Extremely Attitude Wrestling

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This is a new wrestling company i have created.It is mostly independent wrestlers on the roster with a few exceptions.Here is some info.
Claudio Catagnoli
Ultimo Dragon
The Rock
Brock Lesnar
Bill Goldberg
Johnny Stamboli
Nathan Jones
Ricky Banderas
Takeshi Morishma
B.J Whitmer
Sal Rinauro
Mikey Batts
Chuck Taylor
Larry Sweeny
Mark Jindrak
Jonny Storm
Tony Mamaluke
Air Paris
Original Sinn
Seth Skyfire
Romeo Roseli
Antonio Thomas
Kid Romeo
Andy Douglas
Chase Stevens
Sylvester Terkay
Luther Reigns
Monsta Mack
Krazy K
Redd Dogg Rodney
Human Tornado
Matt Cross
Teddy Hart
Matt Sydal
Youth Suicide
Jack Evans
Orlando Jordan
Johnny Parisi
Kid Cocky Kash
Justin Credible
Brent Albright
Bryan Danielson
Billy Kidman
Essa Rios
Joey Mercury
Zach Gowen
Matt Morgan
Kenzo Suzuki
Yoshohiro Tajiri
Danny Doring
Big Vito Lograsso
Robert Conway
Nicky Mitchell
Elix Skipper
Tag Teams/Stables:
Mercury/Parisi(Hollywood Honey Chasers)
Joel/Jose(S.A.T/Spanish Assualt Team)
Andy Douglas/Chase Stevens(Naturals)
Stamboli/Vito/Mamaluke(Full Blooded Italians)
Cross and Hart(Filth and the Fury)
Suzuki/Tajiri(Rising Sons)
RVD/Sabu(ECW Originals)
On Screen Owners:Chris Hero and Eric Bischoff
Ring Announcer:Malia Hosaka
Commentaters:play-By-Play:Scotty 2 Hotty
Color:palmer Cannon
Shows:Colission Course on Fridays from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight and attitude on Tuesdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.Both Shows on TBS.
Real Life Owner:Ted Turner
Rules:All Hardcore Matches:Falls Count Anywhere.
There will be shows very soon,possibly even today.
I'm working on a show here.I'll try to get some posted real soon.I hope to get some reviews once i write the first shows.I might even still some of the voting ideas from Fusion,hope you guys won't mind.I hope to hear some replys about what you guys think.
The roster looks good man, i like the indy wrestlers you've used, it'll be good to see different people used. Looking forward to it dude, ill review the show when its up!
Okay people,the next post is the show.I hope you like it and review it
Pretty cool man. Like the roster, and looking foward to your shows. Good luck with this..
""The Diary of Jane"" hits and a video shows before the camera fades into the EAW Cobra Pit Arena,where EAW runs their shows.
Scotty:"Ladies and Gents,welcome to EAW''.''I'm Scotty 2 Hotty and this is my partner Palmer Cannon"".
Palmer:""That's right Scotty,and this is EAW Collision Course""
Pomp&Circumstance hits and co-owners Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli make there way to the ring with a shower of boos.
Hero:This is EAW(crowd goes wild).The best show on Earth.Let's cut Strait to the point.Tonight's Main Event will be a ""I Quit"" match between Bryan Danielson and Test to Decide the First Ever EAW World Heavyweight Champion.And our first match of the night will be the Hollywood Honey Chasers vs.The Filth and the Fury.And it's UP NEXT!
commercial break
Match 1:Filth and the Fury vs. Hollywood Honey Chasers.
Joey Mercury's WWE theme hits and he and Johnny Parisi make his way to the ring.Then ""Adrenaline Rush"" blares through the arena speakers and Filth and the Fury make there way to the ring.Parisi and Cross start out in the ring.Cross hits a suplex and hits a legdrop.Cross irish whips Parisi into the corner and hits a couple of fists.Parasi ducks a third fist and hits a kick to the gut.Parisi gets in a tag to Mercury and they hit a double suplex on Cross and then Mercury hits a swinging neckbreaker and gets a two count.Mercury then takes out Cross with a flying clothesline off the top rope.Mercury leaves the ring and gets a table from under the ring and sets it up.He then suplexes Cross from the apron through the table and covers Matt Cross but amazingly only gets a two count and the crowd go's wild.By now the fans are chanting "Chasers Suck"" over and over again.Cross and Mercury roll into the ring and tag in both of their partners.Hart hits a flying back elbow,legdrop and flying elbow drop onto Parisi before getting a steel chair.He clocks both Mercury and Parisi and then climbs to the top rope and hits a top rope missile dropkick.He then gets a 1-2-3 pinfall over Parisi.
