explain how Goldberg's run in WWE was badly booked?

Goldberg complains about his WWE run because he was not treated as the golden boy as he was in WCW, he wasn't allowed to absolutely squash everyone and look completely untouchable as he was in WCW and he was required to sell for large periods of matches, as all WWE wrestlers are expected to do.

He believes that his character was watered down in WWE and he wasn't allowed to be "Goldberg". Well, that was a neccesity, as why would WWE have booked him to have another 100+ match winning streak? They wouldn't because it had already been done and while the streak established Goldberg as a star, he was ALREADY star by the time he arrived in the 'E.

I don't really see how he could complain, as he was only there for a 12 month period with limited dates. He beat The Rock, one of the company's biggest names (albiet one who was leaving shortly) on his debut, went toe to toe with the WWE's premier faction in Evolution, and won the title while also looking dominant in pretty much every single match he had.

Personally I would like to have seen him keep the belt a bit longer, but Kane was on fire at the time of their match, and I would'nt have been against him beating Goldberg for the belt, he should have won that match not HHH.

Really, I think Goldberg had a very good year in WWE. Had he been there for 2 or 3 years then I think his character may have been handled slightly differently, perhaps he would have had a longer title run, and maybe ended up headlining WM. However, as it was well known he was leaving after that years WM, there is no way Vince would have invested more time and money in a talent who was on the way out, when there were better alternatives who were sticking around after the PPV. It wouldnt have made sense.

I would like to have seen Goldberg remain in the WWE, I always enjoyed his work but I still think he had a very good year in the company. I don't think he was that badly booked, as to be a major name in the WWE you need to know how to sell, and Goldberg didn't. Without that skill you are always going to limit what you can do, as not all your matches can be squashes.

Whenever Goldberg complains about his treatment in the 'E, I roll my eyes as I don't agree with him at all. He was there for 1 year and was immediately a big deal, consistently booked strongly and won the belt. If you are only there for a year thats all you can ask for.

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