Finisher Change For Dolph Ziggler?


Dark Match Jobber
Ok so...

- Do you think he should change finisher?
- What finisher would you like see him using?
- What name would he use for it?

Ok IMO I do not like the zigzag as a finisher, I feel that it is difficult to pull off out of no where as you have to come from behind. I personally think that, if he is to be elevated to the main event then he needs a change. I personally love the super kick as a finisher and we have seen him use it, so we know he is able to pull it off. Maybe dolph should use the super kick and call it, I don't know "zigkick" or something.

Do you think that he should not use the super kick as it is too face like, because of hbk?

Just as long as it is not a finisher from firemans carry! Like cena ,punk ,Riley, Tyler reks and big zeke and the rest of them.

Am very interested to read your opinions!
I personally like his reverse bulldog. You could notice his tweaking of it the past year. I've always the superkick as a second finisher, I would like to name that finisher "The #Heel".
No, no, no! Not the Superkick.

It's bad enough how overused it already is in wrestling. What's also even worse is how hokey it looks adding the foot stamp beforehand.

Ziggler needs to be Ziggler, not look like a second-rate HBK.
No, no, no! Not the Superkick.

It's bad enough how overused it already is in wrestling. What's also even worse is how hokey it looks adding the foot stamp beforehand.

Ziggler needs to be Ziggler, not look like a second-rate HBK.
Just Because Someone uses a superkick as a signature/finnisher they are a second rate hbk?

But OT I like the superkick it adds some more unpredictability to Zigglers Moveset and I think I'm the only one who likes a zig zag it looks pretty brutal
I think Ziggler's finisher is perfectly fine, but if he was to change, I certainly wouldn't want it to be the superkick. I honestly don't know what would be a good change for him, I think he should probably just keep what he has.
I have no problem with people using past wrestlers' finishers. If the past wrestler isn't on TV anymore, then a lot of people won't even remember him. That being said, HBK appears from time to time and I would prefer for someone to use the Superkick after HBK is gone for at least a year or two. Even then, Sheamus has apparently replaced his Razor's Edge finisher with the Brogue Kick which is very similar to the Superkick.

I like him using the Sleeper as a finisher, but I'd like for him to incorporate more submission moves. I'd like for him to use the Crippler Crossface, the Triangle Choke and the Keylock. They should get him over as a submission specialist.

That being said, he should definitely have one of those out-of-nowhere knockout finishers and I agree the Zig Zag isn't cutting it. I always thought the Facebuster could be used as a finishing maneuver. If anyone could get it over, it's Dolph. If he can get the Sleeperhold over as a finisher, he can do anything.

I'd like for him to use a variation of the Canadian Destroyer, but I doubt WWE would let him do that.
The ZigZag is perfectly fine, and besides Ziggler can quickly counter almost any move to get himself behind his opponent and deliver the ZigZag out of nowhere.
How about a haircut and a new gimmick?

His hair makes me puke after his matches, I can't help but to think of worms protruding from a dogs anus.

His gimmick is boring.

He's a heel, he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's generic as shit, 6 months from now he'll be in the same exact spot he is if he doesn't change his gimmick.
Well I definitely think he shouldn't use the super kick as his finisher... But he should encorperate it in his arsenal as like a signature move that leads into his finisher like the Irish Curse that Sheamus does that leads into the Brogue Kick...

But he should change his finisher because it gets reversed too often... And he should change it to a move like the Super kick...

And the name of it is ( The French TKO ) It is an awesome kick that he could use and suprise a lot of people... It is a kick where you fake a kick to the face and kick the person in the back of the skull... And he could rename it to be...

1.The #Heel
2. The Zigkick
3. The Sweet Vickie
How about a haircut and a new gimmick?

His hair makes me puke after his matches, I can't help but to think of worms protruding from a dogs anus.

His gimmick is boring.

He's a heel, he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's generic as shit, 6 months from now he'll be in the same exact spot he is if he doesn't change his gimmick.

I Agree with you on the haircut pair. They should've let him keep his black haircut and given him a dark gimmick where he is kind of mental and destroys everyone or something, idk. He should keep his zig-zag also because its not that much ways to make a move look different and the zigzag is unique (ex:fireman carry=attitude adjument)
With the dark hair he looked just like Evan Bourne. The bleach blonde hair makes him stand out more. And the ZigZag is fine. It makes more sense for a heel to have a finisher that's done from behind.
I can understand where your coming from and I like the thread.
However I think currently Ziggler has a solid aresnal of moves he can use and tends to use as secontier finishers to matches. There was a long run their before the Ryder feud where Ziggler barely finished a match off with the Zig Zag but instead would hit it earlier, and finish things with a sleeper or on the odd occasion a ''Zuper kick''
IMO Ziggler has the best super kicks of the current roster and i would love to see him use it more, it is high impact, fast, and just beautiful, but maybe not as his main finisher.
To address your point of the difficult nature of getting into Zig Zag position, the same can be said of past moves, lucky for Ziggler he his so clean and fluent in the ring he is able to bring the Zig Zag out of a lot of variable situations.

