Everyone with alts made for Password Issues, READ

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
In case you have made an alternate account for this issue only, list in this thread your previous user name, meaning the one that you can't log in with, and the alt name that you have made. I'm asking you to do this to prevent us from having to solve who made an alt illegally and who hasn't been able to get on at all and made an alt to do so. As far as I know you won't be punished for making one, but I don't have final say in it. Also, please do not make one unless you absolutely cannot get in. Refer to Sly's threads in this section to see how to (hopefully) prevent this problem.

In summation, I want your old name and your new name.
Real Name: General Disarray
Current Name: Gee Dee

FYI, I used IE with the remember me box checked, not sure that it matters though. Seems to be affecting everyone.
Orginal Name: Sasha Fierce
New name: Beyonce's love child

What's going on...lol?
Original Name: Leafy Shuffleboard

Alts: Leafy Shuffleboa- Can't even get into this one
Original Name- Big Sexy

New Name(s)- Big Sexy1 (I got locked out of that one before I could post in this thread). Big Sexy2
Original: τδιγλε/tdigle
Now: Gram Ponante
Original: Thriller City Machine Guns

New: Thriller (locked out)
This one
Glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem...

Original: A7xoff

New: A7xoff1214
Just to clarify with anyone is it ok if we use these accounts to post until our others are fixed or deleted or whatever?
I haven't heard anything about not being allowed to use them. At the moment they're necessary evils. They'll be deleted once this is fixed.
probably obvious, but

main: pyrusane
alt: pyrusanetemporary

in my case, I can't get on with firefox OR ie...it sends me the email to reset my password, but when i try to use the temp password it says its incorrect
Please don't make any more alternate accounts.

It will not fix your problem. If you cannot sign on to WZ, please wait and try again at a later time. Thanks.
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