath grounded his opponent with his flashy yet technical form of wrestling whenever he could. Despite a couple of distractions in favour of Slater being caused by the Corre, Kofi took control in the latter parts of the contest and hit all his signature spots; the flying crossbody, the SOS and the Boom Drop before he wrapped things up with the Trouble in Paradise kick.

Winner: Kofi Kingston by pinfall (7:57)

Before Kofi even has a chance to celebrate his victory he is clobbered from behind by Justin Gabriel who immediately lays into the downed Ghanaian with kicks to the torso. Gabriel continues this punishment by grabbing a hold of Kofi’s dreadlocks and unleashing punch after punch upon his forehead, whilst in the meantime Barrett and Jackson begin to enter the ring themselves. After instruction from Barrett, Gabriel releases Kingston and allows him to gingerly get to his feet but this is anything from an act of kindness. The moment Kofi is on a slightly stable base he is knocked straight back to the canvas by a vicious Ezekiel Jackson clothesline, receiving a huge groan from the crowd. The Charlotte faithful are unleashing a shit-tonne of heat upon the Corre as they notice Wade Barrett is ready to put the finishing touches upon their statement by lifting Kingston upon his shoulders in preparation for the Wasteland. But before he has a chance to slam his adversary upon the mat *Crank It Up* hits and the Big Show and Kane come sprinting to the ring to clear it of the Corre! As the two giants slide into the squared circle Gabriel, Jackson and Barrett quickly scatter in order to escape the wrath of over seven hundred pounds of pissed off mass. Big Show helps Kofi to his feet and the three men in the ring stare down the Corre as they retreat to the back with grimaces of shame upon their faces. The crowd show their approval for the three ring warriors standing tall when all of a sudden a groggy Heath Slater, still feeling the effects of the Trouble in Paradise, wonders straight into the Kane’s back. Heath turns pale as reality begins to set in but Kane doesn’t give him a chance to act as he clenches his hand around the One Man Rock Band’s throat before lifting him high above his head and slamming him onto the canvas. In order to finish off his night Kane lifts his hand above his head and is about to cause the ring to be inflamed with red pyro but Show stops him with a giant outstretched hand, before clenching it and cracking a rising Slater in the face with a huge knockout punch. With the Corre on the top of the stage looking incensed, Kane sets off his pyro with a swipe of his arms and cracks a rare smile towards his recent tormentors.


Striker is backstage once again with a microphone in hand but this time he is joined by Captain Charisma, Christian. Striker starts off the interview by asking Christian whether the rumours regarding extreme tension between himself and Edge are true. Christian agrees by saying that of course there was going to be tension between himself and Edge as they were about to face off on the biggest stage in this business for one of the richest prizes a superstar can battle over. Christian continues and says that in the lead up to Wrestlemania some harsh words were said between himself and Edge but this is understandable under the pressure they were facing due to how much the World Heavyweight Championship means to both of them and the reality of either retaining or capturing the title at Wrestlemania no less, was just weeks away. He goes on by saying that he has a chance to once again challenge for the most prestigious title in the company and he isn’t going to let it go to waste, Edge has used his title match already so it is time he went to the back of the line and allowed someone else to have a go in the spotlight. Christian doesn’t care if he has to engage the Killswitch upon either Cody Rhodes or Rey Mysterio; he is going to Extreme Rules.

Smackdown returns to ringside with *Not Enough for Me* blasting around the arena and both members of LayCool dressed to compete in the middle of the ring. Michelle and Layla look their usual confident selves as they parade around the ring giggling and pointing out not so flawless looking members of the crowd to each other.


The crowd pops slightly as Beth Phoenix and her tag team partner for the night Kelly Kelly exit the curtain. The two blondes quickly make their way to the ring and look ready to take out their long time foes in El and McCool.

Match #5
Diva Tag Team Match
LayCool vs. Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix

It was a typical Divas tag team match but in the end it was LayCool’s chemistry and teamwork that pulled through and netted them the victory. With Phoenix inadvertently distracting the referee an illegal Michelle McCool sneaked into the ring and blasted Kelly in the face with a swift boot which allowed Layla to gain the successful pinfall.

Winners: LayCool by pinfall (3:17)

Layla and Michelle quickly scatter before Beth could do any harm to them for stealing a victory from right under her nose, only after they are at a safe distance on the ramp do LayCool dare to mock Beth over their win. Back at the announce table Cole thanks God that the Divas match has concluded and says that the main event is coming up right after this break.


Booyaka 619

A huge roar of approval from the crowd is heard as Rey Mysterio enters spectacularly through the curtain in his usual colourful attire. As Rey high fives many hands of the fans in the front row, in the background Tony Chimel announces that the following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall with the winner going on to face Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules for the World Heavyweight Championship. Once has entered the ring Rey quickly ascends to each turnbuckle and salutes the audience and the heavens above with a swift movement of his hands.

*Smoke and Darkness*

The mood of the crowd certainly decreases as the arena darkens and Cody Rhodes walks out onto the stage. With a black hood still firmly covering his face, Rhodes broodingly makes his way towards the ring to a chorus of hate from the WWE Universe. The ‘disfigured one’ stops just steps away from the ring apron and a look of pure contempt can be seen on his face from below his nose down, as he menacingly points towards Rey Mysterio.

*Just Close Your Eyes*

Christian makes his way onto the stage and seeks outs his loyal peeps to one of the biggest pops of the night. The Canadian looks completely focused on the task ahead and is quick to pass Rhodes enter the ring, rip off his WWE t-shirt and stand off against Rey Mysterio. Christian steps towards the high flying Mexican in order to mark his respect with a swift hand shake but both their attention is soon upon the ‘unusual’ man standing on the outside. Under the referee’s orders, Rhodes enters into the squared circle through the ropes and takes off his jacket and hood so that he can start the main event.

Main Event
Number One Contenders Triple Threat Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Christian

The crowd were fully into the main event match with all three men looking like they would pick up the victory at particular times during the contest. At the conclusion of the match it was Christian in control as he blasted Rhodes in the mask with a pendulum kick whilst Rey Mysterio clutched his midriff on the outside, having not moved for many minutes after Cody Rhodes dropped him rib first onto the steel ring steps. Christian clapped his hands together and succeeded in getting the crowd to shadow his actions as he set up Rhodes for his patented Killswitch finishing manoeuvre and with the WWE Universe fully behind him he managed to interlock his arms with his opponents and turn Rhodes so that his ugly plastic mask faced the canvas. Out of nowhere, with victory mere seconds away as he looked to drop Rhodes on his vulnerable face Christian WAS SPEARED IN HALF BY EDGE! Still in his ring gear from earlier in the night, a totally expressionless Edge exited the ring and made his way up the ramp with the crowd in complete shock. Meanwhile, with the match still being contested, Rhodes cannot believe his luck as he has a hurt Christian under his control and he is quick to set him up for the Cross Rhodes. Cody grabs Captain Charisma in an inverted facelock and with an evil smirk to the crowd he signalled that he is about to drop Christian onto his face BUT , QUICK AS LIGHTNING, REY MYSTERIO SPRINGOBARDED OFF THE TOP ROPE AND CAUGHT HIS ENEMY IN A SUNSET FLIP! The crowd went nuts as the referee pounded on the mat... ONE... TWO... THREE, Mysterio is going to Extreme Rules to face Del Rio for the title!

Winner: Rey Mysterio by pinfall (10:11)

With the crowd still going insane for the improbable victory of one of their heroes, Rey makes a hasty exit in order to escape the wrath of an incredibly pissed off Cody Rhodes. In the ring Rhodes looks murderous at the thought that Mysterio has once again spoiled his chance of greatness but this doesn’t stop Rey from taunting him by symbolising he is going to be the next champion with a flick of his fingers around his waist.

(c) WWE 2011 in association with #1Peep Productions.​
First off, great show Peep. I will give you a live review. And I would like one in return as well.

I loved the opening segment. Del Rio's cockiness was well depicted. Edge was well descripted but his lines could have been better. Overall, this segment was great. Edge challenging Alberto to a championship match tonight! Great! Right now!? Good but I don't understand why it's the opening match.

The description of the match was well done. But I think you should have the entire match written. I am of the opinion that just the main description of the match doesn't give the reader a fair idea of what's going on in the match. However, the tension in the match was very well written. I liked that.

WHOA! Christian vs Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes in a No. 1 contender's match!? Great! Now I understand the logic behind the World title being the first match of the show. Back to topic, I think Christian takes it here and Edge will cost him the match at E.R. The interview was AwEsOmE! Rhodes came off very well.

I didn't understand the Reks-Masters match at all. If you would have written the match it would have been helpful. But Masters' dominance was understanable. I can see a push coming.

I can see another push coming for Hawkins. Good idea of him going clean against JTG. The typical heelish attitude was very very up to the mark. The interview was again great with Rey well depicted.

Slater/Kofi match was as expected a high-flier. The "complete-dominance" was just like that on T.V. Good job there. Show and Kane rescuing Kofi was also very good. Good job of giving both teams a chance to dominate. Do I have to say anything about the interview that followed? Sure it was awesome.

And unlike most people, I care about the Divas division. I could see the normal heel tag-team tactics of LayCool which came off very well. Good dominance for them.

The triple threat looked good as it should have. Christian's winning! No! Edge spears him! Wow. My first prediction of E vs C at Extreme Rules was right! Rey wins it. Good. But why? What about Rhodes? I'm sure you'll explain it next week. I expect a good build-up for both E vs C and Alberto vs Rey.

Overall, a great show but the matches, as I said, could have been more detailed and fully written. I hope you understand what I am saying. Keep it up and good luck. I'll be waiting for the next show.

First off, great show Peep. I will give you a live review. And I would like one in return as well.

I loved the opening segment. Del Rio's cockiness was well depicted. Edge was well descripted but his lines could have been better. Overall, this segment was great. Edge challenging Alberto to a championship match tonight! Great! Right now!? Good but I don't understand why it's the opening match.

The description of the match was well done. But I think you should have the entire match written. I am of the opinion that just the main description of the match doesn't give the reader a fair idea of what's going on in the match. However, the tension in the match was very well written. I liked that.

WHOA! Christian vs Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes in a No. 1 contender's match!? Great! Now I understand the logic behind the World title being the first match of the show. Back to topic, I think Christian takes it here and Edge will cost him the match at E.R. The interview was AwEsOmE! Rhodes came off very well.

I didn't understand the Reks-Masters match at all. If you would have written the match it would have been helpful. But Masters' dominance was understanable. I can see a push coming.

I can see another push coming for Hawkins. Good idea of him going clean against JTG. The typical heelish attitude was very very up to the mark. The interview was again great with Rey well depicted.

Slater/Kofi match was as expected a high-flier. The "complete-dominance" was just like that on T.V. Good job there. Show and Kane rescuing Kofi was also very good. Good job of giving both teams a chance to dominate. Do I have to say anything about the interview that followed? Sure it was awesome.

And unlike most people, I care about the Divas division. I could see the normal heel tag-team tactics of LayCool which came off very well. Good dominance for them.

The triple threat looked good as it should have. Christian's winning! No! Edge spears him! Wow. My first prediction of E vs C at Extreme Rules was right! Rey wins it. Good. But why? What about Rhodes? I'm sure you'll explain it next week. I expect a good build-up for both E vs C and Alberto vs Rey.

Overall, a great show but the matches, as I said, could have been more detailed and fully written. I hope you understand what I am saying. Keep it up and good luck. I'll be waiting for the next show.


With all your questions about match length, in order to fully write a match to the 'full' standard I would be happy with takes AGES. These recaps describe whether it was a tight match, squash etc. Keeps me motivated to keep on writing shows. They aren't supposed to be full matches. Same with promos, not supposed to be the whole thing, just the main points.

Edge wanted his match to open as he was; pissed at not being pinned at WM so he believed he could easily take his title back from ADR and thus made him motivated. What's to get about Reks/ Masters, made Masters look a beast by taking a beating then dishing one straight back. Also his old awesome entrance is back! At the start you predicted Christian would win the match but he didn't and you said that you predicted it?
I'll give my thoughts for you Peep, no live review however. First thing is the World Title match starting the show, it does get the crowd fired up. And since you had a number one contenders match to ME, I understand. You don't want to have one after the other so I liked the move of having it start.

Some people will have a problem with it, but it goes promo> match. So you not writing the full match doesn't hurt. If you still push forward storylines which are the most important thing, then you are doing a good job. The only exception is when writing a PPV, you should write full matches then. Unless it is a filler PPV then I can understand. You have said yourself you take ages to get a show out. If writing a recap for a match helps, then go for it buddy.

