Randy Orton - Heel or Face?

Is Randy Orton better face? Or heel? Or equal at both?

  • Randy Orton is better a [b]Baby Face[/b].

  • Randy Orton is better a [b]Heel[/b].

  • Randy Orton is good at [b]both[/b].

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Miss Flawless

Why am I arguing with a computer?
Okay, so there has been a lot of talk about Randy Orton. Either it's his in-ring ability, his freak outs, his mic skills ect. I'm gonna add another one to the list.

Do you, the IWC, prefer Randy Orton face, heel or both?

I prefer Randy Orton heel. I don't mind him too much as a face. But as a heel he was so much more interesting. I think his mic skills were a lot better, maybe even his in-ring ability. (Not to sure, though) I know he's a "tweener" right now, but he's kinda being more face, IMO. Like getting the crowd to chant "R-K-O" (sometimes) in his promos? Also, his promos are the same thing now. "Sheamus is gonna get hit by an R-K-O", "The Miz is gonna get hit with an R-K-O". His heel promos were a lot better and weren't all about wrestlers getting hit with an RKO.

That's just my opinion, what's yours?
What a lot of people in the IWC obviously don't realize is that guys can be heel for years, then be face. They can be face for years, then turn heel. It's always good for a change...and I'm loving what's happening with Orton right now. Yeah, he's a great heel. But what he's doing right now reminds me a lot of Austin. Obviously, he doesn't communicate with the audience like Austin did so well, but Orton is getting cheered for. Very loud, in fact. A few weeks ago it looked like his ovation was bigger than Cena's. Orton is showing he's capable of that heel to face range like all the greats were/are. (HBK, Austin, Rock, Triple H, Edge, Jericho) the list goes on. These guys were either heels or faces for years, then switched over and are still perceived as the best. Orton is cementing himself into greatness week by week, and lately he's been doing it as a face. The only thing that would make this whole thing go so much better is if Orton wasn't already the champ 5 or 6 times, (not sure of the number). It would make this run as a face so much better if he could triumphantly win the title, and have the fans go wild. So what's there to prefer? If you say you prefer him as a heel, we're going to get the same Orton we've gotten for the past 4 years. We know he's a great heel. But think about what he's doing right now as a face, it's something new, something different for Orton. He's actually getting the whole face routine right this time, and I along with many others I'm sure, are loving what we see.
Definitely a heel, being such a good heel is what made him such a good face to begin with. Him as a face and heel arent all that different really anyway it is just with his moveset and his style of mic work he seems way better suited to the heel role. It just seems weird seeing a face dominate a match like Randy usually does. And hearing him say "im gonna win with an R-K-O'' is just painful to listen to as that isnt really him.
Orton is cementing himself into greatness week by week, and lately he's been doing it as a face. The only thing that would make this whole thing go so much better is if Orton wasn't already the champ 5 or 6 times, (not sure of the number).

He is a 6 time world champion champion as of now. Possibly 7 on sunday.
Also Orton is better as a heel in my opinion. The show is better as a whole when you have the crazy, power-hungry, and psychotic heels running around and that was Orton. Makes for good tv. Outside of his WM 25 match w/ HHH. That feud was epic last year and all the ways he terrorized the McMahons and HHH.<----It's a shame they didn't have HIAC match w/ those 2 in it w/ a TV-14 rating. That match would be an instant classic. <---No pun intended. With him as a tweener now, you can say the Nexus took that role. =/ But the future on, we'll see Orton terrorize everyone on the way to his next championships.
know guys go back and forth over theyre careers and some walk the line ala Austin(but none as good) But then you get those guys that are suited to be one or the other,And to me Randy Orton is a natural heel.I think its in his personality and to be honest I love the guys work in the ring but I bet hes a real asshole outside of the ring.Hes a Heel
Patriotjay ur just bias against orton aren't u :shrug: its not an offense its just from all your threads you just can't stand Orton can you ?

now onto the actual thread which i think is kinda 50-50 , Orton isn't an actual face now is he , he gets cheered but he never did anything face-like if u know what i mean , he's a tweener and i actually love his work either way so i'd go with both!
Patriotjay ur just bias against orton aren't u :shrug: its not an offense its just from all your threads you just can't stand Orton can you ?