Scotty:What a match!Filth and the Fury win!They win!
Palmer:That was a great match.
We cut backstage to see Chris Hero talking to Krazy K.
Krazy K:I should be in that title match tonight.
Hero:No,you should be in a match with Elix Skipper.NEXT!
commercial break
The Triple X theme hits as the fans start to boo Elix Skipper.Skipper yells out he is the best and everybody else sucks.An original EAW theme called Krazy K kills hits and the fans go wild as Krazy K enters to the ring.
Match 2:Krazy K vs.Elix Skipper
Krazy hits a northen lights suplex,fist drop,snap suplex,and death valley driver.Krazy then irish whips Skipper off of the ropes and misses a fist followed by a spinning wheel kick by Skipper.Skipper then back body drops Krazy K to the outside and hits a suicide dive.He then throws Krazy into the crowd,climbs the turnbuckle,and does a hilo dive taking out both men in the crowd.Once they're both up,the action spills back into the ring with a steel chair in the ring.Skipper trys to use the steel chair,but Krazy reverses it into a DDT.Then Krazy K hits a Powerbomb and a Swanton of the top rope and gets the three count win.
Palmer:I can't believe it!He won!Krazy K won!
Scotty:Yes he did.And backstage,Delikado is interviewing Jack Evans.
Delikado:Yes,i'm here with Jack Evans.
Evans:Tonight i'm facing off with Matt Sydal and i'm going to beat him.And you know why,because i'm the Prince of Parkland,that's why!
commercial break
In the ring,Jack Evans is waiting for his opponet.
The Avril Lavigne song ""Girlfriend"" hits and Matt Sydal and Lizzy Valentine makes their way to the ring.
Match 3:Matt Sydal vs. Jack Evans
Evans hits a DDT and neckbreaker.He then goes for a high-flying crossbody of the top but misses.Sydal hits a piledriver then finds a singapore cane under the ring and hits Evans with it four times before throwing Evans out of the ring and hit a springboard moonsault.Then Sydal sets up a table and gives Evans a Fog Splash through it but Evans kicks out of a pinfall attempt and the crowd starts chanting Sydal Sucks over and over.Evans then hits a Northen Lights suplex and then a tornado DDT off of the top turnbuckle and gets a close two count.Evans then hits Sydal with a steel chair and then hits Van Terminator on Sydal and gets a three count.But as Jack Evans celebrates Sylvester Terkay attacks him with a ladder and leaves the ring.
commercial break
Scotty:What Just Happened?
Palmer:Are you blind?Terkay just killed Evans with a ladder and left the area.
Scotty:Well,That was cheap.
The Naturals music plays and they walk to the ring.They get the mic and talk about how much they want the Gymini.The Gymini attack them from behind and soon the F.B.I. and Rising Sons join the brawl.Soon security has to break it up.
Backstage:Essa Rios:Hey,man theres nothing to worry about.You'll be fine tonight.
Bryan Danielson:I know.I'm just a little bit jittery.It's going to be a little bit tough.
Essa:Well,good luck.
commercial break
As we come back,KENTA and Mistico are in the ring.
Match 4:KENTA vs. Mistico
Mistico starts off with tons of irish whips into back elbows,crossbodys,and polish hammers.Then he hits a flying crossbody off of the top rope.He then hits a german suplex,snap suplex,and a swinging neckbreaker.But suddenly KENTA gets a roll-up two-count while Mistico was posing.KENTA then hits triple powerbombs,the final a sitout.He then gets the ring bell and hits a DDT onto it.KENTA then hits a brainbuster on the outside and then they brawl into the back.They both fight in a hallway and KENTA gets thrown through a glass phone booth.They then battle into a parking lot and Mistico takes a dive off of a Semi-Truck onto KENTA,laying prone on a limo.Mistico then gets the 1-2-3 for the win.
commercial break
When we come back ""This is the Test"" hits and Test enters to a shower of boos.''"American Dragon"" plays and Bryan Danielson enters to a huge pop.
