Embarassed for liking the attitude era

So you feel embarrassed at something you use to enjoy because some democrats are using it against Linda? Then you come back to post "what non wrestling fans think" and all you do is post horrible things and nothing from anyone who sees stuff like this as a serious problem in today's political system or that she'd do an excellent job, unlike Dodd. Bias much?

But no, you shouldn't be ashamed of something just because some democrats decided that they generalize years of an industry, an entertainment outlet, and their fans to attack someone. I'd be much more embarrassed about being embarrassed.
I'm not ashamed of being a fan of the Attitude Era. It was a way of life back then and seen as appropriate to a degree. It wasn't liked by many people, but a lot of people liked it and it was over with the general public for the most part. Everyone either watched it or knew about it. For the time it was good and right to watch. Nothing to be ashamed of what so ever.
So you feel embarrassed at something you use to enjoy because some democrats are using it against Linda? Then you come back to post "what non wrestling fans think" and all you do is post horrible things and nothing from anyone who sees stuff like this as a serious problem in today's political system or that she'd do an excellent job, unlike Dodd. Bias much?

I can almost guarantee those praising her are just Republicans just trying to make Dodd look bad. Non-wrestling fans know too little about Linda to start saying she'd do an excellent job, heck even most wrestling fans don't know enough about her to determine how well she would do.

I never said I was embarrassed, just felt weird. I was 10 when I started watching wrestling so I don't feel any shame about it, I was a kid. My original question was pointed more at people who were adults during the attitude era. If I found some of that stuff entertaining at my current age, then I would be more embarrassed. Just take that promo the Undertaker did on Smackdown, while watching 'taker talk about taking people's soul, I thought to myself, this is so stupid. And the fact is, a lot of the attitude era had things like that.

The Miz and Morrison segment was great, and part of the reason why I still watch wrestling. But if a non wrestling fan saw that Undertaker promo with me, I would feel kind of embarrassed. That is just my opinion and I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way.
I'm not ashamed either I became a wrestling fan during the attitude era I loved the Rock and would be entertained whether he or anybody else came on.

Most people on these boards are attitude era leftovers aren't we ? Why be ashamed of being a fan of the most successful era in wrestling history ?

Honestly I'm more embarrassed of this "PG era" and the fact that I still watch it at times I wonder why with all the crap before my eyes...

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