So he has the 'Zig-Zag' the 'Zuper-Kick' a sleeper hold and a scissor leg drop to keep people guessing. I personally enjoy that.

Just my Humble Opinion.
The Perfect Plex would be the Perfect move LOL
na, i personally like the Sleeperhold, he wrenches it in good.
How about a haircut and a new gimmick?

His hair makes me puke after his matches, I can't help but to think of worms protruding from a dogs anus.

His gimmick is boring.

He's a heel, he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's generic as shit, 6 months from now he'll be in the same exact spot he is if he doesn't change his gimmick.

I agree rubbish gimmick and he looked better with short brown hair
think he should drop vickie quick or she should at least drop swagger it looks silly her walking round with both.
How about a haircut and a new gimmick?

His hair makes me puke after his matches, I can't help but to think of worms protruding from a dogs anus.

His gimmick is boring.

He's a heel, he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's generic as shit, 6 months from now he'll be in the same exact spot he is if he doesn't change his gimmick.

All of the reasons you just mentioned are what makes him great. I think the bleached slicked back hair adds to the persona. I think he sells being cocky well. And he's generic? What do you propose he does? What can he do that hasn't already been done?
How about a haircut and a new gimmick?

His hair makes me puke after his matches, I can't help but to think of worms protruding from a dogs anus.

His gimmick is boring.

He's a heel, he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's generic as shit, 6 months from now he'll be in the same exact spot he is if he doesn't change his gimmick.

I would do the same but i have a problem with the direction he is going in. Seeing him go to the main event status right now just isn't looking good. He is beating his current gimmick with a frigging stick and getting the most out of it. But it seems creative thinks he's ready even though his crowd reaction isn't strong enough to carry smack down or raw as a major heel.So i would agree with what most people are saying and give him a quick finishing move such as the super kick.Along with that i would like him to try drawing so cheap heat to make him get over.
I know this is going to sound like a horrible idea, but hear me out. I would absolutely love to see him do something similar to the Canadian Destroyer or a Death Valley Driver [ DVD ]. I know some won't agree with me, but I think he could pull it off.
I know this is going to sound like a horrible idea, but hear me out. I would absolutely love to see him do something similar to the Canadian Destroyer or a Death Valley Driver [ DVD ]. I know some won't agree with me, but I think he could pull it off.

I agree but i doubt WWE would allow that finisher. Though for an extremely long time that was favorite finisher. It made Petey Williams unique.
Everyone cries too much about what a superstar's finisher is. The Zig Zag is perfect, he can counter almost anything and end up behind someone and then jump and slam 'em down. No need to change that finisher. But if they did give him a new finisher, I say just make the Fame-asser aka The Rocker Dropper his main move. He pulls it off nicely as well. Billy Gunn hasn't been in WWE in a very long time.

And a haircut doesn't make or break you as a main eventer. His hair is fine. I hated it when he dyed it black and got a haircut, he just didn't look like Dolph Ziggler then.
I like his real name more than the made up one. Nick Nameth I believe. Probably spelled it wrong.(lol) But I think that name has a lot of star power to it. He could rename the super kick as the Nick Kick. He could be called Slick Nick, like slick Ric. He could do the Zig Zag but rename it something like The Back-Bone Driver. Just a thought.
I think he should keep the Zig Zag and come up with a second finisher as well. I like when wrestlers have multiple finishers. Taker has last ride, chokeslam, tombstone, and hell's gate. Kane has chokeslam, tombstone and at one point a diving powerbomb. For those that remember, Test had a pump handle slam, big boot, diving powerbomb and diving elbow. It just allows more variety in matches and different ways to end it. It also makes one of their finishers look stronger. For instance, Taker would easily finish off a weaker opponent with his chokeslam, but in some matches against tougher opponents, they kicked out and he needed to use his tombstone. Therefore his tombstone looked to be more powerful.
So what type of finisher should he use? I think he needs something fancy to brag about. Something similar to Marcus Cor Von's finisher where he would do a Russian leg sweep, 2 knees and flip over to an arm hold. I don't think he should necessarily take that, but use the concept of combining moves.
I wish wrestlers like ziggler and a few other would stop adding other wrestlers finishers as normal moves i know they say imitation is the best form of flattery but to me he is putting down Billy Gunn, Sean Michaels using there finishers for an opponent just to kick out.

Randy Orton ect is guilty of the same IM not saying they shouldn't use other peoples finishers but if you use them it should be a finishing move and thats it not just a normal move in a match as it takes the importance of the move and just looks daft when ziggler can be hitting 3 moves that should end a match in one fight but the zig-zag is great no need for a change as when he hits it its believable and one of the better wwe finishers its unique.

Sorry for the rant just feel the importance is being taken away from finishing moves and wrestlers using them as normal moves may contribute to this lol.
Ziggler should stay like he is. He shouldn't go back to looking like even bourne.He needs to keep his blonde hair and look unique and he needs to keep his finisher.
I think Ziggler should use something you can hit from any angle like and mabye call it the HashTagZag or he could even just start hitting the zigzag from the front like a paydirt or something

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