now onto the actual thread which i think is kinda 50-50 , Orton isn't an actual face now is he , he gets cheered but he never did anything face-like if u know what i mean , he's a tweener and i actually love his work either way so i'd go with both!
actually I like Orton just not as a face.Ortons face turn reeks of bullshit to me,the guy is built to be the best heel in the company so why the face turn.Orton will sell merch ae a heel he got all the cool darker shirts that people will buy regardless.If WWE wants another top face use The Miz the guy has the charisma that Orton lacks.
actually I like Orton just not as a face.Ortons face turn reeks of bullshit to me,the guy is built to be the best heel in the company so why the face turn.Orton will sell merch ae a heel he got all the cool darker shirts that people will buy regardless.If WWE wants another top face use The Miz the guy has the charisma that Orton lacks.

yea but ur forgetting that Orton isn't a full face, i mean in the sense that he does what he wants , when he wants , and doesn't give a shit about anybody its just the difference is that he's getting cheered for it , he still sells dark shirts dude :p and he doesn't smile and dance around and stuff he's still the Viper as far as character change there has been no change whatsoever

And i agree i def miss the Huge Heel Orton but a change once every now and then is great so just kick back , relax cuz Orton as a face might not last that long depending on how the creative wanna twist things around again so chill :)
I prefer the psycotic heel side of Orton. It's rare that I've hated a wrestler so much, so it's a tribute to just how good a heel Orton is. Currently he is in tweener mode and doing a fairly good job of it. I agree that it was the right time for the move to tweener as the crowd reaction dictated it. I think the heel aspect of Randy just allows him more depth in his charictor. The psyco look he gets in his eyes, the cold hearted , devious tirades he goes into are better then the promos he is cutting currently. He is one of the better wrestlers to hit the scene recently so he might have it in him to pull off a face role but honestly, it's in his blood to be a heel. His father is Cowboy Bob Orton ,a major heel, so it's no surprise he makes such a good asshole that people love to hate.
I dont care either way orton is like stone cold he'll get cheered no matter what. I like this new orton a good guy with heel traits it sounds like a win win to me he sells merchandise and can be a good face but yet remain in tact with that anti cena personality that we all came to love him for
lets mrperfect 23, i completely agree with you on the fact that orton is getting cheered way above cena, i was at a house show and the pops when this way- orton, believe it edge, kane, mysterio, jericho then cena, people went nuts for the miz also i believe his was bigger then cenas, most heat drew mcintyre (SP) hes a very good face, but whether hes a face or heel hes still my fav. character, viper heel? incredible, orton face-awseome, so it doesnt matter to me. the way i see it is im sad to say we might have a heel orton very soon, cause i think if miz cashes in the money in the back at summerslam and with there problems will escalate, with what i think happens at summerslam is miz turns face and cena turns heel by turning on miz, that perhaps after that cena miz fued we see orton RKO miz because obviously its looking like miz is the face of wwe, and we see a title fued between the 2 when miz wins it at sumerslam and cena faces miz for a couple of months miz ultimately comes out on top with the title. but its high unlikely to see it happen because orton and cena both as heels wont work since their fueds are one of the best in wwe right now.
Prefer Orton as an out and out heel, although I don't mind him doing the tweener role either. Orton is a lot like HHH in many respects. The crowd will dig him either way and regardless of whether he calls the crowd a bunch of c*nts, they will always respect him. I do think that Orton is better as a heel though. As a heel, he can put over up and coming face characters, as he could have done with Kofi (only Kofi wasn't ready).

I like Orton right now in that Steve Austin sort of phase where he does whatever he wants, he does things that fans usually boo, yet they cheer the hell out of him.

He's not catering to the fans, yet they pop for every move he makes. Hell, when he laid out Evan Bourne, who is clearly a face, people still cheered.

Orton is kind of an anti-hero...
I say heel because he always had that momentum that made him look so evil and almost unstoppable. He got so many titles with his heel role but so far none as his tweener role.

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