Match 5:World Title I Quit match:Bryan Danielson vs. Test
Danielson hits a kick to the gut.Then he locks in an anaconda vice.Test dosen't quit.Danielson then hits a chop to the chest and a german suplex.He asks Test if he quits and Test says no.Danielson then gets a table and sets it up.But Test hits a Chokeslam before Danielson can do anything.Test then spreads thumbtacks across the table and tells Danielson to quit or he's getting slamed through the table.Danielson won't quit and Test slams Danielson through the table.Test then gets a steel chair and hits Danielson with it.Then Test uses the steel steps on Danielson and threatens to ram him again if he dosen't quit.Danielson wont quit.Test rams Danielson with the steel ring steps four more times and then trys to chokeslam him through the announcers table.But Danielson reverses the chokeslam into a Russian Leg Sweep through the table.
commercial break
As we return to the matchup Danielson is Cracking Test with a Singapore Cane.Test is trying to get out of the attack and does,by ducking and hitting a big boot.He then locks in an armbar and the Ref asks Danielson if he quits.Danielson says no.Test then gets a strand of Razorwire but gets a low blow before he can use it.Danielson then hits Test with the title belt.Danielson sets up a ladder but Test sets up a table.Test lights the table on fire before both men climb up the ladder.Then,after trading blows,Test goes off of the ladder through the table.Danielson then climbs down and locks in a crossface with Razorwire and Test screams ""I Quit"" and Danielson wins the match and Title.
Scotty:Oh My God,What a match that was and now Danielson's the champion.Ladies and Gentlemen,GOODNIGHT!!!
The Show Goes Off Of The Air.
''Ladies and Gentlemen'' by Saliva plays with a video and the camera then shows a jam-packed Cobra Pit.
Scotty:Hello,Everybody,and welcome to Attitude!
Palmer:I'm Palmer Cannon,along side Scotty 2 Hotty.
Pomp&Circumstance hits,and out come Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli
Hero:This ain't WWE or TNA:THIS IS EAW!!!And tonight we are officially challenging anybody from any other Federation to come to EAW and fight our world champion Bryan Danielson.But tonight,we have a Stretcher Match for our Dead or Alive Division Championship.Our DOA Division is Similar to the TNA X Division only betta.We also have Apolo vs. Seth Skyfire and a Ten-Man Battle Royale for #1 contendership to Bryan Danielson's World Title.Now lets get this thing started!
commercial break
When we come back Essa Rios,A-Train,Gangrel,Test,Youth Suicide,Sylvester Terkay,Nathan Jones,Brimstone,Heidenreich,and Matt Morgan are in the ring.
Match 1:10-Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royale
All ten men go at it as the bell rings.But soon they all gang together to eliminate Test.Eventually all 9 men get rid of Test.Then all 9 men get back to brawling.Nathan Jones is hit by a dropkick.Suicide takes out Essa Rios with a moonsault.Heidenreich gets double-teamed by Brimstone and Matt Morgan.Sylvester Terkay eliminates A-Train with a backbody drop.Gangrel takes Morgan down with an Impaler DDT.Suicide rolls out of the ring and comes back in with a steel chair and table.Youth Suicide eliminates Nathan Jones after a Chair Shot.Essa Rios hits a Dropkick on Suicide but Terkay eliminates Rios with a Gorilla Press Slam.Gangrel goes after Brimstone but suffers a chokeslam from Matt Morgan.Brimstone then eliminates Morgan with a Clothesline.Terkay and Brimstone go at with each other as Gangrel and Youth Suicide try to put each other through a table.Gangrl eventually puts Suicide through the table and then throws him out and then double-teams Terkay with Brimstone.Both men then eliminate Terkay together and then,out of nowhere,Gangrel eliminates Brimstone for the win.
Scotty:He did it!Gangrel wins.
Palmer:Well that may be so,but now he has to face the Dragon
commercial break
Backstage:Apolo is walking along torward the ring when he runs into Bryan Danielson.The two stare down,then leave.
In the ring,Seth Skyfire awaits his opponet.Then ''Smoke on the Water"" hits and Apolo makes his way to the ring,accompanied by boos.
Match 2:Apolo vs. Seth Skyfire
Apololocks up with Skyfire,and Skyfire turns it into a takedown and lockks in an armbar.Skyfire released the hold and then tried for a legdrop and missed.Apolo then hits a fist to the face and then gets a trash can.He hits Skyfire,with the lid,can,and a stop sign.He then went for the cover and got a two-count,but only that.Skyfire was whiped into the corner,got hit with a superplex and a flying elbow drop but still kicked out.Then,Skyfire ducked a big boot,hit a brainbuster,northern lights suplex,and german suplex.Then he climbed the turnbuckles and hit a missle dropkick followed by a 1-2-3 pinfall.
