Finished reading Civil War

Which Civil War book should I read next?

  • Captain America

  • Iron Man

  • Spider-Man

  • Avengers

  • Fantasic Four

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Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Fucking loved it, great story arc which ask an interesting question, now having read the Civil War graphic novel, I've decided I want to read a few of the others

-Civil War: Captain America
-Civil War: Iron Man
-Civil War: Avengers
-Civil War: Spider-man
-Civil War: Fantastic Four

those are all the ones I want to read, my question is which one should I pick up next?, and is their one out there that isn't on the list that you would highly recommend I add
This one

They're all pretty good but none of them really match up to the level of the main story. But yeah, there's Punisher's War Journal, X-Men, Wolverine and a there are a few more that I can't really think of.

What other Marvel have you read? Because there're a few of stories that match the magnitude and drama of Civil War. Have you read The Ultimates or Wolverine: Old Man Logan?
Well, I know what I'm getting for St. Patrick's day.


But seriously you didn't know about that one?, it's was a 7 issue mini-series that came out when they were doing the Civil War arc, pretty much covers everything (or at least I assume it does) from how the War started to the big final battle at the end, and the aftermath

What other Marvel have you read? Because there're a few of stories that match the magnitude and drama of Civil War. Have you read The Ultimates or Wolverine: Old Man Logan?

Not a lot really, I'm just getting back into things after taking a 10 year or so break from comics, I read a Captain America graphic novel that took place after when Steve Rogers was dead I think

EDIT: Punisher will be added to my list
Didn't really care for any of the tie-ins. Iron Man was the best from what I remember.

Frankly, even though Marvel desperately tried to make him a villain, Iron Man was fucking right.
This had just ended when I got into comics.

Spidey is good. The FF one more or less sucked.

Curious as to why you think the FF one sucked, was very Reed heavy, if that's the case I have no interest reading it what so ever, I tend to like FF stories that are more Torch/Thing heavy, as though two characters are just more fun to read, I love the siblingesque relationship the two share
The Punisher is always a fun read, but not if you're looking for a good story with a little uplifting moment at the end, which you tend to get with almost any other series. The Punisher lives in a constant world of shit, and even at the end of his stories when he's saved the day and all that jazz, he's still in a world of shit and he knows it. They are some of the darkest, most depressing comics I've ever read. Entertaining as hell though.

And in response to Linubidix, I've played MUA2 through about 8 times or so, I love that game so much. My favorite characters have to be Hulk, Jean Grey, Songbird, Thor, and Wolverine.

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