I totally enjoyed the entire show and you have begun to push storylines. Nice job, as always from you Peep. And you promised me a review to.

Writing it live, Peep, let's have a look. First after WM27 with the difficult SD brand ... tricky one. Del Rio is the champion, Rey won, Corre won. Good changes IMO except for Rey - like I said before - but I'll see where you go with Rey.

Here we go then ...

Smackdown starts with the new champion, Alberto Del Rio. Great, like to see the champ out after winning a title. Cocky, arrogant, yes, here comes Edge! Rematch at Extreme Rules? Edge isn't happy, spear, rematch right now? Great! That suggests that you want Del Rio and Edge's feud finished now ... hmmm. I know what I think that means. Good match to start, Del Rio wins. Good move, Del Rio needs a run as champion. And I fully expect Edge to move on to Christian by Extreme Rules now.

Christian vs. Cody vs. Rey for #1 contender. I don't think Christian will win, see above. I'm going for Rey to win this one. Cody says that Rey will never be a star again, hints at a continuation of Rhodes and Mysterio over coming weeks. Maybe Rhodes will cost Rey later?

Masters getting a push, old entrance, quick squash over Reks. I think if used right Masters has potential, hope you use him well. Also seems as if Curt Hawkins is going to get a mini-push too. Interesting, will see how it goes.

Swagger not happy with Teddy, I think he might head for RAW when you guys do the draft. I hope one of you uses Swagger well as I think he could be huge if booked right.

Rey thinks his feud with Cody is over? I think not!

Slater beaten by Kofi but Corre attack. Kofi and Barrett rematch soon? Here come the Big Show and Kane, on the attack. Save Kofi. Nothing bores me more than Show and Kane but I'll see how you play this. I'd go with Barrett and Kofi at Extreme Rules but it seems you might go elsewhere.

Christian is going to Extreme Rules? No, I think Edge might have a date with Christian in a few weeks time. Laycool beating Beth and Kelly, meh, keeping Laycool together is for the best though I'm not sure what else there is for them to do.

Main event - Edge interferes, I knew it! Mysterio gets the win but Cody isn't happy ...

Good first show, like I said, difficult after the 'mess' I think SD made of WM27. Del Rio as champ should be entertaining and I see Rhodes interfering here to deny Rey the title. Edge vs. Christian is coming for sure, that should be great at Extreme Rules. Simple format, easy to read, liked it. Solid start and as you stamp your mark on it, it'll be better. Will look forward to show 2!

I'll give my thoughts. First I'll say I prefer the full writing style, but it is tough to keep up with, and sometimes having a recap shows like this is nice to kick back and enjoy real quick.

I'm kind of busy, so I can't give a live review, but I'll toss in my thoughts. I like the development of Hawkins a lot, he has a future in this business. Recaps were well written between Del Rio and Edge and the Triple Threat, they were interesting. I was hoping to get Christian a title shot, but Rey Rey works if you're setting up E & C vs. ecach other. I hope you don't leave Cody Rhodes in the dar though, I love him. I hope he goes after someone soon.

Good show, nice format, nice storyline development. I'll be reading.
Hey, really good first show. Well written, very clear and concise layout.

Great opening match and for the World Title no less.

For me you gave enough info on the matches, too much would have been hard to keep up with and too less would have taken away from the matches.

i like that some talent the real WWE doesnt focus on is getting some time in yours like Curt Hawkins, good to see him picking up a win as well as Chris Masters and Tyler Reks, we all know they have had some good matches On Superstars.

Was dissapointed not to see Cody Rhodes win the Main Event but Heel vs Heel is never a good idea so heres hoping you have big plans for him.

Overall good show and look forward to reading more.

If you get time please check out my Book This - WWE: Friday Night SmackDwon... (shamless plug i know but we have it do haha)
Well done again
As promised Peepster, here is my review.

-Love the video package to open up, especially since you altered the Mania results.

-A world title match to start the show!?! Wowzo. Not my cup a tea, but definitely starting things with a bang. I smelly a dirty finish lets see. Edge looks like he has it, but Ricardo screws it up. Captain C for the save, here comes the dirt. Yes! There it is. ADR gets the win (figured that). Gotta think a WM rematch is bound to happen at ER and I'm looking forward to the slow build between Christian/Edge for a feud. The tension is intense, Vance Archer style.

-Well clearly I missed that by a mile. Interesting main event. Christian, Cody, Rey for a shot at ADR. Judging from Cody's promo he is still focused on Mastrio, Christian has to be the favorite later on.

-Superstars feud of the year, Masters/TReks. Good to see Masters get the win here. SD needs some stars and utilizing the lower guys is a smart move. Could this mean a rise in the ranks is in store for Masters?

-Oh joy JTG, I hope he jobs. Ooo Curt Hawkins, love me some Hawk. And yes! There is my job followed by a post match beating. JTG is over, definitely a good way to get Hawk some heat. Could a Hawk/Masters program be in the works to elevate one or the other?

-Now here is a guy who could do some damage on SD's depleted roster, Jackie Swagga. Love the attitude, Swags wants in on the WHC and who could blame him. I'd love to see him get involved tonight, but that would make things very TNA like haha. Slow build and hopefully Swaggers rage continues.

-Rey seems to be willing to move on from Cody Rhodes. Makes me even more confident Cody is gonna cost Rey the match and Christian is gonna score the win. Slow build for Edge/Christian, Rey/Rhodes rematch at ER. Book it!

-Ginga Ninja! Gotta love Heath. Hopefully the Corre gets some better booking than they do in real life here. Kofi, eh? A little WM rematch of sorts. Kofi needs the win there as Corre got it at Mania. Heath probably made Kingston look like a champ, as Heath can sell milk to a cow. ShowKane to the aid of Kofi. Hmm? Corre abandoning Slater? Wonder if that is brought up next week by the Ginga Ninja.

-Christian promo, good stuff. Still my favorite heading in.

-Divas match. Laycool wins, much needed since they failed at Mania.

-Main event time, lets go Captain Charisma. Seems like some fast paced action going on here and Christian's got this. WHAT!!! Edge with the spear. So much for my assumed slow build haha. Things just heated up. Cody's gonna win! Cody's gonna win! Mysterio outta nowhere to pick up the W! Wow! Didn't see that coming at all. I would have bet the house on Christian to win this. A bit bummed that this could mean the end of Cody/Rey, though things can only change. Rey/ADR should be good. Their previous program got ADR over, now lets get his title reign legitimacy. I look forward to the Edge/Christian buildup. Like TSG said, hopefully Cody isn't left in the dark and depushed so to say. He could thrive here.

-Overall I enjoyed the show. Obviously through my comments you could tell I'd book some things differently, but it ain't my show and it was still incredibly enjoyable. I was a little weary coming in with the way the matches were written in recap form, but it made the read nice and easy on the eyes and didn't make you lose track midway through. Can't wait for the upcoming week Peep. Excellent job partner.
Thanks for the comments Theo! I will chuck you a review this week, already had a quick glimpse; looking really good! Mister Archer sure would have been proud of the intensity in the opener. I sure am one for a slow build, but Edge and Christian's tension dates back a couple of months to the Royal Rumble. It will be explained more in later shows but the hot shot on Edge's arm wasn't the first bit of bad to happen between E & C. Rhodes is easily one of my favourites so he won't be left in the dark, I assure you. I doubted the kid when he left Legacy and he has come back with two incredible gimmicks. Hawkins and Masters are two talented buggers who will keep chopping away at the legs of the top guys over the next couple of months. Come our first pay per view, everything will be in full, matches and promos included.
You've sort of already snagged a good part of my heart, and I've only just read the opening video package. You couldn't have done that any better and seeing how much time and description you gave to just that, is a very good first impression. I found it interesting how you changed little things here and there to the Wrestlemania results too but how could have you not? I wasn't truly happy with really any of it on the Smackdown side, so I did jump in joy when I saw that you realized that some renovating was needed before you advanced any farther. The entrance of Ricardo was great, and I was stoked that you decided to actually use a manager to change the tides and to end up gaining the win for his ringleader. Guessing there will be a celebration of some sorts? This was the destiny that he wouldn't stop talking about! But how will Teddy Long react? Will the obvious dirty tactic make him take actions into his own hands? And what about Edge? His friendship with his "brother" is surely over at this point, can't imagine he'll be all smiles and rainbows about that or the fact that he didn't leave with the belt he came in with. I've got so many questions! And that is really the sole purpose of these things, so you definitely succeeded. Now will I get some answers? Hopefully.

And what do we know, ADR and his envy making limousine is already headed to the ring. Couldn't let a second go by without gloating, definitely sounds like the Mexican that we know and hate. You included the smile too, you can never forget that. It's looking to be a lot like previous celebrations struck by him though, hopefully you can mix it up a little. Just because the balloons, the streamers, the mariachi band, it's still quite cookie cutter for a guy like Del Rio. The draft is four weeks away? That excites me. It's already a decent idea, but when you add the fact that you aren't controlling both Raw and Smackdown, it makes it even cooler. And we get an interruption, he'd go on for absolutely forever if we didn't. This is looking to be more of a rehash of his Royal Rumble celebration but you've still got a ton of time to change it up and I believe in you. Edge is out now, and of course, he isn't very happy. Surprised he didn't just spear a whole through the guy! It's nice to see a more heelish guy go up against him though, not some full fledged baby face like we've had in the past. But when will he cash his little ol' rematch in? Extreme Rules or will it be sooner than that? I don't expect him to announce it, not the "Ultimate Opportunist", but I doubt he could wait much longer to get his hands on him. And it's tonight! Right now? Wow. It's definitely a cool decision but don't go too hard with these huge championship matches to start. It does get the crowd pumped up, but people seem to be drastically overusing it. It isn't as bad here, just because it was Edge doing what Edge does best, but just don't make a total trend out of it. I think I see Alberto winning again though, to set up something with Christian and to get the "Rated R Superstar" out of his hair for a little while. But then again, it would be quite amusing to see him lose it this quickly. It could really go either way, but I'm ready to find out!

The recap style is neat and it is just as good as going full out. They're just two very different writing styles though, so somebody used to one way will take a lot longer to warm up to the other one. But you can do just as good with it, so continue to flaunt it, don't get discouraged by the odd person or to who aren't so fond of it. Del Rio would definitely be the one to target a specific body part, so I liked how you incorporated that little bit of psychology. Yet he's going for another one? Geez. It shows how much he wants it, but we're not going to be able to see the potential outcome of it on his body because Rodriguez is here again? I'm a big fan of managers sneaking in and you using them, but mix it up a little. Maybe have him jump on the apron or even do something as simple as him lead Edge out of the ring or something, at least do a different heel maneuver because it starts to lose its value if you just have him do the same thing. But Christian is back down to help him out and maybe even mend a friendship? Why a handshake? Seems a little too professional for two guys who had known eachother for such a long time. Oh, that's why. Maybe they'll start to go with a fist bump or something, a little less risky. I like how you combined the whole recent attack of the arm to the rocky friendship shared by the two brothers. And it costs them a match! Love that ending. It really seems to be forshadowing that a little bit more than just tension will be coming from it too, and hopefully you can avoid the usual angles between them while still doing something new and fresh. Definitely be looking for that in the coming weeks, sure that this won't be the end of them. Ricardo is really helping his man out too, which I've always thought he should do more often. It's just an idea but I'd love to see one of them kidnap him, doing almost a recreation of the Paul Bearer one. Taunting and messing with Alberto's head, it might be one thing that would actually make him lose his cool.

Teddy has an announcement? This has to be good. Usually when he takes time out of a program to say something, it usually is. And look at that, I'm right! I marked out a little seeing the competitors, mainly Cody Rhodes. Can you imagine him winning the match and actually getting a shot at the title? I say it in that way because I can never see it happening. Not when he's got Rey Mysterio and mainly Christian as his competition. But hey, a fan can dream. Kinda disappointed that I don't get to see this right now, but in a good way, no viewer would ever even think about leaving or changing the channel with something so awesome coming. We've got a Rhodes promo now? It's a little soon for my liking, technically the announcement was only made a few minutes ago. Could have you not stuck one of the upcoming matches in between? Whatever. You have him down to a tee though, or at least that side of his character. It is honestly something I could imagine him saying, from the first word to the last word. Definitely be proud of that, in awe, and makes me hope for him being the victor even more than I had before. You also really build a good story for him coming in, explaining why he deserves a title shot and why he'll most likely be targeting Rey. It is always good to have a few refreshers here and there, especially when the company itself is in a time where it wants to attract a lot of new fans. Tyler Reks and Chris Masters is definitely a good pairing, but again, not sure why this couldn't have came before what Rhodes said. I could really see you pushing either of these guys, and me being fine with either one. Obviously not to the main event, well at least not for Reks, but they haven't even graced the bottom of the mid card for a long while.