Scotty:He did it.Skyfire won.
Palmer:Yeah,but up next is the main event.
commercial break
Backstage:Hero:I can't believe no one has answered our challenge yet.
Castagnoli:Yes,but I'm sure someone will.
Hero:Yeas,I guess your right.
In the ring is Elix Skipper and Billy Kidman
Match 3:Stretcher Match:DOA Division Title
Kidman hits a dropkick and and legdrop followed by a snap suplex and Five Star Frog Splash.He then goes for the BK Bomb but Skipper turns it into a hurricanrana.Skipper then hits a fist drop of the top and rolls Kidman on the strecher but Kidman gets of before he can make to the back.But Skipper puts Kidman back on the strecher and hits a corkscrew moonsault onto Kidman,prone on the strecher.
commercial break
Skipper has a headlock on Kidman but Kidman wiggles out of it and hits a kick to the back of the head and rolls Skipper on the strecher.Then Kidman hits a crossbody plancha over the top on Skipper and the strecher.They then try to wheel Skipper to the back but don't make it.Kidman then trys to hit Skipper with a Steel Chair but Skipper ducks and kicks Kidman in the gut,afterward hitting him with a steel chair.He then sets up a table,olympic slams Kidman through it,and let EMTs roll Kidman to the back,with Elix Skipper picking up the win and title.
Scotty:Well,Ladies and Gentlemen,Good Night
The show goes off the air.
Good shows dude!! I like the large number of spots! Just a thought, maybe make the matches a bit longer, so we can get to know the wrestlers better!

I liked Danielson as ur champion, and the main events were the best matches in each show! Good build up for Terkay, and interesting push for Gangrel, just wondering who will accept the challenge!

Good shows tho man, nice start, looking forward to the rest!!
""The Diary of Jane"" hits with a video before the camera pans out into the Cobra Pit.
Scotty:Ladies and Gentlemen,this is EAW Collision Course!
Palmer:Yes it is,and tonight it's a Fatal-Four Way match to decide our first ever Hardcore Champion as Youth Suicide takes on Justin Credible,Kid Cocky Kash,and Ruckus.Not to mention a Texas Death Match for a shot at the DOA Division Title as its Kidman vs. Air Paris.
Scotty:And Tag Team Ladder action as Filth and the Fury take on Hollywood Honey Chasers and The Naturals with the innagural Tag Team Titles on the Line.
K-Kwik's ""Gettin Rowdy"" hits and K-Kwik runs out to a huge pop,screaming and dancing.Then an original song called ""Tornado Warning"" hits and Human Tornado comes out to boos across the arena and gets into the ring.
Match 1:Human Tornado vs. K-Kwik
Kwik locks up with Tornado.Tornado goes for a fist but Kwik reverses it into a suplex and gets a legdrop hit.He then goes for a steel chair and hits Tornado with it.He then goes for a Whisper in the wind but misses.Tornado hits an engizuri and gets a two-count.Tornado then hits a standing moonsault and then goes for an olympic slam but in mid-air Kwik drops down and hits a dropkick to the back.Kwik then goes for a neckbreaker and connects.He only gets a two-count.He then goes for a table and sets it up on the out side.He Then trys to slam Tornado through the table but Tornado reverses and and goes for a stroke on the outside and connects.He then hits a corkscrew moonsault off of the top rope but still only gets two.
commercial break
When we come back Tornado and Kwik are both laying out in the middle of the ring because of a double headbutt but they are both getting up.Kwik hits a snap suplex and brainbuster and gets a two-count.Kwik connects a swinging neckbreaker.He then goes for a samoan drop but it gets reversed into a neckbreaker and Tornado then hits a backbody drop through the table on Kwik and then hits a high-flying crossbody over the top rope.He then rolls
Kwik into the ring and poses but Kwik hits a low blow.But Tornado has BALLS OF STEEL!It dosen't affect him.Tornado then hit a spinning wheel kick for the 1-2-3.
Scotty:Oh My God!What an amazing match-up Tornado just won!
