"Fatal 4-Way" Is No More.

Personally, if they want to add a new PPV, I'm in favor of one called "International Incident," which would originate from a different country. Of course the challenge is producing a live PPV froma foreign country, or even on delay, and hoping that US fans still tune in...
Yes, such a travesty it would be, to film a show at 9pm in England and have it broadcast live in the afternoon out here. Just horrendous :rolleyes:

you could easily hold the show in Mexico, any number of places in Europe, or Canada. Its not nearly the behemoth people make it out to be.
Also feels like there is far more weight given to the IWC than it deserves, as usual.

Probably about 97% of the population who would pay to watch wrestling wouldnt even put two and two together, or even want to go looking for spoilers on the internet anyway. Showing the PPV at 7 in the states on 4 hour delay wouldnt make a damn bit of difference I dont beleive, especially if it was generally understood that something fucking ridiculous would happen at the international show every year
You'd think so, but people are stupid, the US Capitol is in DC, and the spell checker in Word won't flag it and it still fits as it's being held in DC where the US Capitol is.
its a good idea too, if you think of it, the international thing. Its another show that you sell an obscene amount of tickets for, simply because its WWE, for a show that isnt even one of the big 4.

They could probably sell 50,000+ for a PPV in another country, pretty easy. Maybe not Canada, but England, Europe, and Mexico for sure
No fucking tape delayed pay per views. Has nothing to do with buys, but everything to do with those God awful cannon pops that are sure to be pumped in.
if it was only a few hours they wouldnt have time to go through and edit it like that.

Plus, the crowd would be fucking tits-out insane, so no need
They put cannon pops into Raw last week in London. The R Truth and JoMo segment was filled with them. (probably because no one in London cares about those two).

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