There isn't much for me to comment on, which is still better than me coming up with fifty things that were wrong with it. I love that you're returning him back to his old roots, he's needed it for too long now. I honestly feel that the WWE took it away from him as almost like, punishment for the failed wellness tests or whatever. Of course, if you were to have him come out with his grooving pectorals, I would have died out of embarrassment, for you. You also have to look back at the old Chris Masters and how high he got on the food chain. He was feuding with guys like Shawn Michaels and he is still the only man to make John Cena lose consciousness. So all of those reasons make what I hope is a potential push, so awesome and so needed. Now we get Curt Hawkins facing JTG? Hm. I'm not too familiar with Hawkins, but do know he recently adapted to more of Ryder's style and that's really quite hard to hate. So hopefully you're giving this to him, because JTG is so just bleh. Cryme Time was never awful, but once they split, him and Gaspard just sort of disappeared into oblivion. So hopefully? This is the match that sends him there. Of course, I might be expecting a little too much there. But hey, I was actually pretty much right. Hopefully we're waving bye to JTG and hello to Curt Hawkins, sure his brother is happy about that. Have you ever thought of reuniting them? Just because in the end, I'm not sure how far he'll get with so many above him on the ladder. And then, you're at least getting an entertaining team and maybe even a possible contender out of the guy. But that's just my two cents, you can love them or hate them.

Swagger makes me want to punch him once more, and I'm quite a non violent person. I have to say though, your nailing promo's down to a fricken tee. You've hit a stride so far, with you hitting the nail right on the head with both Rhodes and the lisp sporting Swagger now. It creates something really cool because you're always wanting to know what's next, and always excited. Even when matches end, it's hard to even stop and think because you have to know who you're going to be perfecting this time around. And apparently we're getting another one of them right now! And while it's awesome because we get double the perfection in one sort of section, again, you could've split it up. Being that you're Book This! seems to be so good, I'm obviously having to bring up things that are a little smaller on the scale, but still. Start thinking a little more about the placement, because the quality is absolutely fine. It is totally Rey to look past his enemies and onto to his match too, it's why the fans like him. And why would he care anymore anyways? He's already apologized, and I hope Cody doesn't back down, because I feel like this whole thing could get even more creepy if he started following and obsessing over him even more. However I don't think it'll be so easy for him though to just look over the once "Dashing" superstar and it sort of plays into why I feel Christian may come out the winner. Cody will spend too much time focusing on the man that gave him his mask, and because of this, Rey won't be completely focused either. But I don't know, I hate making predictions.

The Corre! Can you do a better job then WWE? Yeah, it won't be too hard. I just don't want them to poof and just never be heard of again. Barrett needs to show that he's able to actually run a faction, with Nexus not seeming to work out in the slightest of ways. I love seeing them rotate with who fights too, very rarely ever seeing Slater being the one fighting one on one. Hopefully you can go off of a very limited moveset and a very limited personality, but hey, you seem to be on a roll so I won't put it past you. Then again, with every one of his teammates in his corner, not sure he'll need to be featured much anyways. Seeing a big beat down here, before one man can even be given the win. But hey, guess I'm wrong. Would have thought they would've at least came in when it was looking Heath was down and out, but it does show that they have trust in eachother which hopefully means they'll be given some actual time to live up to their potential. Oh, and there is the attack I was expecting. Again, I actually think it is better timing having it now. I like to see how united they all are, and want that to last. Now Big Show and Kane have joined the party! But the Corre retreats, definitely a smart move. Not a huge fan of bland Big Show and soft feeling babyface Kane, but for now, it'll work. And to end it, we see Heath Slater getting murdered with a chokeslam. Good choice, at least they got a little something out coming down to the ring in the first place. This isn't crazy or anything, but it'll still be enough to anger them. Part of me wishes Heath mysteriously gets injured, just because I find him to be the dead weight of the faction, but it's nothing big and it still is nice to see you actually keep them intact without showing any signs of imploding. But where do you go from this? Eventually, the Corre is going to have to move away from guys like Big Show and Kane, hopefully to a more intense and enticing feuds. Because no matter what they do to the giants, I still don't see them as any more powerful than before. However that could just be me!

Great and perfectly fitting once more, the Christian promo couldn't have been better. It shows that he is a lot more focused than at least Cody, but I feel like he has no real connections in the match either which I can see seriously benefiting him. His feelings around Edge were good too, and I liked how they weren't so violent but enough to say that Edge's time has passed. I can see him not taking those so lightly though, in fact, I know he won't. A nice transition to a diva's match too, letting us get that much more excited about the whole slobberknocker of a match coming up. I like to see that they're still united as well, even after their Wrestlemania failure. And we both know that they're even more potent together than alone, so it only means good things that they are still all friendly and giggly. And this shows as they beat two very talented divas, who really shouldn't be underestimated either. I still don't feel that this will make up for what happened though, and see them going back to their very harsh bullying selves once more. Not that they ever stopped, but they have seemed to slip into a bit of a slump lately. And while the diva's might mean more to me than some, we've got the big guns coming out now. And can I say that I'm so pumped for this right now? Literally. Whoever wins, it'll be awesome, I think that's why I'm so excited.

Loved how Rhodes was able to take Rey out for a while, something he'd definitely do. Hopefully they don't underestimate the bugger though, how many times has that happened now? I've stopped counting. Edge is back? I was expecting it, but holy heck, not then. I got caught up in everything else, thought it was too late for him, but he made it just in time! I can't even imagine what must have been going through his head though. Costing his brother something he's always wanted, knowing that he just severed ties to a very good friend, and I'd love to see a segment where he does touch on some of that stuff next week. Guessing Cody wins this then? Wow. That'll be great, heck, everyone is still wishing for that to happen right now in real life. But it's not over! Perfect execution, amazing. You've done both very well, however I sort of think you made the Rey one a little more predictable. I just feel like he basically just sat outside the ring for a good half of the match, you knew he couldn't have been down that long for nothing but his ribs colliding with the steel steps. But it really is crazy, how he can win again and again under the same underdog sort of role, and it still seems fresh. Cody's not done now, he's going to go absolutely insane. How can he contain his anger when he is watching the guy who stole a Rumble spot from him, steal another shot at the championship once more? You get the feel with him that he won't stop until he gets revenge, which I love. But how are you going to redo the Alberto/Mysterio stuff? It was a pretty big thing when the former debuted, you'll have to find a way to mix it up. But man, you're good. As things go on, you're going to have to make bigger decisions and start making things your own, and honestly, I'll be honored to watch you do it.

Friday Night Smackdown! Preview
Albany, New York, 15th April 2011

Smackdown emanates this week from Albany, New York, with just three weeks until WWE's next pay-per-view extravaganza, Extreme Rules. The WWE Universe in Albany is sure to be treated to a night of action and entertainment unlike anything else in the world of wrestling.

Last week, Edge interrupted Alberto Del Rio's championship celebration and announced that he was going to cash in his rematch for the title in a match to open the show. Del Rio managed to retain his beloved World Heavyweight Championship with a little help from Ricardo Rodriguez and an unintentional assist from Christian. With Edge out of the picture, Smackdown general manager Theodore Long ordered a number one contenders match for the main event of the evening, a triple threat featuring Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio and Christian. With Christian on the verge of victory, Edge came out of no where to spear his former tag team partner to cost him the victory. We will surely hear from Edge about his actions on the next edition of Smackdown.

While Christian was denied a title match, it was Rey Mysterio that picked up the victory and will go on to face Alberto Del Rio on three weeks time for the World Heavyweight Championship. However, with the competitors set all that is left to be announced is the stipulation. Old rivals Mysterio and Del Rio are sure to pull off another epic contest at Extreme Rules but in which environment they do it in is all up to Theodore Long. Speaking of extreme, Cody Rhodes made it clear last week that he is not through with Rey Mysterio just yet. Will the disfigured one continue to make Rey's life a living hell on his way to possibly winning the greatest prize in all of sports entertainment?

In other news, after his victory last week over Corre member Heath Slater, Kofi Kingston exclusively told that he will be having his rematch for the Intercontinental Championship at Extreme Rules against Wade Barrett. Long has allowed Kingston to pick the stipulation for this encounter, a decision that is sure to annoy Barrett and the rest of the Corre.

Also on Smackdown, Curt Hawkins looks to keep his winning run going as he takes on the Dudebuster himself, Trent Barreta. Can Barreta use his high octane offence to take down the Long Island native or will Hawkins put a damper on the party before it can even begin? Another man looking to impress the WWE Universe is Chris Masters, who will go one on one with veteran competitor Chavo Guerrero. Will Chris be able to lock Chavo in the Masterlock or will Guerrero lie, cheat and steal his way to a victory?

Announced for Smackdown!

Edge to speak on his actions
Alberto Del Rio will comment on his new opponent
Kofi Kingston to name the stipulation for his match against Wade Barrett at Extreme Rules
Curt Hawkins vs. Trent Barreta
Chavo Guerrero vs. Chris Masters

Superstars Results​

Beth Phoenix df. Layla

Friday Night Smackdown!
Albany, New York, 15th April 2011

*Start Video*

To start off the video package, clips of Del Rio’s victory at Wrestlemania are shown, including sound bites of the World Champion’s promo on last week’s Smackdown being played in the background. As Del Rio holds his newly won title above his head, his heavily accented voice can be heard saying that his name is Alberto Del Rio and he is the new World Heavyweight Champion... but you already knew that. Clips are now shown of his championship celebration on Smackdown with Del Rio looking as happy as a man has any right to be as he shakes hands with Ricardo Rodriguez and does a little jig to the accompanying mariachi band. More lines from the promo can be heard as Del Rio flaunts his title off to the WWE Universe, as the aristocrat can be heard saying that he is very proud to be the champion on this great brand but it is such a big shame that there is no one left on Smackdown for him to beat. The tempo of the video shifts as the bright screen soon changes to a darker gradient as Edge steps onto the stage with a grimace on his face and a microphone in his hand. As Edge starts by saying that he doesn’t believe Del Rio is telling the truth, because he didn’t even beat Edge, the former champion, for the belt he is holding right now and with these words a clip is shown from Wrestlemania of Christian tossing Edge from the ring before being kicked in the injured shoulder and made to tap out with the cross armbreaker. With the Rated R Superstar now in the ring he says that he is going to prove he is still the rightful champion by beating Del Rio for the title...tonight. But before Alberto has a chance to gather his thoughts, he is hit with a HUGE spear and some huge news, Edge is cashing his title opportunity in right now! The scene flickers again, now onto the World Heavyweight Championship match as both hated rivals face off in the middle of the ring. Highlights are shown, with Edge losing his grip on the match as he goes shoulder first into the steel ring post. Del Rio is able to take control, but after being unable to put the Rated R Superstar away he is quickly on the back foot after being drilled with an Edgecution. Setting up for the spear, Ricardo Rodriguez hangs onto Edge’s leg for dear life before Christian appears to get rid of the unfair advantage. After an uneasy stare down, Christian steps onto the apron and extends his hand out of respect to his former tag team partner. Edge solemnly grabs the outstretched hand, but as Edge and Christian stare into each other’s eyes, Ricardo Rodriguez yanks on Captain Charisma’s leg and causes him to hot shot Edge’s arm off the top rope. Del Rio is quick to recover and slap on his patented cross armbreaker and within just a few moments, Edge taps out! Alberto Del Rio is quick to escape the ring with his title as Christian walks into the squared circle and attempts, in vain, to apologise to Edge. All the Rated R Superstar can muster is a limp shrug whilst he stares at the mat...

The video flicks images again, now in the ring once again with Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes and Christian circling each other as Tony Chimel announces that the following contest is a triple threat number one contenders match. Some big spots from the exciting match are shown; Cody Rhodes blasting Christian in the skull with the Beautiful Disaster, Rey Mysterio hitting the frogsplash on Cody Rhodes, Captain Charisma executing a picture perfect reverse DDT upon Mysterio. Another shift...Christian in control as he rocks Rhode’s mask with a pendulum kick before grabbing his opponent’s arm and twisting them so that the Disfigured One is facing towards the ma- SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR FROM EDGE OUT OF NOWHERE! The screen is filtered into a sepia tone as the Rated R Superstar slinks away to the back, whilst moments of tension between Edge and Christian over the past two months play in sequence. After a shot of a completely expressionless Edge upon the stage is shown, the video returns to the ring with Cody Rhodes setting a stunned Captain Charisma for his signature finishing manoeuvre, the Cross Rhodes. Before Cody has a chance to drop Christian onto his head, Rey Mysterio springboards off of the top rope and flips over the top of Rhodes, drops him onto his back and traps him in a sunset flip for the 1.... 2.... 3! The crowd roar with approval as Rey dashes out of the ring and makes a speedy getaway from an enraged Rhodes. Rhodes goes nuts as Rey signals that he is going to be the new champion by flicking his fingers around the symbolic title upon his waist.

