ECW Manifesto

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I am copying my post from another thread just so everytime someone talks down about something they dont know about i can hand them a handy link walking them through it.


ECW isnt a company. ECW isnt the higher ups that OK the script. ECW is the fans. When the company disbanded and was misused by a man who didnt know what to do with them the fans were waiting. When a wrestler from ECW appeared in the ring and gave his heart and soul the fans stood at attention with an ovation and cheers and the sound of ECW filled a vinnie mac event. The fans are chaotic, they are rowdy, they are bloodthristy and ready to markout unparreled to any other set of fans in any given wrestling company. They appreciated the hardwork, the creativity, the bumps and bruises and broken bones and they drove the wrestlers with an infectious passion that made men continue wrestling in spite of injury.

That same passion never died. Videos circulated and fans discussed dream matches and whatif's (if the company has never folded). It never went away. It became a spreading cancer. In 2005 in an attempt to quench the ever growing thrist these fans where given what they desired. A night at what better location. They were fed but the hunger never died.

Finally in his age good old vinnie put his hands up. He backed away from this monster and gave paulie creative control and his own timeslot. He was unable to make it disappear as he did WCW. Solely and independantly and fueled by dreams the fans kept the company alive. In the face of adversity they have sown their seed on good solid and fertile ground and now they reap what they sow.

It is the passion of the fans that kept this alive and it is the passion of the fans that keeps these wrestlers motovated. Afterall without the fans you would just have an empty echoing arena constantly reminding the wrestlers that something is missing. The fans.
Awesome piece of writing, and every word is true. How did ecw come back? It should have died. They went bankrupt, belly up, everybody was employed by vinnie mac. The talent was on WWE's big show, pulling in million of dollars in PPV sales. The fans never left, the fans still wanted more. The plug was unfarilyy pulled on ecw, and we were left without what we had come to love. Nobdody could give us what the wreslers gave us in ECW, and nobody could give them what we gave.
Thank you virgin pusher. I know when I get into a conversation about ECW, no one ever understands the pride that the fans have for the wrestlers. I'll always remember when Taz wrestled his last ECW match and the crowd chanted "You sold out!" I also remember that after that match, the crowd and guys from the back, giving Taz a standing ovation that still gives me goosebumps. ECW isn't about putting on a show, it's about a way of life.

EC F'n W
Post of the Month Dude. ECW was all the fans, the respected any man that entered the ring and carried that, that passion to do whatever the hell he could to give what the fans wanted.
u guys just cry like lil girls,now your gonna tell momie,seems like u guys just wine about everything and cant c anything good about the show,did any1 really think RVD would go 30 mins vs Jerry Lyn on a 1hr show?U guys really surprise me over and over again.
ok i miss those days
a half hour long match that you dont lose intrest in

yes they need to build up the good for the ******s (wwe drones)
because god forbid we get to fucking Wrestling match because that would be boring i would rather listen to angle talk for 30 min and fight for 30 sec , no WAIT reverse that
New_Evl_Dr_Doom said:
u guys just cry like lil girls,now your gonna tell momie,seems like u guys just wine about everything and cant c anything good about the show,did any1 really think RVD would go 30 mins vs Jerry Lyn on a 1hr show?U guys really surprise me over and over again.

Are you gonna post this in every thread, if you aren't a ECW fan and don't wanna discuss ECW topics, GET OUT OF THE ECW THREAD.
Well said man very well said. ECW was more than just a show. I remember when I first saw ECW. I was like 9 years old and my life as a wrestling fan changed. I no longer wanted to watch two bulky guys move slowly in the ring. WWF was dead to me it was all about E C F'n W. When it went under in 2001 a part of me as a wrestling fan died, and I only hope Vinnie Mac can soon realize ECW wasn't just hardcore matches. It was about the passion, the fans, and the way the wrestlers gave everyrthing they had every night.
the reason y I can post whatever I want is because I am an ECW fan! Im a fan and im tired of other fans shitin on a new baby, this isnt the old ECW it’s the new ECW, the plain is 2 progressively bring us forward 2 the past. I know the history i know the love, passion, the fans but y cant some people just think about this new project and realize it might take more than 3mounths 2 get this really goin ?Im a tru wrestlin fan when WWF was losing 2 wcw I still watched, i watched WCW 2,I watched EcW "when it was available",im just addicted but at least im not addicted 2 dick like some of U R
dudes i dont know about u but the new ecw is going to be nothing other than a play and do u know of the two stars that quit ecw already
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