Evan Bourne: Heel Turn?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As a face in the WWE, Evan has used high flying moves and is over with the crowd. Fans love Evan because of his lucha libre style. The only problem is that Evan is not getting a chance to shine with the company. He is currently buried in the roster. A heel change can change all that. With the help of a valet, Evan can become an arrogant character who feels that he is better than everyone else. His character reminded me of that jock with the hot girlfriend in high school that everyone hated when he wrestled with the MTV produced WSX.

As a heel, I feel like Evan can finally compete in the championship scene. I'm sure that everyone here agrees that Evan is able to win the US or Intercontinental Championship but is just not getting the chance. As of right now, Evan Bourne is a NOVELTY. He is the only high flying lucha libre wrestler of the WWE. He is the last remnant of the Cruiserweight Division. Without the Cruiserweight Division and without a suitable tag partner, Evan will accomplish nothing and will be future endeavored soon. He currently has no place in the WWE and I believe this will continue unless he turns heel.

In the independents, Evan Bourne was known as Matt Sydal. Sydal, at times, played a cocky heel and was a credible. He was arrogant and full of himself. He usually had a valet used as a foil to help in his character as well. Sydal used more power moves and was championship caliber as he won the OVW Heavyweight Championship in the WWE former development company. As a heel, he was able to use his full arsenal of moves. He had the "Here We Go Driver" (Pumphandle half nelson driver) as well as the "Sydal Special" (Belly to belly moonsault slam). Sydal was a more complete wrestler and a regular in the championship scene.

In order for Evan to turn heel though, he would need a arrogant valet. Evan himself is below average in regards to mic skills and cannot cut a promo. His valet should be his microphone and should play that haughty bitch character that feels like she is better than everyone else and that her "man" can beat anyone. With a valet, Evan has someone that can distract other wrestlers and Evan can win through cheating. Just think of your favorite face losing because Evan's valet has grabbed his leg and Evan hits a power move right after. Once he hits the Shooting Star Press and goes for the pin, his valet comes in to embarrass your favorite face by putting lip stick on him. Instant heat.

Evan's heel character could play off The Miz's old character as the "Chick Magnet". The Miz was supposed to have a storyline with Maryse but that idea was scrapped. Why not have the same storyline with Maryse or another heel diva? Although for this to work, I admit that Evan's mic skills will have to improve. He'll need to practice that but if he IS able to improve on the mic, I see Evan follow in Miz's footsteps as the US Champion. Now I'm not saying that the WWE should "recycle" the chick magnet character. I know that many of this forum hate the idea of recycling even though they do it all the time. The WWE should "play off" that character and produce a new character in the process. Perhaps the high school power couple? Or something of that manner.

Still not convinced? Here are his matches from WSX as the heel "Matt Sydal":

Check out his interactions with his valet. A valet is crucial in Bourne's heel turn.
So i have some questions for the Wrestlezone posters:

1. Do you think Evan Bourne would be capable and credible as a heel?
2. Should Evan turn heel?
3. If yes, should Bourne have a valet? If he should, then who?

Evan Bourne turning heel will and should never happen because it will never work. I've seen enough him on the mic to know that it won't work and having a valet or manager to talk for him is useless. He's only over except for his finishing move so how he is going to get heat from the crowd. Most of all, he will have to change his moveset dramatically if he wants to go heel. Evan Bourne being heel is worse than Evan Bourne right now.
1. Do you think Evan Bourne would be capable and credible as a heel?

No. He hasn't shown me anything mic wise to prove he could be a heel and his move set isn't very heel-like. The indies are completely different from the WWE. Those "power" moves you said he had would not work against bigger guys. There aren't many guys in the WWE that are anywhere near Bourne's size.

2. Should Evan turn heel?

People need to face facts that he is most likely never going to be anything more low mid card guy. At best he will get a mid card title run but I don't even see that ever happening.
First of all, success in WSX means about as much in the WWE as success in the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. Secondly, heels have to make the crowd hate them. No one will ever boo the SSP or give a shit either way about Evan Bourne.

Evan Bourne has done nothing, I repeat nothing, to make creative take time away from important things to worry about his feud. He was given chances, like being kept on TV with an injury, and did such a bad job of that that he killed his pop and even killed Mike Knox's entire career. Knox was an over heel until he got saddled with trying to drag Bourne through a feud. He failed, and I am not sure he is still with the company. The WWE has done everything that they can with him and no one cares. He is in teh Jamie Noble spot now - jobber - where he belongs.