*End Video*

After both the replay and introduction videos, Smackdown starts with a bang before heading towards Josh Matthews and Booker T at the announce table. Josh reminds the viewers that while we know Rey Mysterio will take on Alberto Del Rio in three weeks at Extreme Rules for the World Heavyweight Championship we don’t know what kind of match they will be competing in. Booker T mentions that under information that he received from Theodore Long, he can confirm that Alberto Del Rio will be arriving to the ring shortly to educate us on the stipulation situation. Booker then says that he is so sorry that Michael Cole won’t be on the job tonight as -


Before Booker has time to finish, the Rated R Superstar enters the arena in jeans, a shirt and a leather jacket. The crowd boo the holy hell out of Edge as he trots down to the ring, his entrance void of any pyro or extravagance, whilst in the background Matthews wonders what he is doing out here; this is Del Rio’s scheduled time to speak. Edge enters the squared circle and is quick to snatch a microphone from a crew worker on the outside, the Rated R Superstar completely unreadable. After lifting the microphone to his lips, Edge starts by saying that he has been receiving calls and texts all week long from a variety of people. Edge says that he got called by friends, family, other guys in the back, and even Christian (cue big pop) but he didn’t pick up a single one of them. The crowd is no longer booing, they are listening intently upon Edge’s explanation. Edge continues by saying that over the last week he has been doing a lot of thinking about his career and he finally came to a conclusion last night. Edge informs the live crowd that before he reveals his revelation he is going to give them a quick history lesson. The WWE Universe in New York release a bit of heat, but Edge ignores them and says that five years ago he is finally able to achieve his lifelong dream and become the WWE Champion. Many people called his win a fluke, but Edge proved them wrong over and over and over again, and as he began to add to his championship tally with each win, he proved each and every naysayer wrong. He proved to everybody that HE was the best! Edge continues by saying that this was where he had gone wrong; he had stopped looking out for the most important man in the world. Himself. Huge heat from the crowd but once again the Rated R Superstar brushes them off and says that ever since he began to connect with the WWE Universe, he has gained nothing but pain and failure. And just like his connection with the crowd has given him nothing, his friendship with Christian not only cost him his World Heavyweight Championship but humiliated him in front of millions of people. Edge now invites, with a shipload of heat being unloaded upon him, Christian out to the ring so he can answers his questions face to face.

*Just Close Your Eyes*

Captain Charisma is quick to answer Edge’s callout and just like the man in the ring he walks to the ring without his usual bravado with his eyes set squarely on Edge. Christian is quick to question his former tag team partner why he did what he did last week in the main event match. Edge answers by saying that this is his problem; it has always been about Christian, hasn’t it? It happened when they were kids growing up in Ontario, when they tagged together for so many years and then once again this year. Edge continues and says that if it wasn’t for his own doings, Christian wouldn’t have even been in the main event of Wrestlemania. But like the ‘good’ friend he was, Edge allowed it to happen. But what did Christian give Edge in return? Nothing! He not only cost him his precious World heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania but also last week on Smackdown in his rematch for the title. Christian has always been jealous of Edge’s success and he knows what he is trying to do; but that ain’t ‘gonna happen. Christian attempts to rebut but Edge interrupts and says that no longer is he going to let others such as Christian, and the WWE Universe, stop him from being what where should be; at the top. Edge then says that maybe Christian and the rest of the WWE Universe want him to step down, but he ain’t going anywhere. The Rated R Superstar appears to have said all that he needs to as he drops his microphone onto the canvas and leaves the ring, brushing shoulders with Christian on the way out. With Edge slipping his leg through the ropes to exit the squared circle, Christian places a hand onto his shoulder. This causes Edge to look back towards his former partner with Christian seemingly mouthing something along the ‘we need to talk, properly’. Edge seems to consider this for a moment but in a flash, Edge launches himself at Christian and tackles him to the ground, unleashing shot after shot to Captain Charisma’s head. New York unleashes hell upon Edge as he stomps away with boots to Christian’s chest and punches to his forehead. The Rated R Superstar begins to walk away after giving out a tonne of punishment, but as Christian lifts his shoulder and head off the mat Edge sprints towards him and rocks his skull with a vicious kick. Smackdown goes to its first commercial break of the night with Edge storming up the ramp towards the locker room.


With Smackdown back from a commercial break, the announce team discuss the events that occurred just moments ago. Matthews makes the comment that he realized there had been serious tension between Edge and Christian but he didn’t realize that it was this bad. Booker agrees before he hypes up the fact that, due to Edge taking up his promo time at the start of the show, Alberto Del Rio will be with us later in the night to address the stipulation of his World Heavyweight Championship match.


The arena goes dark and a single spotlight highlights one beast of a man, Chris Masters. The crowd pops slightly for the Masterpiece as, with each different pose, golden pyro is ejected into the air. Masters walks down the ramp, his red and golden attire glinting in the lights of the arena and tosses his veil to the ground. Looking to play to the crowd Masters raises his beef arms int- but before he has a chance Chris is clobbered from behind by his opponent for the evening; Chavo Guerrero. Chavo gives the Los Angeles native all he has before tossing him into the ring and orders the referee to ring the bell.

Match #1
Singles Match
Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero

Guerrero was able to retain control of the match for about thirty seconds before the Masterpiece juggernaut managed to strike back. After dishing out several clotheslines, a diving shoulder block from the second rope and an incredible spinebuster, Masters managed to lock in his finishing manoeuvre, the Masterlock for the tap out victory.

Winner: Chris Masters by submission (2:13)

As the referee raises Master’s arm high into the air the WWE Universe in New York give him a hearty cheer. Although nothing like the brutal battle he encountered last week, Masters still seems happy to have earned another win on Friday Night Smackdown. A final shot of Chris Masters posing to the crowd from the top turnbuckle is shown before the camera cuts back to the interview pit, with Matt Striker standing by with a microphone in hand. Matt introduces his next guest, Curt Hawkins.

A smattering of heat for the Long Island native as he arrogantly struts into view of the camera, running his hands through his blonde hair. Striker first asks his guest what his hopes are for his future here on Friday Night Smackdown. Curt answers the question with a question of his own; is Striker stupid? After a meek ‘no’ and a shake of the head from WWE’s resident wrestling geek, Hawkins continues by saying that people like him don’t have hopes. People like him have guarantees. And Hawkins guarantees to not only be on top of the Smackdown food chain, he will be a champion soon enough. Hawkins then continues by saying that he is sure many people, especially the losers here in Albany, will be wondering why this is guaranteed to be so for Hawkins. He says it is really quite simple and it is because he is better looking, more talented, more intelligent and just plain better than anybody in the back and especially everybody here in Albany. And if he even needed to back it up; just watch him in the ring tonight. As Striker grudgingly thanks Hawkins for his time, the young and brash superstar smirks and walks off.

The crowd’s heat rises to an incredible level as Edge is show on screen in his locker room, seemingly packing his gear up for the night. The Rated R Superstar throws boots, tights and an assortment of other items into his large carrier bag with a satisfied smirk upon his face. A ringtone can be heard from the inside of Edge’s leather jacket; Edge just picks the phone out of a pocket and smashes it against the locker room floor! After a few moments of silence Edge grabs his bag, slings it over his shoulder and exits the room.


*End of Days*

As Smackdown returns from a break, the Corre make their way down to the ring with Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater walking side by side, looking every bit like the cohesive unit that they are inside the ring. Ezekiel Jackson walks several steps behind his stable mates to complete the stable, almost as if he is only there to protect his ‘friends’ from an unexpected attack. All four men enter the ring and it is Wade Barrett that grabs a microphone from a ringside official. The Englishmen tells the crowd that he is sure they would love for him to tell them all about the statements that the Corre have been making ever since they have arrived here on Friday Night Smackdown, from their vicious beating of the Big Show, to their victory at Wrestlemania and to the triumphant day in which each member of the Corre held a championship. Half of the crowd boo whilst the other half laugh at the sight of Ezekiel raising his eyebrow as Barrett looks back and mutters a quick apology before going on to say that this isn’t the reason the Corre are out in the ring at this moment. The unofficial leader of the Corre then says he is sure that everybody already knows that Kofi Kingston is invoking his rematch clause for Barrett’s Intercontinental Championship at Extreme Rules in three weeks time. Barrett knows that Kofi will be choosing the stipulation so Wade would like to propose to the Ghanaian Sensation a match in which there are no rules, an Extreme Rules match.


The moment the last word exits Barrett’s mouth, Kofi is already bounding out of the curtain and onto the stage, a microphone in hand. Kingston says that it would certainly be a convenient stipulation for Wade Barrett if Sunday’s match was an Extreme Rules. Kofi knows that as soon as the bell rang, Slater, Gabriel and Jackson would ambush him and allow Barrett to win the match unfairly. Barrett frowns as the crowd pops, Kofi continues by saying that General Manager Theodore Long has given him the right to choose what kind of match they will be competing in three weeks time. Why, Kofi could pick a table match or perhaps a ladder match, or maybe even a steel cage match, it’s entirely his choice. So at Extreme Rules, Kofi Kingston is taking to take on Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship in a-

*Fire It Up*

Surprisingly, Kofi Kingston is interrupted by the two men that saved him last week from a brutal beating at the hands of the Corre, the Big Show and Kane. However, it is not out of disrespect as Show claps Kofi on the back and speaks into his microphone. Show says that sure, ladders, tables and steel cages might be extreme but what would be even more extreme would be taking out the Corre once and for all, and taking their titles for good measure. Show wonders what Kofi thinks of this idea. After pondering it for a few seconds, Kofi decides that this a great idea, Kofi Kingston, Kane and the Big Show versus Barrett, Slater and Gabriel with the winners claiming both championships; but what does Wade and the Corre feel about it, Kingston asks? Barrett knows that he was going to have to defend his Intercontinental Championship at Extreme Rules but he and the Corre never agreed to put the WWE Tag Team Championships on the line as well. Barrett has an idea, if Kofi Kingston can defeat a member of the Corre tonight, they will put both their titles on the line at Extreme Rules, but if he loses the entire Corre gets the Extreme Rules pay per view as a night off. Kofi immediately accepts the challenge, and demands that the match up take place right here and right now. With an evil smirk on his face, Wade informs Kofi that this sounds like a great idea and the man that he will be facing is Ezekiel Jackson! The crowd unload heat on the Corre but Kofi only seems slightly dishevelled as he walks down the ramp at the fact he is about to go one on one with the near three hundred pound monster from Guyana, South America. With Wade Barrett looking extremely proud of himself, Smackdown goes to a break.


Smackdown returns with Kofi Kingston and Ezekiel Jackson staring a hole through one another from opposite ends of the ring. As both superstars begin to face off in the middle of the squared circle, Josh Matthews informs the reviews that during the break Teddy Long banned the Big Show, Kane and the rest of the Corre from ringside for the entirety of this match up, with dire consequences should either party get involved. The WWE Universe in Albany can’t wait to see this contest and the official rings the bell to get the action rolling.