Palmer:Oh Crap,What A Match-Up!That was a great match-up
Backstage:Danielson:Congratulations on winning a title shot,Gangrel.
Gangrel says nothing and walks away.
commercial break
A sinister rap-like theme music entitled ""BloodBath"" blares into the arena Gangrel rises up through a ring of fire with a chalice of blood in hand which he drinks and spits out.He makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic.
Gangrel:Tuesday on Attitude I won a battle royale and now I am #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Campionship.And Bryan Danielson,I WILL beat you for your world title and then give you a BLOODBATH!
He drops the microphone and leaves the ring.
commercial break
As we come back Ring Annoucer Malia Hosaka has the mic and says ""Will everybody please rise and have a moment of silence for the recently departed John Kronus"" and then a music video of Kronus is shown with ""Hard Habit to Break"" by Chicago playing.It ends with a In Loving Memory of Jhon Kronus showing.As we return to the ring The Naturals and The Filth and the Fury are standing in ring.The Hollywood Honey Chasers then enter the ring and the match starts.
Match 2:Triple Threat Tag Title Ladder Match
All six men start brawling in the ring.Cross and Hart hit a double-dropkick on Stevens.Douglas then starts hitting both members of the Filth and the Fury while Parisi and Mercury get a ladder and set it up in the ring and climb it but get knocked off of it.Hart then sets up the ladder and climbs it but Douglas and Stevens drags Hart of and hits a double-suplex.Cross hits a missle dropkick off the ladder onto both opponets who took out his partner.He then climbs the ladder but gets stopped by Parisi who hits a russian leg sweep off the top of the ladder.
commercial break
When we come back a table has been set up in the ring.Cross hits Stevens with a stop sign,Hart hits Douglas with a trash can lid and then gets DDT'ed on a trash can by the H.H.C's.Parisi and Mercury start to climb a second ladder brought into the ring during the break.But Stevens and Douglas knock them both off the ladder through the table.But The Filth and the Fury have steel chairs and knock The Naturals out cold.They then climb the ladder and grab the belts to win.
Scotty:Hart and M-Dogg win!The Filth and the Fury win the new Tag Team Titles!
Backstage:Chris Hero:On Attitude,we issued an open challenge to any promotions wrestler to face our World Champion and no one has answered and we want someone to answer soon!
commercial break
As we come back Air Paris and Billy Kidman are in the ring.
Match 3:Air Paris vs.Billy Kidman:Texas Death Match:#1 contenders match
Paris hits a kick to the gut and rocker dropper.He then gets a Singapore Cane and cracks Kidman in the head with it.He does this four more times and then hits a DDT and Swanton Bomb.He gets a three-count.The ref starts a ten-count but only makes it to seven before Kidman makes it up.Paris then goes for a clothesline but misses and gets hit with a superkick and a three-count.Paris makes it up on a 6-count.
commercial break
A steel chair meets Kidman's head and a three-count ensues.Kidman makes up at the 8-count and gets hit with a missle dropkick by Paris.Paris then gets a 3-count followed by a 9-count before Kidman makes it up.Kidman then hits a polish hammer and a Full-Nelson Slam before connecting with a flying legdrop and 3-count.While Kidman gets a steel chain and table,the ref counts to nine before Paris makes it up.Kidman than punches Paris with the steel chain then gives him a spinning wheel kick and Paris falls back on the table and Paris then gets Frog Splashed through the table by Kidman.Kidman covers Paris for the three-count and the referee counts to ten while Kidman picks up the win.
Scotty:Kidman just won!Kidman just won!
Palmer:What an amazing match-up!
commercial break
As we come back Ruckus and Justin Credible are are in the ring.
""Cocky"" by Kid Rock hits as Kid Cocky Kash makes his way to the ring.""Bodies"" blares into the arena as Youth Suicide comes to the ring.
Match 4:Fatal-Four Way Elimination match for Hardcore Title
Kash hits Credible with left and rights while Ruckus and Suicide take each other out of the ring and brawl up the enterance ramp.Kash hits a backbreaker and a reverse suplex and gets a two-count.Ruckus gets a near fall on the ramp after a reverse DDT.Kash gets a musclebuster from Credible and Credible hits a Thats Incredible but only gets a 2 and a half count.Ruckus hits a kneebreaker on Suicide and then finds a steel chair under the ring and hits credible with it.He then covers Credible 1-2-3.