Turning him would mean people have to care about him now. You can't just turn someone and hope it works. He has no charisma, no mic skills, and no following. Giving him a valet would be a waste of a Diva. In fact, bra and panties matches are more useful ways to use Divas then letting Bourne kill their careers too.
A heel turn for Evan Bourne could be the dumbest thing I could think to do with him. As someone said before, it couldn't work. The "power moves" he did in the minors would not work on bigger guys. He's a spot-monkey, with no size. I like a good spot fest every now and then, but that's all he's good for.

This guy is a prime example of why a cruiserweight division is needed. Small guys like Bourne are just not believable as a WHC/WWE champion. IC/US title? Sure. But not as a heel. His moveset is so far away from being that of a heel, it's almost laughable to think he could be a good heel.

Without a Cruiserweight division, I think this guy is screwed..in the WWE. He needs to go to TNA and dominate the X-Division..because I don't see Cruiserweights making a comeback in the WWE.
As much as I hate to say it Evan Bourne is doing what he's supposed to be doing and thats being a jobber. Being a jobber is what he is best at and he knows that, he is making you want him to win but is usually crushed by a heel, that makes you hate the heel even more. Last time I checked that was being good at what you do. Evan Bourne wouldn't work as a heel because you usaully don't feed jobbers to faces, so he shouldn't be a heel.
Matt Sydal the arrogant jockish heel worked on the independent scene and would work for someone else in the indies now. But Evan Bourne has no chance of becoming a heel in the WWE. The crowd pop for high-flying moves and always will. In the WWE high-flyers are faces, powerhouses are heels. If a wrestler jumps off the top rope or springboards regularly, or amazes the fans with his athleticism, he is over and they like him. Bourne's entire offense is suited for face pops.

So change his moveset and it would work right? Wrong. The fans know him for his ability to fly. He's spent his entire career perfecting his aerial attacks and flashy moves. Why ask him not to do what he does best? That would be like telling Bryan Danielson to drop all the submissions. He has a gift, that gift is what's gotten him this far and gotten him over with the fans, so why take it away from him?

That may make Bourne a one-trick pony so to speak, in that all he has is his flying, but some of the best of all time have only worked one style and made it work. Sure it would make him a more skilled wrestler if he was as good on the ground as in the air, but he simply isn't. Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy couldn't get over as heels for the same reason.

In the indies high-flying moves don't automatically make you a face. If you use them a lot, you're likely to get cheered, but plenty of heels have used high-flying finishes and still been praised as heels.

What Bourne needs is for management to give a shit about him. If they put him in the matches and give him the nod to win as a face it'll work instantly. He could be the most over non-main-event face in the company. Watch any of his matches, the crowd want him to win, at times they beg for him to win. But ever since he moved to Raw, with the exception of that upset over... Miz was it? and a tag team match or two with Rey Mysterio he's just been jobbed out.

Either move him to Smackdown, push him, or pair him with either Rey or Justin Gabriel in a high-flying tag team. Any of these would work. There is no room for another heel on Raw anyway. Miz, Ted, Cody, Zack Ryder, William Regal, Chavo, Carlito, Vladimir Kozlov and occasionally Chris Masters are all mid-card heels on Raw. Bourne's lost in the shuffle as is, switching him will worsen it.

So yeah, your idea would work in ROH or any other indie, perhaps in the X-Divison over in TNA (if that still existed), but not in the WWE. The heel/face lines are too set in stone. If thou jumps, thou ist a face.
1. Do you think Evan Bourne would be capable and credible as a heel? - Yes.
2. Should Evan turn heel? - Yes.
3. If yes, should Bourne have a valet? If he should, then who? - Yes, Maryse even though she might be taller than him.

Now that I answered the pretty questions, here's the ugly truth. Evan Bourne, Matt Sydal, Airbourne, whatever you wish to call him, will never, ever, ever be anything more than a stinky jobber in WWE. That's what he's there to do. WWE does not acknowledge wrestlers like him. He's too small, his offense is too crazy, he's very giving in the ring, he sells a LOT = jobber. Vince doesn't like guys like him. The only guy who made it was Mysterio and even he didn't have a good run with the title nor does he have a legacy in WWE except for the fact that he's short, fat, out of tattoo canvas and likes to wear shiny gear and masks. Oh and heabutts kids.

Evan does NOT belong in WWE. Not hating on them and not praising TNA, but TNA's his true home. WWE is just not that kind of company. Never was, never will be, which is why they don't give a shit about him, WHICH IS WHY he'll never turn heel.