Match #2
Singles Match
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Kofi Kingston

Although Jackson is one of the best powerhouses on the WWE roster no one expected him to dominate a former Intercontinental Champion like Kofi Kingston they way he did in this match. Kofi just couldn’t find a way to counter the immense strength of the largest member of the Corre and Jackson went to town with huge clotheslines, slams and even a gigantic superplex from the top rope. However, no matter what Jackson threw at his opponent, Kingston would continue to kick out of every pinfall attempt. Big Zeke got angrier and angrier with each unsuccessful pinfall attempt that his offence began to get sloppy and unfocused. An incredibly frustrated Jackson eventually made the mistake that Kofi had been looking for the entire night and the Dreadlocked Dynamo unleashed his patented Trouble in Paradise, only for Jackson to duck out of the way! The kick also caused the official to scramble out of the way and Zeke took full advantage, hitting a low blow to Kofi, much to hatred of the crowd, before he lifted him high into the air and slammed him down to the canvas with the Book of Ezekiel. This devastating move is enough to finally put away Kingston as the referee makes the three count and hands the Corre member the victory.
Winner: Ezekiel Jackson by pinfall (6:54)

As Ezekiel stands to his feet he has a look of relief upon his face after overcoming his frustration and eventually, albeit cheaply, finishing off Kofi. Zeke turned towards the ramp and began to wal- SLAP! The crowd and the announce desk can’t believe that Kofi Kingston just slapped the taste of the mouth of Ezekiel Jackson! Jackson cannot believe it either as his eyes go wide while he watches an injured Kofi Kingston stagger to a stable base. The WWE Universe let out a groan of shock as Kingston once again slaps the giant from Guyana right across the cheek! This time Ezekiel doesn’t stand by in shock, but hurls Kofi into a corner before charging at him and unleashing a huge clothesline as well as unleashing his frustration. Kingston staggers towards the middle of the ring after that vicious collision but is met once again by a clothesline from Ezekiel Jackson. The referee is pleading with Ezekiel to stop but this doesn’t deter the Corre member as he picks up Kofi with one arm and launches him over the top rope and down hard onto the outside. Both the official and Jackson exit the ring and the crowd watch on as Kingston is plucked from the ground and slammed into the ringside barricade! The ring official has finally had enough and he rushes over towards Tony Chimel near the announce table, whispering something hurriedly into the chubby man’s ear. While Jackson continues to stomp away at the torso of his downed adversary, Chimel announces to the live crowd that the referee has reversed his decision and therefore the winner of the match is Kofi Kingston. This sends Jackson into a frenzy and he peels Kingston off of the floor before hitting his second Uranage of the night, this time on the floor on the outside of the ring! The behemoth eventually begins to walk away from his decimated opponent to thunderous heat from the Albany crowd.

As Smackdown returns a replay is shown of the Big Show carrying Kofi Kingston over his shoulder as he walked up the ramp towards the locker room. While Booker condemns the actions of a ‘sadistic’ Ezekiel Jackson, Matthews informs the viewers that Kofi Kingston, if he is healthy, the Big Show and Kane will challenge the Corre for their respective championships in three weeks time at Extreme Rules thanks to Kofi’s victory. With that news, the camera is sent back to the interview pit with Matt Striker waiting patiently to introduce his next guest, Christian.

Matt asks a question he is sure the entire WWE Universe would like to know the answer to, was he surprised that Edge blindsided him earlier tonight. Christian starts off by saying no, he isn’t surprised. All week he tried to convince himself that Edge spearing him meant nothing, that it was just an action done out of frustration because the Rated R Superstar had had a bad couple of months. But in the end, Christian realized that Edge is still the same spineless coward that he has always been. He may have fooled the WWE Universe and the rest of the locker room that he had turned over a new leaf for the past couple of months, but his true colours shined through once again. Attacking people from behind is what a person like Edge does when he is facing adversity, instead of sucking it up and working through it. Basically, Christian continues, Edge takes the easy option when things aren’t looking their best. Throughout his entire career Christian has worked his ass off to be the best competitor that he can be to, most importantly, entertain the fans. On the other hand, Edge has taken every short cut, hit every cheap shot and schemed as much possible in order to reach the top of the WWE. So next week right here on Smackdown, Christian would like to challenge Edge to a match, one on one. Christian finishes by saying that he can’t wait to show Edge next week who the better man truly is. The crowd pops loudly as Christian walks out of the view of the camera and Matt Striker offers his thanks for the interview.

*Essence of Excellence*

As a Porsche Carrera GT rolls up next to the ramp it is evident that Alberto Del Rio is coming to the ring. The World Heavyweight Champion exits his luxury automobile and steps onto the ramp in a pristine white suit with his most adored accessory of all around his waist. The aristocrat from Mexico steps through the ropes, with assistance from Ricardo Rodriguez, to enter the ring and grabs a microphone from his personal ring announcer on the way through. Del Rio starts by reminding the WWE Universe in Albany that his name is Alberto Del Rio and he is their World Heavyweight Champion. As he is sure the crowd already knows, Rey Mysterio, a man Alberto has had plenty of history with, is the number one contender for Alberto Del Rio’s title. Del Rio says that he is unsure how to feel about this; on one hand Rey went through a gruelling triple threat match last week and outlasted two of Smackdown’s premier stars but on the other hand it is an utter disgrace! Heat for the champion as he continues by saying that being a champion is all about class and prestige, something Rey Mysterio does not possess. Growing up in one of the richest and most powerful families groomed Del Rio to become the great person and champion that is standing before the live crowd tonight. But existing on the fringe on Tijuana, or wherever the hell Mysterio came from, like vermin does not entitle Rey to even be in the same ring as the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of the twenty first century. Del Rio says that he won the biggest Royal Rumble match in history and then went on to score a decisive victory in the ‘main event’ of this year’s Wrestlemania. So, as the respected and prestigious champion that Alberto is, it is only fair that Del Rio is the one to pick the stipulation for his championship defence in three weeks time.

*Booyaka 619*

The crowd are relieved to see their masked hero and give him a huge cheer for interrupting Del Rio. Clad in a full black outfit, on the contrary to Del Rio’s bright white suit, Mysterio fiddles with the microphone in his palm as he walks towards the squared circle. Rey starts by asking whether Del Rio knows the definition of respect and class. Respect is something that is earned and not gained through dubious means and class is not something one picks up just by the people they surround themselves with. Throughout his career, Rey has earned respect by defeating opponents, winning titles and creating moments that no-one, not even his own family, expected him to. Class is created by working tirelessly to help others even when they can’t expect to thank you. These are the values that Rey held whilst he was the World Heavyweight Champion, and as far as Rey can see; Del Rio holds none of these qualities as a champion. To answer Rey’s question, Del Rio just laughs straight into his face. Del Rio says that he doesn’t care what values Rey held when he was champion. Anyway, the only way that Rey ever won the World Heavyweight Championship was through sheer luck. And the only way that a superstar such as Mysterio would ever win another World Heavyweight Championship would be through luck. And about the stipulation at Extreme Rules- before Alberto can finish however, Rey cuts him off. He asks the champion if he truly believes that Rey cannot beat Del Rio. With a cruel laugh and a down casting look, Del Rio says that no, he doesn’t. Well ok, Rey continues, how about they have a match tonight and the winner gets to choose the stipulation for their match at Extreme Rules. Albany pops loudly and Del Rio is quick to back track, babbling that he doesn’t think so, he wasn’t expecting to compete tonight...


Theodore Long now makes his way onto the ramp and the champion is none too pleased to see him as he is knows exactly what the Smackdown general manager is going to say. Teddy says that what Rey suggested sounds like a great idea; whoever wins the contest later tonight will be allowed to choose the stipulation for their encounter for the World Heavyweight Championship in three weeks time. The WWE Universe goes wild for the fantastic main event but Alberto has something to say about it. He asks Long whether he really wants to give away a match of this calibre on television and not save it for pay per view. Some might be willing to skip over the Smackdown main event once Extreme Rules rolls in. Albany strongly disagrees but what Del Rio said has struck a chord with the general manager. Teddy says that what Del Rio is true, as his job is to create as much excitement and ultimately as many viewers for the monthly pay per views. Therefore Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio will not go ahead tonight, causing Del Rio’s smile to flicker back on to full blast. Del Rio suggests to Long that he arrange for his match at Extreme Rules to be standard singles match up. More heat for the Mexican but he is quickly over thrown by the general manager, who says that while he cannot provide a match between the two men tonight, he can do the next best thing. So, later tonight in the main event, Rey and a partner of his choice will take on Alberto Del Rio and a partner of his choice, with the winner picking the stipulation for their match at Extreme Rules. Mysterio seems very happy at this prospect and offers his luck to Del Rio for later in the evening, adding that he hopes they have a great match up tonight; if Del Rio can even find a tag team partner to put up with him! Rey leaves the ring with a sneaky smile upon his face as Del Rio looks piss off, and a little anxious, about having to find a tag team partner for later tonight.


Smackdown returns with Ezekiel Jackson walking down a dim corridor with a white towel wrapped around his neck, the big man using it to wipe beads of sweat from his forehead. However, the monster from Guyana is suddenly stopped in his tracks by Wade Barrett, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel; the rest of the Corre. The rogue Englishman gets right into Jackson’s face and begins to tirade him on actions earlier in the night, while Barrett is pleased that Kofi is going to be out of action for a few weeks, Ezekiel royally screwed up. Barrett came up with the plan to goad Kingston to put his title match on the line and Jackson just had to screw it up somehow. Barrett could have dealt with Kofi all by himself and put the Corre on the Smackdown map once again, but now they have to combat the monstrous Kane and the Big Show as well. Not only has Ezekiel put Heath and Justin’s championships in jeopardy, Barrett continues, there is now a huge chance that Barrett will no longer be the holder of the prestigious Intercontinental Championship come Extreme Rules. Not only is Barrett angry, he is disappointed. And with that, Barrett, Gabriel and Slater exit the shot, giving Jackson evil looks on their way out. Ezekiel continues to walk down the corridor in the same direction but this time placing the towel over his face to hide his features.

*In the Middle of it Now*

The announce team don’t have much time to discuss the events that have just taken between the Corre, as Curt Hawkins makes his way to the ring. The Albany crowd seem to remember Curt’s comments from earlier in the night and give him hate as he arrogantly struts his stuff towards the squared circle in a sleeveless leather jacket and sunglasses. Curt steps through the ropes and seems to be absorbing the heat from the WWE Universe like sunlight as he raises both his arms in the air in anticipation for his opponent.

*White Noise*

Trent Barreta is the next to make his entrance, receiving a slight pop as he exits the curtain. The Dudebuster from Mount Sinai charges down the ramp, handing out as many high fives as he can. With both men facing off, the referee decides to ring the bell.

Match #3
Singles Match
Curt Hawkins vs. Trent Barreta

It would be an incredibly fast paced and exciting match between the two young guns with both men trading near fall after near fall. The WWE Universe thought Barreta had the match in the bag after cracking Hawkins in the chin with a Gobstopper knee but Curt was just able to slip out of the cover. However, with the crowd on the edge of their seats; Hawkins countered a dazzling tornado DDT into his patented Taste Hate facebuster for the three count and the victory.

Winner: Curt Hawkins by pinfall (5:59)

Hawkins allows the referee to raise his hand high into the air and gloats to the WWE Universe in his usual cocky way, but as he sees Barreta begin to stir Hawkins starts to ascend the turnbuckle. The crowd know what is going to happen next and boo loudly as Curt launches himself off the top rope and lands a vicious Heat Seeking Elbow to the heart of Trent Barreta. A last fleeting shot of Hawkins placing his jacket and sunglasses back on are shown before the camera cuts to a door; the door of Theodore Long's office.

The door swings upon and the man himself steps out of the room with a bundle of paper in his arms, it appears to be a contract or something of the like. T-Lo is only able to get a few steps in before Jack Swagger steps into his path! The heat is atrocious for the All American American as it appears he is about to go on another tirade. Swagger cannot believe that he has once again been left off the card for tonight’s show. Swagger says that he is the brightest star in the WWE, let alone Smackdown, and he should predominantly feature each and every week. It is an utter disgrace when people such as Jack Swagger are left back in the locker room each night while losers like Trent Barreta and Chris Masters are given match ups. Swagger continues by saying that Teddy said earlier tonight that his job entailed creating as much hype, excitement and viewers as possible. So, if that’s the case why does Long ignore a man that could bring him all that, a man that will possibly take that to Monday Night RAW in the annual draft in- STOP! The crowd pops as Long as finally had enough, if Swagger wants to have a match so badly, he can have one next week. Teddy ponders for a moment before telling Swagger that next week he is going to go one on one with the Big Red Machine; Kane! The former world champion cannot believe his ears and he stands dead still while Teddy walks past him and offers his luck for next week, player.

*Start Video*

The screen cuts to black and a video package begins to play. The silhouettes of two men can be seen in the middle of a darkened wrestling ring, both figures short but of equal size. As the camera zooms in, the two men cut a pretty unimpressive sight in drab jeans and hoodies, however their faces remain hidden. A voice from one of the men can be heard saying that they are just ordinary laid back people, normal members of society. Now the other man, in a deeper tone, says that all changes when they spot injustice or inequality. Inside the ring, the first man continues, they fight for all that is right. The second man speaks again and says that when they are fighting evil in the middle of the squared circle they are determined, unstoppable and sometimes even super. A lightning flash and the two men are now standing in the ring, their toned bodies highlighted by wrestling boots and tights (which are red, white and have a singles thunder bolt on the front). The men are now shown, their identities still hidden, doing a variety of moves upon opponents in the dimmed ring, drop kicks, hurricanranas, moonsaults. So, both men say together, evil doers better watch out.