Commercial break
As we come back Kash hit a suicide plancha on Ruckus and Suicide on the outside.He then sets up a table and puts Ruckus through it but only gets a two-count.Youth Suicide then hits Ruckus over the head with a sheet of glass and pins 1-2-3.Kash meanwhile gets a barbed wire baseball bat and a razorwire board from under the ring.Kash trys to hit Suicide with the baseball bat but misses and Suicide then hits a suplex on Kash but only gets two.Suicide then trys to hit Kash with the bat but Kash ducks,hits a superkick,and then hits Suicide with the bat and then irish whips him into a corner.He then charges Sucide into the corner three times and sets up the Razorwire Board in the corner and then Kash dropkicks Suicide into the board and covers him one-two-three.
Palmer:Kash won!He did it!He did it!
Scotty:Well that's all for this week,see you on Attitude!
The show goes of the air.
Hey,sorry that i was gone awhile and couldn't get any shows posted.I'm looking forward for some more reviews.I'll try to get some shows posted here soon.
""Ladies and Gentlemen"" plays with a music video and the camera pans to the ring where Chris Hero stands
Hero:Well,Fusion does it,WWE does it,and now were doing it because in a few weeks were having our very first PPV and the fans get to take over for a night.Voting begins after tonights show and ends at 5:00 P.M. on 8/19/07.And the first match to vote for will be the World Title contest between Gangrel and Bryan Danielson and it will ethier be an
A.No Ropes,Barbed Wire Match
B.Hell in a Cell
or C.Razorblade Board Match
As i said,voting begins after tonights show.And the PPV is called ""Viewer's Choice"".But to talk about the open challenge we issued,i guess that everyone is afraid,that no one has a set of balls big enough to-
The lights suddenly go out and ""I'm Back"" hits and out walks Eric Bischoff to the ring.
Eric:Chris,Chris,Chris.I'm here to issue an open challenge of my own.You and Me at Viewers Choice and the fans get to vote on what happens to the loser.He ethier
A.Has to wrestle an alligator
B.Has to walk around in women's lingere for the next week of EAW
or C.Lose his half ownership of this company
And the reason i bring up that final one is because Claudio Castagnoli sold his 50% ownership of EAW to me,and as the other challenge,i hope someone answers soon.
Hero:God Oh God,this can't be true and i accept.
Commercial Break
Scotty:Can you believe what happened.
Palmer:No,I can't.But now it's time for our first match-up.
Match 1:Sylvester Terkay vs. Jack Evans
Terkay hits a clothesline and boot to the face.He then locks in a choke.After he lets go of the choke,he hits some hard punches and goes for a irish whip but Evans ducks and hits a flying back elbow and then a wheel kick.Evans then climbs the top rope and hits a corkscrew moonsault.He then hits a dropkick and goes for a cover but only gets a two-count.He then goes for a flying elbow drop but misses.Terkay then hits a pumphandle slam and goes for the pin but only gets two.Terkay hits a chop block and locks in an armbar but can't get a submission.Terkay then hits a northern lights suplex and gets a steel chair as a commercial break comes.
commercial break
As we come back Terkay is laying on a table but rolls out of the way just as Evans was about to go for a legdrop.Instead Evans hits a senton hilo onto Terkay and goes for the cover and gets a 2-count.As Evans tries to get Terkay on the table a masked man hits Evans from behind.He then gets Evans positioned on the table and splashed him through it.He then dragged Terkay ontop of him and Terkay gets the 1-2-3 pinfall.The masked man then takes off his mask,revealing himself to Bill Goldberg.As Terkay and Goldberg celebrate the lights go out and when they come back on The Rock and Brock Lesnear attack the other two.
Scotty:What in the hell is going on around here.
Palmer:I don't know but-wait.I just got word that at the next PPV it's going to be Rock and Lesnar vs. Terkay and Goldberg in ethier an
A.Double Dog Collar Match
B.Double Tables Match
or C.Elimination Match
Scotty:What a PPV it's gonna be.
commercial break
Match 2:TV Title Match:K-Kwik/Human Tornado/Rob Conway/Nicky Mitchell/Essa Rios/Brent Albright
Albright and Kwik start out and they lock-up.Kwik hits a kick to the head and tags in Mitchell.Mitchell hits a couple of quick jabs.He then hits an engizuri on Albright.He goes for a pin but only gets a two.He then goes for a suplex and connects.Mitchell then hits a swinging neckbreaker and gets a two-count.Albright then kicks away Mitchell in desperation and tags in Rios.Rios ducks a clothesline and hits a kick to the temple and brainbuster.He then hits a Swanton Bomb of the top turnbucke followed by a 1-2-3to eliminate Mitchell.