Do I think he should? Yes, I loved him in WSX and I think he's a lot more charismatic than he's showing. The guy is hands down WWE's chance of an AJ Styles and I'm inclined to believe that Evan could surpass anything AJ ever did as far as inring work, charisma and mic skills go. And yes, I did just say that Bourne is better than Styles, he doesn't have the chance to show it.

Case and point, Evan get your ass to TNA and stop wasting your time in WWE.
Case and point, Evan get your ass to TNA and stop wasting your time in WWE.

Yeah Evan go to TNA where you can be just like Christopher Daniels! Oh wait, never mind. Ok, ok... Evan, go to TNA where you be just like Petey Williams! Oh shucks, I did it again. Wait I got it this time. Evan go to TNA so you can be like Low Ki!

You get the point. Evan Bourne is in the best wrestling company in the world, why would he go anywhere else? The problem with Evan Bourne is that he is small. Small wrestlers, with the exception of very few (Mysterio), never make it to the top in any company except Mexico. Bourne needs to challenge a big guy relentlessly, someone like Kane or Mark Henry for instance and just get the crap kicked out of him week after week. Eventually, he should get a clean pin-fall shocking everyone and then they build him up giving him a IC or US title shot.
I do think that, if handled right, EB could make a very good heel. He wouldn't even need a valet if he were to be a run-by-strike and run away at first sign of real threat heel...you know, the way they're handling Sheamus right now. That sort of style is perfect for a little heel. Extra humiliations are always a plus, so after he's ambushed someone, certainly he could add some of that. I'd like to see them try it.

That being said, will the WWE do it? The answer is no. The reason is simply that Evan isn't big enough size-wise. Vince likes the big guys and he likes to make 'em big bad guys and he likes small faces for them to pound on. Right now, Evan's a punchbag for Vince's midcard big heels. Okay, so it's not exactly good for his rep, but at least he gets to be on often enough (or has in the past) and if he gets paid by appearance, he's doing well for himself. He's kind of taken the place of Jamie Noble on Raw to tell the truth. Pity, really. He could be so much more...but this is the WWE, not TNA's X-Division (and there's probably no room for him on that overcrowded roster, anyways.) Don't get me wrong, I like Evan Bourne and I think he's a great wrestler, but you know the way it is for smaller guys in the WWE. With any luck, when Rey Mysterio retires, maybe he'll give Evan the rub on his way out and that's when he'll get his break.
Yeah Evan go to TNA where you can be just like Christopher Daniels! Oh wait, never mind. Ok, ok... Evan, go to TNA where you be just like Petey Williams! Oh shucks, I did it again. Wait I got it this time. Evan go to TNA so you can be like Low Ki!

You get the point. Evan Bourne is in the best wrestling company in the world, why would he go anywhere else? The problem with Evan Bourne is that he is small. Small wrestlers, with the exception of very few (Mysterio), never make it to the top in any company except Mexico. Bourne needs to challenge a big guy relentlessly, someone like Kane or Mark Henry for instance and just get the crap kicked out of him week after week. Eventually, he should get a clean pin-fall shocking everyone and then they build him up giving him a IC or US title shot.

That's a cute theory and as far as what he should do well what you suggested will never happen. It's a good idea but think realistically, please.

Besides, WWE IS the best company in the world, and he's a jobber in the best company in the world. Bourne is the ONLY reason why I tune in to watch RAW these days and it just hurts me to see such an incredible talent such as himself with such passion for the business get squashed week after week after week after goddamn week. It's just wrong.

Everything with WWE is upisde down. Your top guy ( Cena ) is a guy that CAN wrestle but doesn't have the mindset for it so he has to be carried by more experienced guys and can't hold a candle to Evan. And Bourne who is by FAR the most exciting wrestler WWE was able to put their dirty hands on in the last maybe 8 years is being jobbed by guys worse than Cena. That's a slap in the face to the fans.

Should Evan be pushed to the moon - hell yeah. Are they going to push him? Never.

WWE always does the opposite of what the fans want. It's like they're doing it on purpose. They can't push people and when they do - they either eff it up or the push vanishes. ( Kofi, Morisson, Ziggler, Bourne ). Mind you these guys are EXCELLENT main eventers. Instead? Instead talentless pieces of crap like DiBiase, Rhodes, Sheamus and McIntyre get shoved down our throats. Well not my throat anymore, I crossed the line and Bourne should too.
A novelty? The last cruiserweight? Perhaps you meant the last cruiserweight on RAW. Rey Mysterio's over on Smackdown. Last time I checked he was a cruiserweight using a similar style too.