*End Video*


Smackdown returns and it appears that the main event is going to be up next with a split screen shot of both Rey Mysterio, looking determined, and Alberto Del Rio, looking surprisingly confident, walking down spate corridors towards the curtain. The screen enlarges to only include Del Rio as a microphone is shoved in front of his nose by Matt Striker. Striker asks whether Alberto has even found a tag team partner for tonight’s main event. Del Rio responds by saying that he is very disappointed that Matt could even discount the World Heavyweight Champion for a single moment; he has found the perfect partner. The Mexican Aristocrat shoves Striker out of the way and continues his way down the corridor, subconsciously rubbing the title around his waist and adjusting his white scarf as he goes.

*Booyaka 619*

The crowd are now on their feet as Rey Mysterio makes his second appearance of the night, this time for the main event of the evening! Mysterio seems to be in high spirits as high fives as many fans as possible and gives several head bumps to the kids wearing masks akin to his own. Clad in complete black, Rey heads to the top of the turnbuckle and salutes the WWE Universe with his signature pose. The crowd begin to settle down and eagerly await Rey’s choice for this tag team match.

*Just Close Your Eyes*

It appears that Rey has chosen Christian to be his tag team partner for the main event match and the Canadian still seems to be a little shaken after the attack he received earlier in the evening. Matthews mentions the harsh words that came from Christian’s mouth to his former tag team partner and best friend as well as the challenge he laid down to the Rated R Superstar for next week. Booker then says that he could hardly blame Captain Charisma, he was blindsided by a man he thought he could trust, no matter how rocky their relationship had become over the past few months. Now in the ring, Christian shakes Mysterio’s hand before he himself climbs to a turnbuckle and scans the crowd for his beloved peeps.

*Essence of Excellence*

Alberto Del Rio steps out of his ridiculously expensive car and walks onto the ramp with Ricardo Rodriguez making the special introductions in the background. Golden pyrotechnic ‘rain’ falls down upon the World Heavyweight Champion as Booker speculates on who could possibly agree to team up with this arrogant man. Del Rio stops just feet away from the ring apron and stares upon towards his nemesis, Rey Mysterio. A huge grin spreads across Alberto’s face and he cheekily winks at Mysterio as his tag team partner’s music begins to play...

*Smoke and Darkness*

It is now evident that the only reason Del Rio found a tag team partner was because Rhodes wanted a piece of Mysterio. The disfigured Rhodes walks quickly down the ramp to tonne of heat from Albany, hiding his face from the many cameras before he eventually set his gaze upon Rey Mysterio. The four men are herded towards their respective corners and it appears that Cody Rhodes and Christian are going to start us off as the official wastes no time and calls for the bell to be rung.

Match #4
Tag Team Match
Rey Mysterio and Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio and Cody Rhodes

This match would prove to be a great tag team main event which truly got the crowd hot to end the show, lasting a little over fifteen minutes. Christian and Rey initially had the advantage over their counterparts but with the referee busy with Del Rio, Rhodes snuck in a vicious cheap shot. This then led to Christian taking a tonne of damage as he was stuck in his opponent’s corner for what would have seemed like an eternity to the master of the 619. However, eventually Christian managed to break free of Del Rio’s grasp and tag in Rey Mysterio, bringing the crowd to their feet. Rey took Del Rio to town and thanks to an assist from Christian, who removed Cody Rhodes from the equation with a stiff drop kick; Mysterio was able to connect with the 619. With a groggy Del Rio in the middle of the ring, Christian didn’t waste the opportunity to drop the arrogant Mexican with a Killswitch before Mysterio connected with a huge frog splash. The crowd chanted along as the referee hit the mat thrice in succession and the arena exploded as Mysterio and Christian had their hands raised.
Winners: Rey Mysterio and Christian (15:31)

A gutsy win from the two fan favourites as the fans continue to praise their efforts; Mysterio looking particularly happy as he now has the chance to pick the stipulation for his match with Del Rio. On commentary, Josh Matthews comments on how great the main event tag team match was before adding that Mysterio didn’t once interact in the ring with Cody Rhodes. Christian drops to a knee, who could blame him after the damage he took in order to pick up the win, and Mysterio ascends the top turnbuckle to pose for the cameras- BUT HE IS FLIPPED OVER THE TOP ROPE BY EDGE AND SLAMS FACE FIRST INTO THE STEEL STEPS! The crowd try to warn Christian, who is still licking his wounds on the canvas that Edge is waiting behind him in a frenzied state. Captain Charisma seemingly turns around to congratulate Mysterio once again but he is torn in half with a jarring spear. Albany blasts the Rated R Superstar with a barrage of heat as he goes over to a crew worker and demands to be given a microphone. Edge stands over the fallen Christian and starts by asking the near unconscious Christian whether he truly believes he is the better man now. And even though the rest of world knows that Edge is the better man, he is going to prove it next week when he beats Christian to a pulp so that Christian knows it as well. The last image shown before Smackdown fades to black is of Edge raising his arms in the air as he stands over a downed Christian.

(c) WWE 2011 in association with #1Peep Productions.​

Note: The format has changed a little and will probably continue to change week to week as I tweak it to the way I feel the show will look best. Sorry tonight's episode is a little promo heavy; next week will contain a huge amount of wrestling matches, so don't think every episode will be like this one. Just needed so many to push my storylines forward.
Da Prophet Review

Looking forward to the show tonight and I’ll be writing notes as I go so you’ll probably need to read the end for a pure review so to say.

Massive video to start the show, always good but you don’t want to overdo on something we have already seen. Anyway it showed all the important detail in the lead up to this show which is very good and the package was well done.

Edge is here and this should be the time that Del Rio is speaking to the crowd. Nice move on that little detail to get Edge even more over to us as a heel. Nice stuff so far as Edge was to the point and cleared up his actions of last week. You did well to stay away from the usually E v C stuff which I see around the forums. And he comes Christian to make the party even better, good stuff so far tonight. Great work with Edge, I didn’t like him saying it was all about Christian however. It has always been the other way around, just didn’t seem right when reading. I guess Christian didn’t want to fight but Edge did and we have a BRAWL! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! Good segment which was written very well.

Back from the break we have Chavo and just as I write this I see that it is a quick little match. Got to the point of having Masters look strong. Nothing much to say really.

You seem to be high on Hawkins so I’m looking forward to see where you take him. Not as exciting to watch as Ryder on RAW is but it should be interesting to see what is next for him. Solid promo work and he sounded cocky like he should. I wonder what is coming for Mr Hawkins in the future? Probably a quick title run or something in the mid card.

We are back once again and Barrett is on the mic and you work well with him. Basic stuff from Barrett who basically sets up Kofi coming down which he does. Oh and we have Kane and Big Show now coming down. Getting interesting and I sense a tag match or something for the PPV. And we have it, nice idea as I only just got the idea about one sentence away from the announcement. Nothing you could have predicted really. Good job so far tonight Peep. Basic match between Kofi and Zeke who both seemed to get a solid showing. But we have the decision changed and Kofi is the winner. I’ll go with it, didn’t really change much as Zeke isn’t in the tag match.

A very good Christian interview as he speaks about Edge. He came off like he didn’t want to fight Edge at all but now he sees that maybe he has no choice but to stand up against him. You can feel that the match is going to happen but I kind of think ER maybe too early for such a big match. Give that a think for a while.

I really like this promo from Del Rio and Mysterio, it just flowed well for me. You got it right here and it was something I loved to read when a segment works well. And then to have Teddy announce a stipulation for the ME was just even better. You made the Main Event tonight even more important so well done with that. Again a very good segment.

Barrett is pissed off and so he should be. I can sense Zeke leaving the Corre very soon and going onto better things.

Another quick match between two young guys and your boy Hawkins. Not much to say but you do have something planned for Hawkins I hope. This guy is getting a push right now and I hope you don’t drop the ball. Backstage Swagger is in the sit as he is facing Kane later tonight. I wonder what is going to happen there?

What the hell was that video?

Nice Main Event for tonight and the right people went over to close the show. A great way to end the show with Edge being the one left standing. Again I feel that Extreme Rules will be a to small event to have E v C as it is a big match. You could have it at the next PPV or something just to make it that much more special.

Very well written and I loved the show. The show may have taken some time to get up but it was worth the wait. Nice job once again!
Great show Peep. Not really too much to comment on, the promos were all great pretty much and nailed the characters perfectly. The storylines are developing well, and Mysterio vs. Del Rio, Edge vs. Christian, The Corre vs. Kane, Big Show, and Kofi are all being built well. They should be good matches, and I can't wait to see E vs. C next week and the stipulation for Mysterio and Del Rio. The review style is kind of tough for the matches but you make it work as well as you can, and I like that you can do it and still put on a good show. The matches tonight were short, but to the point and managed to work. The main thing I want to comment on is Curt Hawkins. I've been a Hawkins fan forever now, and to seem him get a push like this is great. Everything he says fits him and I can imagine it coming straight from him in real life. He is being built nicely and I love it. Good show Peep, I'm digging it.
Excellent show as always Peepers. Everything was clear and well written. I'll just point out some things that caught my eye and further peak my interest.

-Really digging the Edge and Christian program. Yes it is the most overdone booking view on the site, but you've added a different twist with Edge as the heel and Christian as the face and it takes a whole different standpoint and that shows creativity at its finest.

-Love that we are seeing Hawkins get air time, hopefully something comes of this. Same can be said with Masters.

-Tension between The Corre? Good, they've been long overdue for a breakup. They are like that couple that hates each, but stay together cause the sex is good and they have nothing else to base anything off. I'm beginning to think Jackson might cost Barrett the championship come Extreme Rules and further tease the breakup. Will be looking forward to this.

-Good stuff with ADR and Rey. I was weary of it as it has been done, but you won me over with the promo. That's good booking at its finest. Not really a fan of ADR taking the defeat in the main event, but he is a heel champion and losing is what they do best except when the title is on the line.

-Also good to see Cody still getting air time and it being main event air time. Hope to see him booked into an actual feud after (or even before) Extreme Rules as Cody is by far my favorite addition to SD.

Friday Night Smackdown!
London, England, 22nd April 2011

The show starts with its usual extravagance as pyro flies across the stage and the crowd go wild in anticipation for Smackdown for start. While Green Day is played over the speakers, the camera shifts across to the announce table, draped in British flags, and we join Josh Matthews and Booker T for their opening comments. Booker starts off by saying that he is so excited that the WWE has crossed the pond for this week’s action and just can’t wait for what the Smackdown superstars will get up to in London. Matthews then mentions that Jack Swagger will finally have to put his money where his mouth is tonight when he faces Kane, and a huge match will close the show with Christian battling Edge in the main event. Booker adds that months, possibly years, of tension will be let out in the main event and he is going to love watching it! Matthews then says that tonight Rey Mysterio will announce the stipulation for his World Heavyweight Championship match against Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules in two weeks time.

*Booyaka 619*

Speak of the devil, here comes Rey Mysterio right now! Rey seems to be in a great mood as he embraces many of his loyal fans with hugs and high fives before he slides into the ring. The master of the 619 is decked out tonight in red, white and blue ring gear, obviously as an homage to Great Britain as well as a tribute to his country of residence. After one final salute to the WWE Universe from a turnbuckle, Rey grabs a microphone. Rey reminds the Londoners in attendance, to a big pop, that he earned the right to pick the stipulation for his match against Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules thanks to his victory last week. And boy is Rey going to take advantage of this, he is going to pick a match that is suited to his high flying, fast paced style. But not only is the focus point of this match well suited to Rey’s luchador style, it is also very symbolic of Mysterio’s career. Mysterio then proceeds to slide out of the ring and lift up the blue ring apron and after scrambling under the ring for a few moments he pulls out a giant ladder.

