Face Or Heel: The Rock

Do You Prefer The Rock As A Face Or Heel?

  • Face

  • Heel

  • He does both equally as well.

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Personally I prefer him as a heel. He wouldn't have become the face he is without his initial heel run. And you can always tell that somebodys a good heel when crowds turn them face. I was never much of a fan when he was a face. I though he relied on catchphrases too much. But as a heel, and maybe because most of his phrases were new at that point, I really enjoyed him. I consider his Survivor Series 1998 turn as one of the greatest ever in wrestling. I honestly didn't see it coming.
I gotta agree here. Rock was so much more entertaining as a heel. Sure, when he was a face, he could get some cheap catchphrase pops, but as a heel, he really was so entertaining. Oh, and of course, that SS98 turn was the second most shocking heel turn in wrestling. Sorry, but I did not see the Austin/Vince alliance at WM X-Seven coming.
I'd say, he's really good as both! He was just as entertaining being face as much he was a heel. He had some really great promos, some excellent punch lines and he was so charismatic.
Heel, especially when he was the corporate Rock, I think that was when he was at his best, evwerything he did then was pure gold, his feud with Mankind at that time was one of the greatest feuds ever, the "I Quit", and Last Man Standing Matches are still two of my all time favorite matches
I'm voting for the he does both equally well. In my poinion teh Rock will always be a face, he wouldn't be as big as he was now if it wasn't for his face runs.

But as a heel he was brilliant as well, him in the nation, even his fued with the Hurricane where the Hurricane gets the louder pop. That's how you know someone's good if they can pull off going from one of the biggest faces to one of the biggest heels in no time.
The Rock is by far the most successful superstar when it comes to both sides of the coin. There are others that fall into place as well. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, etc. Really to be honest with you the wrestlers just listed along with other already or soon-to-be legendary wrestlers can do that, but not quite as well as The Great One. The Rock was getting booed because he actually was being a heel, unlike John Cena who gets such a mixed reaction because of the range of the types of fans that he has. (Cheers: little kids, teenage girls, desperate mothers,) (Boos: every grown person who appreciates a well-rounded wrestler and knows a pending legend when they see one) There is no one better on the mic than the People's Champ. The Rock could have you rolling around dying of laughter from both the face/heel persona. No one, not even Stone Cold has crowd control like the Rock...if you find the video where he is making fun of the Big Show's haircut and he says "...that is all The Rock's fans chanting his name." I kid you not, that crowd responded in unison and then stopped right before he begin to talk. I liked his final heel turn before he left full time wrestling except for one thing. He acted way too cowardly especially against Goldberg. They did the same thing when Austin aligned himself with McMahon. That was stupid when they should've made The Rock like he was when he first was a heel, and that was a hard-@$$. Simply put, that is why the Rock won the mic award at the Raw X Anniversary, because he is THE MOST electrifying man, in all of sports and entertainment......and showbiz too.
I went face. There's one major reason - it's easier for some of these guys to play the heel character because you have so many fewer limitations. Rock had to try, in an era that saw Stone Cold Steve Austin as the first ever "bad guy face" winning fans over, to be a face. He had to be cool, but still make fans cheer and push merchandise. As a heel, he could just be a total jerk.

So I go with "face" just because he succeeded where so many others failed.
He does both parts so equally well that it's hard to pick. Even when he was a heel, he made some great jokes that fans would cheer for him anyways. The guy had so much charisma and was so good on the mic that its hard for anyone to come along and be as good or better than him.

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