That aside, I think Bourne should not turn heel because his move-set would not work for a heel character. He would need to be either a face or a tweener. Heels should make the fans angry, not excite them. Could he pull off being a heel otherwise? Possibly. He'd need some better mic skills though. Several heels thrive off being able to anger a crowd in their promos. I don't think he needs a valet though. Bourne would remain over without needing the assistance of a valet.

I doubt he will ever make it past the midcard, but Bourne is in the role he should be in.... a face who gets the crowd excited with his awesome finisher and impressive high flying moves. Not everyone can make it to the top and they need guys like Bourne who's job is to get everyone excited whether it's in the opening match or the middle of a show. If they made Bourne a heel they'd have to find someone else to fill the role he's in, which is more important of a role than people might think. If a crowd is bored they can bring out guys like Bourne (if he hasn't already been in a match that night) to get the crowd hyped up again. They need guys like that, so he'll probably stay in that role.
Yeah, there is no way in hell Evan Bourne turns heel in the WWE. He can't, it's impossible. How is he gonna get heat from doing all those flippy moves and his shooting star press? The guy was able to pull it off back in the indies because there weren't any Big Show's or Mark Henry's. The guy was made to be that highflying jobber, and thats what he'll always be.
I'm not so sure evan will ever turn heel, but lost in the shuffle, I don't think so, Evan is one of the most exciting and most athletic superstars I have ever had the privilige of watching compete, I don't know about him winning the U.S title anytime in the future, but the I.C title is right up his alley, all the WWE needs to do is fully utilize Evan to his full potential, and they may just find a goldmine of an oppurtunity, and by the way, someone mentioned him being a jobber, but I seem to recall him picking up some impressive wins on WWE Superstars over the past couple of months
As of right now, Evan Bourne is a NOVELTY. He is the only high flying lucha libre wrestler of the WWE. He is the last remnant of the Cruiserweight Division. Without the Cruiserweight Division and without a suitable tag partner, Evan will accomplish nothing and will be future endeavored soon. He currently has no place in the WWE and I believe this will continue unless he turns heel.

Still not convinced? Here are his matches from WSX as the heel "Matt Sydal":

So i have some questions for the Wrestlezone posters:

1. Do you think Evan Bourne would be capable and credible as a heel?
2. Should Evan turn heel?
3. If yes, should Bourne have a valet? If he should, then who?

First off, he's a novelty? Really? Then what are Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, and Christian? They are just as high-flyer, if not more. As for the heel turn, no way. He is WAY too much of a face to be turned heel. I think it would just be stupid. And yes, I watched the videos. As for the valet thing, maybe. Probably Rosa, Alicia, or Maryse.
Should Evan be pushed to the moon - hell yeah. Are they going to push him? Never.

And why would the WWE want to push a guy with no mic skills and no personality? He's a dull, less talented Rey Mysterio.

WWE always does the opposite of what the fans want.

Really? Last time I checked the fans pop huge for the top guys like Cena and Orton and they really don't give a shit about Evan Bourne unless he's doing a shooting star press.

This isn't the indies. You need to be able to do more then some high risk moves to get some sort of push. Evan Bourne is doing perfectly fine with the role he has.
Unless Evan somehow gets taller, its not gonna work. Do you remember The Brian Kendrick? You don't? Yeah, my point exactly.

Smaller guys just don't work as heels. By smaller, I mean less than six feet tall. Most of the guys in the WWE are MUCH bigger than Evan Bourne. Unless its how they start out, it won't work well. Smaller guys are underdogs, and the fans are suckers for that crap, which is why they love guys like Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston, and neither one of them turned heel in the WWE so far as I can remember.

Come to think of it, Kofi would make a better heel. But he'd need a change. He'd need to change his name to something else, maybe Godson? Then gain some muscle mass, 'cus the guy is muscular, but thin. THEN he should let his hair get longer and wear those baggy potato sack pants and have some Jamaican theme song. I'd think it would work.

Okay, so Evan, yeah, hmm, no, no heel turn for him. Just let him hang in there and see where he goes form there.
your all sayin high flyers are faces well i think its time to change that lots of you will dissagree but this is only an idea evan bourne and kofi heel tag team or even and some one similar and high flying any one send their reply's to me if you want

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