The WWE Universe cheer wildly as Rey slides the ladder into the ring and sets it up in the middle of the squared circle. You see, Rey continues, this huge ladder represents the journey that Mysterio has had to undergo in order to gain great success in this business as well as earn respect from fans and other wrestlers all over the world. With every upset victory, every championship and every moment he created for the WWE Universe Rey managed to climb one rung on the ladder of respect. By this time in his promo Rey has reached the top of the ladder and is sitting on the top of the steel behemoth, suspended feet off the canvas. Alberto Del Rio thinks that Rey may find the fact that it took twenty four years as a professional wrestler to finally capture the World Heavyweight Championship as disgraceful, but that is not true. If anything this made Rey appreciate each moment as a champion and allowed him to thrive in defending it from other world class athletes, not cower at the idea of putting it on the line. This is how one earns respect, Mysterio informs Del Rio and not anything else-

*Smoke and Darkness*

Major heat for the disfigured one as he slowly saunters onto the ramp with a black hood covering his face and a microphone hanging loosely in his palm. Cody starts by saying that these people should not be listening to a word Mysterio says about respect because once again Rey proved the type of man that he is last week. Not only does Mysterio hide his cowardice behind a mask, he hides behind others as well. Not once did Rey get into the ring and face off against Rhodes, not one single time. All of the brain washed members of the WWE Universe watching last week; they can now see, their eyes finally opened towards the fact that Rey is no longer the angel that he has been portrayed as for so many years. Rhodes continues by saying that not only does Rey show absolutely no guilt for what he did last January (Cody says January with a slight shudder) he does not even have the courage to settle their issue in the middle of the ring. Rey Mysterio, now standing on the ground off of the ladder, responds meekly by saying that there is no issue, it’s all in Rhodes’ head and even if there was one, they settled it at Wrestlemania. Rhodes goes on, saying that Macbeth would be envious of Rey’s complete lack of guilt over what he did to Cody’s face, now Mysterio isn’t even going to acknowledge the heinous crime he committed. But Rhodes isn’t going to let Rey forget what he did, he dashed Cody’s dreams, didn’t even give him a chance to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. So just like Rey destroyed Cody’s hopes and dreams, Rhodes is going to personally make sure Rey does not capture the heavyweight title at Extreme Rules or for the rest of his career. Rhodes is now just a few feet from Mysterio, the deranged superstar about to enter the ring via the steel steps. Rhodes then says that even if he has to get physically involved in Rey’s ladder match in two weeks time, he will-


After those menacing words from Cody Rhodes, general manager Theodore Long makes his first appearance of the night. Teddy is looks furious as he wanders onto the stage and swiftly raises a microphone to his lips. Long looks downright angry and he starts by saying that there is no chance Cody Rhodes is going to ruin a World Heavyweight Championship match on pay per view, or put Rey Mysterio in a condition that would hinder his chances of capturing the title. So, until Mysterio has had his title match Cody Rhodes will not lay a single finger upon the Mexican luchador or Teddy will not hesitate in terminating his contract here on Smackdown. The crowd pop loudly at Teddy’s swift laying down of the law and he continues by ordering Rhodes to leave ringside immediately! Cody drops his microphone to the ground with a dull thud before walking up the ramp with an evil look in his eyes as he stares up towards his general manager. With Rhodes out of the picture; Teddy then announces that there is no need for Rey to leave the ring as his match for the night will happen next.


Smackdown returns with Rey completing a few last minute stretches in the middle of the ring, his music still blaring from the speakers. Mysterio seems slightly happier now that Rhodes has been taken out of the equation and the luchador can now focus upon his match for the world title as well as his match for the night.

*End of Days*

Tremendous heat for the Corre as they make their way down to the ring with Justin Gabriel, his championship gleaming from around his waist, leading the way. Gabriel’s tag team partner Heath Slater and Wade Barrett (who receives the occasional cheer from his countrymen) follow closely after the South African but the fourth and final member of the group, Ezekiel Jackson, lingers several feet behind. As Justin steps through the ropes, looking incredibly determined, the rest of the Corre surround ring side with Barrett shooting Jackson the occasional dirty look.

Match #1
Singles match
Rey Mysterio vs. Justin Gabriel w/ the Corre

The WWE Universe in London was treated to a spectacular match in which Gabriel and Mysterio’s high flying styles blended together perfectly. Several quick near falls and spectacular spots kept the British crowd on the edge of their seats during the start of the match but a three man advantage would soon take its toll on the number one contender. Throughout, Ezekiel Jackson looked disinterested towards the in-ring action but it was Heath Slater that distracted the official and allowed Barrett to blindside Mysterio with a big right hand, allowing Gabriel to take control. However, as Rey began to build up some momentum after narrowly avoiding Gabriel’s patented 450 splash, Jackson sprung into action. With Slater once again proving to be a nuisance towards the referee, Jackson swung a heavy clothesline towards Rey, who proceeded to duck and send the shot in Justin Gabriel’s direction. In a near miss, Gabriel also ducked under the clothesline but before he could ask Ezekiel what the hell he was playing at; Rey caught him in a hurricanrana and bundled him into a position for a pinfall. The Corre could only watch on as the official counted the three, awarding Rey the victory.

Winner: Rey Mysterio by pinfall (8:02)

Mysterio quickly escapes the ring and gets as far up the ramp as possible before throwing his arms into the air in victory. Meanwhile, back in the ring Jackson is forced to endure another verbal beat down from Barrett while Slater and a frustrated Gabriel look on. After several embarrassing moments for Zeke, with Barrett practically screaming in his face, Gabriel tries to intervene but Barrett won’t have any of it as he continues to talk down to Jackson. With the Corre looking completely out of shape and Mysterio looking ecstatic at his victory, Smackdown moves away from ringside.


The camera switches backstage to Matt Striker who is standing within the Smackdown interview pit with his faithful microphone in hand as always. With the camera focused solely upon Striker, he would like to introduce his first guest of the evening to the London faithful, Jack Swagger. A nice bit of heat for Swagger from the WWE Universe and his lives up to his name sake as he saunters into the camera shot. Striker starts off by asking Jack if he regrets asking Theodore Long for a match tonight seeing as how he now has to go one on one with the Big Red Machine, Kane. Swagger starts by saying he doesn’t regret what he did last week just like he hasn’t regret doing a single thing in his entire life. Now that he is finally receiving the time he deserves on Smackdown, Swagger is going to show everybody, including Teddy Long, just how good he truly is. Swagger then tells Striker that he isn’t called the All American American for nothing; he is the most technically gifted athlete on the Smackdown roster. However, if Teddy Long doesn’t appreciate his talents on Friday nights, then he shouldn’t mutter a single complaint if Swagger is moved over to RAW in the WWE draft in just three weeks time. But Swagger isn’t focused on the draft, even though he wishes with all of his being that he is moved over to Monday nights to get away from dodgy management and lacklustre television, he is focused on the task at hand tonight; Kane. Kane is a large and psychotic man but even psychopaths cannot win a match with a broken ankle. It appears that is all Swagger wishes to say as he walks away from Striker to boos from the English fans.


*Start Video*

An old lady can be seen, presumably through the view of a security camera, waddling down a long, dark and frankly dangerous looking alleyway. The old dear is carrying a large, purple handbag precariously over her shoulder which looks to be ripe for the picking for a potential thief. After completing a few more steps the old lady is soon confronted by a pair of rather larger, thuggish looking blokes, who then proceed to back the old lady into a brick wall; seemingly demanding she hand over the contents of her large handbag. However, at that moment two men, rather on the small side, enter the shot, their backs facing the security camera. The two men wander over to the commotion and confront the two thugs, who react violently by pushing them back into a steel fence before continuing to harass the old lady. After being bundled into the fence one of the men’s hoodie, the one with the shoulder length dark hair, appears to be ripped down the middle. He then proceeds to rip the garment off of his torso and launch himself at one of the thugs, taking him down with a forearm shot to the temple. Before the other thug can even react he is been attacked by the other man, the one with scraggly brown hair tied into a ponytail, who unleashes a sharp dropkick into the thug’s face, sending him sprawling. The granny manages to escape the commotion, but the two men aren’t letting the thugs off easy. The thug who received the drop kick is still out cold, but the other thug gets destroyed by a lightning quick combination from the two small men, a spinning thrust kick to the gut, an enzuigiri to the side of the head and then a pair of superkicks to the jaw, putting him down for the count. The two men look around at their handiwork before quickly leaving the scene.

*End Video*


The Brits in attendance roar in approval as Captain Charisma, Christian is shown on the screen, standing in his locker room. Christian talks directly into the camera and starts by saying that he doesn’t have much to say, he is going to let his actions in the ring later tonight do most of the talking. For the second time in as many weeks, Edge has attacked Christian from behind and everybody knows who enjoy attacking others from behind. The crowd get a cheap laugh out of that one and Christian cracks a smile before turning back to his unusually serious self. What Christian meant to say is that Edge, underneath all that showmanship, pyrotechnics, bravado is a plainly and simply a coward. He can blame as many people as he wants but no one is going to save the Rated R Superstar from a royal beat down here in the United Kingdom. And tonight Christian is not only going to pin Edge’s shoulders down for the three count; he is going to make sure Edge suffers for everything that he has done over the years. Christian finishes by saying that he almost forgot to say it, he is going to destroy Edge for all of his peeps! A huge pop for Christian as he finishes off by slapping his chest; representative of all of his fans that hold a place in his heart.


*Broken Dreams*

A sliver of boos for Drew McIntyre as he slowly makes his way towards the ring, the Scotsman showing complete disdain for the fans in attendance as he trots past them. Drew enters the ring via the steel steps and once he is inside the squared circle he stands perfectly still and waits for his opponent for the night to make their entrance.


The British crowd give a hearty pop for the Masterpiece as he steps through the curtain and does his usual pre-match routine; posing in a variety of stances whilst silver pyro explodes behind him. While Masters is walking down the ramp he looks incredibly focused on the task at hand as McIntyre could prove to be his toughest opponent yet since his rejuvenation here on Smackdown. Before the bell has rung, the two competitors face off in the middle of the ring, the crowd pop as they are ready for some great wrestling action!

Match #2
Singles Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Chris Masters

Drew McIntyre /would/ prove to be Master’s toughest opponent yet as the Scotsman threw everything he had at the Masterpiece; right hands, boots to the skull and a range of vicious manoeuvres aimed at Masters’ back. In the end however, the Los Angeles Native used his freakish strength to power out of a Future Shock DDT and transition his opponent immediately into the Master Lock submission hold. Drew tried with his entire being to break the full nelson but the Masterpiece’s power was eventually too much for him to handle and he faded, forcing the referee to end the match.

Winner: Chris Masters by submission (6:31)

Quite a big cheer goes up for Masters as he has his hand raised high into the air by the official as Josh Matthews comments on Chris’ impressive for as of late, stating he looks ‘almost unstoppable’. The Masterpiece exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp, slapping some hands on the way up. With the crowd cheering him on, Masters raises his hands into his signature gesture, representing the Masterlock, and lets out a bellow of victory.

*Start Video*

Several shots of superstars being hit with steel chairs, put through tables and lying in agony on the mat are shown as the narrator states that it’s the one night a year rules are meant to be extreme. This night is WWE Extreme Rules and the narrator continues by saying that there will be no count-outs, while shots of Daniel Bryan and the Miz brawling on the ramp and Kofi Kingston yelling in agony after being thrown into the steel steps are shown, and no disqualifications, images of Edge holding a chair above his head and Jack Swagger maliciously tugging on the Big Show’s ankle are shown, even if you beg for mercy. On this night, Orton cracks Swagger in the head with a trash can and Cody Rhodes hits a Cross Rhodes on the steel grating upon Rey Mysterio, anything goes!

*End Video*

*Fire It Up*

The arena goes red as fire explodes around the ramp and the Big Show and Kane make their entrance. The two giants look intimidating yet focused as they both enter the squared by climbing over the top ring rope, Matthews noting that if the two beasts, alongside Kofi Kingston, can defeat the Corre in two weeks, they will be crowned the new WWE Tag Team Champions.

*Get On Your Knees*

A tirade of hate is given from the British public towards Jack Swagger as exits the curtain with his arms arrogantly raised in front of him, ordering the WWE Universe to bow down before him. Before he walks up the steel steps Swagger demands that the referee kick the Big Show out of the ring; the official does so and the giant makes no complaints as he makes his exit. Eventually Jack stands toe to toe with the Big Red Machine, who looks at the former World Champion with a psychotic grin on his ugly face. Sensing this standoff will soon turn nasty, the referee calls for the bell.

Match #3
Singles Match
Kane w/ the Big Show vs. Jack Swagger

As expected Swagger immediately went to town on Kane’s right ankle and leg the moment the opportunity arose; after the behemoth missed a clothesline from the tope rope and landed awkwardly on his limb. However, in true Kane fashion the big man fought his way back into it, much to the delight of the English fans, with some vicious right hands, a big boot and a round of clotheslines before he decided to ascend the turnbuckle for the second time, not a wise move at the time with an injured ankle. Big Show cheered on his tag team partner and, with Kane still perched on the top rope, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater assaulted Show from behind and pushed him face first into the steel ring post! The Corre members quickly scattered but not before the weight of the Big Show crashing into the post caused Kane to topple from the turnbuckle and land hard onto his right ankle. Swagger quickly shook out of a daze, and locked on the ankle lock, bending the Big Red Machine’s ankle at a sickening angle. Kane valiantly tried to hold on but he soon succumbed to the pain in his leg and tapped hard onto the mat.

