Edge, or Something.

Danger Burger

Thread Killer
I started watching Raw last year, beginning at the night after Wrestlemania 1997 and onwards, i'm a year beyond that now and into a phase where alot of cool stuff is happening (last week DX Army went to WCW, for example) but now (05/04/98) I just saw this:


He is truth that you decieve, the lie that you believe, he is the god to which you pray, the devil you must repay...He is the bullet in the gun-pain from which you run, he is the silence in machine, he is the end to all your dreams.

At the time i'm not sure how cool edge looked, (maybe any of you guys who remember it could toss me two cents?) but in retrospect I got the "big things" vibe from the video. This was at the same time that Val Venus was set to penetrate the WWF, but this seemed alot cooler!

Granted, he's going to be a vampire very soon, but does anyone remember edge's debut? Any thoughts?
I remember I read somewhere online that they paired Edge with Christian to help get Edge over. Edge was always suppose to be the break out star of the group, which is why they put him in the group with Gangrel.

Well, it worked as Edge went onto becoming a major star in WWE. He has many, many memorable moments. Some that will be remembered for years to come.

Thank you, Edge.

I'm gna get there in a few days or so, I was more looking for anyone who remembered it happening!

I had a good laugh at Mutt and Jeff hardy coming out in neon headbands a few weeks ago! If i hadnt known better i would have bet money i'd never see them again!
At the time i'm not sure how cool edge looked, (maybe any of you guys who remember it could toss me two cents?) but in retrospect I got the "big things" vibe from the video. This was at the same time that Val Venus was set to penetrate the WWF, but this seemed alot cooler!

Granted, he's going to be a vampire very soon, but does anyone remember edge's debut? Any thoughts?

Pun intended?
Edge looked pretty cool, never would have thought he would go on to be one of the most successful wrestlers ever to set foot in the WWE.

A true HOF level career from the Edgester
It might be fair to call Edge the Jose Bautista of the WWE.

Or, I guess, since Edge came first, Jose Bautista is the Edge of baseball.
Edge looked pretty cool, never would have thought he would go on to be one of the most successful wrestlers ever to set foot in the WWE.

A true HOF level career from the Edgester

??? Considering how he's been pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed over the years, since day one in fact, its not that much of a shock, I swear he only got as over as he did because of longevity and that he was a relic of the attitude era that the Cena haters could get behind.
The vel venus vigenettes were awful... They made me feel greasy. He would Rattle on about wrestling, stricktly through innuendo, and add a creepy laugh to the end of every sentence!

Val Venus is COMING.... To the WWF.

It was a crazy time back then.

I dont remember the endless pushing, but i do remember being endlessly impressed with the tag division from the point him and christian showed up though. Hardy, dudleys, APA, Funaki and Take... Well maybe not the last two.
??? Considering how he's been pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed over the years, since day one in fact, its not that much of a shock, I swear he only got as over as he did because of longevity and that he was a relic of the attitude era that the Cena haters could get behind.

Yes he has always been pushed, but that isn't the real reason behind his success. He had a great personality which is the main reason he got so over with the fans. He could make you laugh and cheer the shit out of him one minute and make you boo and despise him the next. Not to mention the guy could put on some of the amazing matches and do some of the most dangerous stuff inside the ring. They respected Edge as a heel or as a face.
My favourite edge moment was when he interfered in a Lita match causing her to lose.
Interview afterwards the lady asks "why did you interfere in Lita's match?" and edge says "Dont ask me that, Ask me why it took me so long to interfere in Lita's match." which she does and edge gets to ramble on for a while. Great mic guy, even if he looks like an alien now!
I don't know, but the Hardyz and Dudleyz were the more popular tag teams among my friends that used to watch wrestling because E&C were always viewed as two individuals rather than a team. Hardyz could fly and Dudleyz had tables.

Later on, Edge just seem like an afterthought but still got push after push until they decided to turn him heel and he blossomed. Edge is the HHH of his generation, great wrestler but got more recognition than he should have due to lack of talent during his time in the spotlight.

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