commercial break
As we come back Rios hits a dropkick and gets a two-count on Tornado.He then tries a spinning wheel kick but Tornado catches his leg and rolls him up for a three-count.Albright comes in with a stop sign and smashes it over top of Tornado's head.He then goes for the cover and gets a 2-count.Albright then hits a missle dropkick and gets a 1-2-3.Albright then tags in Kwik and he and Conway start to brawl.Albright then hits a clothesline off the top onto both men.Kwik then hits a spinning kick to the temple and gets a three count.Albright then hits a couple of punches and then locks in a sharpshoter but can't get Kwik to quit.He then goes for an irish whip.But Kwik dodges a big boot and hits a DDT and Oklahoma Roll for the win.
Scotty:He won.Kwik won.
Palmer:K-Kwik is our TV Champ.Goodnight and goodbye.
The Show Goes Off The Air.
Well,Here our champions so far
Hardcore:Kid Cocky Kash
Tag:The Filth and the Fury
DOA Division:Elix Skipper
World:Bryan Danielson
I'll be posting Bill Goldberg,Rock,and Brock Lesnar to the roster as they are three new members two the EAW roster.
Here is our PPV card so far.Be sure to vote.
1.B.Danielon vs. Gangrel:World Title
A.Electrified Barbed Wire Ropes
B.Hell in a Cell
C.Razorblade Board match
2.E.Bischoff vs. C.Hero
A.Loser wrestles an alligator
B.Loser must were woman's lingere
C.Loser loses there ownership of the company
3.Lesnar and Rock vs. Terkay and Goldberg
A.Double Dog Collar
B.Double Tables
4.TV Title:K-Kwik vs.
B.Brent Albright
C.Human Tornado
5.Hardcore Title Match:
A.Kash vs. Ruckus:Razorwire Ropes
B.Kash vs.Suicide:Bullrope Match
C.Kash vs. Credible:Scaffold
D.10-man Gauntlet Match:
E.Four-Way Taipei Death Match
5.DOA Title:Skipper vs.
A.Kidman and Paris:Empty Arena
B.Kidman:Human Torch Match(have to set opponet on fire)
C.Paris:Big Born Circus Deathmatch(check en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_Wrestling_Match_Types for meaning)
D.Six-Man match involving these three plus three more men:Iron Circle Match(Match in enclosed junkyard area)
6.Tag Titles:
A.All Tag Team Guantlet
B.Tag Champs vs. Naturals and Hollywood Honey Chasers in a TLC Match
C.Same match as above except it's a match with broken glass in boxes in the ring and elimination format.
7.Brimstone/Matt Morgan/A-Train/ in World Title #1 contenders match
A.Double Grave Buried Alive Match
B.Weapons Steel Cage Match
C.King of the Road Match(check link on match #5)
8.Gymini/Rising Sons/Chuck Taylor/Larry Sweeny vs.F.B.I.,Heartbreakers,and Mikey Batts winners each getting to be GM on Colission Course for one week.
A.WarGames with Weapons
B.Survivor Series Style
C.Tag Team Tornado
Your show is going ok so far, I dont have time to review it fully atm, but when I do have some time I will give it a review.

One thing I really think you should work on however is the presentation of your show. Just in one big written clump, makes it extremely hard to read imo.

Try adding some colour, at the very least having bolded titles for the matches. Also try spacings between matches and segments. Your matches could be longer, but whatever works for you. Also have a look at your grammar and spelling.

But you have nice ideas going here, keep it up.
There are three new additions to the EAW roster
1.Ultimo Dragon
I will post them soon.Be sure to vote and review.
During an episode of TNA IMPACT! it is Christain Cage and Sting in a one-on-one match-up.Cage is about to hit the Unprettier when all the lights go out.When they come back on both men are layed out in the middle of the ring with EAW wrestler Brimstone standing in the ring with a mic.
Brimstone:No one has answered our challenge,but i think that will change now.
He drops the mic an poses as the show goes off of the air.

TNA HAS BEEN INVADED BY EAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TUNE INTO COLISSION COURSE FOR MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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