Winner: Jack Swagger by submission (7:22)

Swagger quickly scatters before he has to face the wrath of the two giants, retreating to the top of the ramp. With the crowd booing him heavily Swagger just holds his arms up as if to say he told them all so, while in the ring, Show and Kane don’t exactly look one hundred percent as Kane clutches his hurt ankle and the giant tends to a bloodied nose.


With Smackdown back from a commercial break we are joined by Matt Striker and his trusty microphone, in what appears to be a locker room type environment. The former educator would now like to introduce his guest, the Rated R Superstar Edge. Striker would first like to ask Edge’s thoughts on his match scheduled for later tonight against Christian. Edge says that he will share his feelings on the match, not because Striker and the WWE Universe want him to, but because he wants to. Edge then says that tonight’s match is going to finish the way his matches with Christian always end up, with the Rated R Superstar having his hand raised in victory. Edge is going to spear Christian right out of his self righteous boots, and prove once again that the only reason Captain Charisma has tasted the slightest sliver of success is because of him. When they were kids, as a tag team, once they broke up and then again earlier this year Christian relied on Edge to watch his back and fight his battles for him. But no more, Edge is doing things for himself from now on and once he has dispatched Christian in the main event, he will go on to capture the world championship for twelfth time from whoever is unlucky enough to claim the gold at Extreme Rules. Edge doesn’t care what the WWE Universe thinks of him anymore, what goes down into the record books is not crowd reaction or how many t-shirts can be seen in an arena but victories and championship gold. Edge would like to remind everybody that he has wrestled a Hall of Fame worthy career and that is a hell of a lot more than Christian could lay claim to, unless being in Edge’s shadow qualifies as entering into the hall of legends. And with that harsh comment, Edge kindly asks Striker to get the hell out of his locker room.


*Essence of Excellence*

The British fans cannot stop booing as Edge’s smug face is replaced by one of the World Heavyweight Champion’s luxury vehicles. Alberto Del Rio steps out of the car and makes his way onto the ramp while he has his name and accomplishments rattled off by his own personal ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez. Sparkling gold pyrotechnic rain drops behind Del Rio as he confidently struts towards the ring, enters it and grabs a microphone from Rodriguez. The Mexican begins by saying that his name is Alberto Del Rio and he is the World Heavyweight Champion and in two weeks time he is going to ascend the ladder and retain the title that is rightfully his as a man that is practically royalty! Del Rio then says to the crowd that he may be dressed to compete but now that he is out here he doesn’t think he is going to, there is no one in the WWE that is up to his level of class and dignity. So now that Del Rio isn’t going to compete tonight, he will use the time to talk about the disgrace that is Rey Mysterio and why he does not deserve to be-


The arena explodes as England’s own William Regal has decided that he isn’t going to let the world champion brush him off. Del Rio looks furious as an official quickly strips the microphone from his hand while Regal climbs the steel steps and enters the ring, his dark purple coat trailing after him. The crowd cannot stop cheering as Regal faces off against the arrogant Mexican aristocrat, however Del Rio isn’t going to be interrupted and let it slide without his usual bravado. Alberto slips his title from around his waist and raises it right near the Regal’s face, mouthing something devious, before slapping the taste right out of old Willy’s mouth. The crowd gasp as Regal reels from the cheap shot with Del Rio scampering towards his corner before the referee rings the bell.

Match #4
Singles Match
Alberto Del Rio w/Ricardo Rodriguez vs. William Regal

Del Rio dominated Regal for the vast majority of the match and spent that time working on the Englishman’s right wing. However, thanks to the motivation of the WWE Universe, the wily veteran worked his way back into contention for a victory. After wearing down Del Rio with a range of had hitting suplexes, Regal prepared to hit the champion with his signature knee to the side of his opponent’s skull but Alberto was ready, sending the Brit into the corner. The World Heavyweight Champion showed why he is holding that title after he immediately fired back and cracked Regal in the side of the head with a step up enzuigiri. Regal remained on his feet however, and caught a sprinting Del Rio in a clutch for an exploder variation of the suplex as the Mexican came back to take advantage. As Regal went to launch Del Rio over his head, Del Rio manoeuvred himself so that he landed on the mat with Regal’s right arm in his clutches and locked on the cross armbreaker. The British crowd urged Regal to hang on, but the past punishment had taken its toll and Regal plodded his hand against the canvas in submission.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio by submission (9:13)

Although the bell had already been rung, Del Rio refused to break the brutal submission hold and Regal remained writhing on the mat. Del Rio only broke the hold when Rey Mysterio came charging to the squared circle and jumped up onto the apron. The two men faced off as Rey entered through the ropes and Del Rio unexpectedly extended his arm , hoping that Rey would shake it. Mysterio looked as if he was about to accept the offer but with a sly wink Del Rio launched a punch at Rey’s head. The luchador quickly ducked out of the way before hitting a hurricanrana to hurl Del Rio through the ropes and out of the ring. The crowd popped as Del Rio threw a miniature tantrum on the outside because his plan was foiled and turned around to exit the arena but got cracked in the bridge of the nose with the left hand of William Regal! Rey Mysterio celebrated on one of the turnbuckles as Regal made his exit to a huge ovation from his countrymen.


Smackdown returns with a doctor in a clinic room attending to the ankle of Kane with a bag of ice, Big Show watching on intently. Dried blood covers the nostrils of the giant and he waits until the medical assistant leaves before he begins to speak. With Kane adjusting the bag of ice on his ankle, Show starts by stating just how frustrated he is because in two weeks they are going into battle with the Corre. Extreme Rules is their chance to take out Barrett and his lackeys for good and claim from then the power that two championship belts bestow upon the holders. But now Kofi is hurt, Kane’s ankle has been destroyed and Show’s nose is busted. Show continues by saying that damn it this was their chance before swiftly punching a hole through the clinic wall and walking through the door.


Matt Striker is now shown standing by in the interview pit and would like to introduce his next guest, Curt Hawkins. A sliver of boos for the Long Island native who arrogantly struts into view, removes his sunglasses and stands face to face with Striker. Before Matt can even ask the question he had organised Hawkins cuts him off by saying he doesn’t care what Matt has to say, this part of the programme is all about Hawkins and all Striker needs to do is stand there, look pretty and hold the microphone. Curt then says how great it is to be in the beautiful city of London but it is too bad the city is infested by cockney scum that wouldn’t know what hygiene is if it bit them on the ass. While the crowd can be heard booing heavily, Hawkins continues by saying that at least the royal wedding will be in town next week and he is surprised that William and Catherin haven’t sent him his invitation yet, but this doesn’t concern the young gun. No, they may have all the money they can hold, all the jewellery, gold and royal jewels but Curt doesn’t need that. All Curt needs is a championship, and it is only a matter of time before he has holds one around his perfectly sculpted waist. And if anyone is wondering why Hawkins believes this to be so it is because he says so!


Smackdown now returns to the ring with Tony Chimel standing tall in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand. At the announce desk Booker and Matthews hype up the main event which is about to happen right now!

*Just Close Your Eyes*

A huge explosion of noise for Captain Charisma as he makes his entrance, scouting for his fans before beginning to walk down the ramp. Christian makes his way about half way down the ramp before he quickly turns on his heels, warned by boos from the WWE Universe, and tackles into Edge! Christian was expecting the sneak attack and has now got the advantage on the Rated R Superstar, pounding away at his head.

Match #5
Singles Match
Christian vs. Edge

Winner: no contest (0:00)

The two rivals continue to battle, venturing all over ringside but neither man can gain an advantage over the other. After it appeared that Christian had gained the advantage once again after avoiding a big boot from Edge, a giant group of security broke the melee up and separated the two men.


With the two men restrained, but still trying to get at each other’s throats, Smackdown general manager Teddy Long hit the scene. He begins by saying that he is sick of Edge and Christian’s issues and he thought they would be able to settle their differences tonight in the ring but he was wrong. Teddy believes that the two adversaries are going to have to settle it in a more /brutal/ environment, a more extreme environment even. So Teddy is going to book the two men into an Extreme Rules match at the next pay per view extravaganza, hopefully they will meet in the middle of the ring and this will put a stop to all the sneak attacks and brawls. The general manager finishes with a quick ‘holla holla’ and makes his exit. Christian has taken his attention off of Edge and it appears the security have as well, loosening their grip on both men, and the Rated R Superstar lives up to his name by jarring Christian into the ground with a spear! The crowd emits huge heat for Edge as he walks away from the scene of the crime with a sick grin on his face.

(c) WWE 2011 in association with #1Peep Productions.​


Confirmed for Extreme Rules so far (Smackdown):


Ladder Match
World Heavyweight Champion
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Rey Mysterio


Extreme Rules Match
Christian vs. Edge


Winner Takes All
Intercontinental and WWE Tag Team Championships on the line
The Corre vs. Kofi Kingston, The Big Show and Kane
Good show Peep. I really loved the opening promo with Mysterio and Rhodes. Mysterio isn't the best and I don't really like him in the main event, but he cut a good promo tonight and then Rhodes enters the view and shows why he is great. That promo was nailed all together and I hope to see more work between these two because there is great chemistry there.

Mysterio and Gabriel put on a good match to kick the show off. Gives both men a chance to shine and both look good. A good opening match sets the tone for the night, and this one set a good tone.

Swagger on the mic, and he nails it. I think Swagger is very underrated and I love hearing him on promos. He is just great and glad to see him get some time. And here we go with this superhero-esque promotional spot again, and it's an intriguing thing, I'm interested in seeing where it goes.

Christian promo. He does a solid little promo, builds the main event nicely. Although I smell something fishy in that match, I doubt it goes as planned. And match time. Masters takes care of McIntyre, good little way to make Masters look good, it did it's job.

And another match. Solid little match by Swagger and Kane, and Swagger lives up to the hype and looks good. I like it. Here we go with the Edge promo, and I was really feeling it here. It sounded good and really got his character across, this promo hit spot on. Del Rio is out and no match but a promo? Okay, that will suffice to me.

And here is the hometown man, Regal. Big pop, and he wants the match. And Del Rio with the slap, and it is on. Another good match here, and Regal looks very good in front of the home country crowd, but Del Rio looks very good as well, as the champion should, and picks up the win. I enjoyed this match here.

Hawkins promo time and I love me some Hawkins. Wasn't feeling this as much as some of his previous promos, but he got his point across and kept it short and sweet but to the point, which works. Sometimes less is more and it worked here. Nice little promo.

And main event time. And it's a brawl. These two want at each other and they won't settle it in a match tonight, and no contest. I didn't think this would go straight, and it didn't. And the match will be at Extreme Rules, nice choice, and I can't to see these two get their hands on each other, it should be good. This feud has been built up nicely.

Good show overall. Not all points hit as well as possible, but it was another great show overall and I was really into it. The build to Extreme Rules is feeling good right now and I can't wait to see the show. Good job.
The Best review

I like the promo with Cody and Rey, I like how Cody embraces the past, and I also really like how Cody said he's not going to let Rey ever win the championship again until Teddy Long comes out and says Cody can't touch Rey until after ER, which I thought was very realistic.

Rey vs. Gabriel went the way it should have, and again I thought the ending was very realistic with Big Zeke basically costing Gabriel the match, and I like the tension between the two.

I like the interview with Swagger, he seems to be a good fit on the mic here, and I wonder where he'll be placed on the extreme rules card.

Christian's promo was great, it really started to add the feel towards the main event IMO, and you nailed that promo.

Masters vs. McIntyre, It seems like you're building up Masters to really be something, and I like it, and I also like how you're not trying to sell McIntyre off as a jobber which is very welly executed.

Swagger vs. Kane, I like how you used Swagger to target an injury on Kane, which is something that he would do, that promo with Swagger earlier really built this match up well, and you succeeded with the end result.

ADR vs. Regal, both of these men had good promo's, I like how you put Regal on the card since this is his hometown, and in the match picking ADR to win was clearly the right choice, even though it was in Regal's hometown, someone as low on the card like he is shouldn't be beating the newly crowned champion.

Hawkins promo was nice, nothing too long, and it was clear what point he wanted to send out, I liked that.

In the main event, I liked how Christian was sort of expecting the sneak attack, and the brawl was nice followed by the announcement of the match at ER, overall I liked that little segment.

Overall, I thought that it was a great show, and you're building up your next pay-per-view very well.

Grade: B+

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